Book Read Free

Waiting for Something

Page 15

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “Follow me,” he grabbed my hand and we headed down to the beach.

  “Okay, why are we here?” I looked around. Everyone on the beach was too far away from us.

  “This is the place where we fell asleep together,” he turned to me.

  “How do you know?” Quick to judge, I didn’t believe him.

  “Trust me?” he looked at me and I knew he was right.

  “Fine,” I sighed.

  “If you don’t stop me, I’m going to kiss you.” He was being completely honest.

  “Can’t say I shouldn’t stop you, but I’m not going to. Not anymore.” I was letting myself go. It was natural. He grabbed my waist and we just slipped into each other like a puzzle, we fit. I felt everything we had. Everything we could have.

  We weren’t a couple and I wasn’t sure we ever would be again, but one thing was for certain. We were bonded for life.


  “Honey, are you sure you want to do this?” my mom hugged me one last time at the airport terminal.

  “Yes, Mom. This is my dream. It’s what I want,” I smiled at her reassuringly.

  “Alright, well here. These are from Marlie and Justin,” my mom handed me two letters.

  “I’ll read them on the plane. Dad, I love you,” I reached out and hugged him tight.

  “Gonna miss you, baby girl.” I could hear his voice choke, holding back tears.

  “Squirt, give me a hug,” I smiled at Dillon.

  “Have fun,” he hugged me.

  “Oh, I will. Behave for Mom and Dad,” I squeezed him tight.

  “Yeah, whatever,” he played cool.

  “Alright, honey, you better get going. Call us when your flight lands. I love you bunches,” my mom squeezed me one last time.

  “Love you too, Mom. See you soon,” I smiled. This really sucked but at the same time I was happy.

  The plane ride wasn’t terrible. When I read the letters from Marlie and Justin I lost control and just bawled. I was going to miss them like crazy. I made my connecting flight on time, after I got lost for a good half hour and almost lost my cell phone. Once I arrived in New York, as I waited for my baggage I called my mom quickly letting her know I was okay and then texted Jake letting him know I would take a taxi to his place.

  I walked over to get my baggage when some punk ran right into me and knocked me right on my ass.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. Damn. I really wasn’t paying attention. Let me help you up,” he held out his hand.

  “No, it’s fine. Thanks,” I brushed the back of my pants.

  “I’m Jesse by the way.” He smiled at me and I barely even noticed how utterly sexy he was. I promised myself that this year, or at least this semester, was about me and only me.

  “Alice,” I held out my hand kindly.

  “Well nice to meet you, Liss. Need some help with your luggage?” he looked at all the huge suitcases surrounding me.

  “You don’t mind?” I felt rude for just being like ‘yeah, please, I really can’t do this by myself.’

  “No problem.” He took two of the bigger bags and went to call a taxi.

  “You really don’t have to do this for me.” I felt bad now.

  “No big deal, really. All I have is this tiny duffle bag. It’s the least I could do for basically crushing you,” he laughed.

  “Well, seems like a fair trade,” I watched his muscles flex as he put the rest of my suitcases in the trunk of the cab.

  “Looks like that’s it. I’ll see you around, Ali,” he grinned at me one last time before heading back into the building.

  I watched the city of New York pass by me as the taxi made its way through the traffic. The lights shined across the fabric on the seats and I felt like what I was doing was the right thing. I closed my eyes letting the energy sink into my body. I felt alive for the first time in my life. I’d been to New York before but never like this. We pulled up to Jake’s apartment building and he was sitting outside waiting for me.

  “Hey, Ali Cat,” he hugged me as I got out of the car.

  “Hey, you ready to use those muscles?” I watched the cab driver drag the luggage out of the trunk.

  “Sure am. Oh, sir, I got this,” he pulled out his wallet.

  “Jake, no, it’s fine. My parents are giving me money,” I tried to stop him but it was too late.

  “Alright, Ali Cat, let’s get you settled in.” We walked into the doors of the lobby and it was absolutely gorgeous.

  “Damn, I could get used to this,” I looked around as we walked into the elevator.

