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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 44

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Jenny slightly shrugged her shoulders and nodded. “Yes, that’s what I’m thinking…to just take one day at a time. Our marriage was so one sided and he was rarely at home. Yet, I know he could use my support. When I lay in the hospital for days on end, friends came to see me, but I would have loved if family came. And when my son did come, it was such a whirlwind visit. That was also the time he put my house up for sale and…he was so unfriendly towards me. That’s another reason, as we discussed before, that I want to go and see if we can patch things up.”

  “If this didn’t involve family, I would fight tooth and nail to keep you here, but with family and James’ illness…” Henry shook his head and continued, “As much as I don’t want to say this, I think you have to go, Jen. Our relationship would always have something between us if you didn’t go. You’re the kind of person that would feel regret and guilt for not reaching out…and, he was your husband.”

  “James has had such a difficult upbringing. To many it may appear he has the world on a string with his wealth and power, but what he needs most is to be accepted and loved.”

  For the next half hour, Jenny shared with Henry, James’ background: his mother’s alcohol addiction and never being there for him and his twin brother, the cold business nature of his father and the feelings of abandonment James felt when his mother died and guilt over his brother’s suicide.

  “The last thing James needs right now is to feel abandoned and alone. The staff on the estate notice such a change in him and so do I. It took years for James to find himself and—”

  “I’ve seen it in others and those who I counselled in the past; there are so many who are crippled in this area of giving and receiving affection. Many do not know what to do, how to show it, how to begin. We, who are more blessed, either due to our upbringing, or by nature, must be understanding and compassionate and help lead…”

  “Oh, Henry, we all want to love and be loved. I think it was learning of James’ background that was part of my motivation to marry James.”

  Henry shook his head and allowed his compassionate side take over, “I can see why you don’t want to abandon him now and encourage him in that direction so that he does not lose hope…”

  Henry shrugged his shoulders, “And I understand you want to be supportive in his illness, but…Jen, you have to come to terms with your son and James and the entire family for us to have a relationship that is not encumbered with all these unsettled issues. You would always feel torn between our family and yours. I love you too much to see you unhappy in any way. You have my blessings and support to go back and do what you need you to do.”

  “Oh, Henry, that is what I have always loved about you. You have left me free. I recall that day in the park when we could have made love, but you considered my feelings above yours. I was sorry we didn’t and yet I felt so free afterwards that you didn’t force me to make a decision that I would regret later. And here again, you offer me that same freedom…your love is so wonderful…It reminds me of a saying. ‘If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, they are yours. If they don’t come back, they never were’…”

  They both leaned forward over the table top and tenderly kissed.

  Although Henry was putting on a brave front, his heart was already aching. He never anticipated this to happen after they both were miraculously brought back to life. He thought for certain they would be married and already living together and suddenly all of these obstacles popped up!

  Jenny gazed at her dear Henry, so thankful that he understood. She nodded and tears surfaced in her eyes again. “I know he needs me, Henry. I have to go and… I feel it’s God’s will somehow and part of His plan for us to bring our families together.”

  “Well, God is the God of all possibilities…you never know.”

  Henry stared at Jenny trying to burn the image of her in his mind and heart. He didn’t know if he could possibly live without Jenny, he was missing her already. “I suppose you will be going alone? You don’t want me to come along anymore, do you…?”

  Jenny shook her head, “No, I think it’s better I go alone. I don’t know how long I will be there and your presence might complicate any kind of reconciliation with J.J. at this point and…somehow, I feel being with James for a few days might be the way to reach J.J.”

  Henry nodded, “I think you’re right, Jen. So when do you plan to leave?” He hoped it would be never.

  “I will call Air Canada as soon as I get home and see if there is a flight out this Saturday morning.”

  “That’s just a couple of days…Oh, Jen, I will miss you so much…” Unbidden tears surfaced in Henry’s eyes. He was too choked up to say more.

