Waiting for Something

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Waiting for Something Page 19

by Whitney Tyrrell

  “How did you get this?” He was in pure shock.

  “Well, I know it’s your favorite and I may have pulled a few strings.” I was proud of the gift I gave him.

  “You’re absolutely perfect.” He held me in a long kiss.

  “Well take me home and I’ll show you how perfect I can be,” I gave him another longing kiss.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” He grabbed my hand and we headed home.

  Once we got settled in for the night at his apartment it started snowing and I was hoping it wouldn’t snow too much so he and his family would be able to leave tomorrow as planned. We cozied up on the couch and watched the snow outside his window as his electric fireplace was going.

  “You know, this is like the fairytales,” I whispered as I laid on his chest.

  “It really is,” he whispered back.

  “But you know, most fairytales are rated G,” I was trying to get to the sex part.

  “Oh and ours isn’t?” he played along.

  “Nope.” I kissed his neck.

  “Well then, Miss Burns, prepare yourself for a little grey.” He was referring to the ever-so-popular book trilogy 50 Shades of Grey.

  “That was…” I trailed off.

  “Amazing,” he finished and I nodded in agreement.

  “Best sex ever,” I snuggled back onto his chest.

  “You’re telling me. Where’d you learn how to do that?” Jake, I thought to myself.

  “I have no idea,” I laughed a little.

  “Well I hope you enjoyed the ride,” he played with my hair.

  “I enjoyed it six times.” Yes, I was referring to my orgasms.

  “Go me,” he joked.

  “Oh yes, go you,” I let out a long breath of air.

  “What time is it?” He looked for his phone and I grabbed mine from the dresser.

  “Midnight already? What time does your flight take off?” I set my phone beside me.

  “Well, my flight takes off at ten and I have to leave here around nine or a little earlier. We should probably get some sleep.” He reached over and set his alarm on my phone.

  “You want me to stay over?” This would be the first time I ever stayed overnight.

  “Yeah, of course. I’m going to get a glass of water and get ready real quick.” He kissed me and got out of bed, sliding his boxers on.

  “You know this is our first overnight together?” I got up and put on his tshirt from earlier.

  “I know. Merry Christmas,” he grinned and went to the kitchen while I headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

  After we both were ready for bed we crawled in and got cozy with each other. I couldn’t help but think of the summer I dated Jake and how every night was like this. I felt so domesticated at such a young age. That’s why I pushed him away the way I did. I noticed three things about Jesse that evening. One, he’s a bed hog. Two, he snores loudly. And three, he’s not Jake.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” I felt a soft kiss on my forehead.

  “Morning.” My voice was all groggy.

  “Not a morning person?” he smirked.

  “What do you think?” I groaned.

  “Well up and at ‘em. I have breakfast made,” he opened the blinds.

  “Ew, sunlight,” I covered my eyes out of instinct.

  “Get up,” he pulled the covers off of me and I still didn’t move.

  “Alright, you left me no choice.” Before I knew it, he gripped my sides and swung me over his shoulder.

  “Jesse, c’mon, this is not cool. A girl needs time to wake up,” I whined as he walked down the hall.

  “I gave you plenty of time. I have bacon and pancakes,” he sat me on his barstool.

  “Coffee?” I felt myself wake up more.

  “Of course,” he grinned and poured me a cup.

  “What time is it even?” He gave me a made-up plate.

  “It’s a little bit before 8.” He watched me take a bite.

  “You’re kidding?” I moaned again.

  “Oh quit it. I wanted to spend time with you before I left. I also have a towel set out in the bathroom for you and a new toothbrush. I always buy the two packs. They actually come in handy now.” He took a drink of his coffee.

  “You’re so sweet,” I took another bite of the bacon.

  “So am I good at cooking?” he watched my reactions.

  “Yes, very. I haven’t had pancakes in so long,” I poured some syrup on the fluffy cakes.

  “Well I’m glad you’re pleased. I’m gonna finish getting ready,” he kissed me on the cheek and headed back to the bedroom.

