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Bear's Shadow (Vendetta Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Desiree L. Scott

  “You’ve caused the boss a lot of problems.”

  Thrust into the back seat, she didn’t bother to answer as she caught herself from falling to the floorboard. Straightening and sitting up, the man got in the passenger seat, and dark eyes met hers in the mirror just as the doors locked.

  Gulping, she closed her eyes. She was such a fool. Every decision she made only made everything worse.

  She lost track of time, of where they were. But she knew where they were going, and once inside the mansion, she wouldn’t make it out alive. The two men were driving her to her death.

  The dispassionate stares looking straight ahead weren’t going to help her. They worked for her husband and his sick, twisted agenda.

  Her shoulders slumped as defeat overwhelmed her. Bret flashed across her mind, his smiling eyes and gentleness. His large frame was deceptive. He looked rough and mean, but he was actually a loving man, showing her in more ways than she could count that he was different, that he would never hurt her. She hadn’t admitted it to herself, but his distance over the past week had actually hurt her.

  She hadn’t blamed him though. She had more than the normal baggage of a damaged woman, more than most men could have handled. Her own brother had tried to save her, tried to handle it, but it had ended up killing him.

  Maybe this is best. No one else has to die because of me.

  They pulled up to the dock and the private boat that floated gently in the water, and her throat went dry. In minutes, they were on board and coasting to the small island Edward owned, returning back to the hell from which she had so briefly escaped.

  Within an hour, the car was approaching the large gate at the entrance, and she straightened her shoulders. She wasn’t going down without a fight.

  They pulled in and stopped at the gate. The driver rolled down his window to push the talk button to be let in, and everything after that was a blur.

  A thick arm entered the window, and a strangled scream erupted. Glass broke from the other side as a gunshot split the air. Her door opened, and she stared up at Bret’s furious face.

  Fascinated, she couldn’t breathe. She saw the coarse hair covering his handsome face, his shredded shirt revealing the bulk muscles of his animal. At the moment, he was half man and half bear, but her fear was gone.

  “Bret,” she whispered, more thankful than ever before to see him.

  He didn’t answer her as he pulled her out of the back seat.

  “Let’s go, Travis!” he yelled over his shoulder.

  Travis jumped in the driver’s seat of a truck as Bret pushed her into the middle of the bucket seat before getting in beside her. The door hadn’t even closed yet as Travis hit the gas.

  The truck jerked, tires squealing as he did a U-turn in the middle of the street, heading away from the mansion. Nikki started to turn and look behind her, but Bret’s dark growl stopped her.


  She obeyed more out of habit and turned back around, taking his advice that it was something she didn’t want to see.

  Feeling something wet on her face, she lifted her hand, almost in a daze, and pulled her fingers away.

  Blood. She was covered in blood. She stared down at the blood coating her skin as thick fingers with bloody claws covered her hand.

  “It’s okay. They deserved to die,” Bret growled.

  She looked up into his eyes and saw the rage still visible, but buried beneath the rage was something she hadn’t expected to see.


  For her, she realized, shocked.

  Bret dropped her hand and faced forward, his hairy face hard.

  She watched, mesmerized as the coarse hair retreated, revealing his skin once more. The bulk of muscles that had shredded his shirt thinned to reveal the fine muscles of the man, leaving him in a tattered shirt and ripped jeans.

  No one spoke. The silence was thick and tense as the nightclub came into view. Travis parked in the back in front of the stairs, and she saw Zach on the porch, his glare aimed at her.

  Well, damn.

  She must have muttered it instead of only thinking it because as Bret opened the passenger door, he finally spoke, his words directed at her.

  “Yeah, he’s pissed.” Bret turned away sharply without looking at her and marched toward the stairs.

  Chapter 10

  For the first time in his life, Bret had faced a fear worse than anything the military could have thrown at him. A fear worse than death, worse than not knowing if his team was alive or captured.

  Fear for Nikki.

