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Four Mercenaries - The Complete Collection

Page 34

by K. A. Merikan

  Jacob rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, the lion. I’ll go check up on your friend. What’s his name?”

  Boar quickly filled in the details while Clover just stood there, jittery with the mix of emotions inside of him. He was filled with so much glee at hearing Tank introduce him as his boyfriend that even the reopened wound of Jerry’s betrayal was stitching itself.

  Drake slow-clapped as soon as Jacob chased the police chief into the station. “Finally out and proud. Should the rest of us feel snubbed?”

  Tank groaned, but his body language was slightly more relaxed. “Very funny.”

  Clover hugged Tank, running his hands up the muscular back of his giant. “Is this good or bad? I don’t want you to be in trouble.”

  Tank’s mouth twisted, but he pulled Clover into the safety of his chest. “We used to have a difficult relationship. He’s trying to reach out, but it’s still hard to get round to it. So maybe this is a good thing I don’t know.”

  Drake stepped closer and patted Tank’s shoulder. “It’ll be fine.”

  Jacob left the station five minutes later and approached them with a smile. “All set. The chief says the cop who got wounded needs to okay this when he’s back from the hunt, but your friend should be out within two hours.

  Tank stiffened when his brother gave him a brief hug. “Thanks. I really appreciate this. I’ll try to avoid waking you up next time.”

  Jacob snorted. “I’ve got a day off tomorrow, so I guess it’ll be an excuse to stay in bed until midday.”

  “Just don’t let your kids out.” Clover said, but flushed at the silence that ensued. “You know, because of the lion.”

  But Jacob just laughed. “Yep, another reason to stay indoors. Keep in touch, Adam. And visit Grandma.”

  Goodbyes didn’t take long, since Jacob likely couldn’t wait to slide back into bed, but even once the rear lights of his vehicle disappeared from sight, Tank’s arm stayed where it was, on Clover’s shoulders. Heavy and warm, a physical sign that he was no longer angry. Or at least not angry enough to avoid physical touch.

  Boar yawned very loudly. “It’s a long night. How about we go to that gas station we passed on the way here and get some coffee?”

  Clover opened his mouth, but Drake spoke first.

  “You want something, guys? I could use stretching my legs.”

  Clover smiled and pressed his head against Tank’s shoulder. “Something sweet.”

  Tank shrugged. “I could use something to eat. Jerky might be nice. You know what I like.”

  Boar smiled and zipped up his hoodie. “Okay, we’ll be back in half an hour, or so.”

  “Get something for Pyro too,” Tank added before climbing back into the van.

  Boar started walking backward and spread his arms. “Duh!”

  Clover was already in the van when he remembered the reason for them being stuck here. “But the lion—”

  Drake shook his head and waved at him. “We’ll be fine.”

  The farther away Drake and Boar were, the more intense the silence between him and Tank became, thickening like burnt caramel that had been left to cool for too long. Clover couldn’t bear it any longer.

  “I’m ruining everything for you tonight.”

  Tank exhaled and shut the rear door, locking them in near-perfect darkness. “Why do you think so?” he asked in a steady voice.

  “I didn’t listen to you, I was all over you when your brother came, I basically attacked Pete, or whatever his name really was. I’m such a mess.” Clover shuddered at the memory of the sound Pete’s body made when the truck hit it. Had that been his fault too?

  Tank remained still at first, but his warm hand found Clover’s thigh in the darkness. “Don’t worry about Jacob. He’s harmless. And reads me better than I’m comfortable with,” he eventually whispered, and when Clover’s eyes got used to the darkness, the slight smile on Tank’s face became a beacon of hope that maybe this night wasn’t a complete failure.

  “So you’re not worried about your family’s reaction? I know Boar had to leave home once his family found out about him.” Clover eagerly straddled Tank’s lap. “It was nice to hear you saying that I’m your boyfriend though.”

  Tank rested his forehead on Clover’s shoulder and loosely put his arms around him. “I’m an adult man. My family can either agree with my choices or not. We did have a bit of a breakup over this, but they’d come around since then, I guess.”

  “They don’t know what you actually do for a living, do they?”

