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Waiting for Something

Page 2

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “Why doesn’t Ali have to do anything?” Dillon groaned.

  “Your mom has her doing some things around the house with her. Worry about yourself. Finish eating and get ready.” He left the room, ending the conversation.

  “Why is Dad always so crabby lately?” Dillon ate his toast.

  “Are you stupid? We just moved and he just started a new job. I’d be crabby, too.” I finished off my juice.

  “Whatever. Where did you go last night? I saw you sneak off.” I felt my stomach sink.

  “Nowhere. Just out back. I wanted some air.” I lied.

  “Yeah, sure you did. You’re safe this time but next time I’m ratting you out.” He finished off breakfast and put his things in the sink.

  “Thanks.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Anytime.” He ran upstairs and that was the end of that.

  After I got all showered and freshened up, my mom was waiting to hear everything from last night. I told her almost everything ,minus Jake and me on the beach. She sounded so excited for me and insisted I ask Marlie over this weekend. Marlie and I have been texting all day and I really like her. Justin and I have talked a little but not as much as me and Marlie. I thought I’d actually made a real friend.

  Mom put me to work dusting and washing windows. She cleaned the toilets and vacuumed. At around one I was finished with everything and the guys were almost done, too. I went ahead and changed into my bathing suit and put on my cover up and headed down to the beach to tan for a while. I brought some fruit salad and a chicken salad sandwich to eat for lunch.

  Not a lot of people were around, not as many as usual anyway, but school is starting soon so that made sense. I sat down my bag and set up my chair in a spot directly facing the sun and made myself comfortable. I put in my headphones and listened to competition music and started practicing the dances in my head. I drifted off after the third song and must have been asleep for twenty minutes before I felt drops of water hitting my naked stomach. I opened my eyes wondering if it had started to sprinkle but sure enough someone was standing right above me and that somebody was Jake.

  “You look good,” he grinned, his bright blue eyes staring down at me.

  “Uh, thanks.” I self- consciously covered myself up.

  “Thanks for last night.” He sat down beside me.

  “I just held your head up while you slept basically,” I shrugged.

  “So how much trouble are you in?” He ignored my comment.

  “None actually. They thought I woke up early and went to the beach for a walk.” I laughed a little.

  “Well that’s good. At least your parents care.” He smiled slightly.

  “Did you get in any trouble?” I asked.

  “Do I ever get in trouble? No. That’s something you need to learn now. Carter and I never get in trouble with our parents.” His tone was off.

  “Why is that?” I was curious.

  “You ask too many questions. So what are you doing out here?” he avoided an answer.

  “Just thought I’d tan and practice my dances.” I slid my Victoria’s Secret cover up over me.

  “Dances?” He looked interested.

  “Yeah, I’m on a competition team here and then I also am on the school dance team.” I smiled.

  “How long have you danced for?” This guy actually cared about my life?

  “I’ve danced since I was two but started competing when I was six. I’ve won plenty of times.” I felt proud talking about my passion with a stranger.

  “Wow, that’s amazing. So can you do any cool tricks?” He smirked.

  “Depends on what you want me to do,” I looked at him through my lashes.

  “A split?” I could hear the dirtiness behind the question.

  “That’s easy. Try doing a scorpion, now that’s hard. Or a no-handed side tilt.” I couldn’t help but giggle at his cluelessness.

  “Good to know,” he turned his flirt mode back on.

  “What are you doing here dripping wet?” I looked at his wet muscular abs

  “Surfing. Been doing it since I was ten when I got a board for my birthday and haven’t stopped since.” He shook the water from his hair.

  “Are you any good?” I wiped some water off my arm.

  “Duh. I’ve been in five competitions and placed in the top three each time,” he laughed.

  “Teach me.” I surprised myself.

  “Teach you? I don’t think so. It’s a little too rough of a sport for you,” he shook his head.

  “Too rough, seriously? I’m a girl not a fricken princess. You don’t think I can do it,” I glared at him.

