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Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf (Black Swan 4)

Page 23

by Danann, Victoria

  "Looks like you were thorough." He eyed the packages while wiping the card on his jeans leg.

  "No need to thank me. I was happy to do it." She looked at Grey pointedly. "As a favor. For family."

  Okay. Message received.

  Cloud looked at Luna and grinned as she held up the bags. "Stuff for you."

  Luna practically squeed in that semi-irritating way that women do, as she accompanied Cloud to the bedroom and closed the door. Stalkson realized it was not nearly as irritating when it was your woman doing the squeeing.

  He drew up short when he realized that was the first time he'd dared to use a possessive pronoun when thinking about the lovely alien from Throenark dimension. My woman. He tested the feel of that, saying it again in his mind. With each silent repetition he was more convinced that he'd do anything to keep her. Anything.



  After Luna drank a cup of mulled wine, Grey entertained himself watching her eyelids grow heavier and heavier. Who needs TV? When she was drowsy enough to nod, he picked her up to take her to bed. She didn't resist. On the contrary, she nestled her nose into his neck and breathed him in. When he laid her down on the bed, she sat up.

  "I want to change into one of my new nightshirts."

  Grey didn't know she had new nightshirts, but was eager for her to have any pleasurable distraction that would keep her from thinking about the life she had left and missing it. He took a step back.

  "Can I have some privacy so I can change?"

  "Why? You've seen me without clothes."

  "It's for your own good, werewolf. I don't want you to lie awake all night feverishly fretting over what you can't have."

  He briefly considered teasing her about the phrase 'feverishly fretting', but concluded that it was only funny if not true.

  "Very well, healer. Two minutes."

  When he closed the door she sprang into action, grabbing the red satin nightshirt from the hanger where Cloud had put it. She ripped her clothes away as fast as she could, but she was still a novice at fasteners and she was still pushing the jeans down her legs when he came back in.

  "Here. Let me help you with that." He helped her sit on the edge of the bed without falling over and began unlacing her boots. "You look beautiful in red, Luna."

  She'd been watching him unlace the boots, but her eyes flew up to meet his when she heard the compliment. "Thank you," she whispered.

  He cocked his head. "I'll bet you're tired of hearing how beautiful you are." She shook her head vigorously. "No? Well, I will make a note to remind you until you do grow tired of hearing it."

  He saw her throat move when she swallowed and had to remind himself that he was supposed to be untying laces. He pulled the boots from her feet.

  "Do you want to sleep in your socks?"

  She smiled and said no, but made no move to take them off. He took that to mean that she was enjoying having him undress her. He hid a smile, rose, and pulled back the covers.

  "Do you usually sleep alone?"

  "Always. You're the first person I've ever slept with."

  That simple and innocent-sounding admission made his heart swell in his chest. He removed his clothes, switched off the lamp, and got under the covers to find that she'd turned on her side facing him. Her face was bathed in the light of the nearly full moon coming through the window.

  "Luna. Would you show me how you like to be kissed?"

  Her eyes dropped to his mouth and stayed there for a couple of heartbeats before returning to his eyes.

  "No. I'm mad at you for taking me without asking."

  He reached over and traced the line at the ridge of her bottom lip with his thumb, making the sensitive area tingle in response.

  "But I got you fruit."

  "That's true."

  "And nuts."

  "Also true."

  "And breads."

  "Yes," she breathed.

  He scooted an inch closer. "And a red hat."

  "And hot chocolate. You're a good provider." Her eyes returned to his lips. "And I've always thought your mouth is... kissable."

  His responding slow smile gave her shivers from stem to stern.

  "All the better to kiss you with."

  "A goodnight kiss then. Just one. No more."

  He took her hand and placed it on his bare chest, over his heart. She allowed it and didn't pull back. "I want you to feel the way my heart speeds up when you come closer to me."