  Jenny brushed away a tear sliding down her cheeks. “Camilla is coming over this afternoon for awhile. I’ll pack later so that I can have tomorrow off. Perhaps we can spend the day together.”

  Just then as she spoke, her every word filled Henry with sadness over her impending departure. He thought his heart would explode.

  Neither wanted to get up and part. They just tenderly held hands and continued to gaze at one another. If it hadn’t been for a customer wishing to see Henry, they may have gone on that way for the rest of day…

  Henry turned to the framer, “Be right there.” Turning back to Jenny, he shrugged his shoulders, “Well, honey, perhaps phone me later when you have everything settled and under control. I may drop by on my way home for a bit as well.”

  “Oh, yes, please do, Henry.”

  They got up and embraced one another and tenderly kissed.

  “Love you with all my heart, honey. See you later…”

  Jenny shook her head side to side, “I love you more, Henry.”

  Chapter Sixty Five

  As soon as Jenny came home, she called Air Canada to secure a ticket. There were two seats left on the seven-forty five a.m. flight to Ottawa. Just as she was about to begin packing, Camilla was at the door. They had lunch together and discussed all the obstacles that were now facing Jenny and Henry. The talk with Camilla went much better than that morning. Jenny had made the decision to go to Ottawa and felt in her heart that it was the right thing to do. She was so relieved that Henry had supported her on this as well. They chatted for over three hours until Camilla had to leave to pick up Josh at his school.

  “Oh, Mom, I will miss you so much. Please phone as often as you can.”

  “Yes, I will…I love you,” Jenny called out just before Camilla ducked into her car.

  Camilla leaned forward and waved before pulling away. Jenny threw her daughter a kiss and then wiped away a tear rolling down her cheek with the back of her hand.

  For the next two hours, Jenny began packing. She wanted to have everything ready to go for Saturday morning so she would be entirely free to spend all day tomorrow with Henry. There was one more thing to do and that was call James and let him know that she was coming and arrange for someone to pick her up at the airport.

  Jenny was both nervous and excited as she called the Hamilton residence. She was relieved when Matti answered. Matilda almost hit the roof when Jenny told her she was coming to the estate for a short visit. Jenny gave Matti the flight number she would be on and the time of arrival.

  “Oh, Jenny I be so excited that you’re coming, I have to pee. Jim will be one happy man to hear that you’re on your way. Are you sure, Jen…? As much as I want you back here, I know how much in love you are with that man of yours and all the plans you made.”

  “Yes, Matti, I feel it’s the right thing to do. Tell everyone I am so excited to see them. Are the monarchs still there?” Jenny was anxious to know.

  “It be thinning out a bit, but there are still lots here. More than usual at this time of the year, I would have to say…perhaps, they know you be coming!”

  “Oh Matti, I love you. See you Saturday.”

  “Yes, and I be making sure the Chauffeur be picking you up on time in the limousine.”

  Thomas popped his head up from b
ehind a bush he was trimming when he heard Matti hollering for him.

  “Thomas, Thomas, where you be hiding?”

  “Over here, Matti.”

  Matti stopped and saw Thomas waving near the gazebo. She hurried over to him.”

  “Thomas,” she gasped. “Thomas, I need to talk to you…”

  “Come let’s sit in the gazebo and slow down, Matti, catch your breath.”

  The two walked over to the gazebo and Matti sat on the swing while Thomas rested on the railing ledge surrounding the gazebo. “What’s the problem, Matti…? Now take it slow and easy.”

  “Thomas, Jenny just called. I can’t believe it, Thomas, Miss Jenny be coming back to the estate. She wants to visit and give some support for James. I know he be calling her and wants her back real bad and… she has decided to come and see him. I never thought I would see the day that I would say that I feel for Mr. Hamilton. I’ve grown to like the man and feels sorry for him and yet, I can still picture how he was back then. How he be treating his Missus so cruel, Thomas. She owes him nothing. He owes her everything. When I see the unkind words he say to his precious darling; hire a nanny to feed her own child, denying the mother from giving the nutrients the child needs from her breast as nature intended, steal the boy while growing and even refusing to allow the boy to call his mother, mama. I be a good woman, and I have grown to like the master, but I have a long way to go to love like Jenny. She be a saint, that for sure.”

