Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  What Readers are saying about

  Henry Ripplinger’s

  First Four Books in The Angelic Letters Series

  “… The books are so captivating and I can’t put them down. I want to congratulate you on such inspiring writings. These books have taught me a lot about how to handle certain situations and more importantly how to trust God to do what’s best and allow Him to guide me in every walk of life.


  “… Wow! Inspirational, Magnificent, Uplifting are only a few words to describe your series…


  “… Your books are just the most exciting books that I have ever read and I’m giving them to my neighbors and family. They are fascinating and I just can’t put them down.


  “… I can’t say how much I enjoyed your series. I was spellbound! I’ve never read 2000+ pages in 10 days. I’m awaiting it with great anticipation for book 5.


  “… It has been sometime since I was totally captivated with a book. Once I started to read, I couldn’t put it down…Your series is so well written that one can easily see oneself as a character in your books.


  “I have to say I was hooked from the beginning, each character became part of my life, I lived to know what happens in each chapter and I was deeply moved and challenged through the whole series, its spiritual content is amazing …


  “… I’m not normally a book reader for enjoyment but my wife asked me to read Pewter Angel and I couldn’t put it down. The lord has given you a tremendous gift and you’re using that gift to get to my heart…


  “... Your novels were truly very inspirational and really touched my heart and soul. Thank you for your great story telling.


  “… My mom and I love your pewter angel series. They have seriously changed my life and how I look at everything Thanks!


  “… The angelic letters series is absolutely stunning and enchanting. I did not want to do ANYTHING other than read and find out what happened next. Thank you for sharing such a magical journey with us, not me…”


  “… God has truly blessed you and at the same time He has blessed us, your readers, with your gift.”


  “… I don’t know if I’ve ever read any book that has affected me so much before. They are truly a blessing and I look forward to reading them again! Never have I read a book twice.”


  “… With tears in my eyes, I want to thank you for all I received from your books. Love, Healing, and my beautiful little butterfly angel.”


  “… I have loved reading your books and cannot wait for the 5th…The suspense is killing me. I also enjoyed the spiritual connections throughout the book.”


  “… I have never experienced the feelings of joy, sorrow or even anger when reading a book. I’ve read all 4 Editions. I’m not a big reader but when I started reading these books I could not put them down. I was touched spiritually.


  “… What a tremendous series of books – ‘The Angelic Series’ – there is not a dull page in all of the many pages of each book! – and yet simplistic, real, touching, captivating but also spiritual, clean, and such wholesome content – and I could go on! Thank you for providing this sort of reading.


  “… I have absolutely loved reading all your books and find the life lessons that you thread through you’re story so very meaningful and heartwarming!


  “… It would be such a blessing if everyone would read these books, believe and put into practice the values taught…The books are so well written and easily capture you. Thank you for writing these beautiful, heart touching books.


  “… I have read a great deal of books by authors from all over the world but none held my interest like this series. Just could not lay them down until I finished them. Even took 2 days holidays just to read…


  “… Your series of books are the first I’ve read in 30 years of not reading. I’ve loved every moment of the 4 books. I am dying to find out what is going on!!


  “… I have never put so many sticky notes in works of fiction, to go back and remember how clearly you illustrated passages from the Bible through your characters. It was like a series of riveting homilies. Very influential!


  “… I just want to let you know that your Angel books have been so inspiring to me. I have read each one at least four times!


  “… Words are inadequate to express how much I have enjoyed your “Angelic Series.” So inspirational and your way of writing make it pure artistry.


  “… Never before have I been so moved by an Author’s work. I had such a difficult time putting the books down. Their lives, your words, consumed my thoughts so completely.


  I have not read a series as captivating and real as this one. I am an avid reader and often have two or three books on the go at once. However, when reading your series, that was the only book I could read at the time..Wonderful writing…


  “… I read to my husband every night before we go to bed..We laughed, cried, sympathized, empathized, and felt the changing emotions throughout all 4 books. To be able to captivate your audience so easily, you obviously have a wonderful grasp of life and faith. Thank you for bringing such clarity into our lives…


  “… Your books have me riveted and they are some of the best books I have ever read. Please accept my congratulations and highest praise of your work.


