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Going the Distance (No Excuses Book 1)

Page 6

by Mila Rossi

  He grinned as she pulled up. “What’d you think?” he asked, running a hand over his jaw as he opened the door and got in the car.

  “It’s about time you stopped chopping wood in the forest,” she said with a laugh.

  He turned to look at her. “Holy shit, you look good enough to eat. Did you remember the crotchless panties?”

  This made her laugh even more as she pulled out of the parking lot. “Definitely not.”

  “How do you expect to score an interview, babe, when you don’t follow instructions?” he asked, squeezing her thigh.

  She simply shook her head. “You’re hopeless.”

  “Sure am,” he said, looking her over. “You know, I should be picking you up, not the other way around.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I prefer it this way.”

  Meeting him at the gym was safe. A neutral meeting spot where she could keep things professional.

  “So where are we going?” he asked, putting his seatbelt on.

  “The movies,” she replied, relaxing as they got to the freeway.

  He didn’t respond, so she gave him a quick sideways glance only to be met with a frown.

  “I got dressed up to go to the movies?”

  “Yes, grumpy bear. When was the last time you’ve been to the movies?”

  He seemed to consider his answer. “Can’t remember.”

  “Exactly. Tonight you can take some time off from your workout and just sit and enjoy a movie. Can you do that? Can you relax for once and have a good time?”

  “I always have a good time,” he protested.

  “Yeah, I can imagine what kind of a good time,” she said under her breath. The kind that involved naked girls and no movies at all.

  “So what’s with your crazy driving?” he asked after a few moments.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why do you drive like the fucking devil’s chasing you?”

  The question made her uncomfortable and she licked her lips. “I just like being on time.”

  She didn’t want to go into personal details, such as the dealers who’d chased her down, demanding the money her parents hadn’t been able to pay.

  “Couldn’t you just leave your house five minutes earlier and then not be late?” he asked.

  “Wow, I never thought of that,” she shot back sarcastically. “What a novel idea. I’ll have to try that sometime.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Next time, you can drive, grandpa.”

  “At least I wouldn’t have a fucking heart attack by the time we arrived.”

  She smiled to herself as they pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater. “All safe and sound. See?”

  He merely shook his head and got out. She locked the car and they made their way to the entrance. She’d purchased the tickets online and had to pick them up, so she asked him to buy a bucket of popcorn. Once both tasks were done, they made their way into the theater. Even though it was Friday night, the place was pretty empty since she’d picked a movie that had been out for a few weeks. She told him to go to the back row since she didn’t like sitting too close to the screen. They plopped down in the middle seats and set their things down.

  “Why is it so goddamn empty?” he asked, scanning the rows in front of them. There were only a handful of people out front and the rest of the seats were unoccupied.

  “Maybe more will show up,” she said, leaning back in her seat and digging into the popcorn.

  “What are we watching?”

  “The Awakening.”

  She propped her feet up on the back of the seat in front of her just as he turned to fix her with a disbelieving look.

  “Are you fucking joking?”

  She shook her head. “I figured you weren’t into chick flicks or anything too serious.”

  “So you picked a horror movie?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I’m not watching this shit.”

  Her hand stopped halfway to her mouth. “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t fucking watch scary movies.”

  Great. Something she should have researched beforehand.

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad,” she said, hoping to placate him. They were already settled in their seats and she didn’t want to walk out now. She had no idea what they could do instead if they left.

  “It’s about a girl who’s possessed, isn’t it?” he shot back.

  She nodded slowly.

  “So how can that not be bad?”

  “Let’s just watch the first ten minutes, and if you still think it’s so bad, we’ll leave,” she offered.

  He pressed his lips together, but didn’t disagree.

  “Here, have some popcorn,” she said, hoping to distract him. For having such a tough-ass nickname, he was the biggest baby, she thought amused.

  The previews started and they sat back with the popcorn nestled between them. As she’d expected, all the trailers were for upcoming horror movies and she could tell he wasn’t into it.

  “Cheer up, Page, the movie hasn’t even started yet,” she said, throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

  It hit him on the shoulder and fell onto his lap. He picked it up and threw it into his mouth. “You’re gonna pay for this, babe.”

  She threw another piece at him, to which he gave her a warning look. “Seriously? You wanna play that game?”

  He reached for the bucket, but she grabbed it and held it out of his reach. “You’re too slow, buddy. Get your own popcorn now.”

  He threw back his head and laughed.

  The previews came to an end just then and the lights went out. She placed the bucket between them again as the opening credits started, and they turned to watch the movie.

  Orchestral music blasted out of the speakers, setting up the ominous mood. A little girl walked out of a desolate house and went to sit on the tire swing hanging from a tall tree in front of the house.

  Sam heard a low growl come from Trent. The girl swung back and forth on the screen, with her white nightgown and long, brown hair flowing in the wind. The camera zoomed in, and out of the corner of her eyes, Sam noticed Trent grimacing. This was priceless. When the girl’s face changed rapidly to an old wrinkled face, even Sam winced.

