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The Road to Monticello

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by Hayes, Kevin J. ;

  Michaux, André, 413–415, 484

  Michelangelo, 575

  Middleton, Conyers, 204

  Miller, Philip, Gardener’s Dictionary, 97

  Milligan, Joseph

  bookbinding skills, 472, 560

  inventories Jefferson’s great library, 555

  packs Jefferson’s great library for shipment, 562

  publishes Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 527–528

  publishes Treatise on Political Economy, 529

  takes over John March’s store, 472

  Milton, John, 49, 120, 251, 307

  Comus, 130

  Of Reformation in England, 204

  Paradise Lost, 41–42, 91–92, 129, 130, 201, 308, 558, 594

  Paradise Regain’d, 130

  Reason of Church-Government, 204

  Samson Agonistes, 130

  Works, 9

  Minerva, 438–439

  Miscellaneous Poetry, 471

  Mitchill, Samuel, 467–468

  Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 105, 608

  Molini, Jean Claude, 282

  Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord, 324

  Moncacht-Apé, 40–41

  Monroe, James

  character of, 227–229, 310

  correspondence with Jefferson, 235, 243, 252–253, 278, 282, 290, 440

  friendship with Jefferson, 227, 266, 269

  inauguration, 618

  library of, 270

  serves as U.S. minister to France, 426

  serves in Congress, 266

  Montagu, Edward, 129

  Montagu, Elizabeth, Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare, 201

  Montaigne, Michel de, 279, 428

  Essais, 429

  “Of Experience, ” 429

  Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, 113, 279, 608

  Spirit of Laws, 239, 528

  Monthly Repository of Theology, 586

  Moreli, Jacopo, 372

  Morellet, André, 244, 302

  Morgan, John, 96

  Morison, Robert

  Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language, 580

  View of China for Philological Purposes, 580

  Moritz, Karl, 317, 319–320

  Morris, Gouverneur, 415

  Morris, Robert, 410

  Morton, Nathaniel, New-England’s Memorial, 540

  Morton, Thomas, New English Canaan, 119, 539–540

  Moulson, John, 498, 499

  Muhammad, 258

  Munford, William G. (a.k.a. W. G. Monfort), 442–444

  Murray, John, fourth earl of Dunmore, 150, 152, 164–165, 168, 199

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 544, 545, 605

  National Gazette, 412, 440

  National Intelligencer, 446, 456

  Necker, Jacques, 297

  Neely, James, 493

  Nelson, Lucy Chiswell, 120

  Nelson, Robert, Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, 71

  Nelson, Thomas (1715–1787), 117

  Nelson, Thomas (1738–1789), 117, 176, 223, 230, 231, 429

  Nepos, Cornelius, 379, 567–568, 569

  De Vita Excellentium, 34

  New York Daily Advertiser, 412

  Newton, Isaac, 10, 21, 53, 213, 347, 370, 536, 537

  Nicholas, Robert Carter, 108–109, 151–152, 165

  Niles’ Weekly Register, 618

  Norris Isaac, Jr., 110

  North, Frederick, second Earl of Guilford, 163, 165, 167

  North American Review, 618–619

  Ode to the Mammoth Cheese, 474–475

  Ogilby, John, America, 26

  Ogilvie, James, 2, 119, 621


  Against Celsus, 222

  Hexapla, 222

  Osborne, Henrietta, 103

  Ossian, 77, 103, 133–138, 139, 142–146, 176, 182, 250, 264, 363, 492, 578, 609

  Ostenaco, 55–56

  Otis, Sameul, 547

  Otto, Guillaume, 242

  Ovid, 23, 507

  Epistolae, 34

  Heroides, 23

  Owen, Goronwy, 49–50

  Owen, John, 360

  Oyré, François Ignace, Chevalier d’, 247–248

  Page, John

  boyhood reading, 16

  correspondence with Jefferson, 2–4, 10, 16–17, 23, 64–68, 93–95, 118, 319, 336

  education of, 45–46, 49, 52–54

