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Waiting for Something

Page 4

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “I know I can, and I will. I’m sure a little girl like you won’t be able to eat all that without exploding,” he grinned.

  “I can eat this. Piece of cake.” I took another bite.

  “We’ll just have to see,” Jake went back to his ice cream.

  The rest of the time was spent indulging on this fine piece of work. I savored every bite. If I came here every day I might get fat. With a couple of words here and there it was quiet between us. The waitress came over a few times to refill our waters, but other than that we were alone. I didn’t mind the silence between us. It was calming and quite comforting actually. Finally Jake took the last bite and leaned back in the booth.

  “Come on, little lady. You got a little bit more left,” he joked.

  “I can finish it, don’t worry. Just give me two more minutes.” I looked down at the sundae and realized my eyes were bigger than my stomach, but I wasn’t about to lose.

  “I’ve got all the time in the world,” he crossed his arms. I finally finished in about a minute and I felt sick. But it was good and I was surprised I did finish it.

  “Bravo, Ali Cat, bravo,” he clapped his hands.

  “Thank you, thank you very much,” I did a lame Elvis impersonation.

  “My treat?” he grabbed his wallet as the waitress set down our bill.

  “No, I feel bad,” I pouted.

  “Have you seen my car? I can afford it. Come on. Keep the change, ma’am.” He sat down a twenty and grabbed my hand so we could leave.

  “That was generous of you.” We walked back out to the fresh air.

  “I needed to get out of there. That waitress wouldn’t stop staring. Let’s get you home, little lady,” he opened my door for me again.

  “’Bout time,” I joked and he acted like he was wounded.

  He looked up at my three story house from the driveway, “Wow, you got a nice place.”

  “I’m sure it doesn’t compare to yours.” I unbuckled my seatbelt.

  “It’s still really impressive. Thanks for coming with me today. Lesson’s Saturday morning at 8 a.m., no earlier and no later. We got a lot to learn,” he changed the subject.

  “Got it. Should I just come in my suit or what?” I had no attire whatsoever.

  “Just your bathing suit. I’ll take care of everything else,” he grinned.

  “Alright, well I’ll see you then. Thanks again,” I opened the door and got out.

  “See ya later, Ali Cat.” He winked and drove off after I shut the door.

  He was something else. Definitely interesting.


  It’s almost December now and things at school have been better. I was officially voted in as dance team captain, which left a lot of weight on my shoulders. Not only did I have school dance team but I also had competition team. Then there’s surfing lessons, although they are ending until May because of the weather. I’m getting really good at it, though. The first time I stood up I fell right away and Jake laughed at me until he cried, which was a little harsh.

  Ryan and I didn’t really work out. We’re friends but that’s it and that’s how we both wanted it to be. I mean we went out a few times and he was a good kisser, but I think he was just a better friend. Jake and his whatever she was ended and yes, Chelsea, is still around. Justin, Marlie, and I hang out most weekends either going to a party or having a movie night. My parents love them and Dillon is in awe of Justin. He’s a good role model. I did feel like a third wheel with them sometimes because they should just be dating. They act like it.

  Besides the condescending notes on my locker and comments during dance, Chelsea isn’t too terrible now. Carter and I still hang out and walk to class together, but we gotta watch it now. I guess there’s a rumor going around that we’re together, which is so not true. I’m single, very single. Always the friend and never the girlfriend, insert the eye roll. But life all in all isn’t so bad.

  I woke up early on a Saturday morning at 7:30, force of habit even though lessons have ended for now. For the first week or two of lessons, my parents thought Jake and I were dating but I made it very clear in the beginning that we were just friends and now they aren’t worried about us hanging out at all. I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up, and washed my face. I changed into my running clothes and grabbed my I-pod. I figured I might as well get a head start to the day and go for a nice, long jog. I grabbed a banana and filled my bottle of water. I quickly ate and then stretched.

  Once I started getting into a steady pace I felt life melt away. Jogging was so calming and it was a great time to not think, to have time for me. I ran passed Marlie’s house. She was probably still sleeping. I didn’t really know where I was when I stopped for a break, but I knew how to get back home from here. I leaned against a mailbox and drank some water, catching my breath It was about 8:15 by now. I looked up at the house that was behind and it was magnificent. It was the nicest house I’ve ever seen. I took another drink of water and decided to head back.

