Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 29

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  “Make it quick, Thomas; I know how much you like the cookies warm out of the oven.”

  Matti entered the shed and set down the coffee and plate of cookies and proceeded to turn over another five gallon pail to sit on. Two were already overturned.

  “Morning, Matti, it’s sure good to have you back,” said Thomas as he entered the shed. “Oh, that sure smells good. No-one makes coffee like you do and I don’t rightly know who I missed more, you or the hot cookies!”

  “It best be me, Thomas, them cookies would never visit your taste buds if it weren’t for my baking abilities and know how. I be the one puttin’ them in the oven and don’t you be forgetting that.”

  “That’s for sure,” Thomas said with a wink as he sat down.

  Matti poured a cup of coffee for Thomas and passed the plate of cookies in front of him. “Is Ramon coming soon?”

  “He may be a while, Matti. He wants to finish setting up the sprinklers. So, tell me, Matti, how was Regina?”

  “Oh, Thomas, that sure was someting else. When I first got there, Jenny wasn’t doing so good. Every day, me and Chloe could see she be going downhill. When they could do no more for her at the care home, she was moved to the hospital and put in one of them wards where your days be numbered. That same morning, who should come to visit, but her daughter Camilla and teenage sweetheart, Henry. Thomas, their timing couldn’t have been more perfect, as poor Miss Jenny was minutes away from meeting her Maker—”

  “You will have to fill me in on her daughter and what’s this about her teenage sweetheart?”

  For the next ten minutes, Matti told Thomas about the boy Jenny met when she was fifteen years old when she lived in Regina and the incident Jenny had with a group of boys that resulted in her conceiving a child. Thomas knew about Jenny’s daughter because he recalled that day when Mr. Hamilton found out Miss Jenny had a daughter as result of a rape. There was such a ruckus and after that, things on the estate were never the same. Thomas, however, was not aware of Henry and how much Miss Jenny still loved him in spite of their separation.

  “I tell you straight, Thomas, when them two looked at each other minutes before Jenny died, it be the most beautiful vision between two people in love I ever did see. Why those two went to heaven and back. The light around them glowed and brightened as if the sunrise be coming up in the room. All of us there be spellbound. And then when Miss Jenny passed on to meet her Maker, a sadness filled the room like the sun going down and we be carrying a huge load of cement on our shoulders.”

  “That must have been quite the sight, Matti.”

  “Ain’t seen not’ing like it before and never will again. It be one of those moments that one never forgets, that for sure. It didn’t last long though and the sun came up again even brighter than before. The good Lord done bring Jenny back! The entire hospital was in such an uproar as if it be the fourth of July! Why, Chloe and me couldn’t get into her room to see for ourselves how Jenny be doing. Every doctor in the hospital and all over the city came and squeezed into Jenny’s room to see for themselves what the good Lord had done.”

  Thomas was so entranced by Matti’s sharing, he hadn’t taken a sip of coffee or sampled the cookie in his hand. He was just about to speak, but Matti beat him to it.

  “Them two are sure in love, Thomas. Even though they were separated for all those years, it seemed like they never were apart. You’d have to be there to see the way them two kissed. Theirs is a match made in heaven, that’s for sure.”

  Thomas swallowed the cookie he was chewing and took a sip of coffee, “I didn’t know about Henry, Matti. That may complicate things for Mr. Hamilton.”

  Matti gazed at Thomas and her eyes brightened. “You and me on the same wave length. Mr. Hamilton wants Jenny back in the worst way and she has a man she be deeply in love with. I knows that don’t sit right with Mr. Hamilton. He already asked me to encourage Jenny to come back to the estate. But, I told him that I can’t do that. That be up to Jenny.”

  Thomas, nodded, tightened his lips and simply said, “Hmm.”

  “I remember you saying in this very same shed a few years ago, one day that man is going to realize the gem he had. He be awfully sorry now he didn’t polish it like a good husband should.”

