Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  There she lay like a dream that had finally come true.

  Camilla stepped back making room for Henry to get closer to the bed. Her mind was buzzing with so many questions. The most urgent of them all was, was Henry her father?

  Both Matti and Chloe were on the other side of the room so Camilla moved to the foot of bed. Matti could see the sorrow and worry in Camilla’s face. Even though she had just met Camilla, Matti instinctively moved to her side and put her arm around the troubled girl.

  Camilla started to ask Henry the question burning in her mind, but then was overtaken by the expression growing on his face…

  Henry had moved into another world. He was totally oblivious to all the women in the room… except his Jenny.

  The ladies watched on in awe as Henry sat on the chair next to Jenny and took her hand into his.

  Camilla wondered what the connection was.

  Nurse Johnson saw Camilla’s bewilderment and went over to her and whispered, “Apparently they were teenage sweethearts and haven’t see each other in thirty years.”

  Camilla had discovered that, but just to hear it now in this critical moment sent her reeling. “Oh my gosh, could it possibly…!?” Camilla tried to muffle her voice with her hand as she looked at Henry and her birth mother. The deep love between them was palpable. Henry must be her real father and…that would make Jeremy, her half-brother!

  Matilda could feel Camilla’s growing anxiety. She drew her in closer trying to calm her trembling. Matti was still unaware of what was troubling Camilla besides just discovering her real mother in this condition.

  “Oh, Jenny,” Henry slipped his other hand under hers; an indescribable exchange of love flowed between them that required no words.

  It was spiritual.

  A light surrounded them like the day they met and gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “Good Lord,” muttered Matilda.

  If only he could pick his beloved up, hold her and make her well. He ached to kiss her, hug her, and tell her how deeply he loved her.

  After all these years it had come down to this. Their love, always thwarted by someone or some event or circumstance, was now threatened again as death beckoned at the door, waiting to separate them once and for all. Tears welled up in Henry’s eyes and he began to sob; sorrow for Jenny and himself overtook him. If only he had learned earlier that Jenny was free they could have spent so much time together these past few months.

  Jenny’s breathing slowed. Camilla gasped and the other ladies shuffled as if to brace themselves.

  Matti whispered, “Now Jesus, You do Your healin’…I be counting on You!”

  Regret that he had not come sooner compounded the pity Henry was feeling. All that was left was precious moments, perhaps a minute or two at the most.

  Chapter Eight

  The director of the Nunnery Care Home was sitting in her office finishing some paper work, when she heard chanting. As soon as she opened her office door, she heard an electrifying sound— a strange humming filled with a static charge.

  What on earth is going on? I hope Father isn’t going overboard.

  Doris strode down the hall to the chapel. Though she was a Catholic, over the years she had fallen away from her faith and hadn’t been into a church for a very long time. To show her neutrality and acceptance of all denominations, she even refrained from going into the chapel. Now she regretted not attending at least once in awhile; perhaps she could have been alerted to potential problems.

  As Doris approached the chapel, something stirred deep within her. A pulsating glow emanated from the doorway, like flickering bright candles. The charge in the atmosphere pulled her, tingled her skin, raising the hair on her arms. She slowed down, afraid to go on, yet compelled to do so. It was as though she were being drawn by a powerful magnet and unable to escape its field. The closer she drew, the louder the singing and chanting became, the brighter the light glowed and the more irresistible the attraction.

  Cautiously, she peeked in. The light in the air enveloped her and welled up within her being. The chapel she knew of before was gone. She was entering holy ground. Instantly she was uplifted and awestruck by the scene in front of her.

  Father and his warriors were surrounded by a shimmering aura of holiness. The nimbus hovering atop the heads of Father and Edith was exceptionally bright. Their faces shone with brilliant luster; sacred flames leapt from their eyes. Some were dancing, others singing and praying in tongues, and still others almost insane with praise. It was as though they were drunk without wine, totally immersed in a mad rapture.