  “Just you wait,” he grinned.

  We walked to his door and he unlocked it, letting all the beauty flash my eyes. This was seriously like a castle only modern. Okay, so it wasn’t a castle, but it was beautiful. It’s like the places in Gossip Girl. Everything is so extravagant you almost think it’s just all made up.

  “What do you think?” he carried my bags in.

  “This place is, wow. Like, I feel like there’s some sort of catch. It’s magnificent!” I practically was squealing with joy.

  “Well, no catch. I’m just very well off,” his smirk stretched.

  “Oh yeah? Try rich. I’m the luckiest girl ever right now,” I hugged his waist.

  “Well I’m glad to see you like the place. I’ll show you to your room that you can stay in whenever you want.” We sauntered off further into the apartment.

  “This is my room? I honestly was expecting a tiny little cube,” I walked in and it was already all pre-furnished and decorated for me.

  “I thought I’d make the place more comfortable for when you got here,” he shrugged.

  “Well, aren’t you just thoughtful?” I turned, not knowing how close he had gotten and our lips nearly touched. Zap, I felt the electricity and he apparently did too. I just stood there not knowing if I should kiss him or not.

  “Well, um, I’ll leave you to unpack. You like pasta?” he cleared his throat nervously and took a step or two back.

  “Yeah, love it,” I grinned knowing that that was going to be dinner.

  “Alright, I’ll get started,” he smiled at me awkwardly one last time before walking to the kitchen.

  Sexual tension would swallow us whole and we’d end up giving in, regretting everything that we would do and then it would end in heartache. I just needed to be upfront and honest with him about everything. If something happened between us, we couldn’t let it mean anything. I wasn’t about to let some boy get in the way of my dreams. Not this time.

  “Time to eat,” he peaked in at my progress.

  “Alright, sounds good,” I grabbed my phone and followed behind him.

  “Smells great,” I inhaled the scents.

  “Well thanks. Let’s hope it tastes good,” he grinned. We ate in comfortable silence for a while before I thought it was appropriate to bring up our obvious sexual chemistry.

  “So, the night on the beach,” I started off slowly.

  “Look, I know what you’re thinking. I won’t get in your way, I promise. A kiss is just a kiss and nothing more. Don’t worry about it.” He stole my thoughts and spoke the words I was scared to speak.

  “Well then I’m glad we have an understanding. Whatever happens just happens and it doesn’t mean anything.” I finished the glass of coke he poured for me.

  “Exactly. You want a glass of wine?” He got up and went to his wine cooler.

  “I’d love one.” I felt so adult.

  “You still have that youthful charm. I’ve missed that about you.” He gave me a glass of white wine.

  “Well, thank you. I think.” I took a sip and it tasted amazing.

  “You like it?” he followed my pursuit and looked up at me.

  “Love it, thank you.” I kept eating my pasta and bread. The rest of dinner was mostly spent catching up or just in silence. I helped him clean up after and then went back to my room to unpack some more and check my e-mail.

  Tomorrow was move in day at the dorms. Jake cance
lled all his plans just to help me move in and get situated. You would have thought that I was used to being away from my parents like this because of that summer with Jake, but I wasn’t. I actually was really homesick already. Maybe it was because I wouldn’t see them at all until Thanksgiving break and that sucked.

  “Ali Cat, come on.” I had just started getting ready for bed when he popped his head in my room.

  “Holy shit! You scared me,” I basically jumped back onto my bed in just my bra and panties.

  “You might want to get some clothes on,” he chuckled.

  “Oh jeez, get out. What did you need anyway?” I threw a pillow at his face, struggling to put some clothes on.

  “Movie time. You and me,” he leaned against the door frame watching me somewhat clumsily put clothes on.

  “Here? I have to move in tomorrow and I want to check out some places to run first. I can’t tonight.” I felt bad because I really wanted to but I promised my parents I would be serious about this and that’s what I wanted for myself as well.

  “No, we’re going to a movie,” he grinned.