  Matti shook her head and added, “Mr. Hamilton be changing some, Thomas. He be more relaxed, kinder… if only he’d of been that way back when Miss Jenny was here, I ‘spect we wouldn’t be having this discussion.”

  Thomas nodded. He lifted his coffee mug, gesturing for more. Matti quickly got up and obliged him while at the same time said, “Jenny gave Mr. Hamilton a gift, that’s for sure. By her presence and acceptance of him, she planted a powerful seed of goodness that we see sprouting and growing now.”

  “It’s all part of God’s divine providence, Matti. James’ illness may have forced him to slow down and convalesce, but without Miss Jenny in his life to give him some direction, I dare say the man might have very well focused on his disease and how horrible it is. He could have become very angry like many people do and blame God. But you can see he has accepted his illness and he seems devoid of anger. Jenny gave the man a gift of love, Matti, all the while living in an intolerable situation. He learned how to see God’s beauty and get outside of himself and grow. Remember God wants all of his children to come to Him. The sun shines on the good and those that err are still struggling. The good Lord worked through Jenny because she was obedient to His will and command to love, and not judge, and to accept. Yes, the man received a gift of true love. And now look at the result.”

  “She be a saint, Thomas.”

  “Yes, she definitely has saintly qualities, but her traits are possible by all of us if we just see the beauty and strength in her approach to life. She accepts what is, changes what she can and she has the wisdom to know the difference. She goes to the well, the fountain of life, constantly. She goes to her heavenly haven and restores her soul and mind just like it says in the 23rd Psalm… He leads me to the still waters; He restoreth my soul.”

  “Amen, brother, the good Lord be giving you a special gift too, Thomas; the gift of wisdom. Every time I talk to you, my life goes up a notch. Soon, I hope to develop wings and fly off into the garden with them butterflies. Can’t you just see it Thomas? Why, with my good looks and well endowed body, them wings have to be mighty big for a lift off!”

  The two laughed. A reflective silence fell over them, but soon Matti spoke softly.

  “Mr. Hamilton sure be trying hard to get his Missus back. The flowers he sent to the hospital was one big surprise for all of us, especially for Jenny. It was like a piece of her garden grew suddenly out of the floor. Everywhere you looked were beautiful wildflowers. It lifted Jenny’s spirit some… but I don’t know.” Matti shook her head and continued, “I can sure see why Mr. Hamilton be wantin’ Jenny back, but it sure makes things difficult for Jen… and that other man, too. Why, Jenny and Henry have an entire future ahead of them and all of a sudden they be asked to give it all up for the sake and happiness of another.”

  “That’s right, Matti. And it’s not only James, but other members of the family are affected, as well. It’s become a very powerful moral issue.”

  “See now, here it be getting too complicated. It’s here I be turning it over to the Lord.”

  Thomas nodded, “I think you’re right, Matti. I ‘spect, you’re right.”

  Matti got up and said, “Tell Ramon to come by the kitchen. I have fresh coffee for him and will warm up some cookies.”

  “That’s great, Matti. I’ll send him along straightaway. And by the way, did James talk to you yet about the guest house?”

  “Guest house? What you mean, Thomas? We be expectin’ someone?”

  Thomas smiled and winked with a twinkle in his eyes. “You’re in for one big surprise, Matti, that’s for sure!”

  Chapter Forty Six

  This was the third time the phone rang. Jenny knew it was James calling and she knew what he wanted. Yesterday
and first thing this morning, Jenny was certain that every florist in the city had delivered flowers to her home. It was a good thing early summer was here and she could put some of the flowers onto the back patio. There wasn’t any more room in the living room, kitchen or bedroom.

  “Dear guardian angel, help me,” Jenny whispered as she picked up the phone. “Hel… Hello…?” Her voice was barely audible.

  “Jenny… is that you?”

  “Yes, James, this is me, Jenny.” She hadn’t heard James call her Jenny since before they were married.

  “Geez, I’ve been trying to reach you since yesterday… I was getting worried about you. Where have you been?”

  Jenny was surprised that he didn’t scold her for not answering the phone.