  Many who could barely raise their hands to feed themselves were free of their arthritic pain and tossed and waved their arms about as joyous children playing and dancing in a schoolyard. Johnny was out of his wheelchair and so deliriously happy, he was jumping on the canvas seat of his chair trying to thrust himself higher to his Lord.

  They had thrown their hearts out of the bounds assigned to mankind and onto the doorstep of heaven. They were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Just a little further, Doris thought, they would mount up with wings as angels and fly into the celestial air. The entire holy assembly had transcended ordinary existence and entered the kingdom of God with perfect faith and belief and expectancy that their prayers would be heard and answered.

  As this ethereal vision swept over Doris, she was instantly smitten by the Holy Spirit. Her legs forthwith gave way and she fell to her knees. Holiness washed over her and unbidden tears streamed forth like a gushing waterfall. Strange, wonderful, incredibly melodious sounds bubbled out of her rapidly moving lips. Praise and thanksgiving filled her mind and heart as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. She raised her arms and outstretched them towards heaven.

  “Thank You, thank You, Lord,” she cried. Her life flashed before her. She saw how far she had fallen short and yet the Lord had given her a glimpse of what awaited those who loved and served Him. Doris bowed her head in worship and then prostrated herself on the floor before her Holy God in outpouring gratefulness for his infinite mercy and forgiveness.

  Chapter Nine

  Matti continued to hold Camilla at the foot of Jenny’s bed. Chloe stood quietly sobbing at the head of the bed, her hand touching her beloved auntie’s shoulder. Henry sat on the other side of the bed holding his dear sweet Jenny’s hand.

  Nurse Johnson looked on at the moving love scene reunion before her. She had witnessed many deaths and sorrowful scenes, but this touched her toughened heart. Nurse Johnson was moved to tears, as well. She was going to suggest they all leave to allow Ms. Hamilton to rest. But Jenny was already in a coma and their presence wasn’t invasive. Besides, having loved ones near her as she left this earth would be more comforting. Nurse Johnson always felt that people in a coma were more alert and awake than was thought.

  The warm light coming from the lamp on the end table gently illuminated Jenny’s face. Even though it was pale and sunken, Henry recognized his Jenny, his dear, sweet Jenny. Long, luscious eyelashes fanned out from resting eyes, sparse golden hair in the mellow light framed her soft oval face and her heart shaped lips still the same, drawing him. As ill as Jenny was, not even the savage attack of the cancer could take away her beauty. Yes, she was a sleeping beauty. Henry yearned to kiss her.

  “Please open your eyes, Jenny,” he murmured in earnest, so desiring to see and look into her soft blue eyes.

  Her breathing seemed strengthened from moments ago, clear, shallow, and rhythmic, not raspy as someone ready to die. Henry was hopeful, thankful. Perhaps Father’s prayers were helping. She just may come out of her coma.

  Nurse Johnson was surprised to see Ms. Hamilton still alive. She didn’t expect Jenny to last more than an hour or so after she’d arrived at the hospital this morning. She began to understand what it was that may be keeping this critically ill woman alive. She wanted to comfort Henry somehow, put her hand on his shoulder, but she couldn’t move. The growing aura of light in the room transfixed her.

  Henry looked on at his sleeping sweetheart, burning the image of her deeply into his mind, not knowing for certain how long this heavenly image would last. His swarming thoughts slowed down from all the incredible discoveries and revelations from the past two days to warm tender memories of the summer they shared, down to just his deep, deep love for his first love.

  He willed for her to open her eyes, longed to hold her, ached to kiss her. Slowly he crept up from his chair and leaned forward enough to feel the warmth radiating from her skin. He so wanted to kiss her lips, but was afraid to constrict her breathing. His lips settled softly and tenderly on her forehead. A tear rolled onto her cheek. He withdrew and gently wiped the tear away with his forefinger.

  “I love you, Jenny, now and forever,” he whispered as soft as a cloud. A tingling sensation ran through him and through Jenny. She stirred and her eyes flickered.