  I was about two blocks away from the house when I, lost in my own thoughts, ran into someone, knocking myself to the ground. I felt myself blink out for a second and then come back. I was in someone’s arms being carried into the gorgeous house. Maybe I was dreaming?

  “I should wake up.” I groaned in slight pain.

  “Sorry to say this but you are awake.” I heard a familiar chuckle.

  “Jake, I didn’t invite you to my dream,” I rubbed my eyes.

  “You’re not dreaming and I’m sure even if you were, any dream with me would include a lot more physical activity,” he winked.

  “What the heck is Ali doing here?” Carter came walking in as Jake set me down on a couch.

  “We had a bit of a collision,” he looked up at Carter.

  “She is a total clutz.” He laughed.

  “Thanks, you’re too sweet,” I sat up a little.

  “You should take it easy,” Jake handed me a glass of water.

  “Where am I?” I looked around the living area.

  “You’re at my house.” He sat on the coffee table.

  “You live here? Oh my gosh! I envy you,” my eyes were wide.

  “Thanks, what were you doing around here? You’re like a mile or two from your house.” He looked confused.

  “I was on a run. I started running in the mornings again since we quit surfing,” I rubbed the bump on my head.

  “Wait, Ali’s the hot chick you’ve been teaching?” Carter back-tracked to the living room.

  “I’m hot? Well thanks, Jake.” I saw his face redden.

  “Thanks, brother. Remind me to kick your ass later,” he growled at him.

  “I think it’s adorable,” I grinned.

  “Look, I was just trying to get him off my back,” he tried to cover for himself.

  “Sure, of course. How could you think I’m hot?” I joked.

  “You’re not ugly, I mean you’re pretty and all but, ah, shit. What the hell? I think you’re hot as hell,” he caved, letting his flushed tone go away.

  “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re hot, too,” I laughed.

  “You’re such a tease,” he rolled his eyes.

  “I try.” I winked.

  “Let me get you some ice for that.” He got up and walked into the kitchen.

  “So you and my brother, huh?” Carter sat down beside me.

  “Ha, no not at all,” I was a little embarrassed.

  “Really? He’s never been as happy as he is now. Now that you two started hanging out.” He looked a little awkward.

  “I don’t know, Carter. I mean, um, I usually talk about this stuff with Marlie. But I guess we have chemistry,” I shrugged.

  “Chemistry? That it is. I’m just saying he doesn’t stay single for long so you might want to take a grab before it’s too late.” And that was the end of that.

  “Hey, Ali Cat. Before I forget, huge party tonight. You should come,” Jake came walking in with an ice pack.

  “Yeah, sure. Can Marlie and Justin come?” I put the ice pack on my head.

  “I don’t care. It’s here so now you know how to get here you can bring yourself.” He was cold, different.

  “I should go meet Chelsea,” Carter looked at his phone.

  “Why? She’s coming tonight, right?” I was confused.

  “Not exactly. I’m breaking up with her,” he stared at his hands.

  “You’re breaking up with Chelsea?!” I basically shouted.

  “Yeah, I just can’t do it anymore. She’s just not the girl she used to be.” He tried to act normal.

  “Well this is a surprise.” I didn’t like Chelsea but I was still shocked.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t going to say anything but it slipped,” his voice cut out.

  “You know, this is just too much. I should leave.” I got up.

  “No, don’t go. You can stay,” Jake looked at me.

  “No, I’ll see you guys tonight. Good luck, Carter. Let me know how it goes. Bye, Jake.” I let myself out feeling super awkward.

  I ran back home faster than I ran here and once I got back inside the house, my mom about flipped about my large goose egg.

  “Honey, what happened?” she came in from the kitchen.

  “I tripped over my feet on my run and hit my head on a pole,” I lied magnificently.

  “Well we need to get rid of that right away. Here, take some Benadryl. You’ll get sleepy but that’s okay. It will take away the swelling. Go on and take a warm shower and I’ll make you some breakfast.” She kissed my forehead.

