Tangled: Emerson Falls, Book 1

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Tangled: Emerson Falls, Book 1 Page 18

by Harlow James

  “I can’t believe you gave us a test on the day after Halloween,” Daisy whines while I signal for students to turn in their homework.

  “I know. I’m just the worst teacher ever, huh?” I mock her with a wicked smile while the students put away their bags.

  “No, Miss Walsh. You’re actually pretty awesome. But I’m gonna be real… I’m pretty annoyed with you right now.”

  I laugh at her. “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”

  Once everyone’s ready, I wait for them to get silent before passing out their tests. While monitoring the room, I catch myself sneezing repeatedly. After the symphony of bless-you’s, I realize I think I’m getting sick. My nose is running, my throat is scratchy, and my head is pounding. Grateful that this is my last period, I hang on until the bell rings, then slump down in my desk chair.

  “Oh, God,” I whine while emailing the sub desk, knowing there’s no way I’m going to be able to work tomorrow. I prepare lessons plans for my classes, grabbing some extra practice worksheets from my cabinet that I always have on hand for emergencies, leave a note of instructions for my substitute, and then grab my things and manage to drive home before beginning another sneezing fit. Seeing as how November is here, I guess cold season has arrived as well.

  I change into pajamas, grab my blanket off the back of the couch, shove tissues up my nose, and melt into the cushions after drowning myself in cold medication.

  The ring of my cell phone startles me awake, not realizing I drifted off. The meds must have hit me hard when I look at the time and notice it’s after eight.

  “Hello?” I answer, sounding more like a man than myself right now.

  “Oh, no, are you sick?” Perry asks as soon as she hears my voice.

  “Yes,” I answer, trying not to cry. It seriously feels like an elephant is standing on my head and my chest.

  “Oh, Liv. I’m sorry hun. Have you taken anything?”


  “Okay, remember to put a humidifier in your room tonight and rub Vic’s on the bottom of your feet, then put on your socks.”

  “Ewww, that’s disgusting, Perry!” I choke out before erupting into a coughing fit.

  “I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it helps.”

  “Fine, Mom,” I tease, but I know she wouldn’t recommend it if she didn’t believe it. It must be something she posted about on her blog.

  “So, how are things going with Kane?” She asks, and I welcome the distraction from how horrible I feel.

  “So great. Our date was phenomenal, and all week, he’s been stopping by during our prep period to talk or give me a kiss, just because he was thinking about me…. Oh, shit!”

  “What?” Perry reacts to my realization.

  “I’m supposed to go out with him this weekend. I can’t do that sounding and looking like this,” I cry, more upset at the fact that I don’t get to see Kane than how sick I feel.

  “Hey, he’ll understand. The man probably will thank you for not spreading your germs.”

  “I know, but I was really looking forward to our next date. I really like him, Perry…”

  “I can tell, Liv. I’m truly happy for you. Who would have known this would happen after coming home, huh?” And she’s right. The fact that this all occurred within a month of being home still shocks me.

  “I know. He’s surprised me in more ways than one, too.”

  “So when do the girls and I get to meet him? I wanna get a better look at this lumberjack. I vaguely recall him from that night.”

  I chuckle through a cough. “Let me get better first, and then I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Sounds good, Liv. Get better soon,” she says before we say our goodbyes and end the call.

  The cold medication kicks in again, but I muster up enough energy to make it to my room, plug in my humidifier, rub Vic’s on my feet, and plop down in bed before I pass out.

  The light from the morning doesn’t even wake me up. It’s the buzz of my phone on my nightstand that pulls me from my medication-induced slumber. Carefully propping my body up, I glance at the clock and notice it’s ten in the morning, way past my normal four a.m. wake up time.

  “Holy crap,” I mutter while reaching for my phone. Swiping across the screen, I see a new message from Kane.

  Kane: Just went by your room and you had a sub. Is everything okay?

