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Trigger (Origin Book 1)

Page 6

by Scarlett Dawn

  The door opened, and the room quieted.

  A soldier in black stated loudly, “Poppy Carvene.”

  All eyes inside the room suddenly went on alert, more than a few gasps were heard. My father was legendary. And so was his hatred for anything corporate—especially for Mr. King who ran it all. The other candidates’ reactions weren’t surprising.

  “Poppy Carvene,” the soldier repeated.

  I lowered my fork and stood.

  I kept my shoulders back and my gaze straight.

  The eyes spearing me with curiosity were mostly annoying, though my cheeks blushed in shame. Word would soon get out that General Carvene’s only child didn’t agree with his politics. This would hurt him in some circles.

  He was tough, though.

  My father hadn’t held his position for over thirty years without knowing how to deal with problems such as this. There had been many men who had tried to usurp him only to be burned down. Sometimes literally.

  His contacts were endless.

  I followed the soldier out of the room, thankful when he shut the door to the dining hall behind us, effectively cutting off the gossip murmuring through the crowd.

  The soldier peered at me from the corner of his eye while leading me down a hallway to the back. “You’re really General Carvene’s daughter?”

  I ground my teeth together. “I am.”

  He grunted and turned his eyes forward. “You won’t have it easy here during the tests. Those recruits will be brutal.”

  “Because of who I am,” I clarified.


  “I know.”

  His eyes flicked to me once more, glancing down my body. “Do you think you have a chance?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  He chuckled. “Spoken like a general’s child.”


  He stopped and opened a door for me. “Don’t let your pride get in your way.”

  I stepped into the room and stared back at him.

  I didn’t have a superiority complex. Not at all.

  He didn’t enter the room with me. “Good luck.”

  He shut the door, the wood only inches from my nose.

  “Ms. Poppy Carvene?” a woman asked from behind me.

  I quickly twisted and wiped away any surprise.

  The room wasn’t empty.

  Five CA soldiers were sitting at the back of the rectangular room. There was a long table in front of them with tablets for each person, and a lone chair sat facing their group. The room was white. Completely white, including the furniture.

  Interview time.

  I nodded and walked forward to the empty chair. “Yes, I’m Ms. Carvene.”

  Four men and one woman ran their intelligent eyes over my person. I hadn’t had time to shower or change before the dinner bell had rung. I’d barely been assigned my small room and dropped off my bag before the herd of candidates had filled the housing hallways, all in a rush for the dining hall.

  The woman gestured to the seat with a wave of her hand. “You may sit down.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” I sat and tried not to fidget.

  She ran her fingers over her tablet, her piercing eyes lowering to the screen. “You’re our last interview, so you’re catching us at a great moment.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  The men didn’t speak.

  It looked like the woman was running this.

  “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Carvene. I’m surprised your father signed off on your form.” Her dark gaze flicked up to my brown eyes. “You do know that we will verify all signatures, correct?”

  I blinked. “Yes.”

  I actually hadn’t.

  But if he read my letter, he knew where I was.

  There was a ten-year minimum jail sentence for anyone who forged a legal guardian’s name for entrance to the Corporate Army. I didn’t think my father would tell them he hadn’t actually signed it. I was twisting his arm, but it was needed for my freedom. I would apologize later.

  I placed my hands on my lap and waited.

  She continued to watch my every move. “Why do you want to join the Corporate Army?”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip.

  Her brows rose in the silence.

  The truth was best here. “I don’t want to marry a stranger. I don’t want to be a parent right now. I want to run my own life.”

  The soldier blinked. “Thank you for your honesty.”

  I tipped my head in acknowledgment.

  “Do you believe that you’ll pass the tests here?”

  “I do.”

  “What are your skills? Typically, women your size don’t stand a chance here. But seeing as your father is General Carvene, I imagine he had you professionally trained?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Your skills, please.” She tapped on her tablet, her finger poised over the screen.

  I listed all of them aloud.

  When her finger eventually stopped moving over the screen, her dark gaze peered up at me in surprise. “That is impressive.”

  I shrugged and nibbled on my lower lip again.

  Her gaze ran over my features. “I take it you want to be in the infantry?”

  “No.” I instantly shook my head. “I’d like to go into your intelligence unit.”

  She stared. “But your skills are infantry related.”

  “I can hold my own in a fight. I agree. And, yes, I could be a major asset for the Corporate Army in the infantry.” I shrugged again. “But I like puzzles. When I pass these tests, I plan to test for the intelligence unit.”

  Her lips twitched. “When you pass these tests?”

  I hesitated, remembering what that guard had said. “Respectfully, of course, ma’am.”

  There. That sounded nice.

  She smiled, but it wasn’t pleasant. “Do you really believe playing with puzzles qualifies you for our most elite unit?”

  “I think it matters if I pass their exam.”

  Shit. That was a little rude.

  Eh… I was being myself.

  Her smile reached her eyes now, though. “Ms. Carvene, you may go back to dinner.” She tapped her screen. “You’ve passed your first test.”


