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Blind Devotion

Page 4

by S. Nelson

  “I have a wonderful announcement to make,” Winthrop rumbled, the ease of his tone belying the tension underneath. From what Alina had divulged to me earlier, and the quick glances I’d seen between father and daughter, neither one of them seemed to be happy with the turn of events. Or rather, Alina wasn’t happy, not in the least. Winthrop was annoyed with her reaction, but since he seemed to be getting his way, which I was sure wasn’t the first time, he seemed content.

  “First, I’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight to help support the firm’s favorite charity, The Wounded Warrior Project. As many of you may know, I served in the Army many years ago. And during my tours in Vietnam, I’d seen unthinkable things, which is why I feel so passionately about helping our wounded vets. They sacrifice everything for this country, and we need to make sure we’re doing what we can to take care of them when they come home.” A round of applause erupted, and even though I didn’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling from Winthrop, I knew he’d been heartfelt in his speech.

  “On another note, I’m proud to make an announcement about something more personal. My beautiful daughter, Alina, will be marrying Christopher Harris in the fall.” He beamed brightly, pointing toward his daughter and Harris, who were standing in the middle of a widening crowd, everyone smiling and clapping at the unexpected news. My heart rate picked up its pace. My throat constricted that the news had been made public.

  I focused on Alina. The quick rise and fall of her chest. The slight pinkish hue enveloping her creamy skin. The forced smile curving her lips. The tension straightening her stance. The way her eyes subtly glanced for an escape.

  Then they met mine, and I swore to Christ we exhaled at the same time. Moments passed between us, erasing everyone else present. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I had to stop it, and do it soon. Before I could look away, however, Harris followed his fiancée’s line of sight and landed right on me. He gave me a look, one mixed with surprise and annoyance, before seizing Alina’s waist and pulling her close. Before I could blink, he slammed his mouth over hers, the surprise of his action causing her to stumble backward. Ensuring she didn’t break the connection, he gripped her tightly to steady her. The kiss wasn’t obscene, not like it would have been had those been my lips devouring her, but it was enough to make my jaw clench.

  “I guess my future son-in-law is happy,” her father said with a laugh, placing the microphone down before descending the steps. Once he’d reached them, he encircled Alina and Harris, an arm thrown over each of their shoulders, smiling big for everyone, shooting his daughter a warning glance before kissing her temple. For anyone not studying their every action, the display of control would’ve been missed, but I saw it all.


  SO DISTRAUGHT THAT our engagement had finally been announced, I tried my best to look as if I were happy. The tilt of my lips. The fake thank-you that escaped whenever someone congratulated us. Reciprocating the kisses Chris showered me with . . . all of it was nauseating while his sudden fawning over me was infuriating. He knew damn well I didn’t want this, yet he went along with my father. I realized I had as well, but it was easier to lay blame at someone else’s feet than at my own. My attraction toward Chris wavered every time he pulled me close, every time he whispered, “Smile,” and every time he planted his mouth over mine.

  Trying to pry my hand from his, he only tightened his grip. “Chris,” I gritted, a faux smile still grazing my mouth, “I have to go to the ladies’ room.”

  “Hurry back,” he instructed, planting a lingering peck on my cheek before finally pulling back. I thought he was going to say something else, the look in his eyes one of softness, but as soon as I opened my mouth, he turned toward an older couple and gushed with happiness at our impending marriage.

  Rushing into the bathroom, I accidentally bumped into a woman, whispering “Sorry” before locking myself in one of the empty stalls, freeing my emotions as tears stained my flushed face. I swore I’d stay in there until everyone left, including my father and Chris, but I knew I was being ridiculous. I could never embarrass my father; instead, I would appear to be the perfect daughter. Always.

  I knew enough not to argue with him in public, but when we were in private, I rarely held back. Sometimes he’d simply be dismissive, infuriating me further, and sometimes he’d yell back, a reaction I rarely received. And sometimes, like earlier, he’d give me a genuine smile, even when it was wrapped up in manipulation.

