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The Paris Affair

Page 22

by Teresa Grant

  Her gaze moved back to Roxane. She’d been just about that age when her mother died giving birth to her sister. Her life had begun to change, though even then the security of her theatre family had continued for some time. Until she was fifteen and her father’s and sister’s deaths had changed everything.

  She set down her basket, perched on top of a brass-bound chest, and waited.

  “What did Rivère have on Wellington?” Harry asked.

  Christine Leroux met his gaze. “Ah. I should have realized you knew. Though I’m rather surprised you’d discuss it with me.”

  “I told you,” Malcolm said. “We want the truth.”

  She tightened her gloved fingers round the glass. “A brilliant man, they say, your duke. A number of my countrymen and women will never forgive him, but I can’t but admire the man who brought down the emperor. But then I’ve never been one to pay much attention to politics.” She gave an elegant shrug and sipped her champagne. “I sometimes wonder what Napoleon could have accomplished if he’d been able to avoid some of his unfortunate entanglements. Though your Duke of Wellington seems to share the failing. She’s quite pretty, I admit, in a rather insipid way, though it’s a bit odd, as she’s only recently given birth to a baby. And apparently her husband is not precisely compliant.” She set her glass on the table with care. “Antoine had come into possession of an indiscreet letter the Duke of Wellington had written to Lady Frances Webster.”

  Malcolm suppressed a curse while a part of his mind screamed, Of course, and another part darted over myriad disquieting questions.

  “Do you know the exact contents of the letter?” Harry asked in a tone that told Malcolm his reaction was much the same.

  Mademoiselle Leroux shook her head. “But I know it was enough to convince Antoine he had a strong hold on the duke. And to render the duke extremely angry.” Her gaze darted between Malcolm and Harry. “The duke is a powerful man.”

  “Wellington isn’t the sort to be driven by personal motives,” Malcolm said.

  “All men can be driven by personal motives when it comes to questions about women. And honor.” Her mouth curled round the last word. “I suppose this rather changes your quest for justice.”

  “On the contrary, mademoiselle,” Malcolm said. “Davenport and I are determined to learn the truth wherever it may lead us.”

  She regarded him for a moment. “Do you know, Monsieur Rannoch, I have the oddest inclination to believe you. Which no doubt means I am a fool.”

  “Did Rivère quarrel with anyone else recently?” Harry asked. “Or was there anyone else he was blackmailing?”

  “Isn’t this enough?”

  “We need to explore all options.”

  “And you’d like your duke not to be guilty of murder.”

  “We’d like to be certain.”

  Christine Leroux frowned for a moment, fingering a fold of her silk gown. “About a week ago. I passed a man on the stairs when I was going to Antoine’s lodgings. He was storming out, and he looked angry. I asked Antoine if this man owed him money. Antoine merely smiled.”

  “This man is a gamester?” Malcolm asked.

  “He’s here nearly every night. Including tonight.”

  “Then you must know his name.”

  “Gui Laclos.”

  Malcolm exchanged a quick glance with Harry. “Rivère had a distinct interest in that family.”

  “So he did,” Harry murmured.

  “I did wonder if the quarrel was about Lady Caruthers,” Mademoiselle Leroux said. “Antoine said no, but I couldn’t be sure. Laclos doesn’t look the sort to fuss about those things, but gentlemen can be funny when it comes to their sisters.” She took another sip of champagne and set her glass down. “I’ve enjoyed our tête-à-tête, gentlemen, but I fear I should not be gone from the salon much longer. It might be considered rude.”

  They returned to the passage to the sounds of an altercation from the open door of one of the salons.

  “Take your hands off me, you damned frog!” a British voice yelled. “Can’t you accept that you lost?”

  “You mistake,” another voice replied, in English with just the faintest undertone of French. “My family have spent the past twenty years in England. So we considered Waterloo a victory. And I fear my frog blood runs pale.”

  Malcolm, Harry, and Mademoiselle Leroux stepped through the open doorway to see a dragoon major pushing a dark-coated civilian away from him.

  “I might have known it,” Mademoiselle Leroux murmured. “He has a temper.”

