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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

Page 21

by Ashley Love


  After a couple rounds of cocktails, conversation, and cigarettes (well, I was the only one smoking), I took the lead once again. Jenny and Ross were excited by my presence, that much was obvious, but they were still relatively inexperienced. Jenny, adhering to the 'good girl' rules of the society in which she had come of age, had only known two boys before meeting her fiancé. Even with her natural confidence (inherited from her father, no doubt), she was still a 'babe in the woods' compared to me.

  And Ross, despite his swimmer's body and GQ looks, had spent the bulk of his life in serious study, with little time for romance or even casual sex. While I was younger than both of them, I was acutely aware that I possessed volumes of sexual experience that would take them years, if not decades, to match.

  Taking each of them by the hand, the three of us, naked bodies glistening in the late afternoon sun, headed around the pool toward the large round mat. I had them both sit, then lowered myself slowly to my knees. Jenny and Ross bowed to my experience, understanding that I was running the show.

  I took their hands and placed them on my body. I kissed them both, tenderly, lovingly, slowly fueling their passion. They responded eagerly, their libidos simmering.

  I pulled Jenny's face to my breasts and gently pushed Ross's down toward my pussy. I spread my legs wide as I leaned back on my knees, bringing Jenny with me. She hungrily licked and sucked my nipples, running her fingertips up and down my body. I pushed my cunt against Ross's mouth, gripping a handful of his hair. Jenny pulled her slack face away from my body to watch her fiancé go down on another woman. I could tell that the sight of his tongue worming around my clit turned her on.

  They didn't need much encouragement after that.

  I got Ross to lay on his back, his thick cock—it really was as magnificent as Jenny had bragged—thrusting up in the air, more than ready. I handed Jenny the condom, and she grinned as she scrolled the rubber down her fiancé's shaft. She curled up beside him as I squatted over him and slowly eased his dick inside me. Jenny was as fascinated with watching sex, I realized, as she was participating in it.

  I used every trick I knew, from experience and from the books Cleo had bought for me, to coax out his orgasm. Ross groaned and panted when he came, responding in ways that amazed Jenny. Once he was spent, I gently pulled off the condom, let his semen drip out onto his crotch, and proceeded to lick up every last, sweet drop. Jenny was captivated. Ross all but passed out.

  We fucked all weekend long, four, five, six times a day. None of us ever wore clothes, not even when Jenny and I pampered Ross with home-cooked meals served out by the pool. We christened every room in the house, from the master suite with its king-sized bed, to the living room with the big, plush, white rug.

  At times, Ross was too tired to join in, and during such instances, Jenny and I satisfied each other, kissing and licking and fingering one another to orgasm. On one such occasion, I was inspired by the sight of a brass candlestick, and used it like a dildo in Jenny's eager pussy as Ross watched, amazed at the way his fiancé screamed and sprayed her orgasmic fluid in the air when she came.

  I took it upon myself to be more than a sex object for Jenny and her future husband. I decided to educate her, and showed her how to use her PC muscle to maximize Ross's orgasm, how to time her own to match his, how to give a long, sweet blow job. When Ross erupted in her mouth for the first time, she dutifully sucked it all down, something she had never done before, and declared that 'cum isn't as bad as I thought!'

  More than the sex, Jenny and I did a lot of talking. My earlier vehemence that 'I'm not your friend,' was forgotten as Jenny and I really got to know each other. I told her some things about my life, she told me some things about hers. I really liked her sense of humor, her playfulness, the casual way in which she could go from being sexy to serious in the blink of an eye. We would talk for hours while Ross, essentially a guy, watched ESPN and talked on his cell.

  I tried to ignore what I was feeling for her, or at least I told myself I did. I couldn't tell if she felt the same way, but I liked to think, in at least some little way, she did. At the very least, Jenny and I had formed a connection much like the one I had with her father.