  I didn’t want to think about my father anymore, or Chris for that matter. So instead, I turned my thoughts to the only other person who’d been able to distract me. Max. I’d been so wrapped up in holding it together out there I hadn’t bothered to look for him.

  Except that one time.

  When our eyes met across the room.

  And no matter how cheesy or cliché it sounded, it was as if fate was stepping in and trying to take charge. The way he set my body alive was exciting, yet terrifying. The way his soul . . .

  Oh, God! Maybe my father was right. I needed to stop reading so many romance novels. I was starting to convince myself things like knights in shining armor really did exist. That two people could have a meet cute and live happily ever after, no matter the circumstances.

  I exited the stall and stopped to wash my hands. Staring into the mirror, I shuddered at the sight. Red-rimmed and puffy eyes, accompanied by blotchy skin, on both my face and neck.

  “You should dab your eyes with cold water, honey,” a soft voice said to my left. I hadn’t even heard anyone enter. When I continued to stare into the mirror, she grabbed a paper towel and ran it under the tap. “Look at me,” she instructed, patiently waiting for me to turn toward her. Without giving it too much thought, I faced her. She was striking with dark red hair, green eyes, and a splattering of freckles across her nose. Not too many to be distracting, but enough to be endearing. “Issues already with your fiancé?” she questioned, blotting the cold towel under my swollen eyes. The coolness calmed me, her touch so gentle I closed my lids.

  “You could say that,” I finally answered.

  “Figures,” she chuckled, the soft timbre of her laugh soothing. “Listen, honey, ain’t no man worth our tears. Ever. Just love ’em and leave ’em. That’s what I say. Use them for one thing and get the hell outta Dodge.” Her rant curved my lips upward.

  When I finally opened my eyes, I saw her returning my grin. “Thank you.”

  “No problem, sweetheart. We women have to stick together. Now,” she said, tossing the towel in the trash, “how do I look? There’s a hottie out there I have my sights on, and I want to make sure I can snag him. You know, for the evening.” Flashing me her pearly whites, I took her in, head to toe. An emerald green gown encased her voluptuous curves. Next to her, I felt like a little girl, her breasts and hips definitely more pin-up than mine. She was striking, and whoever she had in her line of sight didn’t stand a chance.

  “You look amazing.”

  She gave herself one last look in the mirror before plumping up her breasts. “Thanks.” A tighter smile graced her lips. “Now get back out there and enjoy yourself. It’s an open bar, and there’s nothing a good stiff drink or two won’t cure. I’d prefer something else stiff, but I think you already knew that.” Her laugh followed her as she left, and I couldn’t help but envy her ability to be so carefree, a luxury I never possessed.


  AFTER I’D EVENTUALLY gathered myself, I emerged from the restroom and slowly walked back toward Chris and my father. They were engaged in conversation with another group of wealthy, power-hungry men, their wives standing idly by while their husbands suckled at the proverbial tit. My father was someone of influence, a man who yielded a lot of power.

  Once I was close enough, Chris tugged on my hand to draw me closer. “Are you okay? Were you crying?” He seemed genuinely concerned, and it was then I berated myself for giving him such a hard time that evening. Whatever my feelings toward the entire situation, Chris didn’t de
serve my attitude, and treating him like the enemy he wasn’t . . . well, that wouldn’t do anyone any good. He was a nice guy. I could’ve done worse. While I knew that wasn’t much of an argument, I was still trying to wrap my head around everything.

  My demeanor softened when I answered. “Yeah, just allergies.”

  He nodded before going back to talking with the group. After another five minutes of just standing there, not wanting to engage in shop talk, I decided it was time to leave. I’d come with Chris, but I could certainly find my own way home. I slipped my hand from his, pulling his attention away from the others.

  “I’m leaving.”

  My father heard me and took the opportunity to interject, playing the role of a caring father, which he most surely wasn’t, as was evident in him practically forcing me to marry someone against my wishes.

