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by Hayes, Kevin J. ;

  American Museum, 400

  American Philosophical Society

  elects Jefferson councilor, 432–433

  elects Jefferson president, 432, 436, 642

  elects John Page to membership, 53

  elects Meriwether Lewis to membership, 489

  library of, 580

  meetings, 434, 437

  receives Sully’s portrait of Jefferson, 601

  sponsors literary contest, 446

  supports Michaux’s scientific exploration, 413–415

  Anacreon, 330

  Analectic Magazine, 618

  Andreani, Paolo, Count, 395

  Anmours, Charles François, Chevalierd’, 229, 234

  Annals of Congress, 555–557

  Anson, George, Voyage Round the World, 26–27

  Arabian Nights’ Entertainment, 554

  Ariosto, 608

  Aristotle, 139, 179

  Arnold, Benedict, 230, 234, 251

  Articles of Confederation, 210

  Athenaeus, Dipnosophistarum, 405–406

  Atterbury, Francis, Sermons and Discourses, 38

  Augustine, 222

  Aurelius, Marcus, 181

  Commentaries, 9

  Aurora, 440

  Authentic and Interesting Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, 559

  Ayre, Mr., 637

  Babes in the Wood, 106

  Bache, Benjamin F., 440, 572

  Bache, William, 391

  Bachmair, John James, Complete German Grammar, 168

  Bacon, Edmund, 507, 515–517, 519, 520

  Bacon, Francis, 574, 629

  Advancement of Learning, 10, 257, 370

  Baldwin, Abraham, 548–551

  Baltimore Weekly Magazine, 457

  Bancroft, Edward, 329

  Bankhead, Anne C. Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter), 65, 145, 399, 420, 469, 469, 504, 507

  Bankhead, Charles Lewis, 65, 507

  Bannister, John, Jr., 46–47

  Barbé de Marbois, François, 234–237, 242–243, 256, 267, 433

  Barbeyrac, Jean, 492

  Baretti, Giuseppe, Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, 68–69

  Baring, Alexander, 457

  Barlow, Joel, Vision of Columbus, 377

  Barrow, John, New and Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 71

  Barthélemy, Voyage de Jeune Anacharsis, 398–399

  Bartlett, Josiah, 188

  Barton, Benjamin Smith, 433, 518–519

  Barton, William, Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse, 570

  Baxter, Richard, 20

  Beauties of the English Stage, 63, 184

  Becket, Andrew, Concordance to Shakespeare, 321

  Beckford, William, 132

  Vathek, 130

  Beckley, John, 400, 416, 548

  Bede, the Venerable, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglolum, 584

  Bell, John

  Bell’s Edition of Shakespeare, 321, 608

  edition of English poets, 304–305

  Bell, Robert, 191–194, 261

  Bellini, Carlo, 149, 280, 284

  Belsham, Thomas, Memoires of the Late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, 541–542, 585

  Bentham, Jeremy, 83

  Bergère, 384, 398

  Bernard, John, 92, 321, 431, 468–469

  Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 638–639

  Travels through North America, 638

  Bezout, Étienne, Cours de Mathématiques, 222

  Bible, 127, 215, 258–249, 339, 374, 503, 581–594

  Massachuset, Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up -Biblium God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament (Eliot), 374

  New Testament, 126, 258, 58

  Gaelic, Stuart, Tiomnadh nuadh, 142

  Greek, 34, 503

  Old Testament, 258, 482

  Greek, 503

  Psalms, English, Brady and Tate, New Version of the Psalms of David, 28–29

  Polyglot, Walton, Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, 630

  Bibliotheca Pinelliana, 372–373

  Biddle, Nicholas, 478–479

  Bigelow, Jacob, Florula Bostoniensis, 631

  “Bill for Amending the Constitution of the College of William and Mary, ” 213, 216–218, 599, 613

