Angel Promises Fulfilled

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by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “At the time, I thought it was for the best. I could never accept the fact that she bore another child before we got married… but things seem different now. I have grown more accepting not only of that, but of many other things. Look…” said James, as they neared the wildflowers peeking through the soil. Many already over six inches high. “I hated these flowers and the disorganized way they grew for years and now I can hardly wait to see which flower comes up. I can hardly wait for the butterflies to return and I even enjoy when they rest on my hand.”

  Nancy stopped and looked at James, making certain she had heard him right. “That’s wonderful, James.”

  “I was even able to get the sculptor to make another statue similar to the one that Marjorie had here before.”

  “The one you sent her?”

  “Yes, at the time I was glad to get rid of it, but then the more I began to enjoy the garden, the more I wanted to have everything like Marjorie had it. The statue is almost the same except the angel is holding the basket in the left hand instead of the right. The sculptor said he simply couldn’t make an identical statue. He only agreed to sculpt another one when I told him that the former statue had such healing power and that it may do something for the illness I have. Apparently he always thought that the statue he created initially had spiritual powers and spooked him. That’s why he wanted to get rid of it and it finally ended up in our garden.”

  “You don’t say?”

  “Yes, apparently Marjorie’s father had it commissioned for her before he died. It’s quite a story how Thomas got a hold of it and how it ended up here in the garden as a gift to Marjorie. Anyway, the sculptor agreed to make me another statue based on the condition I told you. The marble was imported all the way from Italy.”

  “You don’t say,” Nancy said out of habit, more than thought. She gazed at the sparkling, marble statue; the sun bouncing off its brilliant white surface made her squint.

  “It really is lovely, James. The angel almost appears as if it is walking towards you. The flowers in the basket are beautiful; surely they are not from the garden at this time?”

  “No, I had Thomas get some from the local florist. I am continuing the practice that Jenny…I mean Marjorie did when she was on the estate.”


  “Apparently she called the statue the Angel of Thanksgiving. Every day she would place flowers in the basket all summer long in thanksgiving for someone or something. Before she left the estate at the time we split up, she placed a bouquet in the basket for me in thanks for giving her such a beautiful garden while she lived here. The flowers survived all that fall and even over the entire winter. When I came to the estate last spring to convalesce from the prostate operation in June, the flowers were all still intact. Thomas swore up and down that he didn’t water the bouquet for the entire time after Marjorie left or protect them from the winter in any way.”

  “That’s remarkable, James! I’ve never heard of such a thing. So when did they eventually wither away?” Nancy wanted to know.

  “You won’t believe this, Nancy. I killed them by allowing hateful thoughts to enter my mind. I’ll never forget that day. When Thomas first told me Marjorie did it as a gift of love and thanksgiving for me and that is what he thought sustained the flowers. Nancy, that act of appreciation, after all I put her through hit me to the core. I never felt anything like that and it brought tears to my eyes.”

  “But those are good thoughts, James…”

  James shook his head and went on, “It was the first time I ever felt such care for me…beside you of course. It was something indescribable, Nancy…but then I allowed thoughts of Marjorie’s rape and having a child to enter my mind. How deceitful she was in not telling me. Revulsion and anger pushed away Marjorie’s kindness and were replaced by thoughts that she was impure and touched by others and how foolish I must look crying in the presence of Thomas…”

  James stopped and looked at his step mother with an expression that he was reliving, that time, with regret, slowly continued almost in a whisper, “With each such thought, the flowers began to die, within seconds before my very eyes. I loathed seeing them squirm as if in pain and wither away. It was as if each thought racing through my mind sucked the life out of the flowers. One by one they dried up and turned into dust. Within seconds the angel’s basket was empty…the power of one’s thoughts, Nancy…” James words trailed off.

