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Angel Promises Fulfilled

Page 46

by Angel Promises Fulfilled (v5. 0) (epub)

  Jenny squeezed James’ hands. “I’m glad I came, too, James. What you are going through is such a struggle and I do want to be there for you as much as I can.”

  James nodded. He wanted to say more; that she had come more for him than his illness, but decided not to, rather he said, “How do you like the grounds, Marj-Jen? Damn, here I go again. I know you like to be called Jen or Jenny, but would it be okay if I called you Marjorie or Marj? I don’t mean that out of any disrespect, it’s just that to me Marjorie carries more affection that I have for you than Jenny. Everyone calls you Jenny or Jen…can this be something different between us? I will call you Je—”

  “Actually James, I love the way you just put that. Yes, please call me Marjorie or Marj. I do like the way you call me that and it will be special…thank you.”

  Jenny leaned forward and kissed James on the cheek and then let go of his hands and sat back against the swing. “Yes, James, the grounds look beautiful.” Jenny said, as she gazed at the garden before her. “The wildflowers look so full and beautiful, too, James.”

  “It’s a funny thing that keeps going on here, Marj. Several times a day, I pick some of the wildflowers and place them into the angel’s basket in thanks for your coming back and sometimes within hours, another wildflower seems to come up to take its place.”

  Jenny looked at the Angel of Thanksgiving. It did look odd to see the basket in the angel’s left hand, but otherwise it was identical.

  But it did shock her to see the large number of flowers in the basket…it was overflowing!

  “Oh, James, I’ve never seen so many flowers in the angel’s basket…” Jenny’s words trailed off as she realized that they were all for her coming back.

  “I knew you would come, Marjorie, I was too foolish to see it when we were married, but in this last while, I have come to see and understand a lot of things. As I thought about how you coped all the years of our marriage and how you treated me, I began to understand your heart, Marj. You are one of a kind…I knew you would come. Your heart would give you no choice.”

  Jenny turned back to James and just smiled.

  “The doctors want to admit me into the hospital. They can provide better care and then there’s much ado about life support and a contract I have with a company that’s going to freeze my body until a cure is found. An emergency response team is already at the hospital ready to prepare the body for transport to the suspension facility.”

  “Are you sure you really want to do that, James?”

  “I know it sounds silly…right now I’m not concerned about it. Now that you are here, I want to spend as much time as I can on the estate with you. I hope you will be staying awhile. I asked Nora to bring Jimmy over tomorrow. I sent a message to J.J. to come also, but that, I can’t guarantee.”

  Jenny reached out for James’ hand and squeezed it. “That was so thoughtful of you, James. I would love to see Jimmy. It’s been almost a year since I last saw him. He must be running around all over by now.”

  “Yes, he sure is. It’s quite the sight to see him running up and down the paths. I bought him a tricycle this summer and he’s learned to ride that pretty good. Wait till you see him.”

  Jenny found it hard to believe James talking about his grandson this way. He never took time for anyone. Once more, God’s divine providence was at work. In God all things are possible!

  “How is Nora doing? Is J.J. back at home yet?”

  “Nora is doing okay, but sure would like it if J.J. came home. I don’t know exactly what is bothering that boy. I’ve tried talking to him, but he has the Hamilton traits: pride and arrogant as all hell.”

  “He’ll come around, James. I so hope while I am here, I will be able to work things out with him.”

  “I’ve tried to encourage him in that direction, too, and I don’t know how much plainer I can be with the boy to let him know that our marriage failed and was in trouble all because of me.”

  Jenny squeezed James’ hand, “He’ll come around, James, I just know it. Perhaps now that I am here, we can start to place flowers in the angel’s basket for J.J. to come home, too…you know, in the sense of truly coming home to his wife and to us.”

  James nodded and remained silent.

  Jenny noticed the soiled Bible resting on the swing beside James.

  “Is that a Bible you are reading, James?”

  “Yeah, it’s Thomas’. He lent it to me. Most of—”

  Jenny and James both looked up to see Matti coming down the path carrying a tray with a glass of water and several plastic vials.

  “I held off as long as I was able not wantin’ to interrupt the chat you two be having. But it’s best you be taking your medicine, Jim.”

  “I suppose you’re right Matti.” James took the glass from Matti with one hand and one of the vials with the other and tossed the pills towards the back of his mouth and swallowed some water. He repeated that procedure with the next two vials.

  “It’s the small white pill that will put me to sleep in about ten minutes so I best be getting back to the house. I’ll be as sharp as a whip at dinner time. You have to be to keep up with all of the folks at the table.”

  Jenny recalled Matti telling her that the staff shared dinner with James. She had to see it to believe it.

  Matti wheeled the chair up to James and with great effort, he lifted himself. Jenny tried to help by lifting on one arm and Matti on the other. James half turned himself around and fell into the wheelchair.

  “Well, Marj, I won’t be much good to you in a few minutes. This pill seems to put me to sleep in no time.” James looked up at Jenny and as tenderly as he could, he said, “Thanks again for coming, Marj. I knew you would. He lifted his right arm and Jenny received it with her right hand.