  “True, Matti, Jenny has a heart that is governed by love.”

  Thomas paused for a moment and then went on, “You know, Matti, both as a lawyer and an observer of life, I have listened to many heartbreaks, stories of cruelty, complaints by the hundreds that if only that person could be this way or that and the list goes on and on. I have learned that it’s not what happens to us, it’s not what the other person did or said, it’s how we respond to it.

  “Jenny is a perfect example of one who is in control of her heart. She had every excuse and right to be upset with James’ words, actions and deeds and yet, she always chose to be a peacemaker, to love, to forgive. She is the freest person I know.

  “Most people’s minds would be filled with memories of anger, hate and resentment for the way he treated her. The tape in their mind would play again and again, justifying their want for vengeance.” Thomas added.

  “Yet, she be forgiving and acceptin’, all the while the man shuns her. Mr. Hamilton has grown a lot and he be easier for me to forgive now, but back then…” Matti shook her head disgustingly, “there be no way I could say lovin’ words to him. And now to come back and be there for him…” Matti shook her head.

  “That’s right, Matti, Miss Jenny’s mind was always so focused on the James we see now. She bypassed his behaviour and planted the seed of love in James’ heart. What we are beginning to see in Mr. Hamilton is what was covered over by layers of pride, power, and possession; Jenny was able to see it then.”

  “My, my…” was all Matti could utter.

  “I see Jenny’s willingness to come here to complete her work out of compassion and care for another human being who had lost his way. She has brought peace and freedom and love to James in his dying years at the expense of her own happiness with another. She has saved his soul, Matti. What greater gift can one give, besides laying down their life for another?”

  “Oh, Thomas, so many times I see Jenny standing there like a meek little lamb being slaughtered, unwilling to fight back and stand up for her rights…but now, I be confused…”

  “Many would consider gentleness or meekness as faint-heartedness, timidity, or lack of strength. To me, Matti, it is a peaceful, willing submission to God and others without the defiant, bitter, retaliatory aggressive behavior that is typical of human nature.

  “As we can see, gentleness is the key to wisdom and has great power. Jenny knew that choosing the worldly way to respond would only worsen her dilemma and make her miserable in an environment that she chose to live in. By withdrawing regularly into her garden, she received daily spiritual sustenance. Some days, she was filled with such light of God’s wisdom that was pure, peaceful, gentle, and full of mercy, I couldn’t tell who was the brighter, Jenny or the sun! Miss Jenny was such an inspiration to me, Matti. A living example of a peacemaker. She always chose to forgive those who hurt her and seek gentleness instead.”

  Matti nodded, “Miss Jenny is pure of heart just like, Jesus. He just stand there, too, and suffered a lot of abuse, that for sure.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Matti. Look how the Lord humbled himself: accused of this and that, tortured, scourged, giving up his rights and on and on and what did He do? He asked the Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. It may have appeared foolish to many back then and even today, but look what Jesus did for mankind through His humility. He showed us the path to peace and good will. It’s a hard path to follow because it requires death to self. In many ways, Miss Jenny is pure of heart just like, Jesus.”

  “I see Miss Jenny doing that day in and day out. Many days it be like Jenny lives in the eye of a storm. Turbulence and trouble is all around and yet at the centre there be calm.”

  “That’s a beautiful description, Matti. We were not only witnesses to that when she was here, but I predict we shall see even greater fruits of such an attitude when she comes back.”

  “I think you be right, Thomas. Best I hold my tongue about Jenny coming back…I know that be rare, Thomas…but we have seen a saint before us and not only Mr. Hamilton be benefittin’, but so have we all.”

