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Page 11

by Dale Mayer

  Crap. Unsettled and determined to stay in the progressive path, she snagged her housecoat off the bathroom hook and let herself out of the hotel room. She took the stairs to the pool deck and quickly stashed her belongings in a cubicle. There were several people in the pool and the hot tub appeared full. That was fine. She needed to work her poor muscles. Physio had helped all those years, but she needed to keep up the exercises. Something she often forgot.

  Walking to the end of an empty lane, she curled her toes and dove in. The water was refreshing and cool. She struck out strongly and lost herself in the rhythmic pull of the muscles.

  The car accident had left her with more than obvious scarring. The damage to her right leg, hip, and shoulder were likely to bother her most of her life. She’d taken the impact directly. She’d been leaning over her young brother when the collision happened and her hip had taken the worse of it, but the force had thrown her forward and sideways. It was the shards of glass and the multiple shattered bones and lacerations that had done the most obvious damage.

  She remembered lying in the vehicle hearing the rescuers talk about the deceased in the accident. She’d thought they’d been talking about her. It hadn’t been until she’d woken up in the hospital and found out that everyone else had died except for her.

  It sucked to be the only survivor.


  Sean watched as Robin strode up to the edge of the pool in her typical straightforward attitude. She gripped the edge of the pool with her toes, her long muscles flexing, and she dove off in perfect form. She’d had lessons somewhere along the line. Lucky girl. He rarely thought of all that he’d missed out on in his childhood, but the differences between those normal families and his showed up at the oddest times. Like now.

  She was a stunner even with the tight skin and the shiny look to her face. He could just imagine how far she’d come if the accident had been as bad as he suspected. Her shoulder had been injured and he doubted she was aware of it, but she walked with a limp when she was tired. In the morning, no one would notice. By the end of the day, she slowed down and it became more pronounced.

  He thought of a bad accident with her in the back seat getting hit – if the impact had been on her side of the vehicle, it would explain the limp on her right side. He imagined her hips and possibly her ribs had taken the brunt of the hit. He winced just thinking about it. One minute you’re talking and laughing and then smash…you were hit broadside and there was no more laughter in your world.

  He knew she felt guilty. That she’d lost her younger brother had to be tough, but to lose all her family at the same time…wow. Considering everything, she’d been a trooper at the hospital. Not that he was ready to tell her that. He hoped she was ready to let her hair down – or rather put her hair up so she’d be who she really was to those kids. He doubted any of them would run screaming from her.

  Between the kids in that ward, there were some major injuries and a lot of reconstructive surgery going on. They were – in the words of boys everywhere – ‘awesome’ looking injuries. He grinned, remembering the few times some of the other school kids had seen his injuries. They’d been jealous. It had made it easier to live through the experience. He and Paris used to play a game trying to determine the length of time for their bruises to change color. Sometimes they never had a chance to know because fresh ones were laid on top of the old.

  He looked back down the empty lane where he’d been doing laps. He’d wanted to ask Robin to come up to the pool area with him but had sensed her refusal. He was used to that. Now he’d ended up here with her anyway. Sounded good to him. He just had to maneuver the two of them alone together again.

  Long and lean and strong on the inside. She might not agree with that assessment, but then again, she didn’t see herself the way he did.

  He did another lap and felt his shoulder struggle to pull its weight. He’d been at it for long enough. Every day it seemed to get better, but if he dared miss a day or two, it was as if all progress was lost and he was back to the beginning. He used the pools at the university a lot. He wondered why he hadn’t seen more of Robin.

  With both of them being on campus, their paths had to cross sometimes…

  UBC was a huge campus, almost a city in itself, with so many paths and buildings and different routes to travel that there was no need for two people to meet if they didn’t want to, but as they both attended Jenna’s evening lectures…

  It was too bad they hadn’t met before – several times even. If they had, they’d be much further along this path right now. And he had no doubt where that path was going. Except he felt different about her. He didn’t want the same thing. Hell, that was a lie…he did want the same thing…he just wanted more. So much more. Paris would be delighted. He wasn’t so sure. He hated this uncomfortable feeling. This sense of always looking to see where she was. What she was doing. Always thinking about her. Worrying…

  Christ. This sucked. He was a long ways away from taking her into his arms and loving her the way he wanted to make love to her. Those scars she was so worried about were meaningless to him.

  In all ways.

  Now if only he had the chance to prove it to her.

  Chapter 20

  Robin stopped when she couldn’t lift her arm for one more stroke. Maybe that had knocked her libido back down to reasonable levels again. She was hot, but it was from exertion and not sexual tension. She hoped. She didn’t want to see Sean and put it to the test.

  Breathing deep, she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the pool until her breathing calmed down. She lifted her arms and wiped the water from her eyes. Normally she swam with goggles, but she’d forgotten hers at home in the fear and excitement of packing for the workshop. Swimming goggles had hardly been a priority. Blinking several times, she turned to look around. The pool had emptied and there were a couple of people left in the hot tub. It looked too damn far away to bother. But her body throbbed with pain.

