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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 19

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Henry sat in his chair for about another twenty minutes then went to the living room and turned on the record player. He wanted to listen to his two favourite songs. He turned out the lights and returned to the sun room and gazed out into the sky. The stars were out and there, to the east, was their star… his and Jenny’s.

  Incredibly, all the prayers he had made to his angel and star had come true. He felt the warmth of the star’s rays. He knew that the angel guarding that star was sending him Jenny’s love. He had felt the same earlier that day when he held Jenny’s hand.

  It was unmistakable.

  “For you and I have a guardian angel on high with nothing to do but to give to you and to give to me, love forever true…”

  True Love had just finished playing on the record player and Love Me Tender had started.

  “Thank you,” Henry softly whispered to his dear wife, Julean. “You said you would help me find Jenny, and along with our guardian angels, you did just that.

  “I love you, honey…”

  Suddenly, a shooting star shot through the heavenly sky and as the star dust settled in his heart, he recalled what else Julian had said… “A man like you should marry again and not be alone.”

  His glistening, tear-filled eyes were soothed with wonder and burgeoning hope.

  Jenny couldn’t sleep. The light of the moon and stars caught the sparkle of happiness in her eyes as she gazed out of the window, into the heavens above. It had been such a wonderful day, filled with so many surprises. She couldn’t stop thanking God for the miraculous healing in her life. There were so many people suffering and dying all over the world. They all had hopes and dreams of being healed, too. Jenny wondered why she was given this blessing. She had been prepared to die. She had accepted her cross. Her deepest wish and prayer had always been to see Henry and her daughter before she died. She had been granted that wish and more… so much more.

  She was so grateful and yet wondered why her?

  It was impossible to tell which of the stars was the Star of the East, yet she knew it was there. She could feel Henry’s love so strong and warm and tender. It was like it used to be. She recalled the words she had written in her diary on the day of their anniversary, repeated so often over the years… “Even though we are far apart, you are forever in my heart.” It was also the last sentence in her letter to Henry with the pewter angel inside.

  As tears slid down her cheeks, she thought of their anniversary poem and how she had slightly changed the words when she felt that Henry had moved on to another in his life…

  The Star of the East we both can see,

  Its warm rays so bright no more caressing me,

  If another love has come your way,

  Please never forget our special day

  Perhaps in the future if it’s meant to be

  Your love will return and envelop me.

  I wish you happiness though from afar

  To fill your heart through this, our star.

  The moonlight caught a new happiness in Jenny’s blurry eyes as she softly whispered, “Even though we may grow apart, you are forever in my heart.”

  “Only now, you have come back and you will always be in my heart.” Jenny wiped a tear sliding down her cheek, its trail glistening in the moonlight.

  “Thank you, Julean… Thank you for allowing me to share in your life with Henry. It must have been so difficult for you…”

  Jenny felt compelled to add another verse to her poem…

  Oh, Star of the East you see all things

  Let Julean know on angel’s wings

  That her love for Henry is welcome here

  So in his heart the two of us are forever near.

  Suddenly, a shooting star streaked across the sky. It made her think of her friend Tammy who first suggested she make a wish on the star. Her friend had wished that she and Robbie would get married, and it turned out true.

  And now Jenny’s did, too! Both of her loves had come back to her, as well!

  Stepping out in faith, Jenny made another wish… It was a wish she had always kept buried; a secret ever so deep in her heart.

  Just before the blazing light of the star went out, Jenny sent out her fervent wish.

  “Oh star of wonder, star so bright, I wish to the angel guiding your light…that Henry and I get married and I bear him a beautiful child…”

  And as the glowing light dimmed and faded into the universe, she felt the warmth of the dust settle in her heart. Her sparkling, tear-filled eyes were soothed with wonder and burgeoning hope.

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Jenny found herself once more at the window in her hospital room. It was as though she had not gone to bed. She was up until well past midnight, gazing into the heavens, searching for the star of the East and feeling wrapped completely by Henry’s love beaming in by the light of the celestial sky. She wanted to feel the love of their star forever. And here she was, up again, waiting on the sun to break into another day of bliss.

  She had slept so much these past few months that she didn’t want to sleep any more. To be free of the pain was another thing. For months, every movement had hurt; every breath had been an effort. She had been constantly on guard for a cough. She had been drained her of energy for so long and hurt with such anguish, there were moments when she didn’t think she could go on for another second… nor did she even want to go on at times. How many times did she plead with God to take her? And now, it was all over… She felt completely new; not only was there no pain, there was a flowing energy of love and joyful anticipation coursing through her veins. She felt just like she had when she was 15…

  A peace descended upon Jenny. The fragrance of the flowers that James had sent her filled the room and filled her with the same tranquility she felt whenever she sat in her garden. It was so thoughtful of James… and totally out of character. And yet, he seemed to be giving her a message… Jenny hoped this wasn’t leading to some kind of reconciliation to have her back. Jenny wondered how Henry felt seeing all the flowers sent by her former husband.