  I was seriously the happiest girl in the world and the luckiest for that matter. But I couldn’t help but feel the gnawing sensation in my gut that craved Jake still. I’m so stupid. I finished eating, cleaned up my mess, got ready and before I knew it, it was time for Jesse to leave.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave.” My arms were wrapped around his waist.

  “Trust me, I wish I didn’t have to either. I’ll text you when I get in.” He kissed my lips softly.

  “You better.” I kissed him back.

  “I love you.” This was a first. I looked at him in the eyes and I could tell he meant it. I didn’t know what to say. I had strong feelings for him, but love? I wasn’t sure.

  “You too,” I let the words just flutter out and I felt like such an idiot.

  “Well I better get going. See you in a few weeks.” We kissed one last time and he was gone.

  After I took my final, I headed back to the dorms to see if Jackie was around. I hadn’t thought about what happened this morning really and I didn’t want to. With my finals and going home in a few days I was so scattered and on top of that my boyfriend told me he loved for the first time and all I had to say was “you too.”

  “Jackie, thank God you’re here. So, major news.” I took my shoes off and plopped on the bed beside her.

  “Well welcome home to you too,” she laughed and sat up.

  “Sorry, I just gotta get your opinion. Jesse told me he loved me.” Her jaw nearly dropped.

  “That’s a first for him. Especially since you two have only dated for like a month.” She put her magazine down.

  “I know. That’s why I’m so shocked.” I didn’t know what to think of this.

  “Well what did you say back?” She was going to laugh.

  “You too,” I mumbled and she giggled.

  “Oh, honey, that wasn’t the best idea you’ve ever had.” She put her arm around me.

  “I know. That’s why I’m so mortified,” I slouched a little.

  “Just don’t worry about it. You two both started this not too long ago. Give the few weeks he’ll be gone some time and I’m sure it’ll work out,” she rubbed my back.

  “You think that’ll actually work?” I looked at her.

  “Yes, I do. You’re going home for break anyway. You’ll do other things to keep your mind off this. Seriously, don’t worry.” She wasn’t just saying all of this to make me shut up. Jackie is always honest.

  “Fine. You wanna go grab some coffee?” I forced a smile.

  “I’d love to but I actually gotta get going,” she sat up and slipped on her boots.

  “Where are you going?” I felt kind of slided.

  “On a date. With a normal guy.” She stuck her tongue out at me when I looked surprised.

  “Well, looks like I did get through to you a little,” I chuckled.

  “Shut up. For real, though, how do I look?” To be honest, Jackie always looked great.

  “Like always, fabulous. Have fun. Make sure to give me all the details.” I watched her open the door.

  “I’m going to be on my best behavior,” she winked at me and left closing the door behind her.

  Since that awkward day, I have now finished my first semester of college and I’m on my way home, finally. Jesse texted me when he got in but we’ve barely talked since. He gets charged for every text. My parents are ex
cited for me to come home and so is Marlie. She won’t stop texting me. When I got off the plane my parents were standing there with my brother by their side, even though I don’t think he could have cared less. He was too busy on his phone.

  “Is this all he does? I swear when I left he was doing the same thing,” I laughed as I hugged my parents.

  “We’re very proud,” my mom joked.

  “Now, sweetheart, he’s very intelligent. Just much too busy for his family,” my dad joked back.

  “Seriously, guys? Stop.” Dillon looked up and rolled his eyes.

  “Well at least I know he speaks.” And as he scowled, I saw a smirk form in the corner of his mouth.

  “So, kiddo, we’re having the gang over tonight for a little Christmas break party,” my dad talked to me from the front seat.

  “Dad, as much as I love you, I’d appreciate it if you talked like an actual human being,” I laughed.

  “Ah, c’mon, you guys still think those words are cool.” He tried to act cool.

  “No, Dad, just stop,” I put my hand up in a joking matter.

  “As your dad was saying, we’re having some of your friends over tonight sort of as a welcome home thing.” My mom grabbed my dad’s hand and they grinned at each other. I wanted a love like that.