  And the hot water would help. She brushed her hair forward to hide her face before clambering to her feet. It was only as she stood swaying in place that she realized how tired she really was. By the time she made her way to the hot tub, she was ready to collapse. And damn, that hot water was going to suck the last of her energy away. Getting back to her hotel room was going to be a bitch.

  She stood at the edge of the hot tub contemplating her options.

  “Robin? Are you okay?”

  Sean. She glanced down at him. Of course he’d be here. Why couldn’t it be Tania? She’d barely seen her friend thus far at the conference.

  She gave Sean a wan smile. “I’m okay. I think I just overdid the swimming part. Now I’m afraid the hot water will finish me and I won’t be able to get back to my room.”

  He stood and reached up to gently grasp her elbow and helped her into the hot water. “The water will help the sore muscles, and I’ll help you get to bed.”

  She almost laughed at his wording. Before her accident, she’d have teased him about the double entendre. In this case, it was likely accidental. Too bad. She wished he would help her to bed – his bed.

  Groaning at the warmth as she sank into the water, she closed her eyes and dropped her head back on the edge. “This feels so good,” she murmured.

  “Yeah, it does.”

  Because they weren’t alone, he sat down beside her. Keeping her voice low, she asked, “How’s the arm after today’s session?”

  He opened and flexed his right hand a couple of times. “Better.”

  She snorted. “Not likely.”

  “What?” He grinned. “You think you know me now?”

  “Oh, I know you.” She smirked. “The good and the bad.”

  There was a stilted silence. She rolled her head in his direction and smiled at him. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

  He shook his head. “I was just thinking how few people really know me. Paris is the only one.”

  “And now me.”

  There was a t
iny sound followed by something that sounded like I wish. But he’d spoken so low she wasn’t sure. Going on instinct and hating to think of him so alone, she reached over and covered his hand with hers.

  Immediately, under cover of the foamy bubbles, he closed his fingers over hers.

  Her heart thumped and she smiled on the inside. She leaned her head back and for the first time all day, she just relaxed. The heat soaked deep into her muscles, letting the damaged and recovering tissue ease back their tightness, which in turn helped them to relax.

  A few minutes later, she groaned softly. “This was the right decision.”


  There was a teasing note to his voice. She grinned and opened her eyes to see they were alone in the hot tub. She twisted to search the rest of the large room and found to her surprise that the big room was completely empty.

  “Wow, where did everyone go?” She settled back into the water and let her body float upward in the water. She loved doing this, but normally the hot tubs were too full of other people. She let go of Sean’s hand and stretched out completely. “Hope you don’t mind,” she said with a laugh.

  “Go for it.”

  She leaned her head back and floated, letting the water bubble up around her. God, it felt good. “Too bad it’s not big enough for two of us to do this.”

  The next thing she knew, Sean had stretched out on the surface of the water, gently bumping up beside her. She laughed.

  The world, for all the troubles of the last few days, seemed ideal right now.

  “This is perfect,” she said, her eyes drifting close but her smile still firmly in place. “I’m really glad I came tonight.”

  “Almost perfect,” he said, “but there is one place I’d like to see you in even more.”

  Her eyes flew open, her head rolling slightly to face him. “Oh, where’s that?”

  She was gently turned and then shifted so she was upright, the water churning around her waist. While she was still adjusting to her change in position, he tugged her into his arms and said, “Right here.”

  And he lowered his head and kissed her.


  As far as impulsive actions went, it was one of the best he’d taken in a long time.

  The cool chill of her lips hid a banked heat that he couldn’t get enough of. He wondered if he ever would. She had the sweetest, softest lips. He coaxed them to open for him. Her response was tentative at first, then she seemed to get over the shock and she became downright enthusiastic. And that was all he needed. His hands slid down her wet back to cup her rounded buttocks and pulled her tight against him. She wiggled closer.

  He groaned.

  She moaned.

  He crushed his lips against hers before a heavy shudder wracked his frame. He eased back and slipped his tongue inside to duel with hers. Regardless of her initial response, she was there with him all the way now.

  And damn him for starting this in a public place.

  He wished they were standing in her bedroom where he could take this further. Take her to bed like he wanted to. A thought never far from his mind lately. Foolish. He wasn’t here for this. He hadn’t come looking for this.

  Neither was he going to turn this down.

  He was a healthy male. She was a dynamite sexy woman who’d lost her self-confidence. If nothing else, he could help her with that. She was still that same person – only now she was so much more.

  She needed to remember that.

  To learn that deep inside.

  To take it in and own it.

  He hadn’t learned his lessons easily. Three days ago, he’d have told anyone that he hadn’t learned any lessons. That he’d had no lessons to learn. In his arrogance. In his disdain of his fellow man. In his need to stay separate and detached from everyone around him, so as to not get hurt.

  Then Robin happened. She’d shown him just how far he’d come – and just how far he had yet to go. He had no experience with long-term relationships. The last thing he wanted from her was a one-night stand. That left him uncertain, nervous as to how to proceed. Before, he hadn’t cared if things worked out with a woman. Now he didn’t want to screw up.

