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Kiss of a Star Artemis Lupine

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by Banks, Catherine


  (Artemis Lupine #2)

  Catherine Banks

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2011 Catherine Banks

  Cover design and artwork by Avery Banks

  This book is also available in print.

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  1. Song of The Moon

  2. Kiss of A Star

  3. Healed by Fire (2012)


  Chapter One

  Ares, Koda, Matt and I left France early in the morning, but without Victor or Jean Pierre. They were forced to stay behind to discuss some impending threat, which I assumed was regarding the attacks on the other countries. The connection between Ares and I was stronger than ever. I needed to have constant physical contact. We grabbed the first flight and I felt my worry ease as we left France and gained distance from the vampires.

  “Where are we going, Ares?” I asked as I relaxed against the seat.

  Ares smiled happily. “My home, in Germany.”

  I stared at him in shock for a minute and then smiled. He did have German features as did Koda and Matt.

  My smile left as a thought came to mind. “Great. Big, German, werewolf women. You couldn’t have come from a country with small women, could you?”

  Ares kissed my cheek. “You’ll be fine.”

  I smiled evilly. “Maybe I’ll just toast them with a fireball.”

  Ares shook his head. “You aren’t allowed to use your sidhe powers unless absolutely necessary. No one must know that you have them.”

  I groaned. “Great. I finally get powers and now I can’t use them.” After a little accident this morning, where I’d torched a hand towel, we realized I was able to use my sidhe, or fairy, powers.

  The plane touched down and we walked through the airport to the waiting vehicle. A man, standing at least seven feet tall, leaned against the hood of a strange European vehicle. He smiled at Ares and bowed at the waist. “Greetings Ares.”

  Ares bowed. “Greetings Brother.”

  The man turned to me and smiled as he spoke to Ares. “I see your taste in women has improved.”

  My lip twitched in a snarl and Ares wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “This is my mate, Ulger and your Princess.”

  Ulger dropped to one knee in front of me. “Forgive me, Princess, I had not heard that Prince Ares took a mate.”

  I looked at Ares for help, but he just smiled. “Uh, you’re forgiven,” I said awkwardly.

  Ulger stood up and kissed the back of my hand. “Thank you, Princess.”

  Ares cleared his throat and Ulger turned back to him and said, “Darius wanted me to tell you that Darren has escaped our trackers. We aren’t sure where he has gone, but we’ve sent additional trackers to pick up his trail.”

  “My dad got away? He’s still alive?” I asked in shock.

  Ares squeezed my shoulders and whispered, “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  His words and touch calmed my nerves and I relaxed against his side. “I know.”

  Ares opened the back door and smiled brightly. “Are you ready to meet more of our kind?”

  I shook my head as I climbed inside. “No, but what choice do I have?”

  We drove in silence for a few hours and my mind began wandering. What were these women like? Were they all as beautiful as the ones I had seen? Ares tried to pull me into his lap and I resisted, pulling away from him. He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  I saw the look of concern on his face and forced the words out before I lost my nerve. “If I let you, would you leave me, for these women?”

  Ares smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. “Not a chance. Artemis, I love you. I thought you were over this?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous.” I leaned against him and closed my eyes.

  He whispered, “You are the only woman for me. Whether you feel the same for me or not, I will always love you.”

  I looked up at him and saw the pain in his eyes. He thought I was trying to tell him that I didn’t truly care for him. I whispered, “I do love you, Ares.”

  Ares whispered, “It’s our destiny to be together. Are you rehashing old issues because you don’t want to discuss the new ones with me?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said indignantly and looked out the window to my left.

  Ares whispered, “I know it’s hard to deal with the fact that you aren’t a virgin anymore, but isn’t it satisfying to know that you’ll be with the one that you gave it to, the rest of your life? Not many humans can say that.”

  I turned to him and kissed his lips. “I love you Ares. I’m just insecure.”

  He shook his head. “You have no reason to be insecure. I only have eyes for you.”

  Koda groaned and turned around from the passenger seat. “That was so cliché Ares. You’re how old and you couldn’t come up with something better than that? I mean, you did work with Shakespeare!”

  Ares frowned. “I was trying to be cute. Thank you for ruining our moment.”

  Koda winked at me. “Just here to help.”

  We drove for hours through a thick forest on an unmarked dirt road, until finally coming to a small gate with two male guards. Ulger rolled down his window and spoke in a foreign language, I assumed was German to the guards. The guards opened the gate, bowing to our vehicle as we drove past. The trees began thinning and we came to a large wood barn. Ulger stopped the car and we all climbed out. I stretched my arms up over my head, squealing as I stretched.

  Ares wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. “You keep doing things like that and we won’t make it to the village.”

  I blushed and tried to step out of his arms. “Ares, don’t tease me.”

  He licked my cheek, holding on tightly to me. “I believe I was just saying that to you.”

  Ulger parked the car inside the barn and then walked back to us. “Ready?” he asked as he cracked his neck from side to side.

