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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 33

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Henry drew near to Jenny and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “That’s the Poustinia, Jenny.”

  “Yes, I know, Henry,” Jenny softly replied.

  “Father is there. I took him down yesterday. I’m sure glad spring came early this year. Most of the flowers are out and I love when the old dead grass is covered over with fresh green grass. It does turn brown as the summer progresses, unless there is a lot of rain.”

  “Yes, look at the green hills and all the wildflowers surrounding the pond! It’s all so beautiful…oh Henry, look at the three deer behind the Poustinia!”

  “Yeah, I see them. They always come when Father is there. I’ve even seen him feed the deer by hand. I’m telling you, Jenny, Father is another St. Francis.”

  “This is amazing Henry, I just love it all.”

  Henry squeezed Jenny. “I’m happy you do. Come on, I’ll show you the family room on the other side of the kitchen and then the studio upstairs.

  “There is no end to this place. It’s similar in size to James’ estate but more rustic and so natural with nature all around.”

  The hair on the back of Henry’s neck bristled at the mention of Jenny’s former husband’s name, but he decided to pretend not to have noticed.

  “It’s comfortable here and even though I have lived alone for many years with just the two kids, I like a large home to ramble in.”

  Jenny hoped she would be sharing it with him soon.

  After Henry showed Jenny the family room, they made their way up to the bedrooms and to where Henry painted. At the top of the stairs, they turned right and followed the railing around to the studio. Jenny held her breath as they entered.

  It was filled with light. Immediately to the left were two stairs that settled into a seating area much like a family room. The walls were completely covered with paintings from floor to ceiling. But to the right was the artist’s easel, accented by a soft north light coming in through three huge picture windows. The walls were lined with a counter and storage shelves and drawers below. In the small wall space area were book shelves that displayed art books on master painters and technical books related to watercolour, acrylic and oil painting.

  As Jenny made her way to the easel, she held her breath as she looked outdoors at the panoramic valley view. Wherever she looked there were uninhabited hills and valleys and streams and pockets of water surrounded by trees and flowers.

  “What inspiration this must be for you, Henry,” Jenny softly muttered, trying to take it all in. As she passed by the easel, she now saw the canvas that Henry was working on. It was of a young girl balancing on a log that projected out over a turbulent stream in the valley. It was early morning, as a soft mist covered the distant trees. Her arms were extended like wings and her right foot was raised and reaching forward as she dared to go out further over the water below.

  “Oh, Henry, that’s beautiful. Is that one of your daughters?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “Yes, that’s Lauren. She is always the one to take chances. I recall one spring a few years back, she tried to come down the rushing waters with a dingy. Fortunately, Justin informed me and no sooner had we got down to the valley bottom that I saw her hurtling down the stream, yelling for dear life. The dingy tipped over not too far from us and down she went. Our angels must have been with us that morning, as I rushed into the turbulent water and saw her come up. Before she went down, I was able to grab her and make it back to the shore.”

  “That must have been so scary…”

  “It was, but it didn’t seem to deter her from doing other risky things. I guess that’s why I did that painting of her on the log…to capture her spirit.”

  “And you did!”

  Henry wrapped his arms around Jenny and they made their way to the windows that faced slightly east.

  “Look!” Jenny pointed, “There’s Father coming out of the prayer house. Is that a brown robe he’s wearing?”

  “Yes, it is a Franciscan habit, I know how much he admires St. Francis and he finds the hood keeps his head warm in the fresh early mornings.”

  “Does he know I am coming with you?”

  “Yes, he’s expecting us. Perhaps we should stroll down there. He may be waiting for us to join him when he says Mass if he hasn’t already done so.”

  Jenny turned to Henry, “Yes, let’s g—”

  Jenny couldn’t finish her sentence as Henry’s lips touched hers and they warmly embraced.

  Jenny and Henry decided to walk down in into the valley rather than drive down. They didn’t want to disturb Father with the sound of an engine roaring through the valley. Jenny slipped on her sweater and runners and together, hand in hand they began to stroll down the winding hill road leading to the Poustinia and valley below. The dogs settled down after a bit of Henry’s scolding and eventually left their new found friend in peace.

  “They’re lovely dogs, but will take some getting used to. James never allowed any animals on the estate or in the house. I think he would have shut out the birds in the sky if he could have,” Jenny chuckled.

  “Well, pretty much anything goes out here, Jen. You’re free to do whatever.” Henry left out a loud exhilarating yell, startling Jenny, and waited for the echo to come back. “Oops, I hope that didn’t disturb Father,” Henry said and quickly added, “Well, when he’s not here you can scream all you want.”

  As they descended, the air became cooler and fresher. The wildflowers stood out so colourfully against the lush, green trees and shrubs.

  A beaver flapped its tail at the sight of the dogs. Coco was the first to dive in, followed by Ginger.

  “Oh, that water must be so cold, Henry.”

  “Their fur protects them somewhat. Not like that of a beaver for sure… It’s hard to tell as they seem to enjoy the water so much.”

  The dog’s movement in the water obliterated the still reflection of the Poustinia that was there before they entered the water.