  “This is bullshit,” Trent mumbled and fidgeted.

  The music got eerily quiet, setting them up for whatever was to come, and Sam couldn’t help herself. She grabbed some popcorn and threw it at Trent, who just about jumped out of his seat. She had to press her lips together to keep from laughing out loud.

  “Very funny,” he said, scowling at her. He adjusted in his seat and took a deep breath. “Has it been ten minutes yet?”

  “Not yet,” she said, smiling. “Wanna hold my hand again like you did at the ice skating rink?”

  He gave her a level look. “You have no idea how much you’re gonna pay for this.”

  She just hoped she wasn’t going to pay for it with her interview. Maybe she should stop teasing him.

  She settled back into her seat and he did the same. A few mellow parts came up and he seemed to relax. She was trying to pay attention, but couldn’t help noticing his arm touching hers on the armrest. Suddenly, she did feel like she was on her first date, nervous about brushing against his hand in the bucket of popcorn. It was ridiculous really, since they were both adults, but it was exciting to be feeling something so normal.

  After a few scenes, he leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I think your ten minutes are up, babe.”

  She sighed and turned to face him, only inches away from her. “Yeah, I guess so. Do you want to leave?”

  His eyes ran over her face and she wondered what he was thinking.


  She was both relieved and surprised. “Good, then watch the movie,” she said, giving him a small smile.

  “I don’t give a shit about the movie,” he replied, staring at her mouth.

  She, in turned, stared at him. “We can go if you want.”
br />   “I got a better idea,” he said, tempting her with those full lips that were now beard-free.

  She didn’t fight it. Instead, she placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him, too impatient for him to make the first move.

  The music came to a loud crescendo, but she didn’t care what was happening on the screen. All she cared about was losing herself in Trent’s rough kisses, claiming her lips as though they were his.

  “What are you doing to me, woman?” he asked gruffly against her mouth.

  She didn’t dare consider the answer, but when his hands started touching her as though he knew exactly what she liked, she pulled back breathless.

  “Sorry, I don’t know what got into me,” she said, shaking her head. This wasn’t what she should be doing, she knew that. Part of her had hoped that he’d kiss her again, but the other part also knew that she was only taking him out to secure her job. As of right now, that interview was still pending and she was throwing herself at him like one of the girls he’d alluded to that night at the Vegas club. She could slap herself this time.

  “So far, nothing got into you, babe, but we’ll change that,” he said, pulling her close for another kiss. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue invaded her.

  Before she realized what was happening, she felt his other hand on her leg, running over her skin, from her outer thigh inward, until he reached under her skirt. She flinched at his touch over her panties and pulled back from their kiss to look into his eyes.

  “I told you you’d pay,” he said, reminding her about the popcorn she’d thrown at him.

  She opened her mouth to respond, but he swallowed her words with another kiss. His fingers rubbed over her panties, gentle but firm at all once, making her pant with longing. The shock she’d felt gave way to very different sensations, and she leaned into him, wanting more.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

  Just when she’d thought his fingers couldn’t make her feel any better, they slipped under her panties, rubbing between her legs. She was breathing heavy.

  “You like that, you little minx?” he asked against her lips.

  She couldn’t put words together to save her life. She simply nodded, pushing against his hand.

  “How about this?” he asked, sliding two fingers inside her.

  She gasped and he crushed her lips to keep her quiet. His fingers slid in and out in perfect rhythm, making her delirious with need, and she pushed against him for more. He rubbed, teased and invaded, making her whimper against him until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “That’s it, babe. Come for me,” he whispered hoarsely. There was no holding back. The words sent her over the edge and she buried her head in his shoulder, holding on to his neck, needing to dig her fingers into something to keep from screaming out.

  When the pleasure subsided and her heartbeat started to slow, she let out a satisfied sigh and he removed his hand.

  “Best fucking movie I’ve ever seen,” he said, giving her a smug smile.

  She was too exhausted to think clearly, but gave him a punch on the shoulder.

  “What’s for dessert?” he teased as she pulled her skirt into place.

  The thought of more to come sent shivers through her all over again.

  “A ride home,” she got out and collapsed against the back of her seat.

  So tonight had gone way beyond what she’d thought would happen. In all honesty, she’d expected some kissing, but this? Good Lord! Right now she didn’t know what to say.

  The little girl on the screen turned into a scary, wrinkled old woman again to some ear-piercing music.

  Trent jerked in his seat. “Fuck! I’ve had enough of this shit. Let’s go.”

  Sam’s legs felt like rubber and all she wanted to do was relax in her seat, scary movie and all, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “Come on, pussycat, let’s get outta here.”

  She got up in lazy protest, grabbed her purse and jacket, and followed him. A minute later, they were outside, where the fresh air revived her. She didn’t think it a good idea to continue being in his company because then all bets would be off, so she grabbed her keys out of her purse and started walking to the car. She hoped he wouldn’t start talking about what had just happened, because she was mortified at her own behavior. She could barely look him in the eyes.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, right behind her.