  The sun had just come up, exposing the eastern skyline of Regina. From the fifth floor, Jenny could just see the top of the legislative building off to the south. As she held aside the plastic curtain to look out, she marvelled that she even had the strength. Yesterday she couldn’t even lift her hand off the bedspread, let alone get out of bed. Gazing out her window, Jenny noticed how small Regina seemed. It’s a small city, she thought, not like the skyscrapers in Ottawa or Toronto. But she felt comfortable here; she felt at home.

  Suddenly, she squinted as the sun peeked out from behind the McCallum Hill Tower, burning into the tower’s southern edge as it moved higher into the prairie sky. The warm rays felt soothing on her face. Rather than move the curtain she was holding to shield her face, she closed her eyes and allowed her celestial friend to assuage her spirit.

  Jenny was filled with awe and wonderment as she recalled how she had unexpectedly woke up yesterday as if she had been in a deep sleep and it all had just been a sorrowful nightmare. The doctors told her she had died, yet she had no memory of it. It was as if she fell asleep and awoke totally refreshed and healed and filled with renewed life!

  How could she, Henry and Father David all pass away and be miraculously restored to life and good health? Henry did say that Father and his prayer team at the nursing home prayed ardently for her healing… Jenny knew there was power in prayer, but there was more to it… it was also the love between her and Camilla and Henry. It was a love of yearning and hope that had simmered for years and years and suddenly burst into a flame of fire. Jenny felt that surge of love flow through her now.

  It was so wonderful to see Henry last evening. Oh, I love him so much and I know he feels the same about me. It was so amazing that after all these years of separation, their love for one another had never faded or lessened. Jenny felt certain that this was part of the reason for them coming back… it just had to be. She wondered if Father David remembere
d anything of yesterday.

  She wondered, once more, about the flowers that James had sent her.

  Such a change for him. We hardly spoke to one another during those years on the estate. And now this show of care…

  It was nice of him and very thoughtful… Jenny was not inclined to be suspicious of others, and yet, she couldn’t help but question James’ motives… She hoped his intentions were not more serious, as that part of their relationship was over and she had moved on.

  As Jenny was thinking on all these things, she sensed a presence… a loving presence. She turned abruptly and there, in the doorway, stood Camilla. Her daughter had a smile on her face and her eyes were overflowing with tears. Jenny let go of the curtain she was still holding and dropped her arms to her side. A rush of love surged through her and tears spilled and rolled down her cheeks. She moved her head almost imperceptibly from side to side expressing her deep longing for this moment…

  They stood and faced each other for the longest moment from across the room.

  “They told me that you came back to life and were healed… I couldn’t wait for daybreak to come and see you…”

  Camilla was too choked to say more. She slowly shook her head in awe… they were lost and now after years of separation and searching for each other, they had found one another…

  They had come home.

  Camilla made a small step towards her mother and Jenny did the same.

  “Oh Camilla,” was all Jenny could utter as a spiritual bond gripped both women simultaneously. They ran into each other’s arms and tightly embraced one another. Tears gushed out as they sobbed uncontrollably. All the years of yearning and love for one another flowed through their hearts into each other.

  “Oh, Camilla, I am so sorry for giving you away. Please forgive me… I was too young and thought it best for you to have a mom and dad… I missed you so terribly every day… for so long… for so many years. All I remember were those precious moments of you crying and being held by your feet in the doctor’s hand, dangling there. Then you were whisked away… and I never saw you again…”

  Jenny couldn’t go on and cried even more than before. The pain and anguish of that time lying in the hospital without her baby surged back into her memory. The emptiness of her womb, the swelling of her breasts, the emptiness of her arms…the baby she had carried and grew to love was gone, given to someone else, never to see her growth and development, those precious first steps, those first words, to be called Mommy, to nurture and to hold and to love…it was all gone…only a brief memory of the birth, a flash in an eternity of years.

  The sorrow that she had suppressed rose from deep within shaking her body.

  Camilla felt Jenny’s pain and sorrow and hugged her mother tightly. “Oh, Mom, I’m so glad I found you. The moment I laid eyes on you yesterday, I knew you were my mother. Instantly I saw myself in you. I wanted to crawl in bed with you and be held by you and… I feel your love so deeply. I understand how painful that decision was for you. I see it in the girls I counsel who give their babies up for adoption.

  “It’s even more difficult for those who abort their baby, only to have the full impact of that decision hit them in the days, months and years that follow. You chose to give me life and the opportunity for this moment when we could be together once more. I love you, Mom, and for me this is not necessary to say but if it’s important to you, I forgive you with all my heart. I just want, from this moment on, for us to have a mother-daughter relationship.”

  “Oh, Camilla, I love you so much. Your words are so healing. I promise I will never leave you again…”

  Jenny hugged her daughter and they both wept as the rays of the sun streaming in through the window surrounded them, warming their tender spirits.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Henry heard a ringing in his ear. At first he didn’t know where he was. He still felt the effects of yesterday and it took him a moment for all that had occurred, to sink in. Just as another thought was about to enter his mind, the phone rang again.