  friendship with Jefferson, 2, 56, 224

  runs for governor of Virginia, 223–224

  scientific activities, 53, 129, 212

  serves as governor of Virginia, 501

  Page, Mann, 418

  Paine, Robert Treat, 541

  Paine, Thomas, 401, 411, 600

  Common Sense, 176–177, 193

  Rights of Man, 400, 446

  Palladio, Andrea, I Cinque Ordini di Architettura, 631

  Pantchatantra, 425

  Paradise, John, 373, 377

  Paradise, Lucy Ludwell, 372–375

  Parker, Richard, 214

  Parliamentary Register, 550

  Parr, Samuel, 628

  Pasteur, William, 103–104

  Payne, Thomas, 367

  Peacock, Thomas Love, 545

  Peale, Charles Wilson, 507, 518, 596

  Pendleton, Edmund, 108, 163, 168, 198, 207–208, 214, 220

  Penn, John, 176, 187

  Pennsylvania Packet, 194

  Percy, Thomas

  Five Pieces of Runic Poetry, 131

  Hau Kiou Choaan, 130

  Key to the New Testament, 131

  Miscellaneous Pieces Relating to the Chinese, 130

  Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 125, 130

  Peters, Richard, 313

  Petersburg Courier, 553–554

  Pétis, François, Histoire du Grand Genghizcan, 199, 42

  Petrarch, 608

  Il Petrarca, 353

  Petty, William, Political Survey of Ireland, 112

  Petyt, William, Jus Parliamentarium, 110

  Peyrou, Pierre Alexandre, 298, 554

  Philadelphia Repository, 457

  Philidor, F. D., Chess Rendered Familiar, 609

  Phillips, William, 221, 251

  Philosophical Transactions, 61

  “Philosophy of Jesus” (Jefferson), 583

  Pickering, Timothy, 463

  Pièces Diverses et Correspondance Relatives aux Opérations de l’Armée d’ Orient en Égypte, 569

  Pierres, Philippe-Denys, 240, 281–282, 292

  Pigalle, Jean-Baptise, 600

  Pignotti, Lorenzo, Favole e Novelle, 282

  Pike, Zebulon, Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, 574

  Pindar, Peter, Lousiad, 314

  Pinelli, Maffeo, 372, 373, 374

  Pinto de Sousa Coutinho, Luis, Chevalier de, 317

  Pissot, Laurent Noel, 194

  Plato, 139, 379, 586

  Plautus, 632

  “Pleasures of Retirement, ” 506

  Plutarch’s Lives, 140

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 639–640, 643–644

  “Power of Words, ” 644

  Pohlman, J. G., 609

  Pollexfen, Henry, Of Trade, 139

  Pope, Alexander, 42, 135, 319, 321, 362

  “Epitaph; On Himself, ” 306

  Selecta Poemata Italorum, 69, 74

  Works, 122

  Porcupine’s Gazette, 437–439

  Posthumous Works of Frederic II, King of Prussia, 371

  Potter, John, Antiquities of Greece, 8

  Potter, Nathaniel, Memoir on Contagion, 572

  Potter, Suky, 66

  Price, Richard, 239, 281

  Observations of the Nature of Civil Liberty, 195

  Priestley, Joseph, 42, 462–463, 541–524, 585, 614–615

  Harmony of the Evangelists, 584

  Socrates and Jesus Compared, 477

  Prior, Matthew, 127

  Pritchard, William, 261, 264

  Ptolemy, L’Etat des Etoiles Fixes au Second S
iecle, 371

  “Publicola” (J.Q. Adams), 401, 406

  Pufendorf, Samuel

  De Officio Hominis et Civis, 21

  Droit de la Nature et des Gens, 83

  Of the Law of Nature and Nations, 83

  Purchas, Samuel, Purchas His Pilgrimage, 556

  Purdie, Alexander, 88

  Purvis, John, Complete Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, 139

  Quevedo, Francisco de, 330

  Quintilian, 34

  Qur’an, 9, 130, 201, 258, 259, 316

  Rabelais, François

  Gargantua and Pantagruel, 578

  Oeuvres, 578

  Ramsay, David, History of the Revolution in South Carolina, 326–331

  Randolph, Anne C. (TJ’s granddaughter). See Bankhead, Anne C. Randolph

  Randolph, Benjamin F. (TJ’s grandson), 177, 420

  Randolph, Cornelia J. (TJ’s granddaughter), 19, 420, 426, 504, 562, 606, 607–611, 634, 635, 636