  My flight out from Lake Tahoe was scheduled for eight p.m. that Sunday night. That morning, the three of us awoke in the big king-sized bed, uncurling arms and legs and sharing soft 'good morning' kisses. Jenny and I remained in bed, touching and kissing, as Ross headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. By the time he returned with a wicker tray laden with bacon, eggs, orange juice and coffee, Jenny and I had already made each other cum.

  We headed out to the pool after breakfast, and jumped in sans bathing suits, screaming, splashing, laughing. Jenny and I were, for at least the short time I was with her, the best of friends. Her buoyant laughter and exuberance were infectious, making me feel, for the first time in quite a while, my real age.

  Ross knelt by the pool, feeding Jenny and I our lunch from a wooden pallet of summer sausage, crackers, and cheese that he had prepared. We opened our mouths eagerly in a more than suggestive way as we floated like naked mermaids in the water by the pool's edge, accepting the treats he fed us. We gave Ross looks that let him know, in no uncertain terms, that he was going to enjoy both our charms at least once more before I had to leave.

  I finally decided it was time. Not just time to fuck, but time for something else. I pulled myself from the pool, water dripping down my naked body, and smacked my little feet across the tile to the cabinet beside the patio bar. Jenny and Ross both watched me as I came back. It was hard to tell which of them gave me the hungrier look.

  "There's something I've wanted to try for a while now," I said, cradling the bottle of lotion between my breasts. I looked them both in the eye. "I've been, uh...waiting for the right occasion. Waiting for someone I could trust."

  Jenny gave me a wide-eyed, wondering look. "What's that, Yvette?" she asked.

  I dropped to my knees, giving Jenny a sly little smile. Fixing her fiancé with a direct look, I said, "Ross, honey."

  He swallowed nervously. "Yeah?"

  I handed him the bottle of lotion. "I want you to be the first to fuck my ass."

  His eyes widened like saucers. "Ohhh..."

  I smiled at him, biting my lip and batting my eyes.

  Ross took a breath, gave Jenny a questioning look. It was pretty obvious that he was enticed by the idea of anal sex; his dick was sure responding in the appropriate way. But I had to admire him wanting his future wife's input.

  Jenny flicked her eyes back and forth between us for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, slowly, she smiled, her round cheeks dimpling. "Do it, baby," she said huskily to her fiancé, pushing up. She brought her face close to mine, staring into my eyes. "Tell me what I can do."

  I grinned.

  A little sucking, a little licking, and I got on my knees, bending over and lowering my shoulders to the mat. I curled my arms under my body, arched my back and sighed as Ross eased his condom-clad cock into my waiting pussy. He fucked me slow and deep, smoothing his hands over my firm cheeks, patient to let me tell him when I was ready.

  Jenny lay on her side against me, running her hands over my body and sharing small kisses with me. I smiled, murmuring my enjoyment as her hand slid down between my cheeks, gently massaging my virgin anus. Her fingers were slathered with lotion, which she gently, then with more insistence, rubbed into my sphincter.

  I sighed, relaxing, feeling the steady rocking motion of Ross's dick inside me. I sought out Jenny's mouth, kissed her tenderly. "Put your finger inside," I whispered. "Slowly. Just in and out."

  Jenny complied, studying my face, watching the play of expressions as her finger penetrated me. I winced a little, grunted, tried not to push. After a few minutes, in which Ross never changed his pace (I wondered what he thought about his fiancé finger-fucking another girl's back door) I opened my eyes, looking at Jenny through a hazy film of lust. />
  "More," was all I said.

  She smiled excitedly, and slowly slipped another finger inside my rectum. I bucked, lifting my head, gritting my teeth. My pussy spasmed around Ross's cock.

  "More!" I cried.

  Three fingers, now, stretching my anus open. Jenny pumped them in and out slowly, her face glowing with excitement. Ross dribbled more lotion, cool and thick, onto my asshole. I could feel some of it oozing inside me. I suppressed the urge to clench my muscles, and let my anus be loosened by Jenny's strong fingers.

  My forehead dropped to the mat. I panted, caught between pleasure and pain. I was so close to cumming, but something held me back. Something blocked me. My lower lip vibrated as I breathed in and out.