  Ares nodded his head, smiling wide. I asked, “Ready for what?” Koda pulled his shirt and pants off, and then dropped to his hands and knees shifting forms flawlessly in seconds. His wolf form was more beautiful than I remembered. I fought the urge to run my hands through his fur and turned towards Ares, who was taking his shirt off.

  I sighed. “Fine, but I’m not changing back until we’re somewhere I can get dressed. I don’t want to parade around naked.”

  I took my shirt off slowly, noticing Ares watching me and folded it nicely on the ground. I slowly pulled my pants off, wriggling my butt excessively. Ares took a step towards me and Koda stepped between us, whining and barking. I stripped my underwear off quickly and changed shapes. It felt good to be a wolf again. My wolf felt ecstatic at being let out and we stretched from head to tail. Ares sniffed my shoulder and I wagged my tail. Let’s run!

  Koda’s tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. Loser has to run around the house naked?

  Matt snorted. No one wants to see you run around naked, anymore than we already have to.

  Ares whined. Loser has to give the winner a backrub!

  We all ran down the dirt road kicking up dust behind us. My muscles stretched and my blood pumped harder as I
ran. The boys were lengths ahead of me when a familiar scent tickled my nose. I jumped into the forest to my right and ran through the trees towards the smell. Mom.

  I could hear Ares, Koda and Matt barking for me, but they could wait. I had to find my mom. Ares spoke through my head. Where are you going? What’s wrong?

  I ran faster trying to follow the scent before it disappeared. My mom’s here. I can smell her.

  I jumped over a fallen log and the forest quieted. I strained my ears to listen to Ares’ approaching barks, but not even the wind whispered through my ears. I changed back to human and crossed my arms over my chest. “Hello?”

  A bright light darted through the trees coming towards me. I lifted my arm to cover my eyes and the light dimmed. A man with pale skin and blue vines etched in his arms and across his chest walked towards me. He wore only a pair of pants and was sleeker muscled than Ares, built more like a runner or swimmer. I swallowed in fear. “Who are you?”

  He spoke and the leaves rustled. “I am Achilles.”

  “What are you?” I asked in the silence.

  “I’m sidhe.” The leaves rustled again as he spoke making me shiver involuntarily.

  “What do you want? Why are you here?” I asked growing more and more nervous and wishing Ares was here.

  He smiled and held out his hand, his body glowing slightly as though a light was turned on inside of him. “I’m here for you. I’m your fiancée and I’m here to take you,” he said in a soothing voice.

  Ares touched my shoulder and the sounds of the forest crashed into my ears deafening me. I dropped to the ground covering my ears with my hands and moaning in pain. Ares voice boomed like thunder, “YOU’RE NOT TAKING HER ANYWHERE!”


  Chapter Two

  My ears were still ringing as I knelt on the ground beside Ares. Koda and Matt finally found us and moved to stand behind Ares in protective stances.

  “What are you doing here, sidhe?” Ares asked angrily. I’d never seen him so mad before. His hands were balled into fists at his sides as he glared at Achilles.

  Achilles glanced from Ares to me. “What is this?”

  My ears finally stopped ringing, so I stood up, slightly behind Ares, and placed my hand on his shoulder. The skin to skin contact allowed some of his power to seep in and heal the damage to my ears. “It’s alright, Ares. He hasn’t hurt me,” I said softly.

  Ares’ fists loosened and he grabbed one of my hands in his. I could feel his anger and worry as if it were my own. Koda whispered, “Ares.”

  Ares looked at my face and exhaled. The anger and worry disappeared, allowing me to breathe. When had I stopped breathing?

  “I’m sorry,” Ares said softly to me.

  I kissed his cheek. “It’s alright.”

  Achilles began glowing again and he clenched his teeth as he said, “Do not touch him.”

  I glared at Achilles. “I don’t know who you are, but I’m not in the mood. State your business.”

  Achilles’ eyes widened in shock for a moment, but he quickly recovered. “Artemis, I’d appreciate it if you would step away from Ares.”

  Ares growled. “Not going to happen. State your business.”

  Achilles stopped glowing and rubbed his temples, looking weary. “Of all of the werewolves in the world, why did it have to be you protecting her?”

  I looked Achilles over while he was babbling and felt a smile tug up the corner of my lips. He was incredibly handsome, very close in competition for most handsome with Ares. Achilles’ blue vines were beautiful and throbbed like veins. His face looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where…

  Achilles spoke, interrupting my thoughts. “Artemis, I’ve come for you. You’re mine.”

  I looked at him and then at Ares. “There’s a lot of that going around lately. Why do you think I am yours?”

  He smiled making my knees wobbly. “You’re my fiancée. You were betrothed to me at birth.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t be your fiancée. I already have a mate.”

  Achilles looked at Ares in shock. “Mate? She’s your mate?!”

  Ares nodded his head. “She’s my passt genau.”