  Clover enjoyed being hidden in the darkness like this, with Tank’s broad arms keeping him safe, and his coarse hair tickling Clover’s neck. He kissed the side of Tank’s head. The past few days had been filled with tension, so he appreciated this opportunity to reconnect. Tank’s stubbornness originated from good intentions when it came to trying to keep Clover safe, and it couldn’t have been easy for him to bend. Clover appreciated that he did, even if the job ended up in such a disaster.

  Tank’s hand moved over Clover’s back, but he was no longer tense, as if the privacy offered by the van finally let him unwind and forget all the stress that had been plaguing him recently. “They think I do private security. Which is partially true, I guess. Why, do you want to go?”

  Clover’s heart skipped a beat, and he hugged Tank tightly. “If it wasn’t too uncomfortable for you, I would very much want to meet them one day. You know I don’t have family other than you guys. And it feels great to be your boyfriend. Your boy. You always stand by me. Even when I do the stupidest shit. I appreciate it, Daddy.” He bowed his head to kiss Tank on the lips, encouraged by the big hands sliding to his ass. Falling into Tank was so easy he couldn’t help himself.

  Tank gasped into his lips. “Possessive, aren’t we, boy?”

  Clover smiled. “Just a bit. I’m always torn between testing your patience and being the obedient boy you want.” He was definitely obedient when under Tank, so it had to count for something.

  “Keeping me on my toes. I think it makes you even naughtier,” Tank said, cupping Clover’s ass more firmly, but he tilted back his head to deepen their kiss, teasing the rim of Clover’s mouth with his tongue. There was a hint of mint to his taste, still lingering from the gum he’d chewed earlier.

  Clover opened his lips like he always did for Tank. Even when they fought, Tank’s dominant, authoritative presence did something to Clover. He couldn’t help it. Tank’s scent made his knees weaken, reminding Clover of the proficient way with which Tank manhandled him in bed. Hell, even during wrestling practice Clover would often get too excited to continue, and he’d have to get the arousal out of his system before they could carry on.

  He had no doubt it was a point of pride for Tank, because he never complained about it even if the teasing was merciless.

  “What are you gonna do about it?” Clover whispered.

  Tank’s breath was warm on his lips, and his energy already sent shivers up and down Clover’s body. “I think you need to do some groveling for the way you’ve acted tonight,” he said, squeezing Clover’s ass. They were already shifting, and Clover tightened his grip on Tank’s neck when they rolled to the yoga mat, with Clover spread out under his man and ready to grovel with his entire body.

  Tank’s weight was already sending a thrill of anticipation down Clover’s spine. “At least it wasn’t me who opened the door for the lion…”

  Tank ran his fingers down Clover’s neck, making his breath hitch. “I figured you wouldn’t have disobeyed me that much, boy.”

  He squeezed his hand in Clover’s hair and probed his lips again, this time deeper, licking along Clover’s tongue while he gradually settled on top, immobilizing Clover. Clover wanted to help his Daddy forget about all the trouble he’d had to handle, even if just for half an hour.

  “What if I did? You know I like to stick my fingers where I shouldn’t.” He watched Tank’s face in the darkness, his intense dark eyes, and the thick eyebrows. Tank was such a handsome man, an
d he’d chosen Clover of all people, even though he had to share him. Then again, if anything, Tank seemed happy with their arrangement, as if the presence of other partners only made their time together sweeter.

  Tank’s teeth tightened on Clover’s lips. The force wasn’t enough to draw blood but created substantial pressure that sent a hot sensation to Clover’s dick, making it grow between their bodies. “Then you’ll have to make it up to Daddy.”

  Clover swallowed, hotter by the second as Tank massaged his neck with fingers that could easily crush it. “I would do anything for you, Daddy,” he whispered.

  “Turn around, boy,” Tank said in a deeper voice, and lifted himself on his elbows just enough to offer space for movement.

  Clover couldn’t have been more eager. He’d stood up to Tank many times. About things both important and petty, but when Tank got like this, expecting absolute submission, Clover’s brain became mush, and he regressed to being a hormone-infused teen wanting to please his crush in any way he was asked to.