  “Let’s just say you’re fragile. It can get pretty nasty out there,” he shrugged.

  “Trust me. I’m not fragile. I’ve been a dancer for a long time. I’ve done every trip, fall, smash, crash and everything else you can think of on the dance floor. I’m used to pain,” I summed up true dancing really well, sacrifice.

  “Hmmm. Maybe. Only on one condition.” His expression changed.

  “Shoot,” I gave him the go ahead.

  “Don’t get jealous when you see girls all over me. I’m a Thomas after all. It’s natural that girls come crawling to us,” he smirked.

  “Yeah, sure, whatever. I won’t get jealous,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m serious. I can tell you’re already falling for me.” I saw his eyes smolder into me.

  “I’m not falling for you, trust me. I would know.” My voice cut sharp.

  “Alright, then I guess you got a deal,” he held out his hand.

  “Sounds good to me.” We shook on it.

  “But not today. How about this weekend?” He stood up.

  “Why not today? It’s like two.We have all afternoon,” I whined a little.

  “Eager to learn are we?” His grin showed his dimples that I just recently noticed he had.

  “Well it’s not that exactly. I just don’t understand why not start early so we can get done early,” I covered up my disappointment.

  “You really want to know why? Because I gotta get home. I have a “friend” coming over soon,” he winked.

  “Gross. Go ahead and go. I guess I’ll see you around or something,” I turned my music back on.

  “Let me put my number in your phone,” he grabbed my cell from my side before I could respond.

  “Thanks. I’ll text you sometime to set up my first lesson this weekend,” I grabbed my phone back and put it away.

  “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?” he chuckled.

  “Of course I am. Once I commit to something I put my whole heart into it. I’m not a half-ass type of gal,” I blushed when I cursed and he held back a laugh.

  “Well, alright. Sounds good to me, Ali. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered in my ear and lingered for a little too long, letting goose bumps rise on my skin.

  After seeing Jake yet again, I decided to go back to the house and wash up before supper time. I was sitting in my room talking to my friends back home on Facebook when there was a slight knock on the door.

  “Alice, sweetie, you have a visitor,” my mom peeked her head in.

  “Who is it?” I turned around on my stomach.

  “Marlie, your neighbor. Thanks, Marsha,” she let herself by.

  “No problem, sweetie,” my mom smiled. I knew she liked her.

  “Marlie, what are you doing here?” I was a little surprised to see her.

  “I saw you at the beach today,” she walked around my bedroom, messing with my knick knacks.

  “Yeah, so?” I sat up in my bed.

  “With Jake,” she eyed me.

  “Marlie, what do you have against Jake?” I cut to the core of it all.

  “I don’t trust him. I know what he’s like. I’ve seen him. Different girls all the time, always partying. He’s a jerk.” She crossed her arms.

  “So what? You’re not interested in him, are you?” I gauged her reaction.

  “Oh God no! Disgusting! Wait, sorr
y. I know you kind of have a thing for him. I like blonde guys,” she was obviously referring to Justin.

  “Then what? What are you trying to keep from me?” She sat on the bed.

  “I just, you’re new here and I think we could be good friends. I just don’t want him to hurt you,” she looked genuine.

  “He won’t hurt me. If it makes you feel any better, I’m not even interested.” I really wasn’t anymore. He was sort of a pig.

  “But last night at the party I could have sworn you were crushing,” she looked embarrassed.

  “I guess I kind of was at first. I mean he’s hot, incredibly hot, but he is kind of a pig. He’s teaching me to surf, okay. It’s nothing more than that and he made it pretty clear. Don’t worry. I’m fine. I actually kind of am interested in Carter.” I blushed.

  “Chelsea will kill you,” Marlie grinned.

  “Maybe we can have ourselves a little bit of a challenge?” I raised an eyebrow, grinning.

  “Ali Burns, you are trouble. I like you,” she laughed.

  “I can tell we are going to be great friends,” I smiled in return.