  After overhearing the call in the woods, Bret had waited, the fear growing for Nikki, until they had left. Running to his truck, he used his bear strength to turn it back on its wheels. His prayers had been answered as his truck’s engine turned over and started. It was smashed all to hell, but it had gotten him to where he had needed to be. Calling Travis on the way, the other man had met him at the apartment, and together, they had raced to the mansion to cut the bastards off.

  Travis drove off the ferry and toward the mansion like a fucking lunatic. He had parked down the street, warning Bret to keep his cool. Yeah, that had flown out the window the second he had seen Nikki in the back seat. Shifting enough to kill, he had waited until the bastard had rolled down the window and then struck, using his bear claw to end the bastard’s life. Travis shot the other one, and it was all over in a flash.

  Not caring they had been on camera, Bret grabbed Nikki, and they got the hell out of there. His bear had wanted to go after the bastard in charge, Nikki’s fucking husband, and Bret would have liked nothing more, but common sense and Nikki’s dazed expression had won out. That didn't mean he wasn't just as pissed as Zach looked.

  He was worse.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Zach yelled at her, his bear glittering in his dark eyes, lips tight with anger.

  “Not now, Zach,” Travis ordered as they came up the stairs.

  As one, they all entered the apartment. Nikki remained silent.

  Once inside, Bret slammed the door and turned to glare at Nikki.

  Before he could unleash his own rage, his fear for her, her small voice froze him. But it wasn't him that she was looking at. It was Travis.

  Tears in her eyes, her voice shook. “Y-your family. H-he's going to kill your baby.”

  Travis stiffened, his eyes widening.

  “What?” he growled, his fists clenched at his side. He stared at her hard, the skin on his face tightening as the fine hair of his wolf showed through the skin, and his eyes darkened, the rage of protecting his own evident.

  They were all silent as Nikki turned and disappeared into the bedroom, only to return seconds later.

  She handed the envelope to Travis. Pulling out the contents, he grew still and silent. Seconds ticked by as Bret waited impatiently to find out what he held, but he could see the pictures and could already guess.

  The bastard was dead. He could see the man's death reflected in his Alpha’s rage-filled eyes.

  “And you left because of this?” Bret asked quietly, already knowing the answer.

  Nikki nodded, tears in her eyes. “He's already killed my brother,” she said, choking on her sobs. “I didn't want anyone else to die.”

  Pain rattled her voice and broke Bret. He couldn’t take a woman’s tears, but when it came to the pain he saw from Nikki’s pale face, something else shattered within him.

  Hold her, his bear demanded, pacing frantically in his mind.

  Bret didn't have to be asked twice, and he pulled her into his arms. She stiffened but then slumped against him, sobs racking her small frame.

  He met Travis’s eyes, the rage within reflecting his own. Zach’s face held the same deadly look, and Bret was overtaken by his gratitude for the pack, thankful for his unconventional family of wolves.

  “You're not arguing this time,” Travis said. “You're coming to the pack house, now, where I can protect you and my family.”

  And this time,
Bret wasn't arguing either. There was a place and time for pride and stubbornness, and now wasn't it. He had failed her twice. He wasn't going to fail her again.

  It was just as she remembered it, yet still the beauty caught her breath—the familiar trees, the rolling hills, and the backdrop of the mountains in the far distance. The warm feeling of welcome should have melted the fear like it always had before, but this time, that fear was too thick. It had a stranglehold on her, cutting off her air supply. She could barely breathe.

  They had gotten to the house in the early morning, and everyone had gone their separate ways to bed, yet Nikki hadn't been able to sleep. She hadn't thought she would, so she wasn't surprised to find that sleep for her was an elusive delusion. Used to not sleeping, it had just been another night waiting for dawn to break, staring up at the ceiling.

  A week. She had been at the pack house a week, and nothing had happened, but the fear of what lay just beyond the borders held her in a tight grip.