  “I’ve been out in the yard much of the time… you know how much I love the garden.”

  “I do, Mar… Jen, and that’s why I’m calling. The garden has never looked more beautiful. I’m out in the yard right now and want you to know, the Monarchs came yesterday; hundreds have arrived. We are all so excited to see them. I have to admit, Carlos is almost ecstatic. I’ve never seen anyone so excited to see his Mexican butterflies. He keeps raising his hands and spouts words in Spanish. I don’t understand a word he’s saying, but it must be good the way the butterflies swarm around him.”

  Jenny smiled. She could vividly recall her friend raising his hands that day when the Monarchs came and she was so worried over Tammy and not hearing from Henry… The sight of Carlos and the Monarchs was so uplifting then… it had given her such hope.

  “Yes, I recall Carlos singing praises of joy when the Monarchs came to my parents’ estate. He knows the area where they migrate back to and hibernate in Mexico.”

  “He was telling me about that; very interesting. He’s concerned that a lot of the villagers are cutting down the trees for lumber where the Monarchs come home to.”

  “I saw a documentary on TV about that. It’s so sad that people have to resort to destroying their habitat in order to live. There must be some other solution.”

  “I agree, Jenny. I have been talking to Carlos about how that can be curtailed. Perhaps there is something we can do.”

  Jenny couldn’t believe her ears. James seemed so different; and to be concerned about butterflies? Unbelievable!

  “The flowers you sent are beautiful, James. Please don’t send anymore though, there is no more room to put them!”

  “As long as you like them, Jen. But I have to say, they are nothing compared to the flowers that are blooming on the estate. Thomas agrees that the garden has never looked more beautiful. The only thing that is missing is you…”

  A warm chill ran up and down her spine… she had anticipated this. She feared it and yet, just the way he was expressing himself seemed so warm. She was at a loss as how to respond.

  “When my illness returned last year and I was forced to come back to the estate, I began to see things in a much different way, Jenny. At first it drove me crazy to slow down, but I have to admit, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I began to see what you had enjoyed on the estate. It was all under my nose and I couldn’t see it. I didn’t take the time to see it. It took this damn cancer to force me to open my eyes. At first I thought it was all the flowers, the statue, the gazebo and butterflies that made the estate so beautiful and seemed to give you so much joy and peace. I tried to emulate and do everything that you did on the estate to see if I too, could capture that special something that was here…” James paused and then slowly said with such feeling that his words instantly touched her heart.

  “One day, Jenny, while sitting on the swing in the gazebo, like I had seen you do many times over, it suddenly came to me at the core of my being, that what had awakened me had nothing to do with the flowers or the garden or the statue or any of these things… it was you, Jenny, and your unwavering acceptance of me. All the money and power I have at my command is nothing compared with—”

  “Oh, James, please stop…” James’ words were so sincere and Jenny knew where this was all heading. She could no longer travel down that path. She was so happy to finally come back to Henry and thought for certain they would soon wed. But now so many obstacles were in the way.

  James was startled by Jenny’s reaction and spoke with caution. “Jen, I don’t mean to upset you…”

  “Oh, James, I… I can’t come back to you like we were. I have moved on with my life and am making a new start here in Regina. I have a daughter and—”

  “But you have a son here as well, Jenny. Don’t you see? I now realize that it is you who I want and need back in my life. You can restore my life and health. I am different now, we can be a family again and I will straighten things out with J.J. Jenny I need you, we all need you… don’t you see?”

  Jenny was becoming overwhelmed. James was making such progress and she didn’t want to discourage him, but she had now given her heart to Henry and so desired to marry him. Dizziness began to overtake her… she had to let James know and not give him any hope.

  James interrupted her thoughts, “I suppose it’s that Pederson guy.”

  She took a deep breath and dared to let it all out…


  “You have only known him for a few weeks, Jenny. Why would you want to give us up for him? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I love him, James. I have always loved him.”

  “So you don’t love me, or J.J. or… your grandson?”