  “Bill for Establishing a Public Library, ” 213, 218

  “Bill for Establishing Cross Posts, ” 220

  “Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, ” 204, 205–206, 453

  “Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge, ” 213–214, 220, 615

  “Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishments, ” 209

  “Bill for the Revision of the Laws, ” 207

  Bingham, William, 436

  Blackamore, Arthur, 204

  Blackstone, William, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 193

  Blaettermann, George, 622–623, 626, 632, 639

  Blaettermann, Mrs. George, 636

  Blair, Elizabeth, 278

  Blair, Hugh, “Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, ” 135

  Blair, James, 31–32

  Our Saviour’s Divine Sermon on the Mount …Explained, 31

  Bland, Richard, 108, 163, 174

  Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, 153, 155

  Bliss, Philip, 7

  Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron, 578

  Bodin, Jean, Six Livres de la République, 84

  Boethius, 337, 339, 507

  Consolation of Philosophy, 330, 336, 339

  Bohn, Henry George, 628, 631–632

  Boileau-Despréaux, Nicholas, 222

  Boinod and Galliard, 267

  Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 431, 582, 600

  Philosophical Works, 82–83, 125–126

  Bolling, Mary Jefferson (TJ’s sister), 10–11

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 605

  Bonnycastle, Charles, 623–624, 627, 635

  Book, 559

  Book of Common Prayer, 4–5, 7, 25, 27–29

  Book of Kings, 559–560

  Bordley, John Beale, Sketches on Rotations of Crops, 422

  Boswell, James, 35, 313–314

  Life of Johnson, 312–313, 404

  Bosworth, Joseph, Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 580

  Botetourt, Norborne Berkeley, Baron de

  death of, 150

  dissolves the House of Burgesses, 111

  library of, 105

  patronage of William and Mary, 105, 129

  serves as governor of Virginia, 104–105, 107–108, 111

  Botta, Carlo, Storia della Guerra dell’Indepenza degli Stati Uniti d’America, 570–571

  Boucher, Jonathan, 31, 35, 39

  Boulton, Matthew, 54, 62, 67

  Bowditch, Nathaniel, New American Practical Navigator, 621

  Bower, Archibald, History of the Popes, 140

  Boyer, Abel, Royal Dictionary, 375

  Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, Rising Glory of America, 451

  Bradford, William, 154–155

  Brady, Nicholas, New Version of the Psalms of David, 28–29

  Breckinridge, John, 442

  Bréhan, Marquise de, 369

  Brodie, George, History of the British Empire, 632–633

  Brown, Charles Brockden

  Arthur Mervyn, 458

  correspondence with Jefferson, 577–578

  Edgar Huntley, 458

  Wieland, 577

  Brown, Mather, 292, 322–323, 603

  Brunt, Jonathan, 495–499, 510–511

  Extracts from Locke’s Essay on the Human Understanding, 500

  Little Medley, 511

  Rush’s Extracts, 499

  Brutus, Marcus Junius, 76–77, 79

  Buchanan, William, 486

  Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 271, 302–304, 395–396, 434, 559

  Bulloch, Archibald, 187

  Bunyan, Paul, Pilgrim’s Progress, 532

  Burch, Samuel, 546–547

  Burgh, James, Political Disquisitions, 193

  Burgoyne, John, 402

p; Burk, John Daly, 500

  History of Virginia, 501, 540

  Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, 176

  Principles de Droit Naturel, 83–84

  Burnaby, Andrew, 47–48, 58, 64, 67

  Travels, 48, 64

  Burnet, Gilbert, History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 204

  Burns, Robert, “To Mary in Heaven, ” 506

  Burr, Aaron

  duel with Alexander Hamilton, 490–491

  as vice president, 450, 459

  Burwell, Nathaniel, 579

  Burwell, Rebecca, 66–68

  Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 314

  Byrd, Maria Taylor, 45, 141

  Byrd, William (1652–1704), 141

  Byrd, William (1674–1744), 45, 420

  History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina, 119, 156, 238

  library of, 139, 141, 261, 264, 374, 550–551

  secret diary, 572

  Byrd, William (1728–1777), 45, 73, 140–141

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord Byron, 77, 575

  Island, 576–577

  Marino Faliero, 575

  Cabell, Joseph C., 616–617, 621, 626–627

  Cabot, George, 417

  Cabot, Mr., 276

  Caesar, Julius, 76–79

  Callender, James Thomson, 440–441, 534

  History of the United States for 1796, 440–441

  Political Progress of Britain, 440

  Prospect before US, 441

  Sketches of the History of America, 441

  Callimachus, 117

  Campbell, John W., 526, 598

  Canning, Elizabeth, 139

  Capell, Edward, 125

  Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare, 321

  Caractacus, 232

  Carey, Henry, Honest Yorkshire-Man, 103

  Carey, Matthew, 456, 575–576, 584–585

  American Museum, 400

  Carmarthen, Francis Godolphin Osborne, Lord, 311

  Carmichael, Gershom, 21

  Carmichael, William, 330

  Carr, Dabney (1743–1773)