  “Thanks. Hey there’s this party going on tonight at a friend’s. Can I go?” I asked nonchalantly.

  “Sure, just remember your curfew is 1:30,” she looked up at me from her glasses.

  I showered and felt the Benadryl kick in almost immediately. I dressed for the day and headed back down to the kitchen. My mom had whipped up an omelet and had a glass of apple juice waiting.

  “You’ll need to take a nap after this probably,” my mom noticed my sagging eyes.

  “After what?” my dad came in with Dillon.

  “Whoa, what happened to your face!” Dillon laughed at my large lump.

  “I hit my head on a pole on my morning run. Back off,” I slapped his arm.

  “You gave her Benadryl, didn’t you? Honey, you know that just makes her sleepy,” my dad walked over to my mom.

  “I know but it also gets rid of the swelling. She’ll feel fine after sleeping for an hour,” she commented.

  “Well if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a nap now.” I pushed my seat back.

  “I’m eating your breakfast.” Dillon sat down and dug in.

  “Go for it,” I rolled my eyes and went up to my room.

  I took my phone out and texted Marlie and Justin about the party. They would be over to pick me up at 8. The party started then anyway. I also had a text from Carter telling me how it went with Chelsea. Turns out she’d been messing around with someone else so she wasn’t as heartbroken as he thought she would be. I lay down and let my eyes rest, and once they closed, I passed out cold.

  “Sweetie, wake up. It’s noon. You have dance from one to three so you need to get ready,” my mom shook me awake.

  “Mom, you know I hate to be shaken awake. How long was I asleep for?” I rubbed my eyes and rolled over.

  “Two hours. The swelling is gone. You look good as new,” she smiled.

  “Good because that was really a priority of mine,” I shook the covers off and got out of bed.

  “You can take my car if you want. Yours is in the shop, remember?” She stood there in my room.

  “Thanks, I need to change,” I ushered her out of my room.

  A few hours later it was party time.

  Curtis Brown “Good Lord, Ali! You look hot.” Marlie’s jaw dropped as I came downstairs in my tight skinny jeans, an edgy crop top and red pumps. My hair was straight for once and I wore red lipstick.

  “Dang, Ali.” Justin gave me a good look.

  “Watch your eyes, Justin.” Marlie stomped on his foot with her heels.

  “You look gorgeous, Marlie,” he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her close.

  “Yeah, yeah. You ready to go?” Marlie wriggled out of his hold.

  “Yeah, let’s go. Mom, Dad, I’m leaving. I’ll be home by 1:30,” I shouted and we were out the door.

  Once we got to the party, it was packed. Cars were parked at least a block away, maybe two. We walked to the front door before looking in the garage where a couple of beer pong games were taking place. We came in and of course Justin had to pay five dollars while Marlie and I got in for free. The living room was packed, music was blaring from the stereo and people were dancing or sitting around drinking. I walked over to the keg and got a glass.

  “Hey! Ali! You made it,” Carter stumbled o ver.

  “I sure did. Carter, are you drunk?” I laughed as he grabbed on to me for balance.

  “Maybe a little. I just had a breakup. Justin! Marlie! Welcome! Go have fun. I got Ali,” he slurred his words before drinking from his bottle.

  “Will you be alright, Ali?” Marlie looked a little concerned.

  “I’m fine, goof, go ahead. I’ll meet up with you guys later.” I took a drink of my beer as they walked off.

  “Your hair is really long. I like it,” he played with my hair.

  “Well thanks. Carter, are you ok?” I watched him as he wrapped his body closer to mine.

  “I’m great. You want a tour?” He smiled and I couldn’t resist that grin.

  “I’d love one. Show me the way.” We walked off toward the upstairs.

  “This is the upstairs. Two bathrooms, Jake’s room and here comes the best part,” he pulled my arm, “my room. Come take my hand.” He reached out for my hand and I let our fingers intertwine.

  “Let me guess. You play baseball?” I looked around at all his trophies.