  Matti tightened her hold around Camilla as both quietly gasped. Chloe brought her hand to her mouth to hold back a hopeful cry…

  They all could feel the ardent love flowing between the two lovers before them. The aura of light surrounding them glowed brighter. It was so intense and burning… so passionate it was palpable. The room brightened further and felt strangely, wonderfully warm; the air was charged with expectancy.

  Jenny stirred again, reluctant to leave the dream she was caught in. Her heart merrily danced as Henry entered Engelmann’s Grocery Store. She smiled as he hit a stack of salmon tins over the floor; this was her chance to meet him. She squatted down and picked up a tin, desiring to give it to him and gaze into his eyes…

  She felt his lips on her forehead drawing her now into a reality more real than all of the dreams of her past. She dared to let go and open her eyes, but was afraid there was just emptiness. Yet, she sensed his presence and frantically searched the room, until suddenly, his green eyes gazing so lovingly into hers, came into focus. Instantly, a spiritual energy traveled the length of the gaze they shared, uniting their souls once more as it did in that incredible moment when their eyes first met and their love was born.

  Chapter Ten

  Camilla, so touched by the reunion, let out a burst of pent up tears she could no longer hold back, breaking the spellbinding rapture they were in.

  Henry smiled as he gazed into his beloved’s blue sparkling eyes, still full of life even at the doorstep of death.

  Jenny’s face relaxed and all tension left her body as the presence of her first love swept through her.

  As they gazed at each other, they were so moved, that the world around them vanished like a mist. Slowly, her lips parted and she smiled, sending Henry into ecstasy. Instantly, he recognized the smile that he so dearly loved and had burned indelibly into his mind’s eye over thirty years ago.

  With the soft voice of an angel, barely audible, Jenny whispered, “Oh, Henry, after all these years, you kept your promise and came back to me. I always knew you would…”

  Her voice trailed off; she had expended all of her energy to utter those words. Slowly she raised her right hand and brought it to her chest just below her neck. Her fingers moved with great effort, as they made their way into the opening of her gown. A silver chain caught the light in the room and reflected back to Henry. The chain slipped through Jenny’s frail, feeble fingers until she caught the dancing angel in her hand.

  “I’ve worn it ever since the day I received it,” she murmured so softly, Henry had to lip read most of the words.

  “I am wearing the one I received from you too,” Henry whispered back to her. The angel almost flew into his hand as he reached inside his shirt. He dangled it in front of Jenny and then brought it close to the one she was holding just inches away. Jenny released hers and also held Henry’s by the end of the chain. They were identical twins, an incredible miracle that only a deep love could bring. The angels twisted and glowed and sparkled as they intertwined and kissed.

  Camilla once more let out another burst of emotion.

  Nurse Johnson shuffled from one foot to the other entrapped in the rapture of it all.

  “Oh, Jenny, I love you so. I love you so very much.” Henry whispered through tears.

  “I love you, too.” Jenny could only form the words with her lips.

  Henry ached to hold her. He wished he could kiss her and instantly it came true.

  Jenny was harbouring the same desire, revealed as she softly spoke, again. “I prayed to my guardian angel over and over again, that you would come to me and give me a kiss before I died.”

  Instinctively, without hesitation, he bent down, closed his eyes, his lips searching for hers, anticipating the fulfilling expression of their love that was held in abeyance for years and years. What both of them wished and prayed for over and over was about to be fulfilled. Henry felt Jenny’s warm breath as she slightly parted her lips. Lovingly, he responded and ever so tenderly, gently, softly, their lips touched, sending them both into a world of utter ecstasy. It was like the kiss they had on the day Jenny told Henry she was leaving for Ottawa— the world stood still and the devastation of their impending separation momentarily vanished. The kiss was all they could remember and hold on to, to relive over and over in their minds and hearts.

  But this kiss was now transcending that moment.

  The blissful moment of touch they were lost in now held the dreams and hopes of two people separated in time, but desiring to be reunited, again. It was a kiss that was not forgotten, only suppressed in the recesses of their hearts. It was a touch that carried a love that could never be extinguished. A kiss relived over and over again only as a fantasy, as a dream, but now…finally…as a reality.

