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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

Page 4

by Ashley Love

  "Mmm!" I moaned excitedly, ducking down and sucking hard on the head of his cock. Marcus gasped, shaking, and kept stroking, making my head shake as I hung on. I sucked out his pre-cum, finding it going from sweet and thin to bitter and thick.

  "Oh, fuck, baby, suck it out! Swallow my cum, girl! Fucking swallow my—gahhhh!!!"

  He pressed his other hand to the back of my head, jacking his shaft frantically. His cum gushed in my mouth, watery spurts of tart fluid that coated my tongue and shot to my throat. I moaned as I tasted it, and sucked desperately, slathering my gooey tongue all around the tip of his spitting dick.

  I swallowed, then swallowed again, trying to catch all of Marcus' cream. Some of it overflowed my mouth and ran down my chin, dripping onto my abdomen and trickling into my pubic hair. I pushed my mouth down further, feeling my lips stretched by his girth, and worked my jaw like I was chewing his dick. Marcus slapped both hands against the wall and moaned loudly, letting me suck him for as long as I wanted.

  I don't know how long I savored the taste and feel of Marcus' cock. I could have sucked on the thing all night, if he wanted. I felt it getting soft in my mouth, leaking out a little last bit of salty sperm that I lapped up. My entire mouth was wet and sticky by the time he finally pulled back.

  "Goddamn, baby," he breathed, touching his flaccid penis. He chuckled. "That was so fucking sexy. Thanks, gorgeous."

  I grinned up at him. "No, thank you," I said, licking my lips. "And thanks for the boots."

  Still tasting Marcus' pungent sauce in my mouth, I walked out of the back room several minutes later, carrying my new boots. I passed a couple of shop girls my age, who gave me dirty looks. Doubtless, they had heard the goings-on in the back room. Maybe they were jealous. Maybe they just thought I was a slut. I figured their reactions were a mixture of both.

  I couldn't have cared less. I got what I wanted.


  It amazes me now, when I think of it, how easily and boldly I plied my new trade. The mall was a big one, split-level with more than a hundred and eighty shops, offering everything from music and movies to soap and perfume. Pretty much anything I wanted was right there in the mall. And all I had to do was open up and say 'ahhh.'

  "Can I help you with something, miss?"

  "Oh, I'm just looking for some DVDs. I really wanna expand my collection."

  "Well, what are you interested in?"

  "I'm interested in making a deal..."

  Smack! Smack! Slurp! Suck! Mmmmm...gulp!

  In hindsight, I was probably a little too forward, too obvious. I might have gained the attention of the night owl cops who worked security. But I never did, no matter how many dicks I sucked.

  My mouth earned me everything from silk sheets and shower curtains to cheap electronics and even a microwave oven. Now and then, I was given cash. The only time I ever paid for anything was when I went shopping for makeup and underwear, since those stores and departments were usually staffed by women.

  I didn't worry about the ramifications or morality of what I was doing. I had become a new woman, and I loved every moment I spent on my knees. Often, I would strip to my waist when I could, and I was surprised at how many guys were turned on by my puffies. Sometimes, they would want to suck my tits, but usually, they just wanted to grope them while I went to work on their dick.

  And now and then, as with Marcus, and if I felt comfortable doing so, I'd show off my pussy and either masturbate for a guy before blowing him, or, on occasion, enjoy the pleasures of his fingers and tongue.

  More than once, I was all but begged to go all the way. One guy even went so far as to push me down on the floor in the storeroom of a sporting goods store and try to shove his dick inside me. I kept telling him 'no' over and over, but he just laughed and told me he'd pay me more to fuck me. He almost did it, too, before I kicked him in the balls and elbowed his nose. Afterward, I was aware of how close I had come to losing my virginity, and decided that I would be more careful with my tricks.

  I didn't go a single day without getting at least one dick in my mouth. I had my favorites, guys I saw regularly when they had something to offer, guys like Marcus who always rewarded my carnal efforts with something they knew I wanted. There was Doug in the DVD store, who tripled my film collection by giving me any ten movies each time I saw him, and Randy at the bed and bath place who supplied me with sheets, silk pillows, and little trinkets for my bathroom.