  It was so early in the morning the sun hadn’t peeked over the horizon, but the sky was turning a beautiful pink at the edge. Early rising didn’t bother me. I was used to it living on military bases. But not everyone agreed with my living style.

  The candidates near me were dragging their feet as we began our march down the walkway to the sidewalk. I’d finally showered, and I smelled decent. Everyone had been given uniforms consisting of black cargo pants, white t-shirts, and black boots. I wasn’t allowed to wear my ball cap, so I simply kept it in my left back pocket and pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

  My hair swung back and forth brushing my shoulders with each bounce of my step. The girl next to me glowered at my perkiness. I smiled with cheerful delight to annoy her further.

  None of the candidates had done anything horrid to me so far, so I had managed a full night’s sleep. The bed wasn’t big, but it was soft. I had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  We turned right outside of the gate and walked as a group down the sidewalk. The five CA soldiers who had interviewed us, and who were clearly our instructors, were leading our little event. They hadn’t said where we were going, only banged on our doors for breakfast when it was still completely dark outside.

  A flash of silver caught my eye.

  I narrowed my gaze on one of the small trees planted for decoration on the opposite sidewalk. There was a silver furry tail sticking out behind the trunk. I blinked in astonishment as my train companion stuck his head around the tree, his silver eyes watching the parade of candidates.

  I pointed to where he was. “That fox is following me. I swear it.”

  The girl I had annoyed snorted. “You’re crazy.”
/>   “You see it, right?”


  “Well, it’s following me.”

  She watched as the fox darted from behind one tree to the next, his silver eyes watching my movement. “Okay, that is a little weird.”


  Then I remembered I wasn’t supposed to make friends, and I shut my mouth. But I kept a wary eye on my silver stalker. I had no clue how he had found me amidst the masses in New City.

  Two turns later, our group stopped.

  In front of King Corporation.

  I squinted at the building.

  People were already entering, the sun now rising.

  One of the male CA instructors took the lead from the front of our group as we all congregated on the sloping hills of grass. “Listen up. We’re touring King Corporation today.”

  Cheers erupted from my peers.

  No. No. No. No.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  My chest constricted as my pulse raced. I did not want to go in there where he might be. That was the last confrontation I wanted right now in front of the instructors who would decide if I ‘passed’ their tests. I kept my gaze on the entrance of the building and shoved my hands into my pockets to hide their shaking.

  Worst. Day. Ever.

  The instructor patted the air to quiet the excited candidates. The clamor finally died down, and he continued, “All female recruits will be with our female lead, Major Anne Wilcox. For the males, we’ll be calling off your names, and which of us will be giving you the tour. Everyone will all see the same things today but merely at different times. You will be free to eat lunch wherever you wish, but we want you back in this same spot by two o’clock. Do you understand?”

  I muttered, “Yes, sir.”

  The rest yelled it.

  “Female recruits, go with Major Wilcox.”

  The girls started moving through the crowd, myself included. I should have watched where I was walking.

  “Shit,” I grumbled as I stumbled into the guy’s back in front of me. I quickly righted myself and pulled my hands out of my pockets, holding them up in the air when he glared. “I’m sorry. Little distracted.”

  He sneered. “Watch yourself, Carvene.”

  “Gotcha.” I nodded quickly.

  I paid attention this time as I maneuvered through the group, a few elbows jutting out and jarring my body just as I stepped by.

  The foul play was starting.

  Major Wilcox waited at the front of the building until all ten women lined up side-by-side. “Don’t touch anything that you’re not supposed to. Don’t speak to anyone you’re not supposed to. And do not wander off while we’re in here. You follow me, not the other way around. There are cameras everywhere that will be watching your every move.” Her dark eyes peered at each one of us in turn. “Do you have any questions?”

  The girl next to me stood with her hands behind her back in full soldier stance. “Yes, ma’am. I have a question.”

  Major Wilcox waited, one of her eyebrows lifting.

  “Will…um.” The girl rocked back on her heels, then steeled her courage. “Will we get to meet Mr. King today?”

  Fuck, I hoped not.

  I scratched at my forehead.

  Dropped my hand when I realized I was fidgeting.

  Major Wilcox stated, “He is in the office today, but he doesn’t speak with recruits, only his top senior staff. He’s an incredibly busy man, and his time is always taken with meetings. Any other questions?”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip.

  The acid in my stomach was rising.

  I prayed I didn’t see him.

  No one else spoke up.

  She turned and muttered under her breath, “That’s always the only damn question.” Her voice rose so everyone could hear her. “Let’s go, ladies.”


  The buzzer beeped indicating my body scan was approved, and the guard at the door allowed me entry into the grand lobby of King Corporation. I kept my head down, covertly glancing at each person inside while we waited for everyone to be checked for hidden weapons. They weren’t allowed in this building—a new one for me. Only Corporate Army soldiers were allowed weapons in here.

  Major Wilcox had bypassed the scan, her swords in full view. She nodded at the guard, smiling at him. “See you later, George.”