  My heart melts with his concern. And although the thought crossed my mind last night to text him and let him know I wouldn’t be there today, I passed out before I remembered to.

  I lay back and type out my response.

  Me: Yes. I’m home sick. It came on during sixth period yesterday. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be well enough for our date this weekend.

  My disappointment hits me hard because I really was looking forward to more time with him, away from the school. I wanted to kiss him more than just the few pecks and slips of tongue we’ve managed in our classrooms. I wanted more questions and more time studying every fleck of gold in his eyes.

  Kane: That sucks, but I completely understand. Do you need anything? Soup, medicine, soda?

  Oh, my heart. Kane is offering to bring me sickness supplies. Cue the heart-eyed emoji.

  Me: I think I’m okay. Plus, I don’t want you to catch this.

  He texts back immediately.

  Kane: I don’t give a shit about catching your cold. I just want to make sure you’re okay.

  Awww. This man is seriously dangerous to my heart.

  Me: I’m fine. Thank you though. I’ll see you Monday, hopefully.

  Today is Friday, so hopefully by the end of the weekend, I’ll be normal enough to return to work. Let’s face it, being gone is more work than being there for a teacher.

  I don’t get a reply from Kane, which makes me think he had work to do or something. I shrug it off and vacate my bed, taking a shower to clean off the stench and smell of Vic’s, then stumble into the kitchen to make myself some hot tea and something to eat, even though nothing sounds good. I take residence on the couch and resume my Netflix marathon from last night. That Tom Ellis sure makes one handsome devil.

  Before I know it, it’s four o’clock and I haven’t left the couch for anything except to go to the bathroom. The oatmeal I made myself for breakfast is barely touched and my stomach rumbles for sustenance.

  Just as I stand, I hear a knock at my door. I remove the tissues from my nose, adding them to the growing pile on the coffee table, pat my hair down in the mirror by the door, adjust my glasses on my nose, and tie my robe around my waist before answering the door. It’s probably Perry coming to check up on me. So you can imagine my surprise when I see Kane standing there, dressed in his Emerson Falls staff polo and jeans, dark brown boots and a matching jacket.

  “Kane, what are you doing here?”

  “I know you said you were fine, but I couldn’t stop wondering if you were okay. So I brought everything I could think of to help you feel better,” he says with a weak smile while holding up two bags from Target.


  “Olivia, just… let me do this, okay?” The look on his face is pained, and for whatever reason, I’m not sure. But he seems hard pressed to make sure I’m alright, and he obviously went to all this trouble to buy me things. It’s seriously the sweetest thing any man has ever done for me.

  “Okay, but I apologize for the mess—both my apartment and me,” I say while gesturing down my body with my hand.

  Kane chuckles and then kisses my forehead. “You look beautiful as always.”

  My heart thumps uncontrollably while I follow him into my kitchen where he proceeds to unpack the two bags full of goodies. Sudafed, Therma-flu, cough syrup and drops, Vic’s Vapor Rub, ginger ale, tissues with lotion, and a carton of homemade chicken noodle soup from Penny’s Diner, a local restaurant known for their home-style cooking. Kane must have cleared out the cold aisle at Target.

  “Oh, my gosh, Kane. This is too much,” I croak out, clearing the ph
legm from my throat. “Sorry, I told you I wasn’t in good shape.”

  Kane comes around the counter and grabs my face in his hands. “I know you’re not used to someone wanting to take care of you. But this is something I really want to do. So stop apologizing and go sit down. I’ll be right there,” he demands with a kiss on my cheek, and that glimpse of his controlling side reminds me of his same demanding ways while we had sex. I know sex is the last thing I should be thinking about right now, but I can’t help the fact that the man turns me on.

  I nod and then he releases me as I amble over to the couch, picking up my snotty tissues from the coffee table and putting them in the trash before finally taking a seat. Kane comes in with one of my TV trays full of a bowl of soup, a stack of pills, and a can of ginger ale.