  “Back to the gym. Other than the movie, I didn’t have anything else planned for tonight.”

  He grabbed her wrist and spun her around. “It’s still early. I can think of plenty of things to do.”

  “Yeah, well, this time, I’ll be the one to turn into a pumpkin if I don’t get home before midnight,” she replied, pulling away.

  He growled, but didn’t push the issue further. They walked to the car, got in, and drove off.

  “If I would’ve known you’re such a baby, I wouldn’t have taken you to a scary movie,” she joked, needing to fill the silence.

  “And if I’d known you’d run off after coming all over my hand, I would’ve taken you straight to bed instead of going to the theater tonight.”

  She was too stunned and embarrassed to respond. Instead, she bit the inside of her cheek, replaying their experience in her head. She’d never think of the theater the same way again.

  “So when are we gonna finish what we started?” he asked.

  She inhaled deeply and hit the gas. “When you give me an interview, babe.”

  He gave a deep, raspy chuckle and she wondered when exactly that was going to be.


  A couple of days after having Sam melt in his hand, Trent was getting the shit beaten out of him in the ring by his sparring partner.

  “What’s the matter with you, Trent?” Ramirez shouted loud enough for everyone in the gym to hear.

  Trent was getting more furious by the second. He was trying to dodge Shayne’s jabs, but with people yelling in his ear every fucking moment, he couldn’t focus for shit.

  He moved to the left and ducked, barely escaping Shayne’s glove, then swung high to hit him with an uppercut. Shayne saw it coming and moved out of the way.

  For fuck’s sake! Throw something worth a damn!

  Trent ran a glove over his right eye as sweat started to impair his vision, then circled his opponent in the center of the ring. He was huffing and puffing, feeling like they’d been at it for hours.

  Shayne moved in, deflected a few of Trent’s jabs and threw a straight shot right between Trent’s raised hands. It landed perfectly, making Trent’s nose feel like it had just hit a brick wall.

  “Alright, break time!” Ramirez called out.

  “You cool?” Shayne asked, nodding at Trent.

  “Yeah, man.”

  Shayne jumped out of the ring and Trent wiped the blood trickling from his nose. At least it wasn’t broken. That would really take the piss out of things.

  “So what’s with you?” Ramirez asked, looking gloomier than he had in a long time.

  “Nothing’s with me,” Trent said, ducking under the rope to get out of the ring. He needed to wipe his nose and wash his face, not answer Ramirez’s interrogation right now.

  “I don’t know what’s going on inside that head of yours,” Ramirez said, following Trent to the locker room, “but you need to wake the fuck up. You’re fighting like shit out there, man. Shayne just gave you a bloody nose. Shayne, your sparring partner!”

  “I know who he is,” Trent shot back over his shoulder. He didn’t need to be reminded that the rookie in the gym was doing a better job than he was.

  He walked to the sink and turned on the cold water, then splashed his face several times while Ramirez watched him in the mirror.

  “You gonna stand there while I take a piss too?” Trent asked, glaring at Ramirez’s reflection.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you need help with that too, cause the way you’re performing ou
t there makes me think you need all the help you can get.”

  Trent didn’t bother replying. What the fuck was wrong with people? Kicking him while he was down. He really didn’t need them pointing out how badly he was fucking up since he knew it all too well himself. He was the one getting beat up, after all.

  “Ever since that goddamn reporter’s been showing up, your head’s been in the clouds,” Ramirez continued.

  Trent leaned against the counter and stared in the mirror. “She’s got nothing to do with this.”


  “She doesn’t. Or are you gonna tell me that she’s the reason I lost to Povetkin too?”

  Ramirez merely snorted and crossed his arms. “Well, she’s around here too much.”

  Trent didn’t bother pointing out that she’d only been inside the gym once. Ramirez seemed to know it all right now.

  Trent had been spending more time with Sam than with any other chick before and had noticed that she was on his mind a lot. Maybe she was starting to mess with him, which could spell trouble. But that was over now since their little rendezvous had come to an end. She was expecting an interview, although he didn’t know why after the stuff they’d done together. The closest thing to meeting his requirement for an interview was what they’d done in the movie theater. That shit was at least worth a couple of questions.

  But he agreed with Ramirez that Sam was a distraction that he couldn’t afford. He just needed to see her one more time, finish what they’d started, and then he could focus again.

  “I don’t need to remind you what’s important,” Ramirez cut into his thoughts.

  “Then don’t.”

  Ramirez threw up his hands in the air. “Suit yourself, man. It’s your fucking career.”

  Trent shot Ramirez a look that said he better stop talking, but Ramirez simply turned and walked out.

  “My fucking career,” Trent mumbled to himself, staring at his fists pushing against the counter. “That’s right, it’s my fucking career, so everybody back the fuck off!”

  His nose tingled painfully and he squeezed his eyes shut and opened his mouth to take a deep breath. What he needed was a good release, something to make him forget all about his fucking career and the ring. Something that was so sweet and juicy, that his mind would be consumed with nothing else.


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