  Jenny lifted her head, speaking to Ross. "She's ready, baby," she said anxiously. "Do it."

  Ross moaned, and pulled his dick out of my pussy. I whimpered in anticipation, automatically holding my breath as I felt him press the slick head of his dick against my butt hole. Once he was lined up, he gripped my hips with both hands...and pushed.

  "Uhn!" I grunted, snapping my head up. My sphincter stretched, protesting the intrusion, but the sensitive nerves around my forbidden opening were alive with sensation. I could feel even the tiniest movement of Ross's dick as it slowly penetrated me.

  "God!" I cried as I felt the head of his cock pop inside my ass. "Ohgod...ohgod..."

  Jenny ran her hand up and down my back soothingly. She was watching my face closely. "Do you want him to stop, sweetie?" she asked.

  "Uhhnnnno," I grunted. I reached back, slapping my hand to Ross's hip, pulling. "Go on, push it in!"

  "Oh, fuck," he moaned, and impaled me, slowly, steadily, filling my ass with his dick.

  "Ahhh!" I cried, feeling my jaw trembling. "Okay, okayokay! Stopstopstop!"

  "Don't move, baby!" said Jenny quickly, over my body.

  Ross stopped, his dick throbbing inside me. He sighed in satisfaction. "Damn baby, it's so hot! So tight!"

  Jenny's face appeared beneath mine. She looked up at me, her excitement obvious. "Does it feel good?" she asked, slipping her hand down beneath me, between my legs.

  I bit my lip, trying to control my labored breathing. "Kinda," I squeaked.

  Her fingers stroked my swollen lips, spreading them apart to find my clitoris. "How 'bout now."

  "Mmm," I moaned softly, responding to her touch. Tingles spread out from my crotch. The thickness, the sheer weight, of Ross's dick inside me was indescribable. "B-better."

  She lifted her head, kissing and sucking tenderly along my neck, making me hiss with pleasure. "Now?" she asked breathlessly.

  "Ohhhhbabygodjesus," I sighed, and pushed back against Ross.

  Ross was no idiot, and he recognized my capitulation. Maybe he could feel my sphincter relaxing. Or maybe, after two days of fucking me in every position known to man, he had learned something about how I responded. Whatever the reason, keeping a firm grip on my hips, he eased his dick back, making me wince, then pushed it back in, making me moan.

  He fell into a rhythm, pumping in and out of my tight, burning anus steadily, slowly, increasing the speed and depth of his thrusts. In short order, as Jenny's fingers flailed on my clit, slipping inside my tight tunnel, her lips and tongue sucking along my neck and down to my nipples now and then, Ross was fucking my ass with as much intensity and drive as he had my pussy over the previous days. Whatever pain or discomfort I had at first experienced was forgotten quickly, replaced by exquisite pleasure.

  After a while, Ross stopped moving, holding still and leaning back on his hands, letting me fuck him with the animalistic urgency that raged through me. I bucked and rolled, pounding my ass hard against him, driving every one of his stiff eight inches as deep into my rectum as they would go. Jenny fondled my clit and sucked my puffies desperately, affected by my passion, masturbating her own pussy frantically with her free hand.

  The strange, if intense, sensation of a dick in my anus held off my orgasm, as much as I was enjoying the fuck. But Jenny was obviously inspired. She came before I did, moaning and biting down on my nipple, lifting her hips off the mat and panting against my breasts.

  Then, moving quickly, she scrambled down beneath me, grabbing my ass as she positioned her face beneath my pussy. I heard her gasp at what she saw, (I could only imagine the sight of my dick-stuffed ass from her point of view) a gasp that turned into a muffled groan as she lifted her head and latched onto my dripping cunt.

  That did it. Oh my God did that do it! Jenny's eager mouth, her fervent sucking, her hands squeezing my hips, Ross's stiff, pulsing dick...