  “I do, James, and I always will… but things are different now and I have a daughter here and Henry…” Jenny’s words trailed off. She could hear James’ breathing get louder.

  “I am so sorry, James. I can’t come back and try again. You will have to let go…”

  “Geez, Jenny, I can’t. I won’t let you go; I don’t want to lose you. I am ill and your love can restore my health and we can travel and be a happy family. I will straighten things out with J.J.”

  “I can’t heal you, James. Perhaps prayer can.”

  “Then teach me how to pray. Come back and I will follow your example. I know you were out here every day, praying to God and—”

  “James, it can’t be the same as it was before. I now have others in my life that I just can’t discard.”

  “You can see them, Jen. Bring your daughter here, and Henry is welcome anytime, we can all be together.”

  “James, I will support you and be here for you and help you in any way I can, but we can’t go back.”

  “What about J.J. and Nora and Jimmy… can you discard them?”

  “No, I can’t do that either. I was hoping to talk to them and I would need your help… Of course I still want us to be family and for us to be friends. J.J., Nora and Jimmy are the only real parts of our marriage. You and I never developed a relationship.” Finally, Jenny let out what she had been holding in for so many years. Finally, she felt James might actually be able to hear what she was saying.

  “The day after we were married, I woke up to an empty bed. You were already gone and for most of our marriage it was the same. I often wondered how we were together long enough for me to even have conceived a child. Oh, how I loved J.J., but even him, you took from me. For most of the years after I gave birth to your son, we drifted apart. I was alone… if it had not been for the garden and staff who became my friends, I don’t know what would have become of me.” Jenny’s voice rose almost imperceptibly while she spoke.

  “But Jenny, I can repair all of that. I see the errors of my ways. I’m sure once you come back, so will J.J. We can be a real family… give me another chance.”

  Tears filled Jenny’s eyes. She could hear the sincerity of James’ words and she would have given anything for him to have said them years ago. But now… it was too late. She didn’t want to hurt James with her next words, but at this point, she had no choice but to express them.

  Jenny took a deep breath. “I’ve been given a second chance at life, James. My health is restored and the man I truly
loved has come back into my life—”

  “But you were mine first, Marj-Jen! You married me!”

  “Yes, I did because Henry and you were the only men in my life. I think I saw in you some of the traits I saw in Henry.”

  “See, I have the same traits, Jen.”

  “It’s not the same, James. The feelings I have for Henry are different! I’m so sorry James, but I cannot. I pray we can be friends and that J.J. comes back to me, too. Please, please, James, let me go… I don’t want to hurt you…”

  “I’m ill Jenny; having you back will restore my life. A miracle will happen like it did with you.” As sincere as James was, Jenny realized he hadn’t changed yet as much as it appeared; his motives for having her back were selfish. Jenny could see that what James wanted most was to restore his own life and was trying to use her to do it. Still, Jenny was filled with compassion…

  “I can’t, James, but I will be here for you. I will tend to you as much as I can. But it’s Henry I truly love… I will be your closest friend, but I cannot be your wife any more…” Jenny said with a finality that hid the weakness she felt in her knees.

  They were going around in circles and she was beginning to feel faint. She could hear James pleading over the phone and wanted to shut it all off. She laid down the receiver and walked away. She heard him calling her name as she opened the patio doors and stepped out onto her deck and closed the doors behind her. The sound of a chickadee came from the fir trees and soothed her. The sight of her garden began to seep into her spirit and calm her troubled heart. She felt so sorry for James. He was coming out of his shell and he needed her support and love, but she had none to give. She shook her head as she waded through all the flowers the florists had placed on the patio from James. He was trying so hard, but what could she do?

  Chapter Forty Seven

  It was early Friday morning and the air was filled with new life. Henry couldn’t help but notice the barn swallows zipping back and forth through the air. He knew they were building a nest between the floor boards underneath the deck. He loved watching their agility. As soon as they saw Henry standing on the deck, they zoomed towards him, threatening to strike him down if he dared come near their nest. He marveled at their boldness.


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