  On that note, he pulled back and tugged Robin against his chest, her head tucked under his chin.

  He held her close. He held her against his heart.

  Just where she belonged.

  Chapter 21

  Robin shook so hard she needed to lean against him for support. For a first kiss, that was unbelievable. Talk about mind blowing. And all she could think about was another one. Heat fired through her at the thought. God, if she had this type of response to his kiss, what would making love be like? She whimpered then caught her breath, hoping he hadn’t heard her. But he dropped a tender kiss on her forehead, then another on her temple. She tilted her head back, giving him better access if he wanted it.

  He lowered his head and dropped a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “We’re going to need to take this up somewhere private or be prepared to be interrupted here.”

  She stiffened, jerked back, and hurriedly looked around. “Dear God, are we alone?”

  A warm deep laugh rumbled up from his chest. “We are. At the moment.”

  “Jesus.” She sank back into the water and dropped her face in, letting the foam rush up and over her features. She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten where she was. She sat up, brushing her hair back off her face. She didn’t know what to do – how to proceed. She took a deep breath. “I think I’ll go up to my room.”

  He helped her out of the hot water before walking ahead of her to pick up her robe and wrap it around her. “Come on. I’ll help you back up.”

  “What about your robe? Did you not have one?”

  He laughed. “I didn’t bring one. I just came down in my shorts and…” He stopped and looked around the space. “And…my t-shirt.” He walked over several feet and picked up a green shirt she hadn’t noticed until now lying on the tiles. As she watched, he tugged it over his head then turned to her and held out his hand. “Come on.”

  It felt momentous. A turning point.

  It also felt…right.


  He escorted her, damp footsteps tracking behind them on the hotel carpet, to the back elevators. Within minutes they’d reached their floor. He led her to her room and waited for her to pull her card out of her robe’s pocket and unlock the door.

  So far, she’d said nothing. Had given no sign of her intentions.

  His stomach knotted. He wanted her with him tonight. And tomorrow. God, he had it bad. And he hadn’t had any warning. He hadn’t seen it coming. It had blindsided him. From one moment to the next.

  No, that wasn’t quite true. She’d crept up on him slowly, gaining a little more inroad to his heart every hour, every day. What the hell did that make him? Besides a fool. All of it pissed him off. The uncertainty. Not knowing his next step. What to say. How to act.

  With the door pushed open, Robin stepped inside and turned to face him.

  His frustration waned. Expectation rose. He wanted to close his eyes – therefore he stared right at her. And waited for her say something.

  Sex was straightforward. He didn’t know how to handle relationships. No idea how to start one. He’d never had to. Or even to understand if they had the start of one. God, he hoped so. He didn’t think he could trust himself to make these types of decisions if he was wrong this time.

  He couldn’t be wrong. This couldn’t be wrong. It felt too right.

  She smiled, reached up, and kissed him gently. “Thank you.”

  “Ask me in.” The words blurted out of his mouth with all the subtlety of a green teenager.

  “Do you think it’s wise?”

  “Ask me in,” he repeated, hating the tiny plea that entered his voice, hoping she didn’t hear it. When she studied him…and never said a word, he couldn’t bear it and he added one thing – one thing he’d thought to never say in this situation. “Please.”
  Chapter 22

  Oh Lord. She’d been all set to refuse him – her mind at odds with her jumping jack hormones. Then he’d said please…and that final layer of frost around her heart started a downward slide.

  She pushed the door open wider.

  His gaze widened. He glanced from the door to her, and when she didn’t move, his eyebrow rose and his lips quirked. “Is that an invitation or only half an invitation?”

  She gave him a slow easy smile. “I guess it doesn’t matter – both say yes.”

  He entered and closed the door behind him. The shadows fell across his cheekbones, his forehead giving him a fallen angel look. She hadn’t turned a light on, and now she was glad. The darkness was a blessing. It hid so much. And showed much more.

  Snick went the lock. He turned to face her, his gaze heavy lidded, his eyes almost black with emotion, and opened his arms.

  He was even now giving her a choice.

  She didn’t want one. She needed this. She was grateful that he didn’t appear to be put off by her disfigurement. She had no trouble with his scars either. She’d suspected sex with Sean would be a wild ride. And damn it, she wanted to strap in and enjoy.

  And yet she hesitated.

  It had all gone by so fast. She barely knew Sean. No, her mind rejected that. Sean no longer qualified as a stranger. She might not know all the details about his life, but she knew the person that stood before her – probably as well as she had any man. Then again, she’d have sworn that her boyfriend, Tom, could never have said the things he’d said.

  Comparing Sean to Tom was wrong. They were nothing alike. Sean was the antithesis of Tom. Sean was…complicated. Yet he had an honor system and a code. They might be difficult to live by, but she’d take that over superficial any day.

  She smiled up at him.

  He opened his mouth, and in a gentle tone, asked, “Second thoughts?”


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