  To describe just how and what I screamed as I came would be futile. All I remember is the indescribable lightning rush of orgasm, only ten times stronger than anything I had ever felt before. I felt like my body was literally exploding. I dug my hands into the mat beneath me, gouging it with my fingers as I impaled myself hard on Ross's cock. I was dimly aware of Jenny sputtering beneath me, trying to accommodate the literal spray of cum I unleashed. I didn't even know that Ross was cumming as well.

  I collapsed over Jenny, devoid of strength, heaving and gasping for breath. My vision was blurry and the world seem turned upside-down. I felt movement beneath me as Jenny scooted out and turned herself around. I slumped to the mat, wincing when Ross's cock popped out of my ass. He fell over beside me, drained as well.

  Jenny and I stared at each other dazedly, trying to read what the other felt. I was literally shaking. Never had I experienced anything so incredible.

  Jenny's pretty face glowed, literally dripping with my fluid, as she smiled. "Wow," she said, giggling.

  I wheezed and panted. "," I agreed.


  I was still in a daze as Logan and I got on the plane that would bear us back home. He didn't say anything to me beyond what he had needed to, and sat immobile beside me. Had I thought about it, I might have believed he was jealous, or disappointed for some reason. But I didn't think about it. My mind remained in that little villa, with Jenny and Ross...more with Jenny.

  I touched Troy's pendant as it hung from my neck. Jenny had commented on it that afternoon when I put it on, saying how beautiful it was. She didn't ask how I came by it, and I didn't tell her. For some reason, that pendant not only signified my love for Troy, but...

  But for Jenny, as well.

  Love? I thought. Isn't that going too far? Sure, the sex was great, You're not in love with Jenny, Allie. She's a girl, and she's engaged, and all she wanted from you was what you gave her.

  But my smile wouldn't go away, nor would my thoughts, my fondness, my...adoration for Jenny.

  They always say, you fall in love with your first time...

  Cleo met us at the airport after we touched down. I was still walking on a cloud, and Cleo noticed, giving me an amused smile. She told Logan he could go, that he would be called when it was time for my next date. He left rather quickly, I thought.

  Cleo took me to a little place near the airport, a 'classy dive,' as she put it, and we sat at the long bar. I wasn't carded. There were a few others in the place, all men who gave us interested looks. But none of them ever approached, not that I wanted them to.

  " was it?" Cleo asked over the rim of her glass of wine.

  I smiled, feeling warmth in my cheeks. My backside was still a little sore, but pleasantly so. "It was...incredible," I said wistfully. Damn, I can still taste her!

  Cleo chuckled softly. "Told you," she said. "So who was she? Did you recognize her?"

  I bit my lip. "Yeah, I recognized her," I admitted. "She was someone I met when I was with Arliss."

  Cleo nodded, then slid a thick red envelope toward me across the bartop. "Here," she said with a small smile.

  I looked around, then opened the envelope, flipping through the bills. My eyes widened.

  "Five thousand," said Cleo. "In case you don't feel like adding it up."

  I blink
ed. "That's...I mean—"

  "That's over a thousand dollars more than you should be getting, is that what you were gonna say?" she asked.

  I slipped the envelope inside my jacket. "Yeah."

  Cleo shook her head. "You're something else, you know that? I mean, the other girls, they're sexy, they do what their clients want, but you...I can't figure it out."

  I reached for my drink with a smile. "I can't, either."


  Copyright © 2016 by Ashley Love

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  I was still in a daze after coming back from Lake Tahoe. Making love with Jenny and Ross had been the most incredible erotic experience of my life. I only had to close my eyes, and I felt like I was back at that little villa, tasting them both. Never had I been so fulfilled and satisfied.

  The first day of the semester was the following week, so I decided to hold off until I was settled in and got a feel for my classes before accepting dates. Mya and I went shopping for books and new clothes, and while I offered to pay for some of her purchases, she refused. I understood why, and didn't push the issue.

  The day before classes started, I was sitting on my couch, nothing on but a long wrinkled T-shirt, when a thunderous pounding sounded at the door.


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