  contributions to American Revolution, 137, 149, 150

  death of, 22, 137, 140

  education of, 32, 35

  friendship with Jefferson, 32–33

  library of, 35–36

  Carr, Dabney (1773–1837), 22, 137, 492

  Carr, Jane, 137

  Carr, Martha Jefferson, 11, 15, 22, 137, 254

  Carr, Peter

  Albemarle Academy and, 615, 617

  education of, 22, 24

  Jefferson’s correspondence with, 51, 127, 138, 276, 284, 481, 617

  library of, 118

  Carr, Samuel, 22

  Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 540

  Cart, Jean Jacques, Lettres … sur le Droit Public de ce Pays, 426

  Carter, Charles, 121

  Carter, Edward, 221

  Carter, Elizabeth, 126

  Cary, Archibald, 256

  Cary, Wilson Miles, 637

  Castell, Edmund, Lexicon Heptaglotton, 630

  Castell, Robert, Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, 521

  Catalogue of the Library of the United States, 563

  Catharine II (the Great), 299

  Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 214, 232, 266–267, 276–277, 389, 398, 418, 426, 474, 578

  Charles I, King of England, 76

  Charron, Pierre, De la Sagesse, 558

  Chastellux, François Jean de Beauvoir, Chevalier de

  character sketch of Jefferson, 251–252, 269

  correspondence with Jefferson, 255–256, 343

  De la Félicité Publique, 247

  Essai sur l’Union de la Poésie et de la Musique, 250

  friendship with Jefferson, 271, 280, 294, 302, 328

  introduces Jefferson to Buffon, 302–303

  literary conversations with Jefferson, 304–305

  receives copy of Notes on the State of Virginia, 236, 242–243

  returns to France, 253

  Travels in North America, 143, 247, 272

  visits Monticello, 13, 247–253, 259

  Voyage de Newport á Philadelphie, 247

  Voyages …dans l’Amérique Septentrionale, 247

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Canterbury Tales, 523

  Workes, 522, 558

  Cheselden, William, Anatomy of Human Body, 69

  Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, Letters to His Son, 341, 375

  Chiari, Pietro, La Storia di Tom Jones, 69

  Chipman, Nathaniel, Sketches of the Principles of Government, 443

  Christ, Jesus, 25, 477, 581–594

  “Sermon on the Mount, ” 31, 182, 590–592

  Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 126, 139, 171, 179, 182, 195, 379, 586

  De Officiis, 34, 126, 160

  De Philosophia, 608

  De Senectute, 537

  Orationes, 34

  Thoughts of Cicero, 9

  Tusculan Disputations, 38–39, 126

  Citizen’s and Farmer’s Almanac, 457

  Clark, William, 413, 478, 479, 482–483, 486–487, 489, 491, 493–495

  Claudius, 232

  Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, History of Mexico, 371

  Clayton, John, 129

  Flora Virginica, 201

  Cleaveland, Parker, Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, 631

  Cleland, John, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 140

  Clinton, George, 490–491

  Cobbett, William (a.k.a. Peter Porcupine), 437–439

  Coke upon Littleton, 64–65, 425, 621

  Cole, John, 232

  Coleridge, Samuel T., 113, 569

  Coles, Edward, 534–535

  Colles, Christopher, Survey of the Roads of the United States, 390

  Collins, Isaac, 327

  Collins, William, 306

  Complete Collection of the Lords’ Protests, 550

  Condorcet, Marquis de, 302, 445, 581

  Outlines of an Historical View of the Progress of the Human Mind, 443–444

  Confessions (Rousseau), 295, 595

  Connecticut Magazine, 457

  Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, 374

  Constable, John, 635

  Constitution, 264, 283

  Conti, Natale, 406

  Cook, Captain James, 299

  Coolidge, Ellen W. Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter), 145, 420, 469–470, 476, 504–507, 524, 562, 576–577, 579, 601, 605–610, 630, 633, 634, 635, 636–638