  She surprised him by rising above him and urging him to his back. He'd never been in a submissive position before, except once, and that time was neither pleasant nor by choice. He thought he wouldn't be able to tolerate submitting, but found that he wasn't bothered at all. The only thing he cared about was the agony of waiting for her touch. The anticipation made him groan as she slowly lowered her mouth to his. It was as if she wanted to prolong the moment and savor it for herself.

  Luna's lips brushed his. She smiled when he jerked slightly as his nerve endings came alive, readying for a proper plundering. Her soft mouth descended taking his sweetly at first, inviting his tongue to push between her lips and join them together in a delicious imitation of copulation. The pressure she applied gradually became more insistent, as did the throbbing in his engorged cock which was trapped between their bodies. The nightshirt had ridden up just enough to give him the heavenly sensation of skin on skin where her bare thigh pressed against him.

  She whispered against his mouth. "Your heart is beating faster."

  "Stay with me."

  "Are you giving me a choice?"

  "If I say yes, what will you do?"

  "Go home." The fact that she didn't hesitate at all broke his heart.


  "My work. With herbs. Knowing that I make medicines that heal... It's important."

  "You could do that here." She lay back on the pillow and looked at him, but said nothing more. "Stay, Luna. Heal me."

  Those two words ripped the last remnant of her resolve away. When she had met the werewolf in the forest on Tuesdays and Saturdays, she must have known - on some level - that it could only end one of two ways. Either they would part and not see each other again or she would leave with him and begin a new life. She never could have imagined that new life would be another world or that the beautiful stranger was a man who could turn into a wolf, but, in the grand scheme of things, perhaps those details were minor.

  Long after her breathing had evened out into heavy sleep, he lay watching the moon on its path across the window until it was almost out of sight. That was when flakes began to fall, the kind that were so big and fluffy you could almost see the unique kaleidoscope pattern in each one. There was no wind so they fell straight down, so fast and heavy that everything would soon be covered in white. There was still enough moonlight coming through the window to illuminate the beauty of it.

  He rolled over and gently shook her shoulder. "Luna."

  "Hmmm?" She sounded sleepy, but opened her eyes.


  She followed his line of sight to the window.

  "What is it?" she whispered.

  He smiled to himself. Just as he had thought. He knew she came from a place where the only footwear she'd ever worn was sandals, which gave him cause for suspicion that she might never have seen snow.


  "I've never seen snow." She scrambled out of bed, complained about how cold the floor was, grabbed her discarded socks, put them back on her feet, and went to stand in front of the window wrapping her arms around herself. Even so, she was shivering.

  He chuckled at her unsuccessful effort to be warm. Throwing the covers back he came to stand behind her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his big, warm body. She sank back against him like she belonged there.

  "Beautiful." She said it in such a reverent tone that he tried to view it through her eyes.

  He'd lived through thousands of snowfalls, but seeing her respond to it like it was a miracle
made it seem like one.

  "Let's go out in it." She sounded as excited as a child.

  "Tomorrow. Definitely."

  Just then his acute nakedness began to demand attention. It was evident that he wasn't cold at all.

  "How can you manage to stand here in this cold without clothes?"

  He bent and nuzzled her ear, laughing softly. "You make me warm."

  She couldn't be sure if it was the deep rasp of his voice, or the sexiness of his laugh, or the warm breath at her ear, or the feel of lips nibbling her earlobe, but one of those things made her lower body clench with desire. She understood why Cloud insisted that she needed panties. Because werewolf males made feminine juices flow like a river.

  "Luna," he growled. "I smell your need. It's overpowering."

  She turned in his arms to face him. He slipped his hands under her red nightshirt so that he could cup her ass with his big hands and lift her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist like they had a mind of their own, then she closed the distance between her mouth and his. Grey was far too exciting a lover to kiss sweetly, so she gave in to the passion she'd held at bay and kissed him with a demand that surprised as much as delighted him.