  “Good,” Tank rasped, blowing hot air on Clover’s nape. “Pants down. I want to see your pretty ass. Show it to me.”

  Clover whimpered but couldn’t have lowered his jeans and underwear any faster. The foam yoga mat felt weird against his stiffening cock, but all he cared about was reconnecting with Tank.In a meeting of bodies, all the resentment and anger were gone from the air, replaced by urgency.

  Tank laughed and pushed his hand under Clover’s T-shirt, rubbing all over his back before moving lower, much lower. “We don’t have that much time, boy, but you’ll still get to satisfy me.”

  “I want that, please. You know I’m always open to you.” Clover’s heart beat like mad, but he meant every word. He reached back to spread his asscheeks for Tank, his forehead pressed to the mat. He craved Tank’s stiff cock inside him. He wanted to get it fast and hard until they were both a sweaty mess. He needed Tank to know that even if they sometimes disagreed, it never changed the way Clover felt.

  Tank grunted softly, squeezing Clover’s ass, but his touch was soon gone, and Clover arched his back when he heard the condom wrapper break. He loved it when his men left their cum inside him, but this wasn’t the right moment for it. Daddy thought about every detail, always concerned about Clover’s comfort. It was such a sweet aspect of their relationship that Clover didn’t even mind the pain left behind by punishments, because at the end of the day, every single one had taught him a lesson.

  “I can barely see your hole in this light. I might need to refresh my memory of how it looks later. What do you think, boy?”

  “Yes, Daddy. Just tell me when, and I’ll be ready for you.” There was such a profound lightness in his head from obeying Tank’s commands. He’d spent most of his life fending for himself, avoiding predators, avoiding older men for the precise reason that he was afraid they would use him. Afraid of their strength despite being excited by it. But he was safe with Tank, and that made him free to agree to anything his man wanted.

  The big hand kneading his buttock pushed a mewl out of Clover’s lips, and he reached back to stroke the thick forearms. Tank wasn’t the hairiest guy Clover had ever met, but the dark strands were a prominent feature on his arms and stomach. Short and thick, they announced to Clover he was dealing with someone older than himself. Someone with more experience. Someone who would take on all responsibility just so that Clover could relinquish it.

  He wasn’t ready for the drizzle of cold lube, but Tank wasn’t in the business of warming it up when there was so little time to spare. And then, instead of a probing finger, Tank’s cockhead slid into the pool of slick goo, rubbing it along Clover’s crack.

  “I’m ready now. Hope you’re too boy, because they can come back at any moment,” Tank whispered, pushing him down with one hand.

  Clover spread his thighs as much as his lowered jeans allowed. Tank’s cock would be a tight fit, but he wasn’t afraid. He wanted Tank on top, sliding that thick cock in and out of him at a pace that made breathing impossible.

  “Yes, I’ll milk you, Daddy,” he whispered, cheeks on fire.

  “Love you like this,” Tank murmured, biting down on Clover’s ear as his dick demanded entrance. “Pliant, hot for me, and without a word of complaint.”

  Clover shivered and clenched his fingers around Daddy’s hand when Tank thrust with his hips, breaching the sphincter with a low moan. He loved Tank’s cock. Cut, with a pronounced head, it was a thing of beauty, and looked even longer thanks to the fact that Tank trimmed.

  “You okay, boy? My cock not too much for you?”

  Clover caught desperate breaths as Tank sank into his throbbing ass. “No, it’s perfect, Daddy.”

  Tank rocked into him, settling his weight on top. “Good, because I can’t have you screaming in here, so close to the police station. Understand, boy? You need to bite your tongue no matter how greedy you are for my dick.”

  Clover whimpered in reply, but then Tank put his massive hand over the bottom of Clover’s face, silencing him with ease.

  “Good boy. Taking all of my cock. Your ass feels so good. Clench on my dick, boy.”

  The thick rod pulsed inside Clover and made him brainless, but even in moments like this he would follow orders and squeezed Tank’s cock with his ass.

  “That’s it.” Tank left a surprisingly tender kiss on Clover’s ear. “Show me how much you love it inside.”

  Clover’s flesh was frantic with lust. Even the rubbery smell of the mat couldn’t spoil the experience. Clover focused on his lover and the way his hard dick drove in over and over.