  Randolph, Edmund, 142, 159, 166, 283, 392, 424, 428, 429

  Randolph, Ellen W. (TJ’s granddaughter). See Coolidge, Ellen W. Randolph

  Randolph, George W. (TJ’s grandson), 420

  Randolph, James M. (TJ’s grandson), 420

  Randolph, John, 172, 173, 492

  Randolph, Martha Jefferson (TJ’s daughter), 640

  birth of, 121

  childhood, 196

  correspondence with Ellen Coolidge, 637

  correspondence with Jefferson, 341, 352–354, 398, 402, 411–412, 469, 517

  education of, 266–267, 280, 375, 403

  encourages Jefferson to read Ivanhoe, 578

  gives birth, 399, 470

  hospitality of, 518–519, 525, 638

  Jefferson presents books to, 266, 282, 304, 471, 399–400, 577, 608

  meets Margaret Bayard Smith, 476

  memories of her mother’s death, 253–255

  returns to America, 383–388

  sits for Sully, 601–602

  teaches French, 621

  travels in America, 260, 271

  travels to Paris, 275–280

  wedding of, 389

  Randolph, Mary J. (TJ’s granddaughter), 420

  Randolph, Meriwether L. (TJ’s grandson), 420

  Randolph, Peter, 30, 43–44, 80

  Randolph, Peyton, 167, 172

  death of, 174–175, 196

  elected to Continental Congress, 163

  library of, 202, 204, 425

  serves in House of Burgesses, 107, 111, 164–165

  serves in Virginia Convention, 159, 161

  Stamp Act and, 80

  Randolph, Sir John, 202

  Randolph, Thomas J. (TJ’s grandson, ak.a. Jeff), 30, 89, 420, 507, 640, 641

  Randolph, Thomas Mann (1741–1793), 45, 492

  Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828), 388–389

  Randolph, Virginia J. (TJ’s granddaughter). See Trist, Virginia J.

  Randolph Randolph, William, 11, 45

  Rapin, René, Critical Works, 139

  Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, History of England, 26–27

  Rastell, William, Collection in English of the Statutes Now in Force, 73–74

  Ravaillac, François, 68, 124

  Rawle, R. T., 457

  Raymond, Robert Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged, 49

  Reports of Cases of King’s Bench and Common Pleas, 492

  Raynal, Abbé, 570

  Real Academia Española, 426

  Reed, John, 555

  Reibelt, J. P., 471

  Reni, Guido, Herodias Bearing the Head of St. John, 590

  Report of the Committee of Revisors, 213

  Retzsch, Moritz, 575

  Revere, Paul, 163

  Reynard the Fox, 15

  Reynolds, Maria, 440

  Richardson, Robert Attorney’s Practice in the Court of Common Pleas, 70

  Attorney’s Practice in the Court of King’s Bench, 70

  Richardson, Samuel, 251

  Clarissa, 123

  Pamela, 123

  Sir Charles Grandison, 123

  Richmond Enquirer, 617, 625

  Riedesel, Frederika, Baroness von, 221–222

  Riedesel, Friedrich Adolphus, Baron von, 221, 224

  Rind, Clementina, 160

  Rind, William, 88

  Rittenhouse, David, 212–213, 395, 432, 433

  Rivington, James, 271, 276

  Roberts brothers, Mémoires de les Expèriences Aerostatiques, 287

  Robertson, William

  History of America, 398

  History of Scotlandz, 72

  History of the Reign of Charles V, 49

  Robespierre, Maximilien, 529

  Robinson, Moses, 462

  Robinson, William, 76, 79–80

  Robson, James, 373

  Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Count de, 247

  Rodney, Caesar, 529, 530

  Roebuck, John, 54

  Rogers, Thomas, A New American Biographical Dictionary, 567–469

  Rollin, Charles

  De la Manière d’Enseigner et d’Étudier les Belles-Lettres, 35

  Histoire Ancienne, 199

  Roscoe, William, On the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, 572