  “You feeling all right, honey?” For a brief moment, I thought I recognized sincere concern in his voice. Leaning down to whisper in my ear erased any fantasies I had that he was truly worried about me. “Don’t you think you should stick around a bit longer? It’s only ten o’clock. Don’t be so selfish, Alina.”

  “Selfish?” My voice rose just above a restrained whisper, making his brows jump in warning. I refused to argue with him anymore that evening. Instead of answering, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and announced to the group I was leaving, saying my goodbyes before heading toward the exit, Chris following hot on my heels. I wasn’t sure if he disapproved of my abrupt exit as well, but I couldn’t care less at that point. All I wanted to do was run a hot bath and continue reading my book, forgetting I tried to convince myself to give them up earlier. I’ll never give up my romance novels.

  “Alina,” Chris called after me. “Wait up.” My quickened strides weren’t fast enough to outrun him. “Wait,” he repeated, reaching for my hand. I didn’t pull away that time. There was no need to cause a scene when he didn’t deserve it. I stopped walking but kept my eyes straight ahead. “I’ll take you home, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you.” All my energy had been depleted. No more arguments would be started by me that evening.

  As Chris guided me the rest of the way toward the exit, a blur of a green dress caught my eye. It was the nice woman from the restroom. She was flirting with someone. I figured it was the man she’d gushed about earlier, but it wasn’t until she flicked her hair over her shoulder did I see just who she had in her sights.


  I couldn’t fault her for her interest, but that didn’t make their interaction any less . . . angering. I really needed to leave.


  WITNESSING THE WAY Harris tended to Alina bothered me, but it shouldn’t’ve. They were engaged to be married. There would be plenty of intimate moments shared between them, both in public and in private. It was the images of them behind closed doors that grated on my nerves.

  My eyes caught hers one last time before she disappeared outside, and I swore she tried to tell me something, her frown deep and her hesitation to leave surely a sign for something. Or maybe I’d had too much to drink and should take it easy from here on out.

  “Do you have any interesting cases?” The woman standing in front of me was beautiful, but I had no connection with her. Not that I needed one in order to take her to bed, but ever since my brief interaction with Alina, conversation with this woman was second-rate at best.

  “Not right now.” My answers were curt, but I made sure to give her a smile after each one. I needed to get laid, and the last thing I wanted to do was drive her away by being rude.

  After another ten minutes of mindless questions and answers, I drained the rest of my drink and rose from my seat. “Wanna get out of here?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she grinned. What’s her name again? Looping her arm through mine, we were across the room and headed toward the elevator banks. I had a room at the hotel, knowing there was a possibility I’d be taking someone to bed, and there was no way I was taking a stranger back to my place. Last time that happened, the woman wouldn’t leave me alone, showing up outside my door at all hours of the evening. I’d wised up since then.

  “Expectant, aren’t you?” she teased, the gloss on her lips shimmering. She really was quite the looker. Stunning in her own right.


  “Serena,” she corrected, never losing her seductive grin.

  I nodded. “If you don’t want to have sex with me, Serena, then I’ll be a gentleman and walk you out. I’ll even hail a cab for you.” I smiled, but I felt anything but jovial. There was only one woman I wanted to bury myself in, and she’d left with another man.

  “Nope. Sex is definitely on my agenda this evening.” We stood close inside the car as it ascended to the fifteenth floor, not a word spoken the entire time. I was busy thinking about Alina, but I was sure Serena thought I was simply building up the sexual tension between us.

  The elevator dinged, and I gestured for her to exit before me with a sweep of my arm. She winked before sashaying down the corridor, not walking too far ahead because she didn’t know which room was mine. When we finally reached our destination, I reached out and stilled her with a grip on her wrist.

  Within seconds, we were in the room, and I kicked the door closed, pushed her to her knees and grabbed her by the hair. My aggression was met with a lick of her lips as she fumbled with my zipper.