  He did love Tank’s cock inside him, even though the stretch bordered on pain tonight. It somehow only made him feel more devoted to this man who protected him but also demanded obedience in return. Clover was soon lost in his own reality under Tank’s weight as the man fucked him harder by the second, gasping and whispering the filthiest things into his ear while holding down Clover’s wrists. Clover wouldn’t have closed his legs even if he could.

  Tank made his final thrusts matter, making them harsh and merciless, as if they were meant to be in stark contrast to the gentle kisses pressed to the back of Clover’s head. “That’s it, take my whole load, boy,” he whispered. He settled on top of Clover, his breathing fast and raspy, but when he stilled, Clover imagined that thanks to him, Tank had relaxed.

  They lay in silence in the dark van, and Tank seemed so peaceful Clover wouldn’t dare complain about his own cock begging for attention. He would be a good boy and wait for his turn.

  When Tank slowly backed out, Clover looked over his shoulder, still burning on the inside, even though his man was no longer stabbing into his hole. Tank didn’t say a word, just sat back on his heels and asked Clover to face him. It took a bit of scrambling, but Tank must have gotten impatient, because once Clover was on his back, he pulled on Clover’s legs, forcing them over his shoulders. With fingers tight on Clover’s thighs to hold him in place, he leaned down and took Clover’s pre-cum-dripping cock into his mouth.

  It only took a couple of seconds. Clover came, eyes rolling back, grasping at air as Tank swallowed his load.

  He was still riding the wave of pleasure when Tank playfully smacked his ass. “You were supposed to stay quiet, boy,” he said, but there was no malice in his voice.

  Clover groaned, rolling his head over the foamy mat, without much energy for anything beyond that. “Sowwy…” It came out as a slur, but Clover couldn’t force himself to speak with more clarity. His ass was tender, his whole body sated with both physical pleasure and the knowledge that Tank was no longer angry

  They were quick to put their clothes in order though, and by the time Drake and Boar arrived with bags of snacks and coffee for everyone, they’d even managed to air out the van.

  “You look well-rested,” Boar chirped as he handed Clover a bag of chocolates.

  “Yeah, you know, we took our time relaxing,” Clover said, leaning close to Tank, who’d already started chewing on hi
s jerky. So maybe they still didn’t see eye to eye about everything, but their emotional closeness was as strong as ever, and that was all that mattered.

  Drake cleared his throat and turned to face the police station, drawing everyone’s attention to Pyro, who walked down the steps in front of it with his shoulders squared, as if he were ready to get right back to action.

  “I hear the boys here got a visit from a certain someone related to another certain someone,” he said, falling straight into Boar’s arms as soon as he was close enough.

  Tank shook his head. “They wouldn’t have needed to if you didn’t agitate a cop. We’ve had enough trouble on our hands already.”

  Pyro waved it off and patted Tank’s shoulder. “Ah, come on, it all ended up fine. Let’s get going. What’s our next target? ‘Cause I’m sure you’ve worked out that much in the meanwhile.”

  Tank swallowed and stared at him with a serious expression. “That Darwin? He’s got the same number as the guy who sold Clover to Riggs. I say we move our asses to Arizona and investigate.”

  Pyro’s nostrils widened along with his smile, the tattooed flames on his brows lowered, and he rubbed his hands with an expression of predatory glee. “Sounds like fun.”

  Clover glanced at Tank, unsure where they stood, because last time they’d discussed the possibility of him tagging along, the conversation had ended in limbo.

  He entwined his fingers with Tank’s. “And I can come?” This time, he posed it as a question, ready to accept his fate and trust that Daddy knew better.

  Even Pyro shut his mouth for once, though it might have had something to do with Boar’s hand tightening on his arm.

  Tank’s forehead wrinkled, as if he were given a question of so much more weight, but at least he didn’t pull away from Clover. “We’d be practically hand-delivering you to the guy who’s trying to find you for some pervert!”

  “But if they worked out who we are, the house would be the first place to look. You really think leaving him alone there is such a good idea?” Drake asked, and this time, it was also more of a counterargument than a demand against Tank’s wishes.


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