  “Later, Anne.”

  They were chummy. Good for them.

  I kept to the middle of our small group as we walked further into the opulent main entrance. The area was wide and open, the ceiling three stories tall. There were splashes of blue in the elegant ivory tiling. Plants and long blue cushioned benches were placed on the outer edges and the back wall near the elevators. An ivory, half-moon concierge desk sat in the center of the room for anyone with questions, the woman behind the desk dressed in black business attire.

  The main floor was simple. And elegant.


  It also allowed many, many people to stand and talk with one another. I couldn’t even see everyone the farther we walked, our destination the elevators. A quiet murmuring started around us, though, and the whispers were excited. I didn’t like the anticipation of the crowd’s demeanor.

  Major Wilcox turned to face us, stopping our progress, and practically rolled her eyes. “Apparently, we will have a Mr. King sighting.” She tipped her head behind us. “I believe I heard he’s walking through the door now.”

  Fuck no.

  I quickly ducked out of our group, completely unnoticed with all the tall people standing around. With sweat beading my brow, I weaved as quickly as I could to the back of the room. There had been a restroom sign somewhere along the wall. My eyes darted, scanning as fast as I could.

  There it was.

  I ducked inside just as two women ran out the door in a hurry. They were certainly Mr. King fans from the way they straightened their skirts and finger-combed their hair in a rush. I shut the door quickly and glanced under the stalls looking for feet.

  No one else was in here with me.

  I opened the door a crack to peek outside.

  The crowd parted, and he was there strolling through the lobby. No one overtly stared at him, all pretending they were still talking with their co-workers. Godric acted as if no one else was around except for the four men he was walking and laughing with. They all wore pristine suits, but those were certainly tailor made because those men were just as muscled as Godric was.

  He and his friends were frightening.

  And sexy. All of them a treat to the eye.

  I ground my teeth together when Major Wilcox pulled the ladies from their ogling and took them to the elevators. The elevator chimed too soon, and they all disappeared inside. What floor they were going to, I hadn’t a damn clue.

  But I couldn’t move since Godric’s group had stopped in the middle of the lobby to discuss bullshit for all I knew.

  My red brows furrowed as I watched.

  Godric paused and sniffed the air.

  He blinked ever so slowly and began looking at each person outside of his group. His tawny curls brushed his shoulders as his head turned to the side in his perusal, allowing me a great view of his profile. The bastard was just as striking to look at in the morning light.

  One of his friends with white hair touched his arm and asked him a question, apparently noticing his distracted state.

  Godric held up a quick finger, shushing him. He sniffed the air once more, and then his steps were measured when he started walking again, his black dress shoes silent on the tiling. Right in my damn direction.

  I quickly shut the door. “Shit. Shit. Shit.”

  My wide eyes stared at the ivory door as I slowly backed away from it. He wouldn’t go in the ladies’ room. That didn’t make any sense. I froze in the middle of the bathroom when the door banged open, caught by the predator.

  Godric stopped in his tracks, his nostrils flared. Golden eyes pierced mine for a full half minute while
he just stood in the entrance, his hand still holding the door open.

  The man with the white hair cleared his throat from outside and peered around Godric’s head toward me. “Is there an issue, God?”

  “God?” I blinked then. My voice was full of derision. “I know you’re an egomaniac, but you don’t seriously let people call you that, do you?”

  The furious man finally spoke, growling, “Get your ass over here right now, Poppy.” Apparently, he didn’t want to move further into the ladies bathroom.

  “No, I’m good.” I took a step back.

  I was wrong.

  Godric slammed the door behind him and charged right at me, the sleeves of his black suit jacket straining against his clenched muscles. He grabbed ahold of my right bicep and flat out started dragging my ass toward the door.

  My boots skidded along the tiling as I pulled back, but it was no use. “Dammit, let go!”

  Then he opened the door to the bathroom.

  We were outside it with one more step.

  His four friends had created a barricade so no one could watch the show occurring with their favorite man on earth. Four pairs of eyes stared down into my flushed face as I kept jerking my arm inside his hold. Then their brows furrowed as they inhaled deeply.

  Pure shock radiated off them, their eyes widening.

  The one with white hair stared at my neckline where my shirt was askew from Godric’s brutal ways. He muttered in surprise, “Fuck. It’s about time. And look at that bite.”

  “Shut the hell up, Finn.” Godric turned his angry gaze down on mine, and his voice lowered. “Stop fighting me, or you are going to make a scene.”

  I glared but quickly quit struggling.

  There was another group of recruits being scanned at the front entrance. I didn’t want any of them taking notice.

  Finn blinked, his eyes focusing. “What now, God?”

  I snorted. I couldn’t believe they called him that.

  Godric groused, “I’m taking her up to my office.”

  “We have a meeting scheduled.”

  “It can wait.”

  He kept his grip firm on my bicep, herding me to the elevators. His friends managed to keep everyone from seeing me, their muscled bodies perfect as a blockade. Godric glared down at me while waiting for an elevator to arrive, no words spoken.


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