  “Me too. So I should get going. I think you’re having supper soon,” she got off the bed.

  “Wait, do you want to stay for dinner? I’d like to have you. We’re just having burgers,” I got up with her.

  “Are you sure that’s okay?” She was definitely a really sweet girl with good intentions.

  “Yeah, of course, we’d like to have you. Plus you can help me pick out what to wear to school tomorrow. I’m a little nervous,” I smiled sheepishly.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll fit right in,” she hooked my arm with hers and we went downstairs.

  After dinner, she helped clean up even though I insisted millions of times she didn’t have to.

  “So Justin and I will pick you up tomorrow for school?” I walked her to the door.

  “Sounds good, are you should I wear that outfit? What if it’s too much?” She opened the door.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll look perfect. Carter will take a double look, in fact, every guy will. Keep in mind this is just a junior and senior high school. But I guess there are about 300 kids, so I guess you will make an impression or blend in. Well, there I go babbling again like an idiot making you nervous! Sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow! Sleep tight!” She gave me a hug and skipped off to her house which was only three houses away.

  “Marlie seems like a nice girl,” my dad came into the kitchen while I helped my mom finish cleaning up from supper.

  “Yeah, I like her,” I smiled.

  “Just what you needed, a friend.” My mom kissed the top of my head.

  “I don’t need friends mom. I chose to be friends with Marlie. She’s genuine and really funny.” I looked up at her.

  “She’s hot, too,” Dillon came in with his packed back pack.

  “You are so gross.” I tossed soap bubbles on him.

  “What? She is,” he tried to seem innocent.

  “Dillon, enough. Go get ready for bed. You can play video games until 9:30 but lights out then,” my mom ushered him up the stairs.

  “9:30! What am I, seven?” He looked incredulous.

  “No, but you are starting at a new school that’s about ten minutes away. If you want me to give you a ride, you have to be up earlier than usual,” she instructed.

  “How about ten?” Dillon pushed.

  “9:45, that’s as far as I’ll budge. Now go,” she finished the discussion and went back to putting away the dishes.

  “Alice, are you nervous for tomorrow?” My mom was the only person to ever call me Alice.

  “What do you think, Marsha?” My dad came over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Yeah, Mom, of course I’m nervous,” I tried to avoid eye contact because my nerves were really starting to sink in.

  “You’ll be fine, sweetheart. You’ll fit right in.” She squeezed my hand.

  “Thanks. Well, I’m going to call it a night. I love you.” I kissed my parents cheeks and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

  You know something awesome about this house is that there are two master bedrooms and I got one. So that means I get an entire bathroom all to myself. I got ready for bed and laid out my outfit for tomorrow. Then I grabbed my book and snuggled into bed with my phone sitting on my night stand. I set the alarm just in case I fell asleep reading and started in on my book.

  I’m glad I set the alarm because before I knew it, it was going off at 6 in the morning and my ass was dragging.

  I crawled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom for a shower. I dried my hair, straightened it, put my makeup on and then got dressed. I put on a medium-length, white-laced skirt, a light blue cotton tank, a brown skinny belt around the waist and then a pleather black ¾-sleeved jacket. For shoes I decided on my black wedges. I looked in the mirror and questioned if the outfit was the right choice. But I was running out of time so I was stuck with it now. I went downstairs. Justin and Marlie would be coming in about 15 minutes, so I sat down while the rest of my family hustled and bustled around. My dad set two pancakes on my plate and gave me a glass milk.

  “Happy first day of school, kiddo. Have fun today.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I blushed a little.

  “Oh, Alice Burns, you look stunning,” my mom came walking in all dressed and ready for the day carrying a pair of Dillon’s sneakers.

  “Thanks, Mom.” I quickly ate my breakfast and before I knew it, I heard Justin honk in my driveway.

  “That’s my ride. See you all later. Good luck today, twerp.” I lightly punched Dillon’s arm.