  The civilian was Gui Laclos. His voice was steady, but his eyes were bright with one too many glasses of champagne or brandy.

  “So you’re one of the émigré bastards who’ve been overrunning our country,” the major said.

  Gui smoothed the sleeve of his coat with exaggerated care. “I assure you, we’re glad to be back in our own country.”

  “Which far too many of my comrades died to get back for you.” The major eyed Gui as though he were something unpleasant he’d discovered under a rock. “While you sat snug in England, living on our charity.”

  Gui’s mouth tightened. “I can’t claim to have fought myself. But my family—”

  “You’re Laclos.” Another dragoon sprang to his feet. “Your brother’s the traitor who fought for Bonaparte.”

  Rage flared in Gui’s eyes. “My cousin as it happens. And while his actions could be called misguided, I don’t believe fighting for one’s own country can be considered treason.”

  “Might have known you’d make excuses,” the major said. “You pampered blighter—”

  Gui’s fist connected with the major’s jaw. The other dragoon knocked Gui into the table. Cards thudded to the floor. A brandy decanter upended and crystal glasses smashed. The tension simmering below the surface, which O’Roarke had managed to defuse earlier, flared to the boiling point once again.

  Even as a half-dozen other men sprang to their feet, a man in a superbly tailored evening coat moved between the combatants. “I think perhaps it’s time you left, gentlemen.”

  The dragoons began to argue. Gui pushed past Malcolm and Harry and staggered into the passage. Malcolm and Harry followed to find him being sick into a Sèvres vase on a pier table. He spun round at the sound of footsteps and wiped his hand across his mouth. “Rannoch,” he said, as though confirming to himself that it was indeed Malcolm he was looking at. He seemed unaware of Harry’s presence. “Sorry. Not sure if it’s the drink or the disgust.”

  “You had great provocation,” Malcolm said.

  Gui’s mouth twisted. “Those bastards had a point. I didn’t fight at Waterloo. Or anywhere else.”

  “Your cousins did,” Malcolm said. “Both of them.”

  Gui gave a short laugh. “Bertrand—”

  “Bertrand fought in his own way. You’re right, what he did can hardly be called treason.”

  Gui regarded Malcolm for a moment, as though trying to blink him into focus. “You always had an odd way of looking at the world, Rannoch.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It was meant as—Oh, God.” Gui spun round and threw up into the vase again. “Sorry,” he said, breathing hard. “Usually have a better head.”

  “It’s been a difficult few days,” Malcolm said.

  Gui gave a crooked smile. “I hardly have a right to say so. My life is ridiculously easy.”

  “How well did you know Antoine Rivère?” Malcolm asked.

  Wariness shot through Gui’s posture for an instant. Then he relaxed into exaggerated insouciance, one hand braced against the gilded molding on the wall. “Rivère? The chap who was killed two nights ago? Is it true you were there—”

  “Yes. How well did you know him?”

  “Not at all. That is, I suppose we’d been at some of the same entertainments these past weeks, but one could say that of half of Paris.”

  “Half of certain circles in Paris perhaps. You were seen storming out of Rivère
’s lodgings a week ago.”

  Gui drew a breath, then released it. “Walked right into that, didn’t I? But then I told you I’m not myself.” He glanced at the toes of his boots. “This isn’t the first night I’ve come to the Salon des Etrangers. By any means. I’ve lost rather a lot. A great deal of it to Rivère. My family may have a chance at recovering our estates, but we’ve hardly recovered our fortune yet. I couldn’t bring myself to go to my uncle once again. Rivère wasn’t inclined to be accommodating.”

  “A simple explanation,” Malcolm said.

  Gui met his gaze, his own unexpectedly steady in his ashen face. “Sometimes simple explanations happen to be the truth.”

  “Sometimes,” Harry said.

  Gui spun towards him. “You’re—”

  “Davenport. Harry Davenport.”

  Gui’s eyes focused. He stared at Harry for a moment. “Cordelia’s husband.”

  “Yes.” Harry’s voice was scrupulously casual. “I understand you and my wife are acquainted.”