  “It took years for this to happen, Matti. Transformation comes over time. It is a process and not instant like the world today would want it. No, building character; allowing Jesus into our lives, requires us to choose again and again and again. Dying to ourselves is an endless task and Jesus was the perfect example of one who was obedient to the Father’s will unto death. Miss Jenny is a beacon of light to us, too, a living example that it is possible to be like Jesus.”

  Matti was going to speak, but Thomas beat her…“Now, don’t get me wrong, Matti. Gentleness in attitude doesn’t mean that we can never be angry. Our anger must be under control and should occur only for the right reason. Even the Lord got upset when he noticed the money changers in the church. He overturned their tables and cast them out!”

  “Now, that be more like it. All too many times, my fuse be too short and quick to explode. I still have a long way to go, Thomas, for all this understandin’ to travel from my brain to my heart.”

  “We’re all on that journey, Matti.” And after a short reflective pause, Thomas said, “You know, Matti, what I have come to discover over the years is that underneath everyone’s shell, no matter how hard and tough, is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved and… wants to love.

  “All of us have been fortunate enough to be witness to someone who not only understands that, but lives it and is willing to put another’s happiness before her own regardless of the costs. Had Miss Jenny chosen the path that most of us would have followed, we would not see Mr. Hamilton transformed like he is. Isn’t that something, Matti?”

  There was a long, long silence and tears surfaced in Matti’s eyes.

  “Oh, Thomas, to live like that and heal another’s soul be asking for one big sacrifice, that for sure, but it can be done…you be right, we be seeing its life changin’ power before our eyes…that’s for sure…”

  Chapter Sixty Six

  Henry held Jenny’s hand, as he slowly drove to the airport. The traffic was light; hardly any other motorists out at six a.m. on a Saturday morning.

  “Are you nervous, Jen?’

  “Yes, I am feeling all kinds of emotions, Henry. I don’t want to leave and yet, I feel obligated to go. It was so nice to have friends and support when I was in the hospital and especially Father Engelmann’s visits were always so uplifting. I know James could use someone with him who has been through what he is going through.”

  “Yeah, not only
that, you’re so supportive to begin with. He’s a very fortunate man, Jen. There are not many women who would be doing what you are,” offered Henry.

  “It feels right, somehow Henry. Like God has a plan for all this and as Father David encourages us to do, I am going to trust in Him to turn the many obstacles and difficulties I see into good.”

  Henry quickly added, “And all things are possible through God! Trust in Him with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding.”

  “That is such a beautiful Scripture and offers such hope. The things which are impossible for us are possible with God.” Jenny squeezed Henry’s hand tenderly…

  A silence fell in the SUV as Henry came to a stop sign. Since no cars were in sight, Henry bowed his head and said a prayer that reflected what they were just discussing. “Yes, Jesus, help us to trust in You. Help me to accept Jenny‘s leaving to help her family who is in need. Give me the strength to let her go freely and be such a beacon of light for them all to see. And through Jenny’s graciousness, compassion, and love, let it draw the entire family to come together and also to You. Help us all to realize that with You at the centre, families grow and flourish. We pray for a safe trip for Jenny and that the Holy Spirit and her guardian angel guide her heart to accomplish Your will whatever it may be.“

  Henry turned to Jenny, smiled and drove on.

  “Oh, Henry that was so beautiful, I love you so much. I will call you every day and let you know how things are going.”

  “It sure was a lot of fun yesterday at the farm. I hadn’t ridden a horse in over two years and my aches and pains testify to that.”

  Jenny chuckled, “Yes, my bum and back were quite sore when I tried to get out of bed this morning. The last time I rode a horse was before I came to Regina from Vancouver. It was in seventh grade when the class was taken on a tour to a local riding club. I recall how much I enjoyed riding and bugged Mom and Dad to get me a horse.”


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