  And then there was Sean.

  I had almost forgotten about the sexy older man, the married man with his hunter green Jag who had never gotten off from a blow job before he met me. About two weeks after our first time together, I was home on a Thursday night, having given up my shift to another server at work in order to study for mid-terms. I was doing well in all my classes except Economics, and I was determined to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA.

  My cell buzzed in my purse, sitting on the couch in my tiny apartment. I ignored it at first, then got up and grabbed it when it buzzed again a few minutes later. The number wasn't a number I recognized. I frowned, answering the phone.



  "Yeah. Who's this?"

  "'s Sean. You remember me?"

  I smiled. "Of course I do," I said. "What's up?"

  He laughed. "Well, I am," he said, then checked himself. "Sorry. Th-that was kind of rude."

  I giggled. "Not really."

  "I'd like to see you again," he said. I heard some muffled sounds of traffic in the background, figured he was driving. "Do you, uh, have some time tonight?"

  I thought about it for about half a second. My brain hurt from all the studying. I realized I needed a diversion. And Sean offered a very tasty one. "Sure," I said.

  He sighed in relief. "Cool! I'm on my way. You wanna tell me what apartment you're in?"

  Hmm... "I'll meet you at the gate," I said, and hung up quickly. I giggled, and ran into the bedroom, stripping off my baggy house clothes and looking for something tight and revealing. I found a pair of tight grey jogging shorts and a pink halter, and quickly tied my hair into pigtails. Looking like a naughty little girl, I snatched up my keys and a can of Diet Coke from the fridge, then jogged out to meet my guy.

  * * *

  Sean was panting and sighing as I nursed his spent dick, licking up the last little bits of cum that seeped out. I kept his load in my mouth as I sat up and grabbed his cigarettes. Lighting one, I inhaled the rich aroma of tobacco and semen, smiling in satisfaction. Only then did I swallow Sean's treat.

  Sean just lay back in the driver's seat, making no move to cover up as he relished his afterglow. I snuggled against him, smoking my cigarette, letting him take a drag now and then. His hands lazily stroked my naked back and breasts as I let him kiss and gently suck my tits.

  "Damn Allie, I can't believe how much you turn me on," he murmured. He chuckled. "I mean, it's not just that you're a gorgeous young are eighteen, aren't you?"

  I giggled. "Wanna see my license?"

  Sean smiled. "Damn, half my age," he mused. He gave me a look. "You make me feel so young, you know that?"

  I smiled back, thinking: don't get too close. "Sean..."

  "I know, I know," he said, pulling away to get a better look at me. "I really like the pigtails."

  I giggled again, for effect, and shook my head back and forth, making my piggies bounce and sway. Sean laughed, then his face drained slowly, the smile fading.

  "Why do you do it?" he asked me.

  I pulled on my cigarette, blew smoke. "Do what? Get picked up like this?"


  I shrugged. "It turns me on," I said.

  "Do you really like doing it as much as I think you do?"

  I smiled coyly. "That depends. How much do you think I like it?"

  He gave me a level gaze. "I think you can't go a day without giving head."

  I bit my lip, smoldering my eyes. "You're right."
r />   He took a deep breath, chest rising and falling. "I have a proposition for you," he said.

  I regarded Sean suspiciously. "What's that?"

  "Well," he said, folding his arms behind his head, obviously enjoying being half-naked in a car with a teenager, his dick hanging out. "I work for a systems analysis company. Basically, we're a bunch of geeks—"

  "You don't look like a geek to me," I said, playfully touching his pudge. I kept my hand on his stomach and slowly slid it down.

  He chuckled again. "A lot of the guys in my department are," he said. "I mean, some of them have essentially no chance whatsoever of getting laid in their entire lives."

  I gave Sean a funny look as I began fondling his floppy cock. It was still wet from my mouth, and slowly responded as I lightly stroked it. "You saying you want me to do your whole department? How many guys are we talking about?"

  Sean shrugged. "Around forty."

  I gulped. "Wow."