  “A long time ago.” Gui scraped a hand over his hair. “I saw her last night. She looked happy. I’m glad.” His gaze moved back to Malcolm. “I was angry at Rivère, but I didn’t kill him. Though I don’t expect you to believe that. Any more than you believe my explanation in the first place. After all, my family are given to deception.”

  Manon Caret swept into the dressing room with a rustle of pearl-stitched velvet and a waft of scent. “Lucille stepped on my train again, devil take the girl. I’m trying to glide with regal authority, and I get jerked back like a fish on a line. And I have Marvaux breathing down my neck. He eats too much garlic.” Her gaze fell on Suzanne as though she’d never seen her before. “Who are you?”

  “The new seamstress, madame.”

  “I trust you’re deft with quick repairs. This gown has a tear in the train thanks to Lucille. Berthe!” Manon pushed the door closed on the passage, smiled at Suzanne in a very different way, and blew a kiss to Roxane. Berthe came through the door from the dressing room and began to deftly unlace the purple velvet gown. Clarisse continued to sleep on the sofa, as deaf to the noise as Suzanne had been as a child.

  “You look well,” Manon said to Suzanne. “I’ve often wondered how you got on.”

  “I’ve often remembered your kindness.”

  “Rubbish, I’m not in the least kind, but one must help out where one can. One never knows when one will be in need of help oneself,” Manon said. Berthe pulled the purple velvet gown down. Manon stepped out of it in her corset and chemise. “You married, Raoul tells me. An Englishman.”

  “I married him for work.” At a nod from Berthe, Suzanne picked up the cloth of gold gown from the sofa and handed it to the dresser. “That isn’t why I’m still married to him now.”

  Manon’s mouth curved in a smile. “I never thought much of the married state, but for some it proves to work out remarkably well.” She stepped into the new gown and slid her arms into the slashed sleeves. “And you have a child?”

  “A little boy, Colin. He’s two.”

  Manon cast a glance at her own daughters as Berthe laced her into the gown. “It changes one, being a mother. As I believe I once told you.”

  “And I said it seemed highly unlikely I ever would find out.” Had that only been four years ago? “That was how I felt at the time.”

  “Life has a way of taking us by surprise.” Manon regarded her for a moment while Berthe stripped off her pearl necklace and earrings and replaced them with paste diamonds. “You’re in a fortunate position now, married to an Englishman.”

  Guilt bit her in the throat. “I’ve been more fortunate than I have a right to be.”

  “Don’t apologize, ma chère. We have to take good fortune where we find it.” Manon picked up a jeweled fan from the dressing table and moved back to the door. “Only four scenes more, thank goodness.”

  Manon swept out of the room, letting in chatter, the rustle of stiff gowns, and the jangle of ornamental swords. Berthe began to tidy the dressing table, then stopped, as though aware that too much uncharacteristic tidying would give the game away. She returned to the sitting room. Suzanne dropped back down on the chest. In the dressing room, Roxane had set down her book and picked up a doll with yellow hair. She was changing the doll’s dress.

  A short time later, Manon swept back into the room, letting in a babble of voices from the passage. “Five curtain calls. Not bad.” She paused for a moment, her back to the door. In her blue eyes, usually so brilliant, Suzanne saw the stricken realization that this would be her last curtain call for goodness knew how long.

  “I’ll help you, madame.” Suzanne unlaced the cloth of gold gown, while Berthe removed the luxuriant dark wig and held out Manon’s dressing gown. Manon went behind the gilded screen, keeping up a light flow of chatter. The door to the passage was still ajar. “I’m far too tired for supper. All I want is to go home. Clarisse was complaining of a sore throat, she needs her sleep.” Manon tossed her corset and chemise over the side of the screen and emerged swathed in the foaming lace dressing gown. “Yes, yes, I’ll take a few minutes for visitors. Once I’m presentable. What a wig does to one’s hair.” She tugged at hairpins and ran her fingers through her blond curls, leaving them as artfully tousled as if a hairdresser had worked at them for hours. “All right, I’m ready to receive.”

