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Learning to Tango

Page 4

by Louise Hall

  “We’ve really tried to match what Kylie wore in the video. That dress is so iconic.”

  She stumbled out of Wardrobe and was immediately whisked off to see Ludmila, a scary-looking Russian woman with blood-red fingernails. “Undress,” Ludmila snapped before turning back to prepare her equipment. Cate shrugged off her t-shirt and jeans, getting slightly more used to undressing in front of complete strangers now. When Ludmila turned around again, she frowned, “more.” Cate balked; surely she wasn’t expected to get completely naked in there?

  While Cate was panicking about being half-naked, Ludmila came up behind her and deftly undid the clasp of her bra. “What?” Cate watched in horror as her bra fell to the floor, exposing her bare breasts. She quickly reached up to cover them with her hands. As her fingers touched her flesh, she winced; they felt even more swollen and tender today.

  Ludmila waved away her protests. “No time,” she pointed towards the black tent.

  As Ludmila finished preparing the spray tan, Cate timidly passed on Hope’s instructions. She really hoped that she wasn’t risking Ludmila’s wrath. It would be just Cate’s luck to wake up tomorrow morning looking like she’d been coated with fence paint.

  As she stood in the tent with foul-smelling fake tan being sprayed all over her half-naked body, she tried to work out if this was the most humiliating moment of her life.

  She thought about the night she’d lost her virginity and how Kian had looked at her afterwards. At the time, it had definitely felt like the most humiliating moment of her life but a few months later, on their wedding night, Kian had confessed that he hadn’t been horrified by her but at the thought that he’d taken advantage and hurt her in some way. Despite what she may have felt at the time, she couldn’t think badly about that night because she hadn’t just lost her virginity, she’d also conceived their eldest daughter, Lola.

  Until now, she’d always thought that the most embarrassing thing she’d ever had to do was ask her GP if she could be tested for every possible sexually transmitted disease. In her naiveté, she hadn’t realised until the pregnancy test came back positive that Kian hadn’t worn a condom the night she’d lost her virginity.

  Although it would still make her top-five embarrassing moments, she would rather walk into that GP’s surgery a hundred times over if it meant that she didn’t have to stand there, naked apart from her panties while a scary looking woman sprayed her with fake tan.

  “Turn,” Ludmila instructed. Cate turned around to face the darkness at the back of the tent. Since nobody could see her boobs inside the tent and her bottom was covered by her panties, Cate started to relax a little. She closed her eyes and had almost zoned out the spray tan when she felt Ludmila’s cold finger tap her upper thigh. “What is this?”

  Cate twisted around to see what Ludmila was frowning at. “Oops,” she giggled. There were fingertip-shaped bruises on her thigh just underneath her bottom. Kian must have grabbed her a little too roughly.

  Ugh, she quickly shook her head, trying to get rid of that mental image. The only thing that could possibly make this spray tan session any more humiliating was if she was to get aroused. It would be almost impossible to hide since she was naked apart from her panties and Ludmila was kneeling down on the floor with her face just level with Cate’s butt.

  “I must have got them from training,” Cate lied.

  Ludmila narrowed her eyes at Cate, “no kinky sex. Too difficult to cover with make-up.”

  Cate blushed, “they weren’t…”

  Ludmila cut her off, “no talking.” Cate turned around again. As Ludmila resumed spraying the backs of her legs, Cate heard her mutter under her breath, “she must think I was… how do they say it, born yesterday? She got them from training, ha!”

  “Done,” Ludmila announced.

  Cate lifted up her arm and sniffed; her skin smelt like biscuits. She tried really hard not to gag.

  Declan caught up with her as she escaped from Ludmila’s lair. “Is it normal for your breasts to hurt this much?” It was funny how comfortable she’d become with Declan given that she’d only met him a couple of weeks ago. “I think I might have pulled something.”

  He tugged Cate into an empty storage room, “do you think you might be pregnant?”

  “Definitely not,” Cate giggled, “Kian had the… you know, a couple of months ago.”