  “… Books are very inspirational. I had to remind myself to breath when reading book 4. I’m on the edge of my seat wondering what happens next.


  “… I am not an avid reader however, not only has this series captured my interest, I was spellbound, and just could not help myself by devouring one book after the other until I was left hanging...When is book five coming out?


  “… My friend recommended them to me and I can hardly put them down. Best books I have ever read. Loved them…

  Laurie Lea

  “… I’m sure so many have told you what an inspiration your books and words have been, emotionally and spiritually. How they have brought tears, laughter, sorrow, joy, intrigue, suspense - a virtual basket of emotions. I have never read books that have moved and inspired me like this series. Thank you


  “… The Angelic Letter books are a blessing, full of lessons for all ages. ..


  “I just finished the 4th book and I really, really loved it! Wow, it kept me on the edge of my seat! It put me in a perfect state of peace and love at times right when I needed it most!!! Thank you for the beautiful books


  “… Thank you for the heart moving stories and thank you for allowing the LORD to move upon you so mightily that you are able to pass on those beautiful words and bless countless others. You have a powerful gift. BLESSINGS…


  “… Love the books, and they are an inspiration to me. I have been through every emotion reading. They are so different than anything I have ever read.


  “… They are without a doubt some of the best books that I have ever read....the spiritual messages are inspiring & uplifting.


  “… Your books are without a doubt life cha
nging… I had totally lost myself, put my spirituality on the back burner and now am proud to say, I am coming back... it feels good, it feels free.


  “… Although this is not the genre I usually read …once I started, I couldn’t put them down. I enjoyed them more than I ever thought possible. Your writing is phenomenal; to a point that I could visualize everything you described.


  “… My mother absolutely loves your books!! She is in her 80s and rarely finds such passion for reading so I wanted to thank you for this!


  “… Your story was a real page turner, read all 4 books in a couple of weeks. A lot of laughs, tears, and lessons.


  “… Your writing makes me feel as though I am right there with the characters living the life with them…I have gone with only limited amount of sleep sometimes because I want to see what happens next.


  “… I love your books sooooo much …I am encouraging everyone I know to read them.


  “… Your books have helped me through very difficult times and that is why I am very sad that I am almost finished with book number four.


  “… Have enjoyed your first four books very very much cannot put them down. It is hard to believe that they are fiction.


  “… Your books are absolutely amazing! They have touched like a book never has. I just finished reading your latest one and am clinging to the edge of my seat needing to know what happens next! And I have to admit it brought me to tears more than once.


  “… Thank you for your breathtaking story that encompasses so many valuable spiritual life lessons so delightfully told.


  “… I have never read such wonderful books! The story had a profound effect on me. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.


  “… Love reading your Angelic Letters Series. Have read books 1 - 4 and am in the process of beginning a second time because I cannot do without the characters in my life. They are all so special and inspiring ...


  “… I have read books 1 to 4 and I wonder when book five is coming as I can’t wait to have it in my hands. I love the story, thank you, sometimes I call people Jenny that is how much it has impacted me.


  “… First I have to say how much I love your books, they are so well written. I was just wondering when your next two books from the Pewter Angel series is coming out?


  Please write to Henry at: [email protected] or visit for more information about Henry’s work and art. We would love to hear from you!

  Angel Promises


  Also by Henry K. Ripplinger

  The Angelic Letters Series

  Book One….Pewter Angels

  Book Two….Another Angel of Love

  Book Three….Angel of Thanksgiving

  Book Four….The Angelic Occurrence

  Other works

  If You’re Not From the Prairie…

  (Story by David Bouchard, Images by Henry K. Ripplinger)

  Coming in future from Pio-Seelos Books:

  Book Six of The Angelic Letters Series

  The House Where Angels Dwell

  The Angelic Letters Series,

  Book Five

  Angel Promises


  1988 -1989

  Henry K. Ripplinger

  Best Selling Author of Pewter Angels

  Copyright © 2014 Henry K. Ripplinger.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher or a licence from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For an Access Copyright licence, visit or call toll free 1-800-893-5777.