  “See there now, the good Lord put healing power into that kiss,” murmured Matti.

  All those present were witnessing a rare and wonderful moment between two people deeply in love. It was hard to believe that Henry and Jenny hadn’t seen each other for over thirty years. They had desired this moment so deeply, it was as if the separation of the past was crammed into but a moment of time, and their love a continuation of just yesterday; fresh as a drop of dew caressing the petal of a rose. They no longer saw Jenny as ill or about to die or Henry as an older man. The externals vanished before their eyes and what emerged was a vision of what life is all about; the essence of happiness, joy, beauty and all that is good in God’s kingdom comes from love.

  We are made out of love and for love… it is all about love.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Henry withdrew his lips from Jenny’s and began to straighten up. Jenny was still clutching her pewter guardian angel as she gazed at Henry.

  “It was always my deepest prayer to see you and my daughter…” Then turning to the angel in her hand she whispered, “Oh, thank you, thank you for granting me my wish, my heart’s desire. Perhaps I will see Camilla from a window in heaven”

  “Oh, Jenny, your other wish has been granted too! Camilla is here as well.”

  Jenny tried to raise her head, but was unable to do so. Camilla quickly slid from Matilda’s embrace and came to her mother’s side next to Henry. Tears of joy flowed from their eyes as they gazed at one another. They were speechless, lost in time.

  Chloe took a Kleenex and reached forward to dry Jenny’s tears and then her own.

  Jenny stared at her daughter and then at Henry, still finding it hard to believe that her prayers had been answered. The knuckles of her hand clutching her angel turned white as a candle.

  “Oh, Camilla, I knew my guardian angel would bring you to me too. You are such a lovely lady…”

  Fresh tears flowed once again as she gazed at her two loves before her. In that moment, Jenny was living what most people are only allowed to live in a whole lifetime. In spite of her grave illness, a joy, peace, and happiness spread through her. Jenny’s eyes glowed and shone like a mirror.

  Both Henry and Camilla saw the growing sadness of their faces reflected in Jenny’s eyes. An awareness of what was about to come grew within them. An awareness that someone they so
dearly loved was going away.

  Henry could feel an unseen force pulling at his beloved. He had felt it before and then miraculously it left to fulfill Jenny’s wishes… only to return with greater strength.

  Camilla sensed it, too. She began to pray and plead with God. “Please, please, leave her here a little while longer.”

  “Oh sweet Lord,” chimed in Matti, “You be forsaking me… no! I don’t believe this…do Your healing, sweet Jesus…”

  “Oh Auntie, please don’t leave…” Chloe murmured. “I won’t be able to bear it.”

  Jenny looked up towards Henry and then to her daughter, with wistful eyes yet filled with such fervent love that an inner luminosity shone through her pale face like the top of a burning candle. An aura of light enveloped her that drew both Henry and Camilla towards her. They leaned closer, their yearning trying to hold her, their tears spilling over onto her gown.

  A radiant smile crossed Jenny’s face. She wanted to speak, but no sound came from her lips. They did form a word that Henry was able to make out.

  “Quickly…” It was a word so dear to his heart, one that he dreamed of and had so much special meaning for him.

  “Hold my hand,” he finished for her. He squeezed her hand which he was holding, trying desperately to keep her even though he could feel her slipping away.

  “Oh, Jenny, please don’t go, don’t leave me, again. Oh, God, please leave her, heal her. Father Engelmann, help me, speak to God, please.”

  Jenny closed her eyes and she let out a long slow sigh. Her chest fell and didn’t rise, again.

  Jenny was gone.

  Henry’s heart almost stopped as he looked down upon his dear sweet Jenny. He leaned over and kissed her forehead and eyes, hoping his spirit would go with hers.

  “Oh, Lord, not now,” he pleaded, again. “Please, Jesus, please bring her back, please. Please. After all these years, not this, please. Oh how can You allow this?” He even dared to ask…


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