Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “I’m feeling great, Father. I haven’t felt this good in a long, long time—”

  Henry wanted to tell Father about what happened to Jenny, but thought he would tell Father of his accident first.

  “I have something I want to share—”

  Before Father could tell Henry the reason for his call, Henry took a deep breath and rambled on…

  “Father, you’re not going to believe this! I was in an accident a few hours ago. They said I got killed in the car accident but on my way to the hospital… I came back to life!”

  Henry waited for Father to respond with one of his German phrases, Oh mein lieber Gott or something like that, but Father remained silent. Henry assumed that maybe his mentor didn’t hear him and explained further…

  “I was in an accident and got killed! The ambulance attendants said my SUV was completely demolished. They said all my bones should have been broken, but I only had a bruise on my forehead where my head hit the concrete. They said that’s probably what killed me…” Henry waited for a response, but still Father remained silent. He didn’t react at all like he usually does…

  “Father, Father, are you still there?” Henry’s voice carried alarm.

  “Yes, I am still here Henry… something truly miraculous has occurred—”

  There was that word again, “Father you’re at least the fourth person who has said that a miracle has occurred. What is going on?”

  After a reflective silence, Father’s voice carried a tone of awe and wonder, “Henry, the Lord has restored our lives.”

  “What are you talking about? You mean He has restored my life.”

  “No Henry, several hours ago, I too, was taken by the Lord. Nurse Frowler found me in the sun room. The residents said they prayed over me for over an hour. After they said their good-byes to me, Dianne ordered an ambulance to come for my body and take it to the morgue.”

  “What is going on Father?”

  Again after a long silence, Father continued. “For the last fifteen minutes the residents were amazed to see me walk through the door. They said I was like Lazarus walking out of the tomb… that the Lord restored my life out of His love for me.”

  “Yes, of course Father. That would make perfect sense. There is no-one closer to the Lord than you. But, did I hear you correctly, that you died and came back to life as well!?”

  “Yes, that is the case, Henry. But I am an old man, I can see that he would restore you two, but to give me renewed life to carry out—”

  Henry didn’t wait for Father to finish, “What do you mean ‘you two’ Father? If you’re referring to Jenny as well as me, she passed away at the hospital. But it was your prayers Father and those of your warriors that kept her alive long enough for us to say goodbye and even share a kiss.”

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Father whispered. He was beginning to realize that neither Henry nor Jenny remembered anything of their time on the other side. Only he was able to recall everything and more…

  “Father, what is it? I can’t take this anymore… what is going on?”

  “Henry, when you had that accident, do you recall anything from the time you were struck dead to the time you… miraculously recovered?”

  “That’s the thing, Father, I don’t recall anything. After Jenny died, I decided to drive back to my house on Hill Avenue. I went through a stop sign on the corner of Elphinstone and Hill and a van hit me… next thing I remember I woke up in the ambulance. The attendant was shocked; almost scared him out of his skin! He said I was dead… What I don’t understand, Father, is why I am not feeling mournful or despondent over Jenny’s death. I am almost feeling guilty that I am feeling so good.”

  “Perhaps you’d better sit down, Henry, if you are not already.

  “I’m sitting on the edge of my chair, tell me Father!”

  “Henry, I too am in awe over what happened. The reason I called you was to see if you were alive and what happened to you. What you told me so far confirms what I saw when I passed over to the other side. I saw you and Jenny. I expected to see Jenny as she was on the doorstep to death, but not you—”

  “Do you mean to say you saw me when I died…?”

  Father didn’t want to alarm Henry or have him think that his old age was finally catching up with him and had lost his senses.

  “There is something I need to explain to you, Henry, but better in person than over the phone. You have to take my word for now, but yes, the three of us met at the doorstep to heaven. I even met my guardian angel as well as yours and Jenny’s—”

  “What? Are you serious Father?”

