Angel Promises Fulfilled

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Angel Promises Fulfilled Page 30

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Henry loved this time of the year when everything was bursting with life. The drab colour of the trees during the winter was gone and their skeletons covered with fresh, green leaves to announce yet another season of life on his acreage. This was a perfect time to be down in the prayer house. The thought made him check his watch. He had to pick up Father and bring him back to do exactly that; spend time in God’s creation.

  In less than an hour, Henry and Father Engelmann were back at the acreage and slowly descending around the winding road that was carved into the side of the hill leading down to the valley bottom where the Poustinia was situated. The road was narrow and at times Henry’s SUV came precariously close to the edge that dropped off into a deep gorge.

  “You picked a great time to come to the prayer house, Father. Most of the runoff is finished but there’s still enough to feel the power of the water rushing down the stream.”

  “Yes, it’s all truly beautiful, Henry. You have been blessed with a slice of heaven,” Father replied as he gazed out the truck window, overlooking the beautiful valley before him. Father never tired of seeing this scene as it came into view while the truck travelled around the hill. The pond in front of the Poustinia was like a sheet of glass reflecting perfectly into its mirror-like surface the small hut and clouds above. It immediately reminded him of the 23rd Psalm and he could hardly wait to sit on the deck and take in the peace of the still waters.

  “Are things still pretty hectic at the care home?” Henry interrupted the silence.

  “Yes, so many people coming for prayers and healing. They do not understand that it is not I who have the power to heal, but the good Lord.”

  “It’s only natural, Father, that people would do that. They see you as a very holy man and expect God’s power to be flowing through you.” And before Father could respond with a more humbling tone to what he just said, Henry continued to ask, “Are your meetings coming to an end with the Archbishop?”

  “For now, they are. John flew to Calgary to meet Peter, the man who fathered Camilla. The Archbishop said he will want to speak with me further on that, as a miracle has occurred there, as well.”

  “It’s truly amazing all the healings that occurred that day.”

  “The Lord works in mysterious ways, yet what seems to be happening here is, in part, obvious, no. The Lord not only wants to heal physical illnesses, but deep emotional ones, as well.”

  “Jenny is coming out here tomorrow. We plan to come down and visit with you, if that’s okay, and one of the things we wish to discuss is a meeting with Peter.”

  “Yes, please come down and, by all means, we must discuss Peter and how this affects both Jenny and her daughter and… you as well.”

  Henry slowed as he came to the bottom of the valley and cautiously travelled over the repaired road that was washed out by the spring runoff. Henry felt his tires sink slightly into the soft, fresh dirt. Once over, Henry followed the narrow trail to the Poustinia and parked the truck. Both men got out and walked onto the deck and breathed in the fresh air and soothing calm before them.

  “Quite the sight, Father.”

  “It is, indeed, Henry. God’s creation: the sky, land, water, birds, smell, taste and sound is perfect. Only an almighty God could have imagined it all and created it. Man is daily blessed with spiritual sustenance if he but takes the time to acknowledge it.”

  “So true, Father. It’s hard to understand how daily we neglect our blessings or acknowledge our gifts.”

  Father Engelmann didn’t respond. He turned and sat on one of the deck chairs and continued to gaze upon the still water of the pond. Henry mimicked Father’s movements and pulled up another chair beside his teacher and sat down. The men remained silent, unable to speak, or rather not wanting to interfere with the growing peace seeping into their being. The scene before filled them with awe.

  “So, you and Jenny have spent some time together and are getting to know one another again?”

  “We have, Father, it’s as if we were never apart. It’s wonderful to have her back again.”

  “It is incredulous, Henry, that I didn’t connect Jenny as the girl next door to you. I knew there was something special and familiar about her, but never would I have conceived that she was your teenage sweetheart.”

  “It is truly astonishing how this all turned out and how we all are so connected.”

  “Only the Lord, in His divine providence, could have worked it all out so beautifully.”

  “I gave Jenny her home back and everything in it exactly the way she had left it. That’s another incredible part of all this, as so many other potential buyers saw the home before I did.”

  “Yes, it is as you have said several times before, an angelic occurrence, that it was you who purchased the home.” Father shook his head in amazement of it all.

  There was a brief silence and then Henry broke the quiet of the surroundings. “I was going to ask you Father… Jenny and I had our first date the other night and it was wonderful, but I can see that I would like marriage to be soon in the offing. What is the Church’s position on this since Jenny is divorced?”

  “Yes, I was thinking of that as well, and did discuss it with the archbishop the other day. The church does not recognize divorce but will consider an annulment of the marriage under very strict circumstances.”

  Henry’s face immediately carried a concerned look. “What kind of circumstances, Father?”

  “First of all, the Catholic Church’s teaching, or position, on divorce is based upon a time-honoured interpretation of the words of Jesus, “What therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:6). “The Church views marriage as a covenant for life that cannot be severed. However, some marriages are entered into without the necessary maturity or full knowledge and ability to keep such a permanent commitment, or without full free will because of external pressures. If it can be shown that the marriage bond was less than such a covenant for life because it was lacking something necessary from the very beginning the Church can declare an ecclesiastic annulment of the marriage.