  “I’m glad I came too, James. Have a good rest and we’ll talk some more later.”

  Jenny watched as Matti pushed James back to the house. Tears surfaced in her eyes.

  Yes, she murmured, the real James has come out.

  Chapter Sixty Eight

  The flight was great; no turbulence at all and I even had a little nap,” said Jenny, her voice filled with excitement.

  “I left the gallery early this afternoon and had a nap, too. I didn’t sleep too well last night—”

  “Yes, and then getting up earlier than you needed to, to get me to the airport.”

  “So, tell me, Jen. How is James?” Henry was eager to know.

  “He’s so different, Henry. The antithesis of how he was; much gentler and very communicative. I think the staff here have drawn that part out of him. He never gave anyone much of his time. Every second chatting with someone he considered as time and money wasted. It’s all so different now, things are much more peaceful, relaxed and the grounds are so beautiful.”

  “How is James’ illness? Should he be in the hospital or is he still able to get around at home?”

  “He should be in the hospital, but says he will hold off for as long as he can. It’s obvious he is in a lot of pain and has difficulty getting up on his own. He went to his room for a nap around four this afternoon and that’s the last we have seen of him.”

  “Is he okay…?”

  “Apparently when he was told I was coming, he couldn’t sleep last night either. He looked very tired when I came to the estate. I suspect that he will sleep the whole night through. I remember when I was really sick, a good night’s sleep really helped to pick me up. I hope that will be the case for him tomorrow.”

  “Do you have plans for tomorrow?” Henry was interested in knowing.

  “I am going to take one of the cars in the garage and head to church. There’s one about eight miles from here and has a ten o’clock Mass. And, I am so excited to see Nora and my grandson! James invited them over for the day. I can hardly wait to see them.”

  “Is J.J. coming?”

  “We don‘t know. Apparently he is still living on his own. James asked the office to tell him to come over. So I am praying with
all my might that he comes.”

  “You know, Jen, visiting with James as you are may be the best way to reach J.J. in a family setting.”

  “That’s what I kept thinking after Mrs. Hamilton, James’ mother, called and asked me to come. I was so troubled by her request and didn’t want to go. I went out to the gazebo in the back yard and that very thought came to me. That Jesus wanted me here. Perhaps that is part of the plan…I sure hope so.”

  “I do too. I will pray that things get resolved. You don’t need this kind of family turmoil in your life. If only family members realized how foolish it is to carry on with the cold shoulder and not speak to one another. Life is so short…it’s our stupid pride hanging on to literally garbage, day after day until it stretches into months and years, and for what?”

  “I feel the same…that’s why I am so excited to start up a women’s group that addresses some of these issues when I get back. We can be so supportive to one another. You know the old saying, two heads are better than one!”

  “And even better when a group of women get together; why you can change the world!”

  “Now that, my dear Henry, is a very wise observation. Oh, I must tell you about dinner time. Apparently James gave Matilda, Thomas and Charles, the butler, each one of the guest homes. They are going to show me their homes tomorrow. Not only that, I don’t know if I told you, they all have dinner together like one big family. It’s absolutely lovely, Henry. There is prayer at meal time, and discussion, and joking and fun…in all the years I lived on the estate, except for the times Matti and I went out for lunch, there wasn’t once, that I had such an enjoyable dinner. Thomas’ wife, Neela, is petite and quiet and I love her warm smile. They are so in love and so considerate of one another. And I dare say, it seems to me, Charles may have a fancy for Matilda! I am looking forward to seeing James at the table tomorrow. I can’t imagine him being in this kind of a setting.”

  “That’s great, Jen. It warms my heart to hear it. In a way, with all of his money and power, this is probably the most he ever got out of it that gave him true happiness.”

  “I couldn’t help but think the same thing, Henry. I think this was a brilliant move on his part. If the good Lord is going to take him soon, at least he will be exposed to what family life is really all about!”

  “It all sounds good, Jenny. It sounds to me like the big challenge is to get that son of yours on board.”

  “He’ll be a tough one all right, but I don’t think he will stand a chance against all of us. We will win him over with love. And please tell Father to say a Mass for us and request his warriors to pray as well. Pretty soon that son of mine will have his head spinning, he won’t know who to hug first!”

  Henry and Jenny chuckled, knowing in their hearts it just may not be that easy.

  “Oh, by the way, Ivania is such a gorgeous woman, Henry. Was she your lady friend for awhile?”

  Henry really didn’t want to discuss her, but said, “Yes, she was a customer at the café and we sort of hit it off and dated for awhile but…” Henry’s words trailed off.

  “But what?” Jenny wanted to know.

  “Well, all the while I dated her I couldn’t get neither Julean nor you off my mind. She noticed it right away and eventually confronted me on it. I told her about you and Julean and after that we just became good friends.”

  “She certainly is a striking woman and very bold I might add.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think she would be able to do what you are doing, Jen.”

  There was a long silence and Henry found it easy to break the silence with feelings that were more true to his heart…

  “I miss you a lot Jenny. I know you are where you are supposed to be, but the selfish part of me wants you here.”