  “A man right to the point. I love it.” As the sound of the metal teeth being pulled apart sliced through the quiet, I inhaled a deep breath and leaned my head against the wall behind me. Images of Alina on her knees, preparing to suck me off flooded my brain. My cock thickened. “So big,” Serena crooned, circling my girth before gently squeezing. The tip of her tongue peeked out and teased the head, but as she opened her mouth to swallow me, I stopped her with a tug. “Do you like it a bit rough? Because I can do that.”

  I didn’t answer. Instead, I helped her to her feet, my fingers never leaving her hair. Her warm breath hit my neck as she nuzzled into me, nipping at my throat while I still had my head tilted back. When her hand moved to grip my still-exposed cock, I released her and wrapped my hands around her throat. Not threatening, just dominant.

  The spark in her eyes at the action pleased me. She didn’t care what I did to her, just as long as I fucked her. Then why was I hesitant? Attraction to Serena wasn’t the issue, and I desperately needed to find my release, so it should be a no-brainer, right?


  I felt like the biggest pussy as I gave her a chaste kiss and made up some excuse about suddenly not feeling well. She eyed me suspiciously but didn’t push the issue. I walked her to the elevator, but as I attempted to step in, she stopped me. She shook her head, the doors closing before I could change my mind.


  “YOU REALLY DON’T have to walk me up. I’m fine,” I promised, turning on the sidewalk to convince Chris it was okay for him to leave.

  “I want to make sure you get inside safe and sound. What kind of fiancé would I be if I just left you on the street?” He tried to make a joke, but I wasn’t in the mood, and he knew it as soon as he uttered the last word. The look on my face told him everything.

  “I’m fine, Chris,” I reiterated, faux strength in my words as if they held any kind of conviction.

  “I insist.” He smiled and ushered me up the steps of my townhome. Figuring it was useless and that he wouldn’t leave unless he saw me inside—safe and sound, as he put it—I complied without further argument. As I unlocked my door, however, he tried to walk in behind me.

  “This is where we say goodnight.” I turned to face him, resting my hands on his chest. The beat of his racing heart thumped against my palm, the heat in his eyes telling me his secret. He thought he was coming in. To what? Have sex? Did he assume now that we were engaged, I’d sleep with him? I realized how illogical my rationale seemed, that people engaged to be married had sex, but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know what my hesitation was, however. It wasn�
��t as if I was a virgin, but something told me to wait with Chris.

  “Can I use your bathroom? It’s a long ride home.”

  “As long as you don’t get handsy, mister.” I attempted humor, masking the uneasiness I felt at letting him inside. Not that I thought he would cross any lines, but having to deny him if he tried anything weighed heavily on me.

  Why didn’t I just take a cab?

  He nodded, closing the door behind us after we entered.

  “You know where it is.”

  “I do.” He disappeared down the hall toward the guest bathroom, returning a couple minutes later with a lopsided smirk. Quickly closing the distance, his hands snaked around my waist. He pulled me into him and swallowed my gasp of surprise, his tongue eagerly searching for mine.

  I enjoyed kissing Chris, but right then it wasn’t going to happen. Never mind I couldn’t stop thinking about Max, a man who most likely was busy having sex and not giving me a second thought.

  Shoving at his chest, I dislodged my lips from his. “Chris, stop.” He ignored me, grabbing the back of my neck and slamming his mouth over mine once more. He tasted like alcohol, and I knew right then the liquor was fueling his courage. Or stupidity, to be more accurate.

  When he started to walk me backward toward the staircase, I needed to help him out of his delusional state. One where he thought I was going to give it up.

  Reaching around the back of his head, I grabbed the bottom of his hairline and yanked upward as hard as I could. It worked.

  “Ow!” he yelled, releasing me and backing up. “What the hell?”

  “I told you to stop, and you didn’t. So. . . .”

  He was still rubbing the back of his head as he stared at me in disbelief. It seemed endless minutes passed before either of us spoke. Thankfully it was him, coming to his senses.


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