  “During my visits with Jennifer, we did talk about her marriage, but I am not at liberty to discuss that with you, Henry. It is best that she speak to me or if you and Jenny decide, we can all look at the issue. Annulments are not easy to come by and can take considerable time.”

  As Father spoke, Henry’s heart began to sink, yet he tried to find some reason for hope. “I do know that Jenny’s marriage was not a favourable one, Father. I, too, do not know all of the circumstances yet, but I’m sure there must be some way Jenny can get an annulment.”

  Father just nodded, not ready to commit himself until he knew all of the facts. He did recall Jenny sharing with him the uncertainty and pressure she felt the day of their marriage and that she fainted after saying ‘I do.’

  “If it could be shown that she did not freely agree to the marriage, then, that could be cause for an annulment.” Father added out loud.

  Henry didn’t hear Father’s words and asked, “Do both parties have to agree to the annulment, Father?”

  “Yes, agreement by both the wife and husband more readily facilitates the annulment—”

  “That may be another problem.” Henry swiftly interjected. “I already received a phone call from her former husband, James, asking me to discourage my relationship with Jenny as he wants her back. He said that he was sorry for his behaviour and for not only his sake, but that of his son and family, he desires for them to try again.”

  Father tightened his lips, his expression growing more serious. He knew of all of the impediments that Henry and Jenny had endured during their lives. Now, when it seemed so close to their getting back together another one, a major one in fact stood before them.

  “The Church always encourages reconciliation, Henry. If the husband refuses to grant an annulment and informs the Church or the tribunal in charge of the case that he seriously wants to try again and can show by a sincere confession supp
orted by witnesses that he is serious, the Church may not grant the annulment.”

  “But Father, they have to! I don’t think I could take it if Jenny and I could not be wed.”

  Father’s position was firm. “Without annulment, the Church will not grant you and Jenny consent to marry in the Church.”

  “I would never want to leave the Church, Father, but… I don’t know what I would do. I already desire Jenny so much now, that I don’t know if I can wait much longer.” Henry wished he hadn’t blurted out that last remark. He wondered if Father understood what he meant. It didn’t take long for Henry to know Father’s mind.

  “If you are referring to having sexual relationships with Jenny, you both would be engaging in an adulterous affair. Since divorce is not recognized by the Church, she is still considered married—”

  Henry shook his head and muttered, “I can’t believe this, I just find this all so incredulous…” His words trailed off.

  Father could sense the deep disappointment in his adopted son. “There is one other consideration. Jenny married outside of the Catholic Church. Did she receive dispensation from the Church to do so?”

  Henry looked at Father and shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know.”

  Father nodded, “Henry, we are putting the cart before the horse. Let us take one step at a time. Discuss this with Jenny and encourage her to come either alone or the two of you, which I prefer, and we shall review the facts and what steps we should take.”

  Father was hesitant to ask the next question, but felt it was key to even considering going forward.

  “Has Jenny’s former husband approached her about reconciliation; wanting to try again?”

  “We didn’t discuss it in detail, but I would have to say yes. He called her when she was in the hospital and also sent her flowers… so, I would have to say yes to your question, Father.”

  “Then the next question has to be, Henry, how does Jenny feel about his request? Would she consider going back? There are others involved. She does have a son and I understand a grandson—”

  “Yes, yes, I know!” Henry blurted out in frustration. “I was thinking about that the other night… it’s all getting so mixed up. I’m certain Jenny wants to marry me, but there are now so many complications, so many impediments. Oh Father,” Henry lamented, “I love Jenny so much, but I would want for us to be married in the Church and I would want for everyone to be at peace about it all, especially Jenny. How on earth can this all come about?”

  Henry gazed hard at his mentor and dear lifelong friend, hoping he would say something that would give him hope in all this. Suddenly, the calm, serene scene of the valley before him no longer pacified his dark and stormy mind.

  “All I can say, Henry, is that God is the God of all possibilities. Nothing is impossible to Him if we put all our trust in Him. But, we must accept His will in the matter. This I know, Henry, if you do trust Him, He will turn it all into good.”

  Henry just shook his head; he didn’t want to discuss it any further. It was too upsetting. “Well, I better get going Father. I have an appointment at the gallery.”

  Henry got up and made his way into the Poustinia. “I want to check if there is enough water in the fridge.”

  Father got up and followed Henry inside.

  “Did you want me to bring down any food?” Henry asked as he opened the fridge.

  “No, I wish to fast for a few days. There are so many concerns—”

  “Well, you have enough water for three or four days. I can bring more tomorrow if you like.”

  “I think that is fine, Henry. I will let you know tomorrow. I am not sure how long I will be staying this time.”

  Henry walked into the living room. The first thing that struck him was the large cross hanging on the wall and the small altar below. He knew Father would be saying Mass as soon as he left. “Everything looks like new, Father; hardly lived in.”

  Henry peeked into the bedroom and noted the desk in front of the picture window exposing a panoramic view of the valley. He turned and forgot Father was carrying a satchel. Henry grew curious. “Got your Bible, Father?”