  "Not all at once, of course," he said, shifting his hips as his penis started to stiffen again. I smoked my cigarette and pulled on his dick, making it grow in my hand. I liked watching it get thicker and longer. "See, what I was thinking was maybe a few guys at a time, maybe once a weekend," he said, his breath becoming more labored as I stroked his dick up and down.

  "And they'll all pay?" I asked, getting turned on by the idea.

  "Oh, trust me, they'll pay..." His words drifted off, eyes fluttering closed as I pinched and massaged the sensitive head of his dick. A thick dribble of fluid oozed out, and I leaned over to lick it away.

  An image flashed in my mind, then, garnered from some of the dirty pornos I had seen. An image of me, on my knees, surrounded by stiff, throbbing cocks, dripping their sweet fluid onto my tongue. And me holding fistfuls of cash.

  I trembled with excitement at the naughty idea. My pussy twitched. I realized I could not have refused Sean's idea.

  "Set it up," I whispered, stretching out to get comfortable. I handed Sean my cig, then nuzzled his balls with my lips while stroking his hard penis. I loved smelling the residue of sticky semen that had soaked into his pubes. The taste of it was sweet on my tongue as I rolled his heavy balls between my lips.

  "Oh, shit," moaned Sean, threading his fingers through my hair. "God damn, you're a hot little bitch. Suck my cock, Allie. Suck it and swallow my cum."



  I didn't hear from Sean again for another few weeks, and put his proposal from my mind. I was getting dick on a daily basis, as it was, satisfying my desire for cum. I figured, when Sean didn't call me back after a few days, that he had either changed his mind about the 'suck-a-thon,' or it didn't fly with his employees, or perhaps his wife had discovered he was stepping out.

  But then, a few days after Halloween, Sean called again.

  "Sorry I haven't called, babe," he apologized.

  "It's okay. Not like we're girlfriend and boyfriend, you know."

  "Of course. Been busy?"

  "Just doing a lot of homework," I said.

  "You're a student, huh? You never told me that."

  I giggled. "Hard to talk with my mouth full."

  He laughed. "What are you doing this weekend?"


  "...Oh. You, uh, got regulars on the weekends?"

  I rolled my eyes. "No, I have a regular job," I said.

  "Oh! Well, um, what's your schedule?"

  "I'm off Sunday night."

  "Really? That's perfect...that could work out."


  He paused a moment. "Did you forget what we talked about?"

  "No, I didn't forget," I said, immediately feeling hot between my legs. "How many?"


  I breathed out. My pussy was literally dripping. I touched myself as I leaned back in my couch. "Including you?"

  "Including me, five."

  "Ummm," I whimpered, pulling my panties aside and stroking my slick lips. "How much?"

  "Hundred each," he said. "I'll pay for the room and refreshments."


  "Yeah. I'll get a motel room for the night. The guys will only stay as long as you want."


  He chuckled. "Whatever you want, babe."

  "Mmm...strawberry vodka," I said, rubbing my clit.

  "You got it."


  "Yeah, babe?"

  "Come over here and fuck my mouth."

  "...I'll be there in twenty minutes."

  "Apartment 1604. Hurry."

  "I'm leaving now."

  * * *

  Sean shuddered over me, his thighs buried in my arm pits, warm, sweaty balls resting on my chin. He grunted and groaned as his semen surged down my throat, which I automatically swallowed since I had him so deep. He pulled back a little, giving me one last warm spurt of fluid on my tongue. I sucked him for a few minutes afterward, until he softened and pulled out.

  He rolled onto his back on my couch, curling his arms around me. I grinned, nuzzling his hairy chest, rolling that last heavy drop of semen on my tongue as I kissed his tiny nipples. I listened to his heartbeat pounding in his chest, gradually growing more calm.

  "Don't take this the wrong way, Allie," he said, stroking my back and kissing the top of my head. "But I love you."

  I lifted my face, staring into his. "What?"

  He smiled. "I love being with you," he corrected. "Like I said, you make me feel young. And I know we could never have a serious relationship, but I just want you to know, in a way, I love you."

  I smiled fondly, and kissed his lips. "Thanks, Sean," I whispered. "No one's ever said that to me before."