  “Ach mein leiber Gott! Yes, yes, Henry, I shall explain it all to you later. For now let me finish. Are you sitting down Henry?”

  “I’m just barely sitting, Father, tell me what is going on here? I can’t wait another minute.”

  “Henry, after the Lord woke me from my deep sleep, I wondered if Jenny was still alive or came ba—”

  “I can tell you that, she died, Father!”

  “Henry, please don’t interrupt me, I want to tell you what is so miraculous about all this.”

  “Sorry, Father, please go on.”

  “As I was saying, I called the hospital to see if Jenny was alive, but there was no answer on the fifth floor. Twice I let it ring, until the line disconnected. The admittance office tried too and couldn’t understand why no one was answering—”

  “Father, get to the poin—”

  “Henry, please…”

  “Sorry, Father…”

  “I couldn’t wait for them to check the phone lines and so I immediately called for a taxi and went to the Grey Nuns’ hospital. I thought you might be there, as well.”

  “They would have removed her body by that time, Father. Did you talk to the nurses and hear about Jenny and me and the last moments we shared?”

  “Henry, you must stop interrupting me, I have something very miraculous to share with you.”

  Finally, it was starting to sink in that Father knew something that he didn’t… could it be possible that Je… “Father, please go on!”

  “When I got to the fifth floor, I immediately went to the nurses’ station, but there was no-one there! The floor was deserted. It was as if everyone had gone home. As if there weren’t any sick people to attend to. The thought at the time overwhelmed me, Henry. But as I approached Jenny’s room there was a huge crowd of nurses and doctors gathered there. They were backed out into the hallway, as no more could fit into the room.”

  “What, Father? What had happened?”

  “I asked a nurse who was trying to peer into the room, but she refused to look at me. Then I asked a doctor and it was the same. They were so mesmerized by something which had happened in Jenny’s room, it was as if everyone had gone deaf.”

  “Father, what happened? Please tell me, I can’t take this anymore.”

  Father remained silent. Henry suspected Father was purposely getting even with him for all those times he played on Father’s impatience and dragged out news. The table had turned and Henry sensed his mentor’s glee. “Please, Father,” Henry pleaded… “Is Jenny alive?”

  “Finally, I pulled a nurse aside and with great difficulty, I got her attention and asked her the very question you just posed to me—”

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Henry blurted anxiously. “Father, what did she say?”

  “She said that the woman in that room had been completely filled with cancer. She died several hours ago, but suddenly— miraculously - came back to life and… she is totally healed!

  “I had to be sure, Henry, so I asked, is it Marjorie Hamilton…or Jenny—”


  “She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders saying she didn’t know. Everyone in the hospital is talking about it. She had just heard about it and came up from the 4th floor after her shift was over to see for herself.”

  “Was it Jenny, Father?” You know Father… please, tell me!”

s, yes, Henry… let me finish. I tried to work my way into the room, but it was too jam packed. It was like a can of sardines. I thought I would wait until the crowd dispersed, but even more medical staff came running to the room pushing me further out of the way. I knew I couldn’t leave until I knew for sure. We prayed for a miracle so much that the Lord would heal our beautiful sister. It had been revealed to me that she was healed when I crossed over to the other side. But alas, our doubts are a life long struggle… I just had to know for certain if the Lord heard our plea.”

  A silence followed. The suspense had worn Henry down. He thought he would explode. He got up, and then sat down, and then he paced the floor holding the phone; waiting for an answer.

  “Finally, Doctor Kreake and the others began to work their way out of the room. I was elated to finally see a recognizable face. I immediately pulled him over and asked what has happened?”

  “What did he say Father!?” Henry was ready to collapse.

  “Henry… your beloved Jenny was healed, fully restored! I met with her myself and—”

  All Father heard was the clanging sound of the phone receiver as it hit the floor. Henry was up and out the door on his way to the Grey Nuns’ Hospital just as fast as he could get there.