  Angel Promises Fulfilled is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

  Ripplinger, Henry, author

  Angel promises fulfilled : 1988-1989 / Henry K. Ripplinger.

  (The angelic letters series ; bk. 5)

  Best selling author of Pewter Angels.

  Issued in print, audio and electronic formats.

  ISBN 978-0-9917102-6-3 (bound).

  ISBN 978-0-9917102-8-7 (audiobook).--ISBN 978-0-9917102-9-4 (epub)

  I. Title. II. Series: Ripplinger, Henry. Angelic letters series ; bk. 5.

  PS8585.I565A836 2014 C813’.6 C2014-901661-1



  TRUE LOVE (from High Society)

  Words and Music by COLE PORTER

  © 1956 (Renewed) CHAPPELL & CO., INC.

  All Rights Reserved

  Used by permission of ALFRED PUBLISHING CO., INC.

  Author photo: Bruce Vasselin, Designer Photo

  Cover concept and design by Henry K. Ripplinger

  Cover design and production by Brian Danchuk Design

  Page layout by Human Powered Design

  Pio-Seelos Books

  Ph: (306) 731-3087, Fax: (306) 731-3852.

  E-mail: [email protected]

  Printed and bound in Canada by Friesens Printers

  March 2014

  This novel is dedicated to my readers.

  Thank you for your love, loyalty and commitment to the Angelic Letters Series!


  Many readers have asked me if there was a Jenny in my life. And I say, yes, just as there is a Julean in my life. They are both packaged up in the woman who has always been my one and only love; my dear wife, Joan. Thank you honey, for giving me the inspiration for the two main female characters in the story!

  Thank you, too, Joan and Jen Howie for reading through the manuscript and catching errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

  To Tracy Jacknife and Jody Ripplinger, thank you for proofreading, editing and helpful suggestions. Very much appreciated!

  Once again to all of you, my heartfelt thanks for making my writing the best it can be!

  And as always, I thank the Lord for the gift of this story. I am thankful daily for His inspiration and guidance through His angels and Holy Spirit and divine providence… every step of the way!

  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

  John 3:16

  “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

  Luke 15:7

  “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God.”

  1 John 3:1

  “You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.”

  Jeremiah 29:13

  “I am the way, and the truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

  John 14:6

  “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

  Ezekiel 36:26

  “Every one then who hears these words of mine and obeys them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

  Matt. 7:24-25


  A thoughtful man once said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made thro
ugh Him, and nothing was made without Him. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:1-5

  My dear friends, as much as we are able with our finite minds, we need to understand life as a whole. See the big picture; why we are here, what our purpose is, the natural order of how God created the world with its laws and principles of life and that we live for eternity not for the present world. When we truly believe that the Word became a man and lived among us and that He is the Son of God; that He came and died for us to pardon our sins and when we fully understand and appreciate the necessity of His teaching for three years before He was crucified…

  When we fully comprehend that we must be reborn in the spirit, repent and accept Him as our Lord and Savior and that He truly is the way, the truth and life…then, that is when our life begins to take on meaning and purpose. When we understand the big picture, we will discover we are in the world but not of the world. We will want to see the world through His mind and eyes. We will know why we need Him and must follow Him. It is the only path to life and freedom and inner peace, my friends; all other paths lead to dead ends…to death.

  It all seems so simple and straight forward and yet, so many have not found or chosen this path! Why is it that this world seems more appealing than our eternal life with Christ? When I was granted those precious few moments on the other side I could see in an instant into the hearts and minds of humanity and of my closest friends. I recall discussing the visions I was granted to see from that heavenly perspective with my protector as if it were yesterday.

  “It is easy to see, Zachariah, why there are so many differences between people on earth and why it is that some can live in peace with themselves and others, while still so many subject themselves to a life filled with worldly values, problems, confrontations, worries and all sorts of mental concerns and depression.”


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