  “That’s remarkable, James…” Was all that Nancy could say, as her thoughts drifted off into a world of her own as well. She recalled the day she first met Marjorie and they had that chat together about James’ family background. She could see right off that Marjorie was special; she had a loving heart. If anyone could penetrate the hard core of James it would be her. It was so unfortunate James was beginning to realize that now… it may be too late in regards to their marriage, but perhaps it may still be helpful for James.

  James broke into his stepmother’s thoughts after coming out of his own.

  “Something quite amazing has happened, Nancy. I told you last week that I had sent Matilda to Regina to tend to Marjorie. Her cancer had consumed her entire body and she was moved into the Palliative Care ward with the prognosis that she could die at any time.”

  James turned to Nancy again and said, “She died earlier this morning and… and suddenly came back—”

  “Do you mean she became alive again?” Nancy asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Yes, apparently some miracle occurred in her life and she came back fully healed. It’s unbelievable. The nurse I spoke to at the hospital said doctor after doctor is in her room now examining her. They are all amazed. I’ve asked Matilda to see for herself and get back to me.”

  Nancy stopped again and looked at James as she repeated what she had just said a moment ago, “That is remarkable, James.”

  “Funny thing is, just yesterday when I placed the bouquet that Thomas brought for me into the Angel of Thanksgiving’s basket it was in thanks for Marjorie and the years we spent together. I asked that if there is a God, that she be healed. It was just a passing thought … never really believing what I thought. But… perhaps angels do hear our prayers and take them to a higher power…”

  James’ eyes began to mist. “I would really like to have Marjorie back, Nancy.

  I made a big mistake…”

  Nancy could barely believe what she was hearing. She was so happy that she lived long enough to hear this. She had always prayed that Jim senior would see the light of day before he died and show some affection or at least some emotion, but it was like there was an impenetrable, steel wall surrounding him at all times. But now, here was his son, with similar traits, letting his defenses down and actually allowing himself to be vulnerable. Nancy was so astounded she was speechless. She just stared at James and slightly shook her head. For a proud Hamilton to say what James just uttered was truly miraculous. Perhaps as big a miracle as what happened to Marjorie!

  “You know, Nancy. I’ve been trying to do everything that Marjorie did on the estate. I’m up early and out here. I try to enjoy the garden, the butterflies when they are here. I am relating to the staff in the way she used to and I must admit that I have never felt better, yet… it’s just not the same without her. She gave the estate a life and joy that no amount of flowers or statues can. It was Marjorie, Nancy, that gave the place life and that last gift she placed in the basket for me, woke me up. It took awhile, but I finally realize what I lost, Nancy. I am going to give everything to have her back.”

  Nancy could see how hard it was for James to say what he just did. She could feel the loss he was feeling. For the first time in all the years since she came into the family, she felt the seed of love begin to sprout. James was changing and changing for the better. He was dying to a way of life that would have killed him with a terrible emptiness inside just like his father. Nancy had always felt that Jim never knew life nor enjoyed its beauty.

  “Oh, James, what you are saying is so bea
utiful; it is music to my ears.”

  Nancy walked over to the Angel of Thanksgiving and stood in front of it. Her lips moved as if speaking to the angel, but her words were not audible. She then removed the white rose from her lapel and placed it into the angel’s basket. Softly she whispered, “Thank you…”

  Nancy turned and moved towards her stepson. Never in her wildest dreams or hopes, would she ever think that what she was about to do would ever happen in her lifetime. She opened her arms and James stepped into them.

  Thomas’ eyes filled instantly with tears as he stopped clearing out the dead brush from just down the walkway. Acts of kindness and love immediately touched the core of his being. He too, never would have thought he would live to see the day the Hamiltons would display such a grand show of affection.

  He prayed that Mrs. Hamilton and James would turn to the Angel of Thanksgiving… Thomas had never seen the angel glow so radiantly since the day Miss Jenny left the estate!