  Chapter Thirty

  I soooo excited, Chloe, I be visiting the toilet every ten minutes to pee. Good thing I’m not at the estate, this be Charles’ time of day to be working on his plumbing. Good Lord, I’d have to go outside behind the rose bushes, that’s for sure. Don’t you be tellin’ anyone, but that happened before and that’s the gospel truth! More than once I be using a mirror to see my back side and remove one or more of them thorns!”

  Chloe laughed. “Yes, I am so excited too, Matti. I just can’t believe that Auntie Jen is alive. I need to see her first hand to make this a reality.”

  “See, there now, you be like doubting Thomas. He too, had to see the Lord when he came back on the third day. I just knew my God would not forsake me.”

  “You have far greater faith than I… that’s for sure,” Chloe added for good measure. “I was thinking that we should call Camilla, but maybe we better go see Jenny at the hospital first and make sure everything is as Nurse Johnson said and then phone Camilla. I would hate to call her and not be totally accurate that her mother is completely healed.”

  “There be no doubt in my mind, Chloe. Our precious little princess is healed, that’s for sure. We could go up and see Jenny first, though. Mr. Hamilton wants me to check her out too, and then call him straight away. That man sure becoming interested in his former good wife. I feels he wants her back so bad he be willing to do anyting. Never thought I would see the day he be asking for my help.” Matilda shook her head.

  “I’m sure James regrets divorcing Jenny. I think his ailment is giving him time to think and see what is now lacking in his life.”

  “That’s the way the good Lord works sometime. He allows problems to come into our lives and its all for the good. It takes time to see that, but good will come out of all this Chloe, that’s for sure.”

  “I can’t wait a minute longer, Matti. Let’s go to the hospital. Hopefully the doctors and nurses won’t be in Auntie’s room any more.

  James walked up and down the many paths in the garden and still could not find Thomas.

  “Ah, there he is!” James made his way to the storage shed.

  “Thomas, can I speak with you for a minute?”

  Thomas turned and leaned the spade against the wall of the shed.

  “Good afternoon Sir, what would you have me do?”

  “Has Matilda been in touch with you about Marjorie?”

  “Yes, she did call yesterday to let us know Miss Jenny is gravely ill. We all have been praying for her.”

  “Your prayers are answered, Thomas, I was just informed that Marjorie was miraculously healed…”

  “That’s wonderful news, Mr. Ham—I mean James. Praise the Lord for His goodness. So Miss Jenny is fully recovered…?”

  “Yes, I spoke with the attending nurse and she was completely taken aback by it all. Doctors from all over the hospital are making their way into Marjorie’s room. I’m sending my personal doctor there tomorrow to make certain everything is okay with Marjorie and give me a full report. I wanted the nurse to take a phone into the room so I could speak with Marjorie, but the nurse said that it was impossible to even get close to the door.”

  James stopped rambling and looked hard into the gardener’s eyes. What he was about to do was way out of his comfort zone, but he trusted Thomas and felt relaxed around him. They had come to speak of many things that he would never dare to talk about with his business associates and friends. There was something peaceful about the man before him that drew him ever closer and allowed him to put his defenses down.

  “So tell me, Thomas, what kind of flowers does Marjorie like? I would like to have some sent to her at the hospital. It seems to me wildflowers would be top on her list, wouldn’t you think so?”

  “Yes, Miss Jenny does like wildflowers, indeed. Her favourites would have to be—”

  “Daisies!” James blurted out. “Especially the yellow ones… they remind her of the sun!”

  “Why yes, James, that is exactly correct,” Thomas said, with a look of surprise on his face.

  “I have to be honest, Thomas. Matilda shared that with me earlier. I already asked my staff to call all the florist shops in Regina and send over every daisy that’s in the city.”

  Thomas grinned and nodded. “That’s a fine gesture, James.”

  “So what other flowers does she like? You’ve been around her when she was in the garden over the years. What would be her favourite?”