  “Who’s all going to be there?” As much as I should be hoping they wouldn’t say Jake, I was really hoping they’d say his name.

  “Marlie and Justin, of course, Carter and then I believe Jake said he’d be able to make it.” My mom didn’t even realize how much she just made my heart skip.

  “Sounds like fun.” I knew this would be an interesting night.

  “Oh, looks like Marlie got here a little early.” My dad stopped the car and shut off the engine.

  “Marlie!” I really did miss her so much.

  “Ali!” she hugged me tight.

  “I’ve missed you so much and oh my gosh! I’m so excited for you.” I grabbed her hand and looked at the gorgeous ring on her finger.

  “Nice job, dude,” I hugged Justin.

  “I tried,” he smiled.

  “Trust me, I’m sure you did,” I laughed.

  “So when’s the wedding? I know it’s June but what’s the exact date?” We walked up to the house.

  “We decided on June 28th. While you’re here I planned a day to go wedding dress shopping and also look for bridesmaids’ dresses. I hope you don’t mind.” I could tell she was excited and so incredibly in love with Justin.

  “Of course! I would be honored to come with.” We walked into the house and there sat the two boys who have put me through the ringer.

  “Marlie,” I glared at her.

  “Sorry. I told Justin you would be upset.” I could tell she felt bad.

  “Well this is a surprise,” my mom smiled awkwardly as they piled in behind me with my luggage.

  “We’ll go out back and start the grill.” My dad guided my mom and brother outside.

  “Surprise!” Carter got up and as goofy as he looked, he really was happy to see me.

  “Hey, bud, how are you doing?” I hugged him and I could tell what was going to happen next. He lifted me up and spun me around quickly.

  “I’m good. Missed you.” He put me down and his smile reached his eyes.

  “Hi, Jake,” I looked at him over Carter’s shoulder.

  “Ali Cat.” All he did was sit there and nod his head. Really? What an ass.

  “Um, Carter, wanna come out back with Marlie and me?” Justin was now trying to save them all.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” I could tell Carter was finally over me. The way he hugged me, it was just different.

  “What the hell is your deal?” I let the yarn unravel.

  “Nothing. Where’s Jesse?” He took a sip of the drink he had.

  “Why does that matter? Did you just expect me to sit around and wait for you? You broke my heart, Jake! I thought we had a chance of making this work and then you decided to stay here? For good reason, but to just leave me like that with no warning? That was cold, Jake.” We slowly began to close the distance between us.

  “You know, Ali Cat, it’s funny. See, you said you would talk to me when you were ready. Well by the time you were ready, it was a little too late, so maybe you should’ve given us the chance while you could.” Our bodies were nearly touching now and I could feel the steam boil within.

  “Wow, you’ve really got some nerve, you know that?” I felt my chest puff out.

  “You don’t think I haven’t died every day not being with you?” His anger was now being fueled by actual pain and I felt my heart start to ache.

  “Wow, real original. Where’d you get that from? The back of a cereal box?” I scoffed.

  “You know what? Whatever. You’re going to be what you want to be,” he held up his hands in defeat.

  “So you’re giving up on us?” I felt myself try to pull him back.

  “Why would you care anyways, Ali Cat? You have Jesse. I’m not even important enough to text until Marlie tells you about me.” Ouch. That hurt, but it was true.

  “You’re right, Jake. I’ve been awful during this too.” I felt my guilt start rise.

  “I don’t want you to feel sorry. Just know you were in the wrong too.” He started to close the distance between us yet again.

  “I am sorry because I know what I did was wrong. I didn’t want to hurt you but I didn’t want to hurt myself either so I just ignored the problem,” my voice got soft.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay and you’re definitely okay,” he made me look into his eyes.

  “I guess,” I sighed and looked away.

  “What do you mean?” His face was perplexed.

  “Well, he told me he loved and all I said was ‘you too.’” I felt embarrassed telling this sort of thing to Jake.