  “Thank you, Kane,” I say softly, peering up at him as he stands before me.

  “You’re welcome, Olivia. Now eat and hydrate. Take your pills. I’m gonna use the restroom really quick. I’ll be right back.”

  Kane saunters down the hallway and I can’t help but admire the view of his ass in those jeans as he walks away from me. If I was healthy right now, I’d be jumping his bones, no questions asked.

  When he returns, he sits down next to me, putting his arm behind me on the couch. “So, what are you watching?”

  “Lucifer. Have you heard of it?”

  “Yeah, but I haven’t watched it.”

  “We can watch something else if you’d like?” I offer as I take a sip from my soup. “Oh, God, that’s good.”

  Kane glances over at me and grins. “How about a movie?”

  “Sure, you pick.”

  Kane searches and then I know he found what he wants when his face lights up with the cheesiest smile.

  “The Proposal?” I tease, knowing exactly why he picked this movie.

  “It’s one of Ryan Reynolds’ best rom-coms, in my opinion.”

  I chuckle while finishing up my soup. “I agree. I love this movie. Press play.”

  Kane settles in to the couch and removes my tray once I’m finished. His arm finds its way around my body, hugging me tightly to his.

  “You don’t have to stay, you know. I don’t want you to get sick, Kane.”

  “I’m fine. My immune system is killer and I’m not leaving you alone. I missed you today and I want to take care of you,” he leans down and kisses the top of head, lingering longer than necessary, allowing me to melt even further into him with his touch and his words.

  He cares about me. He’s real. And he’s choosing me.

  I look up at him, waiting for his eyes to meet mine. And when they do, I speak. “I missed you too.”

  His smile returns before fading, his eyes drawing intensely together.

  “God, I wish you weren’t sick,” he growls while resting his forehead against mine. “If you were well right now, I’d have you on your back and your mouth on mine so fast, you wouldn’t even know what happened,” he spits out, his grip on me tightening. I know he’s feeling the same intense pull towards me that I feel for him. I want him so badly too, but it’s obviously not the right time.

  “You would do that and miss Ryan Reynolds?” I tease him which makes him laugh, pulling back away from me.

  “If I had the chance to kiss you or watch Ryan, you’d win every time, Red.”

  Kane's words do nothing to quell my arousal, but him pulling me back into him as I rest my head on his chest while we watch the movie sure does something to my heart. I must doze off at some point because the next thing I know, I’m being carried down my hallway to my bedroom.

  “Kane…” I stir as he carefully places me in bed.

  “Shhhh. It’s alright, Olivia. I’m gonna go. You get some rest and call me tomorrow, okay?”

  I reach for his shirt, pulling his face close to mine. I want to kiss his lips so badly, thank him for being there and taking care of me, keeping me company when there were a million other places he could have been.

  “Thank you,” I whisper before placing a soft kiss on his cheek, the feel of his beard against my face sending a live wire of electricity over my body.

  “Anything for you, Red.”

  I watch Kane leave and that’s the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep and dreaming of being in his arms again.

  Chapter 28


  My usual sit-in at Tony’s gets postponed after tending to Olivia last night, so when Saturday comes around, I decide to pay Tony a visit, and Drew’s able to tag along.

  Holding Olivia in my arms less than twenty-four hours ago calmed the ache in my chest I felt all day yesterday, knowing she was sick when I realized she wasn’t at work. This innate need to take care of her kicked in—scaring me a bit—but also making me realize that I’m developing feelings for her, real fucking feelings, which makes my palms sweat, but also this sense of purpose come over me. The memory of what that feels like is fuzzy, but with each time I see her, the familiarity comes back.

  The only other person I ever felt this for was she-who-will-not-be-named. Yet somehow, this differs from that. Maybe it’s because I’m older now or I was so young with her that I can’t remember entirely. But deep down I know that part of it is because it’s Olivia that’s sucking me into her world with her eyes and her smile, her quick wit and intelligence, and every morsel of information that I learn about her.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile as much as I have in the past few weeks,” Drew jests as we exit my truck and walk into Tony’s.

