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The Paris Affair

Page 39

by Teresa Grant

  Malcolm shrugged and took a sip of coffee. “In for a penny.”

  “You have a career to risk,” Raoul said. “In a way I no longer do.”

  Which was even truer than Malcolm knew.

  Malcolm grinned. “You’re sounding distinctly paternal, O’Roarke. I’m no longer the boy you introduced to Locke and Paine and had to keep from tumbling into the stream when we went fishing.”

  “You must forgive the concern of someone who’s known you since childhood. But your diplomatic career is not something to risk idly.”

  “I rarely do anything idly. But when it comes to risks to my career—” Malcolm stared into his coffee for a moment. “I don’t know how much longer I can stomach my diplomatic career in any event.”

  Suzanne froze, her own cup halfway to her lips. She knew Malcolm’s increasing frustrations with his diplomatic role, but she had not heard him address it so directly.

  Raoul regarded Malcolm steadily. “Carrying out others’ policy can be trying. All the more so when one has strong ideas of one’s own.”

  “Quite.” Malcolm hesitated a moment, took another quick sip of coffee, spoke in a rush. “In Vienna I still thought I could achieve something arguing on the sidelines. I’m not sure how I deluded myself I could ever have any influence on Castlereagh or Wellington. Talk about arrogance. Perhaps I just needed a way to justify my choices. But now—One can only bang one’s head against a wall for so long without starting to feel one’s going mad. Or actually going mad.” He turned his cup in his hands. “It’s hard sometimes, not to wonder what we were fighting for.”

  Raoul leaned back in his chair and regarded Malcolm for a long moment. For all she knew Raoul, for all the secrets they both kept from Malcolm, in that moment Suzanne felt she was the outsider while what passed between her husband and her former lover stretched back to Malcolm’s boyhood and a time before she had known either of them. “I can’t say I’m surprised. Or that I don’t sympathize. I always thought you were too independent a thinker to be happy for too long doing others’ bidding.”

  “You have to feel it, too, O’Roarke.” Malcolm leaned forwards across the table. “You can’t tell me a Spain with the Bourbons restored and the liberals’ constitution revoked is what you were fighting for.”

  Suzanne saw Raoul’s fingers whiten round his coffee cup. “No. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling distinctly as though I’ve been banging my head against a wall as well. But if you’ll permit a piece of advice from one who was playing this game before you were born, don’t let frustration turn into cynicism. It’s difficult to take the long view at thirty. But having survived the Revolution and the United Irish Uprising, I can say there’ll be a time you’ll be glad you didn’t throw your career away.”

  It was remarkably similar to the advice he’d given Suzanne after Waterloo. How odd that in the wake of the upheaval of the past year the same advice should work for both her and Malcolm, for all they’d been on different sides.

  “You mean I’ll be glad to still have a diplomatic career so I can exert influence when the climate turns more favorable?” Malcolm asked.

  Raoul took a sip of coffee. “Perhaps. I was thinking more that you’ll be glad you didn’t land yourself in prison over a grand gesture.”

  “I’m too much of a pragmatist for grand gestures, O’Roarke.”

  “My dear Malcolm. You’re one of the most committed idealists I know.”

  “Then you must move in a world of cynics, O’Roarke.”

  The waiter returned and plunked down a bowl of sugar.

  “How kind of you.” Suzanne, who never put sugar in her coffee, reached for her silver spoon.

  The waiter sniffed. He bent over the table to adjust the vase of geraniums. “We’ll need someone to talk to the subject. Make arrangements. Can you get into the prison?”

  “We’ll manage,” Malcolm said.

  The waiter straightened up, ran his gaze over the table, sniffed again, and moved off to frown at the next table.

  Suzanne took a sip of her sweetened coffee and managed not to grimace. Part of playing a role was learning to eat and drink things that weren’t to one’s own taste in the general run of things. “If you go to see St. Gilles, it will be entirely too obvious who’s behind his escape, darling.”

  “I agree,” Malcolm said.

  Both she and Raoul cast looks at him.

  “Did you think I’d throw myself to the wolves?” he asked. “I’m neither so foolish nor so self-sacrificing. We need someone who can get into the Conciergerie in the general run of things.”