  “’You too?’ Ah c’mon, Ali Cat, even I’m better than that,” he started to laugh a little.

  “Stop laughing! It’s not funny,” I shoved him a little.

  “Don’t you start with me, little lady,” he pointed his finger at me.

  “Okay, Grandpa,” I mocked him.

  “Ha ha. So have you two done it?” he joked and slapped his arm.

  “That’s none of your business,” I was only half joking around.

  “Bet he’s not as good as me.” He was right.

  “You’re right, he’s not,” I watched his eyes widen a little. Now he was intrigued.

  “So I’m the best you’ve ever had?” He wanted more. This was his game.

  “I don’t know. You tell me.” Oh shit. The words slipped out and I just thought of the things he could say in return.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.” His devilish grin hinted that he wasn’t done torturing me.

  “I’m going outside,” I headed toward the doors in the back where everyone was sitting around with drinks.

  “Hey, honey. You want take a turn at the grill?” My dad was a nerd.

  “Nope, I’m good. Hey, Marlie, wanna take a walk?” My eyes dug into her.

  “Yes, yes a walk sounds great.” She kissed Justin quickly and scurried off with me.

  “You have to keep me away from Jake as much as possible,” I didn’t beat around the bush.

  “Okay, hello to you too. Why’s that?” The waves from the beach were making it chilly.

  “I can’t cheat on Jesse and that’s exactly what I’ll do if I let myself around Jake alone.” I had to be honest with myself.

  “Yes, ma’am. You’ll be too busy with family and me to even notice Jake.” Good ol’ Marlie. I could always count on her.

  “Why do I let him tempt me?” We made our back to the house.

  “Can I be completely honest with you?” This was going to hurt.

  “As much as I don’t want you to be, yes, please.” We walked up the steps to my back porch.

  “You still have feelings for him and no matter how hard you try to not have feelings for him you always wil
l.” And with that we walked inside where everyone was sitting around waiting for us.

  “Alright, everyone, who wants to say grace?” my dad set the fruit salad on the table.

  “If you don’t mind, everyone, I’d like to say something,” Jake surprised us all.

  “Wonderful, go ahead, Jake,” my mom bowed her head.

  “Dear Lord, thank you for the friends and family we are blessed with today and also for this delicious smelling food. Amen.” Short but it was sweet and it was something. He doesn’t talk much at these things.

  “This steak is amazing,” Justin took a bite.

  “Thank you. You want to know the trick?” My dad had a little bit of hippy in his jeans so I had to say it.

  “Peace and love?” I snickered.

  “Nope, Lawry,” he smiled.

  “You are so weird,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m your dad. That’s my job and I’m not some hippy either,” he obviously caught on to my joke.

  “Uh, sorry, Mr. Burns, but you kind of are,” Marlie laughed.

  After dinner me, Marlie and my mom were in the kitchen while the guys watched a game on the tv in the “man cave.”

  “So, Marlie, made any big plans for the wedding yet?” my mom started conversation.

  “Not really. We have a date set and Justin and I asked Ali and Jake to be our number ones. Besides that, it’s still unsettled. I’m hoping to get a lot done over break.” She handed me a plate to dry.

  “I didn’t know Jake was the best man. I thought maybe Carter would be,” I kind of shot her a look.

  “He was but Carter said he’d be better off as a groomsman, so he’s second in command,” she shot me another look.

  “Well they are both fine young men. Speaking of which, Ali, how’s Jesse? Did his flight go alright?” Oh yeah, Jesse. I forgot about him.

  “Um, yeah, they got in just fine. He’s having a great time,” I faked a smile.

  “Well that’s good. I hope he’ll get a chance to meet us soon.” My mom, always pushy.

  “Over spring break, I promise,” I rolled my eyes yet again.

  “Alright, all finished,” my mom turned off the sink and dried her hands.

  “Finally. Why don’t we ever use our nice dishwasher?” I looked over and there sat our dishwasher, lonely as ever.

  “Because the dishes get cleaner this way,” she lectured me.


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