  “Thanks, you too.” He looked a little nervous for today. I grabbed my bag by the door and headed out to Justin’s car.

  “Dang! Look what the cat dragged in.” Marlie whistled as I hopped in the back seat.

  “It’s not too much, is it?” I felt uncomfortable.

  “Are you kidding? No. I’m dressed up too.” She smiled.

  “Don’t worry, Ali. Everyone dresses up at our school, and almost every day, too,” Justin concurred.

  “You’ll fit right in,” Marlie turned back around.

  Everyone was saying how I’d fit in. But what if I didn’t want to fit in?


  I walked through the doors of the high school and my stomach wound tight. There were so many kids and teachers running around getting ready for the assembly. I looked around a little for Carter or Jake but didn’t find them. One moment I was standing next to Marlie and Justin and the next they lost me or I lost them. Somehow I managed to find my table with a planner and some paperwork for my parents and then I headed into the gym where everyone was sitting. I looked around for Marlie and didn’t see her from the hundreds of people already sitting down. So I took a seat by a girl who seemed nice enough.

  “Is it alright if I sit here?” I asked before sitting down.

  “Go ahead.” She scooted over to give me more room.

  “Thanks, I’m Ali by the way,” I tried to make small talk.

  “MacKenna, but you can just call me Mac if you want,” she smiled.

  “So are you a junior or senior?” I continued with the banter.

  “A senior. Let me guess, you’re new here?” She giggled a little.

  “Yeah, why? Is it that obvious?” My face turned red.

  “No, it’s just that everyone knows that I’m a senior. I’m the popular one I guess. I don’t know if you’ve met Jake Thomas yet but we’ve been dating since last year. His family is the richest family at this school and both brothers are popular,” she liked the fact that he had money. I could tell. She also seemed like a total airhead.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of him.” I really didn’t feel the need to tell her how I knew him.

  “He’s actually coming now so he’s sitting with us,” she flipped her curled brown hair.

  “Oh, cool. So do you know Marlie and Justin?” Maybe she’d tell me something I didn’t know.<
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  “Those two? They should date already. They’re super cute. They’re with our crowd and you are too, now.” She acted as if it was some sort of privilege.

  “Awesome,” was all I said.

  “Oh, there he is! Jake, sweetie, over here,” she rose her voice a little.

  “Hey, babe. Who’s this?” I couldn’t believe I was stupid enough to think he wanted anything to do with me.

  “This is Ali. She’s new, so be nice.” They kissed before sitting down.

  “Well if you don’t mind, I’ll take the middle seat.” He squeezed between us annoyingly.

  “So, you don’t know me?” I scoffed.

  “Sorry about that,” he whispered.

  “I didn’t think you had a girlfriend,” I pointed.

  “I don’t. She’s just my longest on-going thing. We know that it’s not serious,” he winked.

  “No, don’t even try. I’m holding up to our deal.” I crossed my arms.

  “Maybe that deal can change. I didn’t know you’d look like this all the time,” he gave me a once over.

  “No way. You know, you’re kind of a pig,” I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re right. I kind of am a pig but we call that a player in San Diego,” he winked.

  “I’m not falling for your act, Jake.” I turned my head and ended the conversation.

  I sat through the assembly listening to a boring speech about the handbook and then at the very end, embarrassingly enough, the principal decided to point me out. How I was the only new one was shocking but of course it would be me.

  “Now if you’d all please pay attention to this next part. Alice Burns, please stand up.” His voice echoed through the gym and I sat there mortified for a minute.

  “Alice Burns, please stand up,” he commanded again and finally, my knees wobbly, I stood up.

  “Everyone, this is Alice Burns. She’s new here. Please help her out and be of service to her. Carter Thomas will be taking you class to class these next two weeks. You’ll have the same schedule. Any questions?” Could this be any worse?

  “Alright. Well then, you’re all dismissed. Head to first period,” he announced.

  “Well, looks like you’re stuck with my little brother. Good luck.” Jake laughed.


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