  “You’ve been sick a lot…”

  “I promise you I’m not pregnant,” Cate elbowed him in the ribs. “Let’s go.”


  “Next to dance tonight is Cate Warner and her professional partner, Declan Yates.”

  While their VT was playing on screen, Cate followed Declan on to the shiny dance floor. She felt that familiar warmth coil around her spine and knew that Kian was somewhere in the audience.

  “Remember,” Declan looked deep into Cate’s eyes, “it’s just you and me out there, chara.”

  Cate positioned herself with her hands on her hips, waiting for the song to start.

  “I just hope she can keep better timing when she’s on the dance floor on Saturday night,” Declan’s voice rang out through the quiet studio. Cate’s eyes darted to the screen above their heads. Declan was stood forlornly in an empty dance studio. It looked like Cate had been late or hadn’t turned up for one of their training sessions. She didn’t understand.

  The VT stopped and Cate began to panic; her thoughts were clouded by what she’d just seen and heard. She didn’t recognise the studio in the VT; it definitely wasn’t where they’d been training in Seattle.

  The only thing she could think of was that Declan had set her up. She cursed herself for being stupid enough to trust him. She desperately wanted to run off the dance floor, get rid of the short, sexy dress, heavy make-up and fake tan and go back home to Seattle. But this was live TV; she couldn’t walk off the show without it becoming a big story.

  She heard the opening bars of the song and plastered a fake smile on her face. This was going to be her last dance on Stepping Out. All she had to do was get through the next ninety seconds and then she’d never have to see Declan bloody Yates ever again. “It wasn’t what it looked like,” Declan talked through his teeth, his own fake smile perfectly in place. Cate ignored him. If she had to look at him, she focused on a tiny eyebrow hair of his which needed plucking.

  At the end of the routine, he gave her a big hug. “I’m sorry,” he muttered into her hair.

  For appearances sake, Cate allowed him to hold her hand as they walked across to the three judges. Charlene, the only female judge, was asked to comment first. “You look stunning, Cate. I think hair, make-up and wardrobe have done a fantastic job tonight.” There was a pause as the audience cheered loudly. “You’ve never danced before, right? I think what happened tonight is that you got so nervous that you attacked the dance a little too much. It’s a scary thing walking out on to that dance floor for the first time. What I would say is, I know it’s hard, but try and listen to the music next time.”

  Bruce, the head judge, was asked to comment next. “For me, dancing isn’t just about talent, it’s also about blooming hard work. If you’re serious about staying in this competition, Cate, you need to turn up on time for your training sessions. Declan can’t teach you anything if you’re not there.”

  Declan moved as if he was going to say something but Cate stopped him. She didn’t want him to have the opportunity to further boost his public profile by defending her on national TV.

  After the third judge had commented on their performance, Cate and Declan were allowed to leave the dance floor and join the other contestants and professionals backstage.

  Michel, the veteran of the show, was waiting for them at the top of the stairs. “Good job,” his smile was genuine as he patted Cate’s shoulder.

  Declan’s arm felt uncomfortable draped around her waist as they waited for the judges to give their scores. Charlene was first and gave them a six, Bruce gave them a four and Rich gave them a five. Tom,
one of the hosts of Stepping Out, asked Cate how she was feeling; the total score of fifteen put them bottom of the leader board. “I’m OK,” Cate lied. “If I’m lucky enough to still be here next week, I know what I’ve got to do.”

  “That’s right, folks,” Tom turned to the camera, “if you want your favourites to stay in the competition, you’ve got to make sure you vote for them when the lines open in just a few minutes time.”

  As their telephone number flashed up on screen, Declan mimed picking up the phone.

  Cate didn’t hold out much hope; nobody was going to vote for somebody who couldn’t be bothered to turn up for training, were they? She couldn’t wait for tonight’s results show. Although it would be shown on TV on Sunday evening, it was filmed after the lines closed on Saturday night. In a couple of hours, this whole circus would be over and she could forget that Stepping Out and Declan slime ball Yates ever existed.