  “At midnight? No, I don’t think so, dude,” I walked over to him to close some distance between us.

  “It’s this movie called Burlesque. It’s not new but they’re offering a free viewing of it. Think of it as homework,” he winked.

  “I love that movie. I own it. Can’t we just watch it here or something?” I whinned a little.

  “No, this is going to be something special. Consider yourself lucky.” I knew he was hiding something from me. I just didn’t know what.

  “Fine, let me put on some jeans.” I went to close the door when he pulled my hips to his.

  “I won’t be able to resist you much longer,” his warm, soft breath grazed my neck and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin.

  “Not right now,” I tried to keep cool.

  “I want you,” his whispering words left me with chills.

  “What about the movie?” I gulped.

  “I lied. It was just an excuse to get your attention,” his voice was deep, seductive.

  “Don’t do this to me. Not the night before I move in,” I felt my body start to give in to his body.

  “I thought this stuff wouldn’t mean anything to you?” He let his hand graze itself down my arm slowly, painfully.

  “It doesn’t but my mind is already so crazy. I just can’t.” I felt my heart speed up and my skin heat up.

  “This would be perfect for letting your mind free.” His hand grazed my hip once again.

  “Jake,” I finally looked at him in the eyes and they were like a lion looking at his prey which only turned me on more.

  “Ali Cat,” he whispered, his lips barely touching the skin on my neck.

  “You’re making this whole resisting thing harder than it should be.” I felt myself slowly gain restraint.

  “Good,” he kissed my neck softly. And I lost all my power once again.

  “You’re crazy.” I couldn’t make myself say anything else.

  “Let’s be crazy together.” Some part of that had a special kind of meaning behind it but I didn’t have enough time to think the statement over before he had me on my bed half naked, yet again, with his lips all over my body.

  “Jake, no, not tonight. Any night but tonight,” I tried to catch my breath between his kisses.

  “Ali Cat, you’re a tough one to break,” he got off of me and handed me my shirt back while he put his on.

  “I’m sure you’ll get to me. I’m going to bed. You should take a cold shower,” I winked playfully at him.

  “You’re a tease,” he grunted jokingly and kissed my forehead.

  “Sleep tight, Ali Cat,” he looked back at me from the doorway.

  “You too, Jake,” I smiled sweetly.

  I woke up the next morning at 7, ready for a quick run. Jake wasn’t up yet so I took my spare key and snuck out quietly. He was on the couch for some reason, all snuggled up with a few pillows and a blanket. It was sweet to watch him sleep. Once I returned from my run, the smell of bacon entered my senses. I shut the door and walked down the hall to see Jake cooking breakfast in nothing but his boxers and damn, he looked good.

  “What’s all this?” I sat on the island in the middle of his kitchen.

  “What does it look like?” he laughed.

  “Breakfast.” I removed my zip-up to reveal nothing but a sports bra.

  “You’re smart. Put some clothes on before I get us in trouble,” he looked at my bare skin and I caught him bite his lip slightly.

  “It’s warm. I need to air out. Plus it’s too early to get into any trouble.” I hopped off of the island and went to pour myself a glass of water.

  “Trust me, 9:30 is not too early for me.” He wanted me and I decided I would flaunt it just a little until I gave in.

  “Shit, I gotta shower!” I chugged my glass of water quickly and ran to the bathroom.

  “Can I join?” he hollered after me.

  “Very funny.” I shut the door and started the shower. I had so much to do before my afternoon class started and staying over at his place didn’t help me get a head start either.

  I took a quick shower, shaved my legs and washed my hair. Once I was done getting ready and ate, I had to leave. Jake got my stuff all packed up, except for some spare clothes to keep here. ”Just in case” is what he said and then we headed off in his 2014 Nissan GTR. Yeah, fancy and a bit ridiculous, but I wasn’t going to complain.

  “Here we are, Ali Cat. Ready?” We got out of his car and started unloading my suitcases.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. I’ll go check in at registration real quick while you finish taking out my bags.” I walked off with my papers and my purse.

  “Watch it.” Some girl ran right into me.