  Without hesitation, the gardener replied, “Lilacs, James. Miss Jenny loved the fragrance of lilacs.”

  “Yes, why didn’t I think of that? Lilac perfume was what she wore all the time. And you’re right it does have a nice fragrance. I enjoyed the odour very much in our earlier years of dating. So do we have some here on the grounds?” James wanted to know.

  “We have many lilac trees, but they are not in bloom until late spring. June, when the Monarchs return, is when they flower. Miss Jenny was in heaven at that time of the year. Both the flower and return of the butterflies to the estate, put her into a state of sheer joy. I would say she almost grew wings like an angel and flew around with the flitting butterflies.”

  “Yes, I am looking forward to the return of the Monarchs as well, Thomas, but we must get some lilacs. Surely there must be some place in the world where they are in full bloom?”

  Just then, Charles beckoned from the patio doors outside the kitchen.

  “Yes, what is it, Charles?”

  “Mrs. Hamilton is here to see you. Shall I escort her out here or to the living room?”

  “Send her out here, Charles. Use my wheelchair if she has difficulty walking.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  James turned back to Thomas who was just getting ready to get back to work. “Okay, Thomas, use the phone in my den and call around to see if you can locate some Lilacs. Let me know how you make out. I’ll get my staff working on it as well after Nancy leaves.”

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Hamilton,” said Thomas, as she made her way towards the two men.

  Nancy stopped and supported herself with her cane. “Yes, good afternoon, Thomas. A beautiful spring day.”

  “It is indeed, Ma’am. That’s a beautiful white rose you have pinned to your dress.”

  “Thank you, Thomas. Pinning a flower to my lapel seems to give me more life somehow.”

  “God’s creation does have that affect on us.” Thomas smiled, nodded and went on his way.

  “Glad to see you out enjoying this lovely day, too, James.”

  James made his way towards his step mother and assisted her to a bench near the gazebo.

  “So what brings you here, Nancy?”

  “Do I need a reason to visit my son? Just came by to see how you’re doing. How a
re you feeling James?”

  “Actually I am feeling fine in spite of the latest news. The doctors think they have detected the start of another tumor. They did a biopsy last Thursday and should know by tomorrow. In any case they will use chemo instead of operating.”

  “Well, let’s hope we have seen the end of that. Jim sure went through a lot in those last months.” Nancy shifted on the concrete bench and winced.

  “Is the arthritis acting up again?”

  “Yes, some days are better than others. Today wasn’t too bad and that’s why I decided to come for a visit. And besides, the weather is so lovely and I do enjoy the garden on the estate so much. Thomas does such a fine job of looking after everything.”

  “Yes, he does at that. Can I get Charles to bring out a pillow?”

  “That’s fine. Perhaps we can stroll slowly around the garden. The exercise may loosen things up and I notice that some wildflowers have already come up near the gazebo.”

  “Yes, it’s a bit early for them but Thomas said that ever since Marjorie came to the estate, her love of the wildflowers encouraged them to come early just to please her.”

  “Flowers will do that…?” Nancy asked with a look of skepticism.

  “According to Thomas, plants and flowers respond to affection and appreciation… I can’t imagine flowers coming out of the soil early just to please someone and yet as you can see, there they are!”

  James helped Nancy get up and supported her as, they both began to walk towards the gazebo.

  “I’ve noticed a change in you, James. Seems like your time away from the business has been good for you. It’s unfortunate that an illness has caused you to slow down and take some time to enjoy what you have.”

  “You know, Nancy, I’ve been thinking of that a lot lately, as well. These last few months or this last year as a matter of fact have made me stop and smell the roses. I’ve never really understood what that saying meant until now. I can see what Marjorie liked so much about the garden and being out here in her gazebo.”

  “Yes, Marjorie was a special girl, James. I was sorry that it didn’t work out for you two. I was always tempted to throw in my two cents worth, but didn’t want to meddle.”


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