  For the rest of the show, Cate avoided Declan. She chatted to Michel, who was just as lovely and funny in real life as he was on screen. This series, he was partnered with Annie, a voluptuous housewife from Arkansas with the most infectious laugh Cate had ever heard.

  At the end of the show, Vladimir and Poppy were unsurprisingly top of the leader board. The judges gave their jive eight, nine and nine and although it was the highest score ever for a week one dance, there were loud boos in the studio as the audience thought that they’d been under marked.

  “You were amazing out there,” Cate gushed to Poppy as they walked off stage.

  “It could have been better,” Poppy shrugged. Cate noticed that she was limping and had a support bandage on her right knee. She really hoped that Vladimir wasn’t pushing her too hard.

  “Cate, we need to talk,” Declan gripped her elbow.

  Cate spun around, fury powering through her veins. “Get your hands off me right now,” she hissed. “I have absolutely nothing to say to you.”

  Before Declan could say anything else, Velma, one of the make-up ladies popped her head out of a doorway. “We need to touch up that make-up, sweets.”

  There was so much going on backstage that it was easy to avoid Declan until it was time to film the results show and all the contestants and their professional partners had to line up on the stairs backstage.

  “Cate…” Declan tried again.

  “Mickey,” Annie had found out that Michel was really Mickey Barclay from New Jersey and insisted on calling him by his real name. “Can you say break a leg to dancers or is that tempting fate?”

  Michel rolled his eyes but it was good-natured. “Far be it from me to tell you what to say, sweetheart.”

  “I won’t say it then just in case,” Annie winked at Cate. “All the best to you, Cate.”

  “You too, Annie,” Cate smiled. When Cate was the first contestant voted off in half an hour, she was really going to miss Michel and Annie.

  They stood in their allotted places on the dance floor and the sombre music ratcheted up the tension as they waited for Tom to announce the first couple who were through to next week’s show. Cate badly wanted to laugh; she was supposed to be terrified but she felt anything but. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that she was going to be the first contestant to leave Stepping Out. She was second from bottom on the judge’s leader board and the only reason she wasn’t bottom was because one of the other contestants had skidded on the floor and crashed into the musical director’s keyboard.

  “The first couple through to next week’s show is…” Tom cleared his throat. “It’s Poppy and Vladimir.” There were huge cheers in the audience.

  Tom continued reading out the other couples’ names until there were just two left. Cate and Declan and James and Alyssa. Alyssa was Vladimir’s wife.

  “The first couple to leave the competition is…” There was silence in the studio. Cate ignored Declan pressed against her side and looked across at Kian.

  “It’s James and Alyssa.”

  Cate didn’t understand. Why hadn’t they said her name? It must have been a mistake.

  “Well done, sweetheart,” Annie reached over and squeezed her hand.

  They were led off stage with the rest of the contestants and their professional partners so Tom could talk to James and a clearly stunned Alyssa. “Fix,” Vladimir grunted as he dragged a terrified-looking Poppy past Cate and Annie.

  “If I was to get injured and have to leave the competition, would they bring James back?” Cate whispered to Annie.

  “Why would you want to do that?” Annie laughed, not realising how serious Cate was. “It’s a hoot this dancing malarkey.”

  Cate was still in shock, even after she’d handed back her Kylie dress, removed the heavy stage make-up and brushed all the lacquer from her hair. She quickly got dressed in her favourite, super-soft jeans, t-shirt and ballet pumps and met Kian in front of the studios.

  “Hey,” he grinned. He looked gorgeous in his black shirt and trousers. Cate threw herself into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.” All of the emotions she’d held in for the last few hours, ever since she’d seen that awful VT right before she’d had to dance on national TV, threatened to come pouring out.

  “It’s OK,” Kian kissed her hair, “let’s get you back to the hotel.”

  As he led her across the parking lot to the car, Declan called out, “wait!”

  Kian glanced at Cate and she shook her head. “Leave her alone,” Kian said, his strong frame shielding his wife from Declan.

  “I swear it wasn’t what it looked like,” Declan pleaded. “Let me explain.”