  Rose, Hugh, 232

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Confessions, 295, 595

  Letters on the Elements of Botany, 554

  Nouvelle Héloïse;, 295, 298

  Oeuvres Completes, 298, 554

  Rowe, Jacob, 50

  Royal Society of London, 61, 67

  Royez, Jean François, L’Itinéraire et Guide des Postes d’Italie, 342

  Royle, Joseph, 68, 88

  Rubens, Peter Paul

  Adoration of the Shepherds, 360

  Death of Seneca, 360

  Last Judgment, 360

  Ruperti, Georg Alexander, 565

  Rush, Benjamin, 525

  advice for Lewis and Clark, 485

  appreciation of “First Inaugural Address, ” 458–459

  correspondence with Jefferson, 434, 458, 461–462, 477, 532–537, 545

  death of, 540–541

  efforts to reconcile Adams and jefferson, 532–537

  Jefferson’s anecdote concerning, 469

  Observations on the Origin of the Malignant Bilious, 572

  suggests changing American place names, 180

  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures in Chemistry, 189

  Rush, Jacob, 499

  Rush, Richard, 532

  Rushworth, John, Historical Collections, 150

  Russell, Gilbert, 493

  Rutledge, Edmund, 419, 429

  Rutledge, John, Jr., 169, 340–341, 351, 354, 358, 419

  Saint-Lambert, Jean-François, Marquis de, 295–297, 301

  Sale, George, Koran, 9, 258, 315

  Sallust, 89, 472

  Sargeant, Ezra, 530

  Sarsfield, Guy Claude, Comte de, 356

  Saunderson, John, 596

  Scapula, Johann, Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, 68–69

  Schiller, Frederick, Don Carlos, 476

  Schütz, Christian Gottfried, 425

  Scott, John, Christian Life, 20

  Scott, Walter

  Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, 578

  Ivanhoe, 578

  Lady of the Lake, 578

  Lay of the Last Minstrel, 578

  Marmion, 578

  Vision of Don Roderick, 578

  Sedaine, Michel Jean

  Aucassin et Nicolette, 285

  Richard Coeur de Lion, 334

  Selden, John

  Opera Omnia, 406

  Table-Talk, 406

  Seneca, 126, 586

  Morals, 126

  Shaaf, Mr., 396–397

  Shackelford, Benjamin, 517

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, “Letter Concerning Enthusiasm, ” 204

  Shakespeare, William, 30, 105, 125, 129, 201, 317, 320, 366, 610

  Beauties of Shakespeare, 321

, 607

  Hamlet, 91, 98

  Henry IV, Part I, 531

  King Lear, 125

  Love’s Labour’s Lost1, 125

  Macbeth, 124, 321, 610

  Measure for Measure, 125, 543

  Merchant of Venice, 63

  Merry Wives of Windsor, 125

  Much Ado about Nothing, 125

  Othello, 607, 609, 610

  Plays, 610

  Taming of the Shrew, 611

  Tempest, 607

  Twelfth Night, 607

  Sharp, Joshua, 457

  Sharpe, John, Plays of William Shakespeare, 610

  Shelby, Isaac, 414–415

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 568, 575

  Revolt of Islam, 457

  Shenstone, William, 306, 308, 318–319

  Poetical Works, 608

  “Princess Elizabeth, ” 87

  “Proposal to Advice, ” 636

  “Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening, ” 87

  Works, 87, 319

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Rivals, 577

  Sherlock, William, 38, 176

  Practical Discourse Concerning a Future Judgment, 126

  Practical Discourse Concerning Death, 25, 38, 126, 137

  Sherman, Roger, 178

  Shippen, Thomas Lee, 340–341, 351, 354, 358, 396–398

  Short, William, 269, 298, 341, 345, 347, 357–359, 390, 426, 551, 586–587, 595, 601, 613

  Siddons, Sarah, 321–322

  Sidney, Algernon, Discourses Concerning Government, 179

  “Simple Susan, ” 471

  Skelton, Bathurst, 119, 122

  Skelton, Reuben, 120, 140

  Skipwith, Robert, 122–127, 130–131, 577

  Skipwith, Tabitha, 122

  Sloan, James, Rambles in Italy, 574

  Slodtz, Michaelangelo, Diana, 346

  Small, William, 50–55, 56, 60, 62, 64, 67–68, 71–72, 122, 128, 132, 298

  Smith, Abigail Adams, 287, 290, 309, 311, 536, 543

  Smith, Captain John, 154, 190, 238, 435

  Description of New England, 155

  Generall Historie of Virginia, 155, 556, 621

  Map of Virginia, 158

  True Travels, 621

  Smith, Jonathan Bayard, 400

  Smith, Margaret Bayard, 446–447, 450, 455–456, 459, 467, 469, 476, 509–510, 516, 520–524, 584

  Smith, Robert, 465

  Smith, Samuel, 439, 440, 465

  Smith, Samuel Harrison, 400–401, 446–448, 456, 467, 487, 509, 520–523, 552–553, 555, 562

  Remarks on Education, 446

  Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 215–216

  Smith, William, History of New York, 631

  Smith, William Loughton, 410–411

  Smith, William Stephens, 309–311, 313, 326, 329

  Smollett, Tobias

  Peregrine Pickle, 123

  Roderick Random, 123

  Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 142

  Socrates, 586

  Solís, Antonio de, Historia de la Conquista de México, 385

  Sophocles, 608, 632

  South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture, 350


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