  “Bingo. Jake surfs, I play baseball. That’s what we’re good at.” He really didn’t make much sense. Sit down with me.” He laid on his bed and I laid beside him.

  “Carter, are you falling asleep?” I laughed because he was quiet.

  “No, just thinking.” He fell silent again.

  “About what?” I felt bad because he was probably still upset over the break up.

  “Us,” he sighed.

  “What about us?” Where the heck was this going?

  “Ali, is it really not obvious?” I felt him sit up so I did too.

  “No, I’m confused.” I looked at his sudden sullen face.

  “Of course you are. Ali, I like you.” His voice was barely audible.

  “I like you too, Carter. You’ve been a great friend,” I put my hand on his knee.

  “No, Ali, I like you more than just a friend,” he looked at me pained.

  “You’re drunk, Carter. You don’t know what you’re saying,” I quickly moved my hand.

  “Trust me, I know exactly what I’m saying.” He put his face in his hands.

  “Carter, I don’t know what to say,” I got off his bed and he followed in pursuit.

  “Ali, please don’t go,” he reached for my arm.

  “I just need some air. I’m not used to any of this. I’ll see you later.” I ran out the door and headed downstairs when I ran into Jake with a girl on his arm. I fell back a little and the girl looked super pissed.

  “Well hey, Ali. We were just going to my room. Want to come?” I knew he was drunk and wasn’t serious.

  “You’re acting like a pig.” I picked myself up off the step and glared at him.

  “You’re being a prude,” he nudged me with his drink.

  “Jake, let’s just go,” the girl tried to move him but he stood right in front of me.

  “No, I’m not leaving yet,” he held my gaze.

  “Whatever. I’m going.” She got out of his hold and went downstairs.

  “What’s your deal, Jake? You’re being an ass,” I crossed my arms

  “Well sorry. I’m a little stressed, ok? Mentally and sexually. I feel like I’ll never get any from you. It’s not even worth the bother,” he slurred and brought himself closer to me.

  “Get away from me,” I shoved him back.

  “Don’t shove me,” he grabbed my wrist a little too tight.

  “If you don’t let go, I’ll scream,” I spoke through gritted teeth.

  “I like a screamer.” His voice was filled with vileness.

  “Jake, what’s going on?” Carter walked out of his bedroom and looked down the hall.

  “Nothing, we’re just talking,” Jake let go of my wrist.

  “I gotta go.” I looked at both of them and slid down the steps.

  I walked out to the garage where I found Justin surrounded by three blonde bimbos.

  “Justin, where’s Marlie?” I pushed through the girls.

  “Ask him,” he rolled his eyes and pointed at a spikey-haired boy.

  “Excuse me, do you know where my friend Marlie is?” I tapped the guy on the shoulder from behind.

  “You mean the prude? She left.” He turned his body too close to me.

  “Are you sure?” I backed up.

  “Positive. I’m Brad by the way,” he looked at me.

  “Yeah, not interested,” I turned and texted Marlie.

  Marlie? Why did you leave? Are you okay?

  I’m fine, some senior hit on me to the core and Justin didn’t even stand up for me.

  I’m sorry. The party is lame.

  Shit, you don’t have a ride! I’m sorry! I wasn’t even thinking.

  No it’s fine. I’ll figure something out. I’ll see you tomorrow! Xoxo

  Sounds good. Xoxo

  I put my phone back in my pocket and started back to the main part of the house when Justin stopped me.

  “Is Marlie ok?” He looked concerned.

  “Yeah, she is. But you should have stood up for her. You two have things to work out. Don’t put me in between them.” I was just overall pissed at the entire night.

  “I know and I’m not trying to put you in the middle. I’m sorry.” He backed off and I didn’t stop him.

  I went right for the keg and put one back and then some guy came by with shots so I took two. Before too long, I was the life of the party. The music blared from the speakers and I danced along with the crowd. Once the clock struck 1:00 I didn’t want to go home. I kept drinking and dancing and everything was so fun. I finally pulled away from the crowd and went upstairs for some air. I sat on the top step looking down at the craziness and ignoring the mess in my head. I was about to get up when Carter came out of his room and sat by me.


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