  She stared out the window of the guest room, as she did every morning, watching as the sky began to turn pink and purple. Dawn was a beautiful part of the day, her favorite. A day for new beginnings and promises and yet...something was missing—missing in that joy of a new day. She sighed.

  She heard voices in the kitchen. Well, one voice. A mommy talking to her toddler. She smiled as the giggling continued. It was soon followed by a deeper voice being just as silly.


  Envy hit her, envy at what lay always beyond her reach. She used to dream of a family of her own, but now she was grateful she hadn't brought an innocent child into the horror of her marriage.

  Nikki shook her head, dislodging what she couldn't change, and pushed herself away from the window. It was pointless to crave something she could never have. It only led to disappointment and pain.

  Already dressed, she made her way to the kitchen, stopping at the doorway. Speechless, she stared at the scene before her.

  It hadn’t been Travis in the kitchen but Bret at the table with a little girl, getting doused in what looked like oatmeal.

  Vanessa was at the stove laughing. "When will you learn you can't win with my monster?"

  "Me not a monster!" the little girl yelled, slapping her spoon against her high chair like a drum.

  Bret laughed and wiped his face with a wet rag Vanessa handed him.

  He caught sight of Nikki standing in the doorway, and his eyes roved down her body like a slow caress.

  Normally, it would have made her uncomfortable, but for some reason, a shiver ran through her, and she bit her lip, attempting to suppress a smile.

  The little girl, noticing the attention was no longer on her, slapped the spoon against the high chair table again. The noise drew her gaze down to the most beautiful child she had ever seen. A dark mop of curls lay on her head, and her bright blue eyes were, at the moment, glaring at her.

  "Who you?"

  "Ava! That's not nice! You know better, young lady!" Vanessa scolded.

  The glare disappeared as a cheeky grin, the same grin she had seen in the picture, appeared as she looked over her shoulder at her mother.

  "Sorry, Mama."

  Bret laughed, his eyes still on Nikki.

  "You hungry, darling?" he asked, standing up.

  "Not really," she started, but she didn't have time to finish as Bret came around the table and led her to a chair beside the little girl. Nikki looked down at her a bit leery, not really wanting to be covered in oatmeal.

  "Where is everyone?" she asked just as a plate was put in front of her. Her eyes widened at the amount of food, but then she suddenly realized she was starving. With the first appetite in months, Nikki started to eat.

  "Travis is out dealing with security with Noah and Patrick. I left Zach to watch over the club for a few days, and I'm your shadow for the day," Bret answered with a grin, his eyes watching her eat with an air of satisfaction. He walked back to his chair across from her and sat down, leaning back on two legs.

  She paused, the fork almost touching her lips as her eyes met Bret's. His gaze fell to that fork and darkened.

  With a gulp, she quickly took the last bite and chewed, lowering her eyes to a now empty plate.

  "Must have been hungry," Bret teased.

  She flushed as he started to reach for the plate, but she grabbed it first and stood up.

  "I'm not helpless. I can clean up after myself."

  His eyes met hers, and something in their blue depths made her release the plate to him.

  Smiling, he walked to the sink where he washed it and put it away.

  "Well, I'll leave you two for a bit while I give my mon…uh angel, a bath," Vanessa said, quickly switching her affectionate term for her daughter before she caused another temper to erupt.

  The little girl squealed. "A bath!"

  Their voices faded down the hall, the excitement of a simple bath drawing another smile from Nikki as she watched them leave.

  "You should smile more often," Bret said quietly, causing her to jump. For being a big man, he didn't make any noise when he walked.

  "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." The amusement in his eyes belied his words.

  He was only a few inches from where she stood next to the table. She could actually feel his body heat, and their gazes locked. The amusement faded as his eyes once again lowered to her mouth. Heart pounding, she waited. Seconds ticked by as they stood next to each other. Bret started to close those few inches between them, but then they heard a door slam somewhere in the house, breaking the spell.

  Clearing her throat, Nikki took a step away.

  Bret was silent for a moment more before drawing back just as Sam walked in the kitchen.