  Coolidge, Joseph, 629–631, 633, 636–637, 641–642

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 601

  Cooper, Samuel, First Lines of the Practice of Surgery, 571

  Cooper, Thomas, 621

  Institutes of Justinian, 58

  Copley, John Singleton, 323

  Coquebert, Felix, 502

  Cordier, Maturin, Colloquia, 22–23

  Corneille, Pierre, 608

  Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, 231, 251, 328

  Corny, Louis Dominque Ethis de, 378

  Corrêa de Serra, Jose Francisco, 621

  Correggio, 575

  Cortés, Hernando, 389, 521

  Coste, Pierre, 385

  Cosway, Maria, 12, 15–16, 331–339, 359–363, 365–366

  Cosway, Richard, 333, 335, 337

  Courier of New Hampshire, 474

  Coutts, William, 121

  Cowley, Abraham, Poetical Works, 305

  Coxe, Daniel, Description of the English Province of Carolana, 40–41

  Cresap, Michael, 437

  Cresap, Thomas, 437, 438

  Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de, 294

  Letters from an American Farmer, 177, 294

  Cromwell, Oliver, 76, 151

  Cumberland, Richard

  Observer, 399

  Treatise of the Laws of Nature, 83

  Cummings, Hilliard, and Company, 629–631

  Cunego, Domenico, 608

  Cutting, Nathaniel, 383–387

rt, Jean le Rond, 296–297, 581

  Damme, Pieter Bernhard van

  sends Jefferson book auction catalogue, 370–371

  special book orders for Jefferson, 367

  Dandridge, Nathaniel West, 43

  Dante Alighieri, 608

  Dares, Phrygius, 42

  Darwin, Erasmus, 54–55, 62

  David, Jacques-Louis

  Death of David, 331

  Oath of the Horatii, 331

  Davies, John, Antiquae Linguae Britannicae, 49

  Davies, Myles, 375

  Davila, Enrico, Historia delle Guerre Civile di Francia, 68, 70, 124, 569

  Davis, John

  attends Jefferson’s inauguration, 450

  Captain John Smith and Princess Pocahontas, 471

  opinion of Notes on the State of Virginia, 246

  Travels …in the United States, 457

  Davis, Thomas, 471

  Dawson, William, 22

  Day, Thomas, 54, 62

  De Bry, Theodor, 371, 538, 539

  Voyages, 556

  Deane, Silas, 168, 210

  Dearborn, Henry, 465

  Declaration of Independence, 96, 174–190, 195–196, 198, 205, 223, 264, 268, 271, 311, 366, 376–377, 379, 451, 453, 526, 532, 598–599, 611, 625, 627, 640–642

  Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking up Arms, 169–171

  Defoe, Daniel

  “Relation of the Apparition of Mrs. Veal, ” 25

  Robinson Crusoe, 17

  Demarest, A. G., Mammologie, 571

  Democritus, Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, 373

  Demosthenes, 77–78, 128, 139, 171

  Denison, J. Evelyn, 632

  Determinations of the Honourable House of Commons, Concerning Elections, 109–110

  Dézallier d’Argenville, Antoine-Joseph, Theory and Practice of Gardening, 9

  Dickinson, John, 452

  attitude toward American Revolution, 597

  Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking up Arms, 169–171

  Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, 169

  Dickinson, William, 527

  Dictionnaire de l’Academie Française, 558

  Dictionnaire de Trévoux, 558

  Diderot, Denis, 296–297, 581, 608

  Dilly, Charles, 328–329

  Dinmore, Richard

  circulating library, 471

  Select and Fugitive Poetry, 471

  Diogenes, Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, 373–374

  Disraeli, Isaac, 269

  Dixon, John, 88

  Dodd, William, Beauties of Shakespeare, 321

  Doddridge, Philip, Sermons to Young Persons, 20

  Dodsley, Robert, Preceptor, 35, 36, 52

  Dolci, Carlo, 362–363

  Douglas, William, 19–23, 25, 31

  Dr. Faustus, 15

  Drelincourt, Charles, Consolations, 24–25, 137

  Drummond, Mrs., 120

  Dryden, John, 71, 127

  Duane, James, 168, 276–277

  Duane, William

  arranges for translation of Tracy’s Commentary, 528


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