  “I can’t get over how beautiful this is. The view from the top of the hill is wonderful, but from down here it seems as if you are entering a different world.”

  “I get that feeling each time I come down here. You get so close to nature, the absence of civilization, the wild animals…you almost become one with the glaciers that passed through here millions of years ago, carving out the valley and creating the foundation of the valley we see now. And it’s still ongoing and changing as the flowing waters continue to carve and reshape the valley floor.”

  “Were the wildflowers here all the time, too?”

  “Some were, but most of them we planted by hand over the years. It was Allison’s idea. Of all the children, she loved the acreage the most as soon as she saw it. She loved the flowers and also the butterflies. I don’t know if you noticed all the milkweed plants around the log house and they are also interspersed amongst the flowers. The monarchs should be coming soon.”

  “I love wildflowers and butterflies, Henry.”

  “Yes, I know. I can still recall when you chased after the butterflies when we went for walks during that memorable summer of ‘56!”

  “You remember that, do you?”

  “I remember everything we did, Jenny. Those were such precious memories and I replayed them in my mind a million times.”

  Jenny squeezed Henry’s hand, “I did, too.”

  She bent down and picked a white daisy alongside the road. She brought it to her nose and breathed in deeply. “Oh, Henry, we had wildflowers at the estate as well, but to see them grow in the open like this in such a natural setting is incredible. What a feeling of freedom; so exhilarating!”

  “Well, you haven’t seen all the flowers that are yet to come. By midsummer it does take your breath away, especially if accompanied by a lot of spring rain.”

  Jenny could no longer contain herself. She let go of Henry’s hand and began running towards the prayer house, twirling the daisy in her hand like a magic wand. The valley before Henry was transformed into a picture of beauty as
she ran down the winding lane. He was momentarily mesmerized by her golden hair glistening in the sun and flowing freely in the breeze. He fully expected her to fly like an angel at any moment; he started to chase after her just to dispel the surge of love overwhelming his racing heart.

  Chapter Fifty One

  When they came to the Poustinia, they still didn’t see Father. They assumed he was inside. Rather than enter through the front door, Henry quietly slid open the kitchen patio door and took Jenny’s hand as they entered. Jenny’s grip on Henry’s hand tightened and she slightly gasped at the sight. They saw Father kneeling before a small altar and a huge cross with Jesus crucified hanging just above. Henry still couldn’t get over the size of the cross when he hung it for Father; it was at least five feet high. Both Jenny and Henry looked on in awe at the sight of the holy image before them and the feeling of holiness all around.

  Father was so deep in prayer that he was still unaware of their presence. Henry noticed the brown habit Father was wearing and couldn’t help but feel how well it suited him; another St. Francis, thought Henry. He felt the fire of perfect love. Jenny felt it too, as tears streamed down her face.

  Henry took hold of Jenny’s hand and together they softly tip-toed into the living area and knelt down behind Father. He sensed his loved ones and while still facing the cross, Father extended both his hands back to Henry and Jenny. They each brought forth their free hand and took hold of Father’s. Instantly, an electric spiritual energy flowed through all of them in a perfect circle of love with their creator. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit filled them all to overflowing. Vague flashbacks of their stint on the doorstep of heaven was before them; spinning round and round with their guardian angels as if flying into the arms of Jesus.

  Father let go of their hands and reflected quietly for a moment. He placed both hands on the edge of the altar and pulled himself up to the standing position and continued to pray. It became apparent to Henry and Jenny that Father was saying the Mass and was just beginning the Consecration; the holiest moment of the Mass. Just as Jesus did at the Last Supper and requested that we do the same in memory of Him, Father took the bread in the form of a Host and said, “This is My body.” He elevated the Host and gazed at it for the longest time, placed it down and genuflected. Then he took the chalice of wine, and said, “This is the cup of My blood.” Once again, Father raised the cup and then genuflected.

  When Father came to the Lord’s Prayer, rather than face the altar, Father turned to his children and took their hands and together they prayed:

  Our Father, who art in heaven,

  hallowed be thy name

  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

  On earth as it is in heaven

  Give us this day our daily bread

  And forgive us our trespasses

  As we forgive those who trespass against us.

  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,


  After receiving Holy Communion and Father’s blessing, they hugged one another and made their way out onto the deck. After all were seated, Father began, “Who would have thought that just a few weeks ago, the three of us would be sharing Mass and sitting on the deck of Henry’s prayer house on this beautiful summer day! Clearly, as the Lord says, ‘My ways are not your ways.’ It’s as if we’re still just on this side of the portals to heaven.”

  “Oh, Father, you simply must share with us what you saw that day. Henry and I have no memory of it, but we both are having dreams that don’t make too much sense. Perhaps you can enlighten us and at the same time we may be better able to interpret our dreams.”

  “Yes, I do not fully understand why you and Henry have no memory of your stint on the other side. I have complete memory and before I returned to the land of the living, my guardian also permitted me to see all of mankind and into the lives of all the people that I’ve known, including you.” Father raised his right hand to gesture that he referred to both of them and continued. “I was not allowed to see into the future, only into the past, and right up to that moment before I left to return to earth.”