  He frowned. "No one?"

  I shook my head. "Well, not including my mom and dad."

  "I find that hard to believe," he said. "I mean, what about boys you've dated?"

  I sat up, looked for Sean's cigarettes. "Never dated," I said.

  Sean didn't say anything as I lit up. I turned back to him after blowing out a cloud of smoke, saw the surprised expression on his face.

  "What?" I asked rhetorically. "Look, I went to an all-girl high school, and my folks are pretty religious. I wasn't even allowed near boys growing up."

  Sean fixed me a wondering look. "Jesus Christ," he breathed. "You're a virgin, aren't you? That's why you didn't want to have sex."

  I looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. I suddenly wondered why I had even let Sean into my little apartment, my sanctum.

  "Hey," he said soothingly, sitting up and rubbing my back. I sighed, giving in to his touch, and leaned against him. "Hey," he said again. "It's all right. I hope you don't think I'm disappointed."

  I sniffled, feeling tears beginning to form in my eyes as my emotions welled up. "I guess it seems kinda weird, doing this stuff with you, and I've never been popped."

  "It's not weird," he said, kissing my temple. "You're an amazing young woman, you know that? When I first met you, I thought you were just another 'working girl,' not to mention the most gorgeous one I had ever seen—"

  "How many girls have you picked up?" I asked him suddenly.

  "A few," he said heavily, sounding ashamed. "I never went out, intending to pick up a...a girl, but it just sort of happened."

  "You don't have sex with your wife?"

  He sighed, and uncurled his arms from me, taking out a cigarette from his pack. "Sometimes," he said, lighting up.

  "I'm sorry," I said, wiping my eyes. "I shouldn't—"

  "Can I be your friend, Allie?" he asked, interrupting me.

  I thought for a moment what a strange question that was, but then realized the sort of 'professional' relationship we had. Up until now, Sean had been just a cock, and I was just a mouth. But now, he wanted to be a friend.

  I smiled. "Sure."

  Sean smiled. "I married Terry fifteen years ago," he said. "We dated all throughout college, got engaged on Christmas Eve.
She was only the third girl I had been with and I was the second guy she had known. We were in love once, and I think we always will be, in a way," he continued. "We've got two kids, a boy, Tyler, eleven, and Lindsay, nine. I like to think I'm a good father and husband, for the most part. But even at my age, having sex maybe once a month gets frustrating."

  "That's why you pick up girls," I said.

  He shrugged. "That's why I keep the option open," he clarified. "The first time it happened was about two years ago. She wasn't a girl. Just a woman I met in a bar, almost my age. She was so drunk, she kept calling me 'Bobby.'" He laughed ruefully. "I felt bad about it, and told my wife. She was mad at first, and I slept on the couch for about a week while she decided whether or not to file for divorce. I told the kids I was sleeping on the couch because I was sick and didn't want to infect mommy. I had to fake a cough the whole time.”

  “Then Terry decided that she wasn't going to file for divorce, that she understood that I had stepped out because she and I weren't having sex. For about a month, she tried to be more romantic and affectionate. I almost thought that we were getting back to the way we had been before Tyler was born. But then it dried up again."

  I tapped ash off my cigarette. "So..."

  "So...I was coming home from work one night, and I saw this girl on the corner. I circled twice before I picked her up. It was funny. I was so nervous, I couldn't tell her what I wanted. But then she...picked up her skirt, grabbed my hand...I had to sneak back into the house and wash up so my wife wouldn't know. I think she knew, anyway, though she's never said anything."

  I was quiet. I didn't know what to say. On one hand, I could sympathize with him, but on the other, I thought what a bastard he was for cheating on his wife. But it really wasn't my place to say anything. I was the 'other woman,' after all, and a prostitute to boot. I had no grounds for making any kind of moral judgment.

  "When I first picked you up," Sean said, "I thought how lucky I was for finding you. You did...amazing things to me, Allie. I couldn't stop thinking about you for weeks. I literally ached to be with you again. But with my wife, and kids, my job...I never had the time. But now I do. I know we're not going to have a real relationship, Allie, but I want to keep seeing you. And I want to be your friend."


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