  “I want to be with you too, Sweetheart. Let’s take one day at a time and as you said this morning, all things are possible through God. Let’s trust Him to turn all this into good.”

  “I love you with all my heart…”

  “I love you even more, Henry. Good night.”

  Chapter Sixty Nine

  Well, here they are!” exclaimed Matti, as Thomas, his wife and Jenny walked into the kitchen. “You all be just in time for some smoked bacon and my Aunt Jemima’s pancakes. Why they be so fluffy and delicious with some apple slices and syrup on top you be begging for more!”

  “Could smell it soon as I came in,” said Thomas and Jenny quickly concurred.

  James was sitting at the table and looked very rested. A smile covered his words as he said, “So the three of you went to church together? I hoped you prayed for me.”

  “We did indeed, James. Offered up the Mass just for you!”

  “Did you take the Mercedes or the Porsche, Marj?”

  “Neither, we took a car with a lot more class and character. We took Thomas’ 73 Dodge.”

  James looked surprised. “Did you really, Marj?”

  “Of course, it’s a lovely car; much roomier than the Porsche and besides, the company was much better than the radio.”

  “Well, you all sit down and continue your chat over a fine warm breakfast. It be ready in less than five minutes.”

  “It’s not often I see you in Sunday duds, Thomas, you look very distinguished,” observed James.

  “That’s what the wife keeps telling me too, so there must be some truth to it.”

  “Now that ain’t quite so, comments like that travel fast to a man’s head,” replied, Neela with a wink.

  “That for sure,” piped in Matti.

  “So tell me, what do you three get out of church anyway? How important is it really that you have to go?” asked James.

  “You know James,” began Thomas. “For the longest time, I thought going to church was fulfilling your obligation. It was the day for the Lord so I thought, but it came to me for all the church attending I was doing over the years, the thing I was missing was a close relationship with the Lord. Without that, I was simply going through the motions, only kidding myself.”

  “I agree with you Thomas,” chimed in Jenny. “I came to know God through His creation. I am at awe at everything in the world and God created it all! When I am alone in the early morning and out in the garden, I feel His presence in everything, especially the silence. That’s when I hear him whisper to me.”

  “So is one better than the other and can you do with one and not the other?” James was interested in knowing.

  “You need both, Jim,” Matti piped in. “Like Thomas be saying. If you just go to church and the good Lord is not alive in your heart like your closest friend, you be just sitting and singing away. When church be over why you forgot about the Lord before you get to the car.

  “Now, going to church can get you more interested in knowing the Lord. Seeing your brother and sister at church, who have a relationship, act like beacons of light that encourage you to seek what they have. It’s much like you be taking an interest in the Bible because you see Thomas be doing it. So you go home and start reading and you ask, ‘okay, Jesus, I want what my brother has.’”

  “What Matti says, sums it up James. When one has a close relationship with God, you want to go to church and praise Him and get nourishment from the service and your brothers and sisters. We are all in this together to support each other. We want to share the light, not hide it.” added Thomas.

  “What’s that song? To know Him is to Love Him and to know Him you have to spend time with Him. Look at Miss Jenny and the hours she be spending with the Lord. Why someday, I swear I see Jesus walkin’ right beside her…”

  Jenny smiled, “I don’t think I can wait much longer for those pancakes, Matti!”

  “Oh my, me and my big mouth get talkin’ and I soon forgets I’ve got to feed you all!”

  “When are Nora and Jimmy coming over?” asked Jenny.

  “First thing this afternoon. She called while you be at church to say they be going to her momma and daddy’s place for breakfast first. They may stay for dinner.”

  “Oh, I hope they do! I can’t wait to see Jimmy.”

  James got up and got some water and took his medication. He returned to his chair.

  “I’m so glad to see you up, James and able to move around,” observed Jenny.

  “Yeah, that long sleep helped. If I watch myself, I can go for most of the day on my own.”

  Jenny smiled brightly. “That’s wonderful.”

  During lunch they continued their previous discussion, however, after a bit, Jenny tuned out and just sat there to take in the wonderful thing that had happened in the Hamilton residence.

  It was becoming a home.

  In the strangest way, James was growing up all over, but in a family setting that was healthy and normal. Unbidden tears came to her eyes. She wondered if this had been the way it was when she was here, would she still have felt so strongly about Henry.

  After lunch, they all helped to gather the dishes and then retired outside and sat around the patio table.

  Soon Charles announced that Nora and her son were here. He directed them to the patio. When Jimmy came out, he walked over to James with an erect posture and his hand extended as he had been taught by J.J., who in turn was taught by James.

  “Hi, James,” said little Jimmy, as he stood in front of his grandfather. What happened next astonished all of them present, but most of all Jenny.

  Rather than shake Jimmy’s hand, James with some degree of effort picked up the child and set him on his knee. “Remember when you were here last week, what did I tell you to call me?”

  Jimmy put his forefinger to his mouth as if to help him remember, “Grandpa, but J.J. said I should call you James… it is more grown up.”

  “But don’t you recall what I said to that?”

  “You said it’s nicer to call you Grandpa because it’s a special name you call someone you like a lot.”


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