  “How could you see everything in such a short period of time?” asked Henry.

  “There really is no time, Henry; it’s all in the present. Within a thought, one can see and understand lifetimes. One experiences how God’s mind works. He knows all things past, present and future; now. It is difficult for man to comprehend with his finite mind.”

  “That reminds me of another matter that Jenny and I were wondering about, Father. If you saw everything up until the time we all came back to life, how did Jenny’s diary get to her backyard when it was in my truck before I had the accident? And did you see Jenny write an entry in there?”

  “Yes, the archbishop asked me the same question…”

  Father went on to tell them exactly what he told the archbishop. Henry and Jenny were amazed that Father had seen that and just as the archbishop’s belief of what Father had seen increased, so did theirs. Jenny, however, was more interested in her celestial guardian.

  “Oh, this is all getting too heavy for me to understand, Father. Henry says that you saw our guardian angels. Please tell us about them, I am dying to know!”

  “Yes, when I first crossed over, Jenny, I met my protector, Zachariah. Our spirits hovered over the sun room in the care home. We talked a bit and watched the residents in the care home celebrate my passing. Shortly, you and Henry came to the site, along with your guardians.”

  “Oh, Father what did they look like and did they tell you their names!?” Jenny was so excited; she was on the edge of her chair.

  “Yes, yes, your angel’s name is Hannah and Henry’s is Gabriel.”

  Looking at Jenny, Father continued. “Your angel is younger and more petite than Henry’s. Her wings were always in motion, almost like a hummingbird.” Father paused and gazed towards the morning sun, “Now let me see, yes, she wore a blue robe with white straps that crossed over her shoulders and then around her waist. Her hair is yellow, like gold, long and flowing. And her eyes are blue like yours, as well. Henry’s angel is more masculine. He wore a brown robe that matched his brown hair. I can’t recall what color his eyes are, but he is tall, but not as tall as Zachariah. Mind you. My guardian was the most mature of the three and did most of the talking. In fact, it was Zachariah who explained to me why you and Henry were so smitten with one another and why your love for each other has been so long-lasting”.

  “Oh Father, this sounds so mysterious and intriguing, you just have to tell us every detail.”

  Although Henry hadn’t said much, he too, was at the edge of his seat. He also wanted to know everything that had transpired.

  “Do you recall the morning you two met in my grocery store—”

  “I’ll never forget that morning,” Henry cut in sharply.

  “Nor will I, Father. The moment I looked into Henry’s eyes it was love at first sight. I was completely lost in the moment. It was as if we were lifted and something travelled through the gaze we were sharing.”

  “Yeah, it was almost like something was caught in my eyes.”

  “And mine too,” concurred Jenny.

  “Ah, das erklärt es, yes, that clearly explains what Zachariah said. Apparently, when the two of you looked into each other’s eyes that morning, not only was there an earthly attraction, but there was a heavenly one as well. Both of your guardian angels were so excited when you two met that they also imparted some of their spiritual energy into the gaze you both shared with one another. As a result, not only were your hearts united, in the earthly sense, but also your very souls, in the heavenly sense. It was quite something to see. I recall a bright aura around both of you that morning as you gazed into each other’s eyes.”

  “That would explain why I felt something caught in my eyes,” said Henry.

  “Yes, yes, I remember now. Zachariah explained it this way; love between two people in most instances begins in the eyes as they see
and are attracted to one another. That morning when you and Jenny met, it was as if the angels’ energy entered into your eyes in the form of shooting love darts which not only penetrated your heart, but going still deeper, wounded your soul, as well. You pained for one another. It was plain to see not only that day, but in the days and weeks that followed until the day Jenny left. Oh, how much you yearned and desired one another.”

  “Oh, that sounds so powerful, Father. That morning is so clear in my memory. I can just visualize our angels doing that, like two cherubim’s flying near us with their bow and arrow!”

  “That’s amazing, Father,” said Henry, in awe of it all. “That would explain both the strength and duration of the love between us.”

  “Oh, Henry!” Jenny exclaimed again, “I would have loved to see our guardians. I would have given both such a big hug for all they did for us.”

  “But you did embrace them, Jenny, very warmly, I might add. And another thing, they played a huge part in getting you both back to earth. Since they felt responsible for creating such an ardent love between you both which led to the depth of your hearts’ desire to marry one another, their solicitudes to God were continued on your behalf, especially on the day you both passed away. I surmise that it was a combination of their pleas, our prayers and yours that swayed the Lord to create all of these incredible healings.”

  “It’s all so amazing Father. There seems to be so many reasons why we were all allowed to return to our earthly lives,” Jenny said shaking her head.

  “Yes, you have been blessed to see and return to your loved ones, your family and of course, Henry and Camilla. There is Peter, too, and perhaps reasons that you may not be aware of until years in the future. It’s all part of God’s divine providence.”

  Jenny thought for sure that it had to do with bearing a child for Henry…the name of her guardian angel, Hannah, resonated in her mind.

  “You mentioned Peter, Father. Jenny and I were discussing him the other day and his desire to see Jenny and Camilla to seek their forgiveness.”


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