  “Not tonight,” Kian said firmly. He helped Cate into the car and then shut the door. Cate leaned back against the soft leather seat and closed her eyes. For the first time since she’d arrived in L.A. she felt like she could breathe properly.

  Kian put his hand on her thigh, his fingers pressing into her flesh. “I’m so proud of you, angel.” He leaned forward, the hint of stubble on his jaw rasping deliciously against her soft cheek. “You looked so fucking sexy out there.”


  “One of the rules of the show is that if you get injured at any point up to the quarter-finals, you get a bye for one show but if you can’t dance in the second show then you’re automatically out of the competition.”

  Kian raised his eyebrows, “and the reason you’re telling me this is…?”

  You’re a professional athlete,” Cate continued. “Hypothetically of course but if I was to slip on a wet floor and sprain my ankle, how many weeks would I be out for? More than one?”

  Kian wrapped his arms around her waist, “angel, what is this really about?”

  Cate turned around to face him, “I really don’t want to go back there, Kian.”

  She felt his fingers dig into her hips, “is this because of Declan?”

  Cate shook her head, “it doesn’t matter.” Kian had been in the public eye ever since he’d signed his first contract as a professional footballer when he was in his teens. He wouldn’t understand.

  She walked into the bathroom and ran the shower. Even though she’d washed off the heavy make-up, she could still feel the remnants of Stepping Out clinging to her skin.

  She stripped bare and stepped under the scorching hot water. She could almost see all the fakery – hairspray, glitter and fake tan – swirling down the drain.

  She felt a burst of cool air as the shower door opened and closed and Kian came up behind her. His cock felt hot and heavy against the small of her back. He stroked up over her ribs to the sides of her breasts. “Are they still sore?” Kian asked, pressing his lips against her neck.

  “Yes,” Cate said sorrowfully. “It feels like they’re filled with rocks.”

  He turned her around to face him; her inky-black hair trailed over her shoulder like a thick rope. “I just want to be me again,” she whispered. Kian stroked his knuckles down her flushed cheek and captured her mouth with a tender kiss, which she felt right down to the tips of her toes. She wrapped
her fingers around the hard muscle of his shoulders. His cock stiffened against her stomach but he didn’t make a move to do more than just kiss her. It was just what she needed. She stroked her tongue underneath his, savouring his particular taste.

  Kian stroked his other hand gently down her back, his fingers dancing over the bumps of her spine. He caressed the soft swell of her bottom and then drew his fingers over her hip to her stomach. As he stroked the scar which marked her abdomen from giving birth to Lola, she swayed her hips a little. He smiled against her lips as his fingers moved lower. She parted her legs to give him better access. “Oh,” she jumped as his fingers touched her newly bare skin, it felt so incredibly sensitive.

  Kian pulled back a little. “When did you do that?”

  He gazed down at her bare mound. Cate blushed, “yesterday. The Kylie dress was too revealing.”

  Kian removed his hand from between her legs. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Stung by his rejection, Cate dried off and got dressed in her favourite thin cotton t-shirt and shorts. When she walked into the bedroom, Kian was lying on the bed.

  It’s just hair; Cate tried telling herself, it will grow back. It was another reason to hate Stepping Out.

  Her cell phone rang; she looked at the display, it was Declan. “Ugh, why can’t he just leave me alone?”

  “I think you should give him chance to explain,” Kian said. “You know how easy it is for the media to manipulate things.”

  “Why are you defending him?” Cate scowled, climbing into bed. “You’re supposed to be on my side. I was early for every single one of our training sessions. You know how much I hate being late for anything. I just don’t understand why he would say something like that?”

  Cate thumped the pillow in frustration, “the only reason I agreed to do Stepping Out was because Abby convinced me that it would be really good for 33 Rocks.” Panic gnawed away at her as she thought about the implications of Declan’s horrible little speech for her charity. She’d been so proud of the work she and Abby had done to raise awareness of prenatal depression. “It’s a complete disaster. How is anybody going to take me seriously after what they’ve seen tonight?”


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