  Chapter Thirty One

  Henry screeched Lauren’s car to a stop near the front door at the Grey Nuns’ hospital. The space was reserved for at least three taxis and since none were there, he decided to take a chance. He parked the car so half was in the cab area and the other half in the no parking section and then quickly made his way inside the main entrance lobby. Jenny was probably still in intensive care. He ran past the admittance area and directly towards an elevator. It was almost an exact replay of what he had done that morning.

  His heart was pounding, as the bell rang announcing the fifth floor. He noticed the nurses’ station straight ahead. He didn’t expect Nurse Johnson to be still on duty, yet there she was, filling out a report and talking excitedly to a group of nurses.

  “Hi, Ms. Johnson,” Henry exclaimed, as he rushed towards the counter.

  Nurse Johnson’s jaw almost hit the counter as she looked up at Henry in total surprise. “There he is… it’s Henry Pederson! It was his kiss that brought Ms. Hamilton back to life!”

  “I hope that’s the case… is Jenny really alive?” Henry asked, just to confirm that it really did happen. It still seemed so unreal that such a thing could occur.

  Nurse Johnson continued to stare at Henry as if she were entering another world. He began to get worried that perhaps Father was mistaken.

  “Yes, Mr. Pederson …” Nurse Johnson finally said. She almost called him Prince Charming as that is how she perceived him. Only a prince could have possibly given Ms. Hamilton the kiss of life. It surely had to be his yearning, loving, tender kiss that brought that sickly woman back from the other side… she just knew it had to be him… at least in part.

  “Yes,” continued Nurse Johnson, “Ms. Hamilton is alive! Miraculously, healed! She is very well indeed … we all can’t understand what happened. Dr. Kreake thinks an instantaneous remission and total healing has taken place… but I have my own theory of it all.”

  Henry’s heart soared at the confirmation. He was going to ask Nurse Johnson what she meant by that, but he was too anxious to see Jenny.

  “Is she still in room 505?”

  “Yes, she is. We want to keep her here overnight and then move her down to a private room in the morning.”

  “Is it okay for me to see her?”

  “Even if I said no, I know wild horses wouldn’t be able to stop you. We gave her a sedative a half hour ago. There was such a commotion after I discovered that she had suddenly revived. The news spread so fast throughout the hospital that within minutes, doctors and nurses from all wards flooded the area. “Poor, Ms. Hamilton was inundated with questions. The doctors and nurses should have known better, but it was so miraculous, the medical staff couldn’t help themselves. She may be asleep when you go in. Should you wake her, please keep your visit brief. I know her niece and friend are coming up shortly, as well. And perhaps your daughter-in-law has heard the news. I would have called her, but I don’t know her number. So perhaps, please do so. The girls may have, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to call, as well.”

  Henry merely nodded, as he simply couldn’t wait another minute to go see his Jenny.

  “Yes, go right ahead Mr. Pederson. Oh, I’m so happy for you and Ms. Hamilton. I’ll try to keep any curious doctor away until your visit is over.”

  Henry felt relieved to get away from the counter. He could feel the heat rising to his face as the other nurses gawked at him. Henry quickly walked down the hall towards room 505. He wondered if Jenny would remember he was here before she died. Will she still recognize me? What will I say? This is all so incredible. He still felt that he had to actually see her to believe deep down that she really came back.

  Henry brushed the few hairs on the top of his head with the palm of his hand, took a deep breath, then slowly walked into Jenny’s room and hopefully… back into her life.

  The bedside lamp was on, casting a warm glow on Jenny’s face. Like earlier this morning, Jenny was asleep, but he had to admit she appeared healthier and… he was relieved to note that the sheet on top of her chest gently rose and fell. Her right hand was lying upon her chest, holding something at the end of a chain. He knew what was in Jenny’s hand.

  Henry thought his heart would pound through his chest as he neared her bedside, his eyes glued to her beautiful face. She looked like Sleeping Beauty. Perhaps it was his kiss that brought her back.