  Father lifted his satchel slightly, “Yes, it’s here and…”

  “Have you got more than one, this time?” Henry further wondered, as the Bible was all Father usually carried with him.

  Father could see Henry’s curiosity and so he decided to share what he had in the satchel. Father walked into the bedroom and took out his Bible and placed it on the table. He then reached into the case again and brought out several pads of paper and a pen.

  Henry knew Father never wrote a homily and always relied upon the Holy Spirit, so he asked, “Making notes on scriptural readings?”

  Father was a bit hesitant to reveal that he was about to write a story about them; he, Jenny and Henry and thoughts about life. Father simply said, “Perhaps I will be noting some Scripture as needed and… well… I am going to write a story, Henry. For now, I am keeping it to myself… you shall soon see what it is about.”

  “You mean, an actual book, like a novel?”

  Father nodded, “Yes, Henry, it’s a story about life. In fact, it’s a love story involving miracles and angels and all the things that happen in God’s kingdom.” Father smiled, “It’s going to be a story that may have an effect upon a lot of God’s children.”

  “Now you really have me curious, Father, I never knew you wanted to write a story and, a love story at that.”

  “Neither did I, Henry. One never knows when one wakes up in the morning what God has planned for their lives. Suffice it to say, God sent his messenger, my guardian angel, to let me know that this is part of the reason for my coming back from the other side.”

  “To write a love story?”

  Father nodded and smiled with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes, Henry, an epic love story.”

  Chapter Forty Eight

  Thomas took off his cap and with the back of the same hand, wiped the perspiration from his brow. It was a hot afternoon on the estate and now he wished he had mowed the grass that morning. On his way to the shed to get some gas for the lawn mower, he saw James sitting on the swing in the gazebo. He knew his employer was troubled and his heart went out to him. He recalled only too well, the struggle he, himself, had gone through growing out of a life style that would have killed him. He suspected James was struggling with many of the same issues.

  “Afternoon, James. It’s another fine day. How are you feeling?”

  James closed Thomas’ Bible that he was reading and looked at the gardener. Rather than answer as to the state of his health, he said, “Can’t make much of what’s in here,” as he lifted the Bible towards Thomas. “Nothing but a bunch of small stories about a man named Jesus, travelling around the country with His buddies teaching His philosophy of life.”

  “Yes, He is teaching the people a way to live that will bring peace and harmony into their lives, but there is a little bit more to it than that—”

  “The part I really want to know, Thomas, is how to get Marjorie back on the estate and into my life again. Is there a part in this Book that may show me… specifically?”

  Thomas smiled and entered the gazebo. He sat on the ledge of the railing surrounding the gazebo and asked James, pointedly, “Has Miss Jenny declined to come back to the estate, James?”

  James smiled, “Can’t sidetrack you from the real issue, can I? Yes, as a matter of fact, I was speaking with her the other day and she flatly refused to come back. I sent her flowers and told her I was a different man and wanting to try again, but…” James shook his head and looked down at the Bible.

  Thomas could feel the pain James was going through, not only physically but the sorrow of a great loss in his life. He was still so confused about what it is that brings two people together and keeps them together.

  “I don’t wish to speak out of turn, James—”

  “No, say what’s on your mind. You’re the first person I could ever
talk to about stuff like this… actually, stuff that really matters. Look, Thomas, I’m desperate, what the hell can I do?”

  “There was a time when you and Miss Jenny were attracted to one another… to the degree that you married. The thing is, James, this attraction wanes in time and couples grow distant unless their relationship is nurtured by care, kindness, acceptance, forgiveness, commitment and… I could go on and on.”

  James could see right off that he didn’t do any of what Thomas just rattled off. At that time, he lived in the world of business. He not only didn’t have time, he didn’t take time and even if he had, didn’t have a clue how to show love and commitment. Yet, what Thomas said, struck a chord. It was what Jenny exhibited all the time… only he didn’t reciprocate. She had pointed that out to him when they last spoke, too. Her words came to mind, “We never developed a relationship. The day after we were married I woke up to an empty bed. You were already gone and for most of our marriage it was the same. I often wonder how we were together long enough for me to even have conceived a child. Oh, how I loved J.J., but even him, you took from me…” James couldn’t handle the truth that was exposing his gross failure. In self defense, he blurted, “Look, Thomas, I don’t want to make excuses, but at that time I was running a huge corporation… I didn’t have time to nurture our relationship.”

  “But you do now. You may have been forced to stop, but perhaps it’s good in the sense you are beginning to realize what you missed. The Bible you’re holding may not give you a step by step list of how to get Miss Jenny to reconsider to come back, but it will show what it takes to love and care for another. Like I said, I don’t want to speak out of turn, but could it be possible that had you lived by the philosophy of what you have been reading about Jesus, that we may not even be having this discussion? It’s up to you, James, but what that Book will do is expose who you are and what you need to do to find peace and direction in your life. As I said, there is a lot more to it, but for now, that may be a start to assist you with your relationship with Miss Jenny.”


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