  "Show me what to do, Luna," he breathed her name in a way that made her want to hear it again and again. "Show me what you want."

  "You're doing fine, werewolf. Just don't stop."

  He backed toward the bed until the backs of his knees touched the mattress then sat down with her straddling his lap. She released his mouth and alternated trailing kisses and licks along his neck from one ear to the other before coming back to lose herself in another kiss so deep it felt like she was trying to possess him. With one arm around her waist to hold her to him, he allowed the other hand to wander freely underneath her nightshirt, tracing her curves up the small of her back and around her side. When his warm hand cupped her breast she moaned. When his thumb ran slowly over her sensitized nipple and began circling, she pulled her mouth from his and gasped. The sound of her panting and the feel of her hands in his hair and on his bare shoulders was ratcheting his need higher. He had never had an erection that size, ever, and he was sure he couldn't get bigger.

  That certainty lasted only until she reached between them and encircled the velvety flesh with her hand. She eased herself back far enough so that she could look down and watch her hand stroke his cock. While she was fascinated with watching the movement she created, he undid the nightshirt buttons and pushed it off her shoulders. He hissed in a big shuddering breath as he triumphed in the fact that the woman was with him, skin to skin, willingly asking for a coupling that he would never get over if he lived to be three hundred.

  He pulled her with him as he lay back on the bed and then rolled them both so that she was on her back. She protested the deprivation of no longer having his cock in her hand until he dragged his tongue slowly and leisurely over her nipple and repeatedly circled her areola before nibbling with his lips and sucking deep enough that she felt the response all the way to her womb. While he gave the other breast equal attention, she pulled the thong from his hair and let it loose. When he rose to look down on her, his hair fell around them like a curtain. She ran her hands through it marveling at the sensual juxtaposition of the soft silkiness with the hard-as-a-rock body.

  When he slowly ran his fingertips in a line from her throat, between her breasts, past her belly button, not stopping until he brushed the lips of her entrance, she cried out wantonly.

  "Like this?" he asked.

  She'd made him doubt himself by talking about sex with the demon. She flushed with shame knowing that it had been a lie and, worse, a taunt. Of course she preferred him in every way. That was why she'd been walking and talking with him on Tuesdays and Saturdays instead of waiting her turn with Deliverance.

  "Yes. Like that. It's you I want, Grey. No one else. Only you."

  Her words stung his eyes and sent a flood of emotion through his system. He stilled long enough to allow the power of it to subside so that he could breathe normally again. The woman made him feel things in places he hadn't known existed before.

  He changed the angle of his hand and spread her so that he could sink two fingers into the haven of her sheath. When his thumb lightly brushed her clit, she gasped as her body arched toward him. "So responsive," he rasped. "Luna." He said her name like it was a prayer.

  She caressed his upper body, exploring the chest and abs that were sculpted and well-defined as a work of art.

  "Your body is so strong, wolf."

  "Strong enough to hold you and protect you. Are you mine, Luna?"

  The woman's body knew her heart before her mind did. She was ready to join with him physically, but not ready to say she belonged to him. The idea of saying those words made her throat close off so that she couldn't speak.

  He pulled back and saw distress on her features. "You can't say you're mine?" She shook her head. "That's alright," he smiled and lovingly brushed the hair away from her cheek. "Maybe tomorrow."

  "Are...?" She couldn't finish that question. It wasn't fair to ask and she knew it.

  "What? Am I yours?" She gave a small nod as she searched his face in the moonlight. He smiled his wolfish smile that made her will turn liquid, and spoke softly. "I think I've been yours since the moment I saw you. I watched from the forest and saw you on the walkway in your red garment. Your hood blew away from your beautiful face in the wind. I saw you laugh. I lost my breath. And my heart. And any foolish notion that I might be able to live without you."

  His words were such perfection. And it was such a very long speech for her wolf. She felt tears slip from her eyes.

  "Now. Now. What's this? You're not happy to learn you own a werewolf? Too much responsibility?"