  Achilles shook his head. “You’re lying. You just don’t want to give her to me.”

  Ares snarled and his anger returned. “She’s my match, Achilles. She’s my mate. She’s MINE!”

  Why was he so easily upset by this sidhe?

  Achilles glared at him. “I will not give her up simply because she’s your match! I was promised the first of her mother’s children. I’ve waited seven hundred years for her and I will not just let you have her.”

  Ares rubbed his face and his anger dissipated just as quickly as it had come. “I don’t want to start a war between us, but if neither of us is willing to give her up, what do you suggest we do?”

  “I do not have any suggestions as of yet, but we may be able to come up with something,” Achilles said softly.

  Ares looked at me. “Do you have any ideas?”

  I laughed loudly. “Me? I just met this guy, the first of my mother’s kind, and he tells me I’m his fiancée, but how can that be since I’m already yours? He says he won’t give me up, yet he doesn’t have me. What do you want me to say? Kill him? No, we can’t do that because for some reason that would start a war. Give me to him? Hell no! No offense, Achilles, but I love Ares and my pack. I’m not going anywhere. So, I have no ideas.”

  Matt spoke for the first time, making me jump. “Maybe you could cut her in half, like that story of the children fighting over the doll?” Ares growled at Matt, who raised his hands in the air and took a step back with his head lowered submissively. “I was just kidding.”

  Ares closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Artemis, don’t worry. Achilles is the Prince of the Sidhe, so a war won’t start, unless we tried to kill him, which we won’t. Let’s get to the village and we’ll discuss it more there.”

  Matt growled and asked, “How do we know he’s telling the truth?”

  Achilles looked insulted. “I’m not a pixie and I wouldn’t lie about this. Besides, I didn’t know she was Ares’ match or mate.”

  I held up my hands. “Stop. Can we please just get to the village? I’m hungry.”

  Achilles nodded his head. “Alright. How far is it? Should I fly?”

  I gasped. “You can fly?!”

  He frowned and looked at me as though I’d asked what a nose was. “Of course I can fly. You should be able to as well. Though, I suppose it depends on how strong your wolf is.”

  He was looking over my body, which made me realize that I was naked. A blush rushed to my cheeks instantaneously. “Enough talk. Let’s go,” I said as I tried to hide my embarrassment.

  Achilles laughed. “She blushes? How endearing.”

  Ares, Koda and Matt started running towards the village, leaving me and Achilles to catch up with them. Achilles ran beside me, watching me closely. I tried to ignore his stare, but my body began itching. I turned to him and was about to ask what his problem was when a tree appeared in front of me. I tried to stop, but couldn't slow down. At the last second I dodged to the right.

  "The trees are very interested in you," Achilles said from beside me.

  "What do you mean?"

  "The trees are alive, Artemis. That one that you almost hit was determined to get closer to you. I have not seen one do that in quite a while."

  I groaned. "Great, now trees are out to get me. Why does my life have to be so strange? A few days ago I was just another teenage human going to school and worrying about boys. Now I'm a half werewolf, half fairy, sidhe, thing that is the mate of the Prince of the Werewolves and engaged or whatever to the Prince of the Sidhe. And now trees have decided they find me interesting. I would ask if it could get weirder, but I'm betting so."

  We reached a clearing and Ares growled at us in his wolf form. I dropped to my hands and knees and changed forms, rushing over to him and rubbing my head against
his chest.

  Don’t let him touch you. Ares whispered through my mind.

  Matt and Koda, also in their wolf forms, walked to stand beside us. Darius, King of the Werewolves and the most frightening man I’ve ever met, walked towards us from around the side of a nearby house. The presence of him sent my hackles up and made me back up underneath Ares until my head was below his chest and his body completely hid mine from sight.

  Ares cocked his head to the side and looked at me questioningly, but Darius spoke, making him look away from me. “What is he doing here?” The hate was evident in Darius’ voice as well as his defensive posture.

  Ares looked at Darius intently for a moment and then Darius snarled. “You should have told me that he was coming with you.”

  Ares’ body was completely still as he looked at Darius. I realized after a moment that he was communicating with Darius telepathically.

  “Fine. Come meet with me in an hour,” Darius said angrily before walking away from us.

  You can come out now. Ares said to me.

  I crawled out from under him and sat on my haunches. He scares me.

  Ares sat down on his butt beside me. You don’t have to be scared of him. He wouldn’t dare hurt you now that you’re my mate.

  Now? I asked in shock.

  Achilles spoke softly, “Could you please stop communicating in wolf form? It’s rude.”

  Matt growled softly at Achilles, his lips pulled back in a threatening snarl. Ares grunted and Matt stopped, but I could still see the hate in Matt’s eyes as he stared at Achilles. Ares nodded his head once and started walking. I followed close to Ares’ side as we made our way through the town of log cabins. Men and women looked at us from the porches and from windows. Koda stayed close by my other side, scanning the houses as we past them. Matt walked behind us with Achilles behind him.


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