  Berthe moved to the door. Suzanne sank down on a different chest, deep on one corner. A stream of guests spilled through the door, mostly young gallants with high shirt points, Byronic hair, and ribbon-tied bouquets clutched in their hands.

  Manon extended a beringed hand to be kissed, gestured to Berthe and then Suzanne to take the flowers, and accepted the compliments with a careless smile. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Truthfully, I prefer Phèdre. Well, I would, she’s the main character. Though I quite like playing vengeance and I did name my daughter Roxane. Well, it was my first success. I won’t tell you how many years ago that was. No, I’m afraid I couldn’t possibly manage supper tonight. I’m run ragged. Café des Etoiles? It’s tempting, but no, my younger daughter isn’t feeling well. Perhaps another night. No, you must go before I weaken. I’m determined to be a good mother for once. Berthe, do get rid of them.”

  Berthe shooed the gallants out. Manon kept up her stream of chatter until five minutes after the door had closed behind the last of them. “Thank goodness,” she said at last in a quite different tone. She still wore the lace and ribbon–trimmed dressing gown, her hair still tumbled down her back, yet she looked like an entirely different person. “One part of being an actress I won’t miss.”

  “No?” Berthe asked with a raised brow.

  “Well, perhaps the flowers. And the compliments. A bit. But one can’t seem to have them without the accompanying silliness. Suzanne, are you ready for your costume?”

  Suzanne had already undone the ties on her cloak and was unbuttoning the blue gown, which fastened down the front. Manon went behind the dressing screen again. “Help Suzanne, Berthe. My change is easier. It’s Suzanne who has to be me.”

  Berthe helped Suzanne into a cinnamon-striped sarcenet gown and a swansdown-trimmed cloak, then unpinned the simple knot her blond wig was arranged in and pulled it into a loose chignon. She plunged the curling tongs into the lamp on the dressing table and created a mass of ringlets round Suzanne’s face, which had the added advantage of offering concealment.

  “Splendid. Even I could almost believe it’s me.” Manon emerged from behind the dressing screen. She wore a man’s breeches, shirt, waistcoat, and coat and her body was padded round the middle, so that not only were her breasts disguised, but she also appeared rather stout. “The dark wig, I think,” she said, gesturing towards a stand in the corner. “The one I wore in As You Like It.”

  Berthe pinned her mistress’s hair close to her head again and set the wig over it. Manon inclined her head. “Spectacles and a bit of makeup and I will do. Make sure the girls are ready, Berthe.”

  Berthe moved b
ack to the sitting room. Suzanne perched on the sofa, while Manon returned to the dressing table and began to apply shading to her face, making her jaw appear stronger, her nose sharper. “Odd. Just as I leave the theatre for God knows how long, I play one of the most important roles of my career.”

  “I sometimes think I’ve done more acting since I stopped performing onstage than before,” Suzanne said.

  Manon studied her for a moment in the lamplit looking glass. “I should also imagine the role of a British diplomat’s wife is one of the more difficult you’ve ever played. For the sheer duration of it if nothing else.”

  Suzanne gripped her hands together. Manon’s rings shone on her knuckles. For the first few months of her marriage, there had been moments when it had choked her, the realization that there was no end to her masquerade in sight. She remembered waking suddenly, Malcolm asleep beside her, her heart pounding, her body as tense as though she were caught in a snare. “It grows easier,” she said. “Sometimes I forget it is a role.” And yet if she was honest, lately some of the moments of panic had returned. “But now—”

  “Perhaps the role is all the more difficult now you’re no longer working for Raoul.”

  Suzanne drew a breath. Manon had hit it exactly, though she’d scarcely been able even to articulate it to herself. It was as though without her work as a spy to define her, she had lost all track of where she left off and the role she was playing began. Much as her meetings with Raoul had tugged at her loyalties, especially those last days in Brussels, they had been moments when she could cease pretending. Now she was so lost in pretense she sometimes felt she had lost track of her self. “I don’t regret my decision,” she said, fumbling for the right words. “But sometimes it feels as though I’ve lost my sense of purpose. Before—when I was deceiving Malcolm—at times I hated myself. But I knew who I was. Now I’m not sure. Being a French agent defined me for so long.”


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