  "Make love to me, Grey. I want to feel you moving inside me."

  He captured her mouth with a vengeance and shifted his body. She felt his thick cock poised at her entrance. Its delectable rigidity was a testament to the passion he held for the woman. When he surged forward she cried out, which shocked her to the core because she had never been an overly vocal lover. He wasn't sure that the extreme pleasure didn't cause his consciousness to wink for a second, but he was sure that the woman beneath him was a perfect fit in every way, as if she had been custom designed for him.

  Grey was so thoroughly engaged he almost forgot one of the demon's most important lessons - clitoris stimulation. As he rocked forward and back, encouraged by Luna's moans and murmurs, he reached between them and lightly tapped her swollen bud. She responded with a shout so loud he jerked his hand away, sure he had hurt her, but her shout was quickly followed by a series of pleas featuring the word, "please", and the phrase, "don't stop".

  Luna's orgasm spiked quickly. It was so massive in length and intensity, that she had Grey silently chanting thanks to the incubus for his lessons on sexing a human. When he surrendered to his own convulsive release, he came hard and long. He collapsed, half on, half off a smiling Luna and reveled in the feel of her hands skimming across his back. When her fingers lazily trailed their way to his buttocks, he jerked involuntarily and they both laughed.

  The king didn't sleep. Too many thoughts ran through his head, one right on top of another. Did this mean she would stay? Did it mean she had feelings for him? Could he make her happy? Because he couldn't give her up. He could not give her up.

  One question was settled. Committing to sex while only in human form wouldn't be a problem. No. Not a problem at all.

  Stalkson Grey had never particularly enjoyed sex in wolf form anyway. Beyond the compulsion to release when his female was in heat, he didn't see the point.

  Before Luna, he had believed that his inside matched the crusty exterior of an intractable lupine leader. Luna reached deep inside him and pulled out a tender heart with the desires and feelings of a romantic. A night in the arms of the healer had left him addicted to sex in human form because only then was lovemaking possible. He liked the options of fingertips for light touche
s on smooth skin, watching expressions change face to face, not to mention using and hearing vocalizations of love accompanying both tender and torrid passions.

  Whereas there was no point to wolf sex for reasons other than procreation, he was on the way to learning that sex as a man was another thing entirely. He would never get enough of Luna.

  When light started to filter through the window, he turned his head on the pillow. As if she knew she was being watched in her sleep, Luna opened her eyes after a few seconds. Staring into her eyes so close, Grey could see that they looked copper-colored because they were light brown with a starburst pattern of gold and yellow flecks.

  "What are you looking at?" He smiled and kissed her on the nose which made her giggle. She started to stretch, but her relaxed expression was suddenly replaced with excitement. She sat up and grabbed for her nightshirt that had been haphazardly thrown at the foot of the bed. "It's tomorrow!"

  He chuckled. "I think you mean it's today."

  "You know what I mean. I'm going out in the snow!"

  She jumped up and ran for the front door. Grey settled back, putting his hands behind his head, simply luxuriating in the way his body felt on the morning after the best sex any male had ever had.

  His eyes flew open. She probably didn't know that snow stung bare skin. When he tried to scramble after her, his feet got tangled in the covers and he almost didn't get there in time. He had to put on a supernatural burst of speed to snatch her out of a mid air leap by grabbing her around the waist. Setting her down just inside the threshold of the open door, he reached out and got a handful of snow.

  "It's so beautiful. Gimme."

  She held out her hands reaching for it.

  "Are you sure?"


  He laughed. "Don't ever say you didn't ask for it." He lifted her nightshirt and plastered the snow against her warm, bare tummy. Her eyes bulged as she sucked up most of the oxygen in the Pacific Northwest. He tried to keep a straight face as he said in a perfectly calm voice, "I was saving you from stepping in it barefoot by showing you how horrible it feels against bare skin."


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