  “Oh, for gosh sakes, it’s the phone!” He rolled over in his water bed and reached over for the receiver as it was about to ring again.


  “Is this the Pederson residence?”

  “Yes, this is Henry speaking.”

  “I took a chance. I recall Eddy mentioning that you lived out in the valley near Lumsden. It was the only listing in the phone book.”

  Henry recognized the voice. It was low and distinctive…

  “Is this Peter?”

  “You have a good memory, thanks for remembering. I thought I might have some explaining to do as to whom I was.”

  Henry had received a call from Peter’s wife, Angie, just the other day informing him that her husband was critically ill and near death’s door. This however, did not sound like a man that was about to enter the pearly gates.

  “So, how are you doing, Peter? Last I heard you were quite ill…”

  “Yes, I was, Henry… or is it Hank? Which do you prefer?”

  “Either is fine, Peter. Most of my friends call me Hank but those I develop through my business and art call me Henry. So either is fine.”

  “Well, I was just about to say that I was very ill and then something happened—”

  “My good Lord, Peter. Did you get healed, too?”

  “Why, yes. In fact I was pronounced dead and a little while later my pulse came back. I threw the sheet off me and sat up. The nurse in attendance fainted and Angie went hysterical!

  “I couldn’t understand what the commotion was all about until they told me that I had miraculously come back from being dead! I’ve never seen Angie look so surprised. Once it sunk in, she started running down the hallway telling everyone that I was healed and that our prayers were answered. Unfortunately, by that time, parishioners that were there earlier and praying in the hallways had already left. So nurses and patients who didn’t know of my condition thought that she had lost it and called for the commissioner to come and restrain her!”

  Henry chuckled, “Isn’t that something! So you died and were brought back, as well?”

  “Yes, the Holy Spirit swept through me with full power. The nurse who was holding my wrist was healed of her injury, as well. She had been in a car accident and injured her back. She could barely assist patients to sit up or get out of bed. But now the petite nurse feels like a 200 pound weight lifter and easily helps those in her charge.”

  “That’s amazing, Peter.”

  “I am so grateful to Jesus for the healing, too! I know Jenny is alive and was returned from the dead, as well. In fact, I know that you and Father Engel…”

  The phone suddenly went dead. Henry could not comprehend what Peter was saying. The words he was hearing were just too far-fetched to be believed!“Are you there, Hank? Hello…?”

  “Peter, how did you know Jenny was dead and came back? Did someone call you… who do you know? It all happened yesterday and I still don’t know all of the details. Did Matilda by chance call you?” Henry just had to know.

  “Oh you mean, Eddy’s sister-in law? …No, she didn’t tell me.”

  “Well, who then?”

  Peter took a deep breath and went on. “You may not believe this, Hank, but when I died, I saw you and Jenny and Father Engelmann and all your guardian angels waiting to enter through the portals of heaven. I was about to come over and beg for Jenny’s forgiveness when I saw this huge angel appear from that brilliant tunnel of light. There must have been some kind of a reunion amongst the angels because I saw all three of yours go over to the archangel. I became as awestruck as you three over what I was witnessing, that it kept me frozen from moving. Then all at once, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit sweep through all of us. I would have been lifted and carried to some place in eternity if it had not been for my guardian angel, as well. I didn’t even realize I had one until I felt his firm grip on my shoulders holding me still.”

  Peter stopped and took a dee
p breath. Before Henry could encourage him to go on and explain further, Peter rambled on. “I was going to join you and Jenny and Father and all the angels in your happy celebration over what God had granted, but then you began to disappear one by one. Jenny was the first, then you and finally Father. He had quite the discussion with his guardian before he left. I think he was given the same choice as I.”

  “What kind of choice, Peter?”

  “My guardian angel said that I could choose to stay and continue through the tunnel of light, or I could return to earth. If I chose to stay, I would be welcomed into heaven as the Lord had forgiven me of all my transgressions. If I went back, it would be to serve longer as a pastor, but even more so, it would be to ask for Jenny’s forgiveness, as well as my daughter’s. There was the risk that the two ladies might not forgive me and hold me in bondage. Or anger or frustration might overtake me in the course of my daily living as is often the case with our human frailty being what it is and I may plunge into sin. So I was taking a chance in returning when the doors of heaven were opened for me… but I so desired to hear Jenny say she forgives me that I had to come back. And the prayers of so many, besides my wife, kept drawing me, as well. I love serving the people of my parish. In the end, I knew what I had to do… and here I am.”

  Once again the phone was silent. Henry couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How was it that Peter, and supposedly Father, as well, could see and remember what transpired after they had died, and Jenny and he were not able to?


  Henry couldn’t wait to talk to Father and ask him to relate what happened when he had died, as well. Would it verify what Peter was saying?

  “Peter, that is incredible. I don’t know what to say. So that is how you knew Jenny was healed, as well, and brought back to life?”

  “That’s right, Henry. That is also the reason for my call. Angie also told me that you informed her that Camilla knows she was adopted and suspects that Jenny might be her mother. Is that correct?”


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