  "Good morning," she said with a small smile, making a beeline for the coffee pot. Her dark hair was piled on her head, and she wore jeans and a white T-shirt, with white tennis shoes.

  Pouring herself a steaming cup, she sighed, taking a timid sip.

  She looked over at the two of them and noticed the air for the first time. Taking one sniff, her eyes widened, shooting looks between the two.

  "Well, damn. Didn't expect that."

  "Expect what?"

  "Nothing," Bret said quickly, shooting Sam a murderous glare.

  "Nothing," Sam agreed, looking like she was fighting a smile.

  Still suspicious, Nikki looked between the two, her eyes narrowed.

  "Yeah, sure. So, what can I do around the house?" Nikki asked Sam, letting it drop. “And where is your mom and sister?”

  “They are visiting family in California. Mom’s sister,” she added before taking another sip of her coffee. Sam started to say something else, but her eyes went over her head and darkened.

  "What are you doing here?" she demanded.

  Nikki turned and spied a handsome man in the doorway, a grin on his lean face.

  "Why, Sam! If I didn't know any better, I would think you weren't happy to see me!"

  Nikki heard her growl as Bret laughed, walking over to the other man and shaking his hand.

  "Hey, Aiden. How have you been, man?" he asked with a smile.

  Aiden grinned at him, never taking his eyes off Sam…or her glare.

  "Just got a call from Travis, something about—"

  "We don't need you. Now go away," Sam interrupted darkly.

  Nikki looked at her in shock. She couldn't imagine Sam being so rude, but then again, she did have a temper, and if she was being rude, she had a reason.

  Should I be worried?

  Aiden didn't take offense and just laughed. Just then, a slap from behind almost made him stumble as Travis came in behind him.

  "Hey, man. It's about time! I called you two days ago."

  Aiden shrugged. "Sorry. I was in the middle of something. I made it when I could."

  "Well, no worries. You ready?"

  "Ready for what?" Sam demanded, still standing on the other side of the kitchen. Nikki had a feeling she was standing as far away from the man ca
lled Aiden as possible.

  "Aiden will be staying for a while, helping with security," Travis answered, shooting her a look that only siblings could decipher—a look that drew a sigh of resignation from Sam.

  She put her empty coffee cup in the sink and grabbed Nikki's hand. "Come on. Let's leave the men to whatever they have planned."

  Before she could say anything, she let Sam pull her toward the door, sliding around the wall of men in their way.

  "Okay. Where are we going?" Nikki asked.

  "Anywhere but here."

  There was a story there, but she had a feeling Sam wasn't going to tell her. She was right. She let the subject drop, at least for the moment, as they headed to the door.

  Taking a step out on the porch, Nikki pulled her hand free of the tight grip of her friend and looked around.

  A slight breeze ruffled her hair, and she breathed in deeply, starting to relax for the first time in years.

  "I had forgotten how beautiful it was here," she said quietly. It was still early, probably around eight, but there was plenty of activity in the yard as a few children played, and a handful of men milled around. There were more men than women, and that fact made her a bit nervous.

  She spied a few small houses in the distance. Pack houses, she realized. That was new. The last time she had been there, there had only been the main house and maybe one or two, but she counted ten.

  Sam was quiet, her thoughts no doubt still on the man in the kitchen as Vanessa joined them, her eyes worried. “My nanny’s daughter came down with pneumonia. She had to leave town. I'm now without a nanny, which normally wouldn't be a big deal, but with everything going on…” She trailed off, sighing.

  “I can babysit,” Nikki said, liking the idea of helping in any way she could. She didn't want to be a complete burden. It was bad enough she was bringing death threats to this wonderful family.

  Vanessa’s eyes lit up. “Oh, could you? It wouldn't be all the time. Just when Travis needs me for Alpha stuff and only temporarily,” she added. “But she was a major help. Ava isn’t that much of a monster.”

  Sam scoffed. “Much,” she amended, grinning.

  Vanessa laughed.


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