  He instantly wanted to hold her and kiss her and never let her go again. Yet, an awkwardness was now present that wasn’t there this morning, almost as if a courting phase was about to take place. Jenny’s impending death this morning cut through all formality. There was no time to be concerned about protocol.

  There was immediacy.

  They had expressed their love for one another freely… trying desperately to beat death, which was knocking at the door.

  But now, the urgency wasn’t there. Perhaps it was time to slow down and enjoy this reunion. They could savour it, enjoy every moment of it. This second chance would make up for all the times they were denied and cheated out of being together while growing ever more deeply in love!

  Henry quietly pushed a chair beside her bed and slowly sat down. Tears of bliss surfaced as he stared at his first love. He silently prayed in thanksgiving to Jesus for bringing Jenny back to life. Not more than six hours ago he sat in this very chair as she slipped away. Henry wiped a tear rolling down his cheek, still in a state of awe over what had transpired.

  He wondered if it really was Father’s prayers and those of the residents that brought his loved one back. He smiled at the thought that it might have really been his kiss like that of Prince Charming. It made him recall the dream he had on the day he’d met Jenny. He had dreamt that same dream earlier today again after Jenny passed on and that it was Death coming to take her away. But as he approached her, anticipating the touch of her lips, she suddenly disappeared and in her place was an older man wearing a tan-coloured suit with a yellow flower in the lapel. It was Father Engelmann! It was him who gave his life for Jenny… or was it?

  If Father really had given himself as the sacrificial lamb, Henry thought further, then why was Father’s life restored, too? This entire matter was so incredible. Perhaps they would never know why or how all three of them had passed away and miraculously came back…

  It is all so incredibly, unbelievable!

  The important thing was that they had all been given a second chance at life. The thought overwhelmed Henry as he gazed at his dear sweet Jenny. Her eyelashes were soft and thick. Her golden hair had filled in from this morning and spread out on the pillow and shimmered like a halo. Her white nightgown was her own, not the one from the hospital. He couldn’t remember if it was the same one he had seen on her that morning. Cut lace outlined her collar and was U-shaped around the front. The silver chain sparkled as she moved slightly, but then was lost in her hand which clutched the gift he had sent her almost thirty two years ago. Henry marveled at the fact that he wore an identical one around his neck and would until his dying breath.

>   He drew a deep sigh at the very thought he would have to leave her after a short visit. He wanted her in his sight every minute.

  Jenny began to stir, as if sensing his presence in the room. It was the same that morning. Her long eyelashes flickered and her eyes opened. She looked over at Henry, her clear blue eyes lit up and she smiled. A warm flush rose to Jenny’s face and an expression grew in her cerulean blue eyes as if she was seeing an angel before her. She was so in love with Henry…

  “Oh Henry, you came back… it’s so nice to see you.”

  Henry sensed that Jenny felt a bit awkward too; she moved her hand hesitantly towards him. Henry immediately responded and took her hand into both of his. The moment their hands touched, Henry felt that same surge of pure ecstasy go through his entire being as it did when they first held hands crossing the Avenue when he was 15 years old. It was the same now as it was then and earlier that morning, only more so now. Incredibly, his sweetheart came back and with it all the pent up love, yearning and desire suppressed in the recesses of his heart.

  “Oh Jenny,” was all he could say as tears welled up in his eyes. He carried her hand in his to his lips and gently kissed it.

  Jenny rolled over towards Henry and brought her other hand onto his. Tears had filled her eyes as well. Neither could speak… the love flowing between them said what words couldn’t possibly say.

  Softly, Jenny spoke. “Oh Henry, Father Engelmann was here a short while ago. He said that you were in an accident after you left the hospital this morning… did you actually die and come back, too?”

  “Yes, apparently my SUV was totally destroyed and the ambulance attendants were amazed that I wasn’t hurt. They said I did die and came back. When I spoke with Father, he said that he passed away this morning as well and was miraculously healed… I don’t understand it all. I don’t remember much of anything after I left you this morning until I found myself in the ambulance.”


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