  “Excuse me?” I scoffed.

  “You heard me. Look where you’re going.” She had the worst attitude.

  “There’s a better way of saying it than how you did. Your parents forget to teach you manners?” I put my hand on my hip.

  “You’re good. I’m sorry. Move in day…kinda crazy. I’m Jackie,” she held out her thin, pale hand.

  “Ali,” I laughed and shook her hand.

  “Where ya from, Ali?” she walked with me to registration as we got in line.

  “Originally Colorado, but I graduated from San Diego. What about you?” I looked at her long, black hair sitting in curls.

  “New York, greatest place around,” she grinned.

  “This is only my third time here and I’m scared as hell.” My honesty must have taken her by surprise or something.

  “Girl, don’t be afraid. This city will treat you nicely. Trust me, you have the look,” she smiled slightly.

  “I hope so,” I looked up at her.

  “Sorry, change of subject. Check out that hot piece of man meat with the suitcases. Dibs,” she pointed at the guy and I turned around to check him out. It was Jake.

  “Jake?” I laughed.

  “A little help?” he struggled with a bag.

  “Yeah, sure. I told you I was going to come back,” I grabbed one of the duffle bags and he let himself straighten out.

  “I got impatient,” he laughed.

  “So this must be your boyfriend?” Jackie reddened.

  “Oh no. Not my boyfriend. He’s a friend of mine from high school just helping me move in,” I tucked my bangs behind my ear. I knew he wasn’t mine but I didn’t want him to be Jackie’s either.

  “I’m Jackie,” she smiled and introduced herself.

  “Jake. You a freshman?” he made himself comfortable while I stayed in line.

  “Actually this is my second year here. Do you go here?” I didn’t know Jackie at all but I could tell she was hitting on him.

  “Hell no. I’m in the Marines actually.” She liked the sound of that.

  “I thought you were too muscular to be a dancer,” she giggled. Okay, Ali, turn off creeper mode and just ignore them.

nbsp; Once I got through registration, Jackie was basically glued to Jake’s arm and I felt way too bitter about it.

  “Jake, you still gonna help me move in?” I walked behind the two of them.

  “Of course, Ali Cat, let’s go. I’ll text you, Jackie,” he winked and I could practically see her panties soak. Disgusting.

  “You must really like her,” my attitude was seeping through.

  “Why does it bother you?” he smirked.

  “Shut up,” I rolled my eyes.

  “If it does, you can just tell me and I’ll back off.” I knew he wanted this win.

  “Nope, it’s completely fine with me,” I stuck my nose in the air.

  “Ali, you are such a stubborn girl,” he chuckled and we went to my dorm room where apparently I wouldn’t have a roommate. Great.

  “A stubborn, lonely girl. I don’t even have a roommate,” I dropped my bags and plopped on the bed.

  “You always have a place to stay, if you want,” he sat beside me.

  “I know. I guess I’m just really nervous and homesick,” I laid my head on his shoulder.

  “You’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll be here to make sure of that,” he kissed the top of my head. Usually I would say something, but it was comforting and I needed it.

  “You’re the best,” I hugged him.

  “Only for you,” he squeezed me tight before letting go.

  “Now get up. Time to turn this room into something fabulous,” he pranced around like a girl.

  “Very funny,” I got up and started for one of my bags.

  “Ali, the bathrooms are coed,” he picked up a sheet of paper and read it.

  “Yeah, I know that. So?” I put some pants in a drawer.

  “Well that means you share the same shower as a guy,” he looked concerned.

  “Jake, calm down. I know this. It’s not a big deal.” One bag down, four more to go.

  “I don’t like the sound of this at all.” Yep, he was getting jealous.

  “You’re getting jelly, aren’t you?” I laughed as I put on my bed spread and pillow cases.

  “No, I’m not.” Defensive. Totally jelly.

  “Yes you are. It’s very cute really,” I smirked at him.

  “Shut up. It’s no big deal. You got a handle on things here? I gotta run to my car quick.” He was pissed about the coed thing and my comfortability with it.


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