  “Believe me, you’re not the only one who’s noticed. Even my students said something to me the other day."

  Opening the door, I usher Drew in first, then follow closely behind as we find my usual seat at the bar. Tony waves his hand over at us from the other end of the counter, letting us know he’ll be with us soon.

  “So, I take it things are going well, then?” Drew turns to me on his stool.

  And I can’t help but crack another smile. “Yeah, man. They are. The woman owns my mind right now. I… I can’t get enough of her.”

  Clasping my shoulder, Drew shakes me in a brotherly manner. “That’s great, Kane. Lord knows you deserve this. Hey, maybe the four of us can go out sometime? Tammy would love that.”

  “Sure, I’ll ask Olivia,” I say, just as Tony makes his way over.

  “Well, if it isn’t the two best teachers at Emerson Falls High School?” He mocks while giving us a shit-eating grin.

  “Just changing the world one hormone-enraged teenager at a time,” Drew replies.

  Tony chuckles. “What’ll it be tonight, boys?”

  “The usual for me, Tony,” I answer.

  “I’ll have the same, but add on two shots of whiskey,” Drew adds.

  “Shots? For what?”

  “We’re celebrating..”

  I turn to Drew and narrow my eyes in confusion. “Celebrating what?”

  “Kane’s in looovvveee,” Drew drags out, leaning over the bar to entice Tony.

  “Shut the fuck up! Really, Kane?” Tony turns to me, his eyes wide, but that knowing smile accompanies his expression.

  “I didn’t say love, Drew. I’m just… quite enamored at the moment,” I spit out, dropping my eyes to the beer Tony just placed in front of me.

  Love is too strong of a word to describe what I feel for Olivia. Even I know that feeling anything like love for her this early on is impossible. I’ve only loved one woman. I can’t possibly feel that way yet. I’m definitely interested in her. I want to see her all the time. And I care about her deeply… but it’s not love yet.

  Although I know that I could feel that way about her, eventually.

  “Still, that is something to celebrate. Shots are on me, gentlemen,” Tony winks while pouring the amber liquid and walking away to help another customer.

  “To love and you finally getting laid regularly,” Drew cheers, making me shake my head at him.

  “Fuck you, man,” I say before tipping back the shot, wel
coming the burn as it flows down my throat.

  “So, when are you gonna see her again? I know you’re trying to take things slow and doing anything during the week is hard with our workload and stuff.”

  “Well, we were supposed to go out tonight actually…”

  “Hold on! You ditched her to hang out with me? Uh, that’s not how dating works, man,” Drew scolds while sipping his beer.

  “No, fucker. She’s sick. She wasn’t at work yesterday, so I texted her and she told me she was home sick. So I went over last night and brought her a bunch of medicine and some food and hung out for a while.”

  Drew’s grin slowly spreads across his face before he takes a drink and then deposits his glass back on the bar. “Okay, that’s nice, Kane. But uh… if that doesn’t sound like love, then I don’t know what is.”

  “Shut up, man,” I laugh while pushing Drew off of his stool.

  “No, seriously. Taking care of her when she’s all snot-covered and coughing up a lung… the only person I’ve ever done that for is Tammy.”

  “I just had to make sure she had everything she needed.”

  Drew pats my back, turning back to the bar in search of his beer. “I can’t believe I was right.”

  “Right about what?” I ask, noticing Tony making his way back.

  “She’s your Tammy.”

  And I swallow hard. What if she is? What if Olivia is the woman I’m meant to be with?

  Tony comes back over and starts drilling me about Olivia as Drew pipes in with details just to piss me off. I swear, if I knew I would get the dating inquisition tonight, I probably would have just stayed home.

  After filling them both in on vague details of our time together—they don’t need to know everything—I throw out an idea that I’ve been toying around with.


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