  Suzanne met his gaze. “Rupert.”

  Malcolm took a sip of coffee. “Rupert’s assisting his father, who’s interviewing those who’ve been proscribed. No one could question him going to see St. Gilles.”

  “But if we ask for his help—”

  “Quite.” Malcolm set down his cup with a clatter.

  “You trust Caruthers?” Raoul asked.

  “Trust is always a risk,” Malcolm said. “I’ve judged fairly well in the past, but that doesn’t stop me from wondering.”

  Raoul regarded him for a moment. “The trick is weighing the risks.”

  “And in Rupert’s case I think the risk is a fair one.” Malcolm paused as though surprised at the conviction in his own voice. “But these secrets aren’t mine to share.”

  Raoul reached for his coffee cup. “Then I suggest you talk to Juliette Dubretton.”

  Malcolm inclined his head.

  The waiter returned to the table. “We’ll have to get the wife and children out of the city. Otherwise they could become hostages. You’ll need someone to run that side of things.” His gaze moved to Suzanne for a moment. Not by a flicker of an eyelid did he reveal he had met her before, but she was sure he remembered.

  “We’ll arrange it,” she said.

  “They should leave before St. Gilles, but ideally only by a matter of hours. Otherwise their disappearance could alert Fouché to an escape attempt.”

  Malcolm nodded.

  “O’Roarke knows how to contact me.” The waiter straightened up. “Anything else?”

  “Nothing. You’ve been so kind.” Suzanne gave him the demure smile of an expatriate diplomatic wife.

  The waiter sniffed at the strange ways of foreigners and shuffled off.

  Malcolm tucked Suzanne’s arm through his own and glanced up and down the street. “I think it can work.”

  “If everything goes according to plan.”

  A smile pulled at his mouth. “Well, that’s always the case.”

  “Or even if it doesn’t.” She tightened her gloved fingers round his arm. “We’re good at improvising.” She studied his profile for a moment. “Darling—”

  “Don’t you start with the cautions as well. O’Roarke was bad enough.”

  “No. We’ve never tried to stop each other from running risks. But—” She scanned the face she knew so well for all the secrets between them. “But I’ve never heard you talk as you did to Mr. O’Roarke.”

  He looked down at her. “You knew I had doubts. You knew how frustrated I’ve been these past months.”

  “I did because I can read you. You haven’t talked about it.”

  “Perhaps not. Perhaps I haven’t articulated it, even to myself.” His gaze moved over the street ahead. A young man had dropped a sheaf of papers. His two friends were scrambling to help him gather them up before the wind made off with them. “O’Roarke has a way of drawing one out. He always did, even when I was a boy. I’ve never spoken about my feelings easily, but I’d find myself confiding things to him I’d scarcely even realized I was feeling.”

  It was a knack Raoul had, though she’d always thought of him as more tactical than emotional. And she hadn’t thought of him using that knack on Malcolm.

  Malcolm watched one of the young men dart across the narrow street after an errant paper. “I still can’t credit that he knew about Tania. Though he and my mother were friends.”
r />   “I imagine your mother must have been desperately in need of confidants.” Suzanne could sympathize with a young wife burdened with secrets. And Lady Arabella hadn’t had a husband she loved.

  They moved past the three students, who had managed to gather up all the papers. “Would you mind?” Malcolm asked.

  “Mind what?”

  “If I wasn’t a diplomat anymore.”

  “It’s your life, dearest.”

  “Which you’ve made yours. You’re a quite brilliant diplomatic hostess. Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy it.”

  “I suppose I do in a way.” To her own surprise, she realized she spoke the truth. “At first it was simply a challenge, one I wasn’t at all sure I could meet.”

  “You’ve never faced a challenge you couldn’t meet.”

  “Oh, darling. How well I’ve fooled you.”

  He grinned. “False modesty doesn’t become you, Suzette.” He glanced up and down the street. “You can’t deny you’d miss it.”

  “I suppose I would, in a way.” It might be a role, but for all its artificiality she’d come to enjoy playing it. “But that’s what women do. Build their lives round their husbands.”

  Malcolm grimaced. “Don’t let Juliette hear you talk.”

  “I didn’t say I approved the practice. But I could hardly be happy insisting you live a life you don’t want simply so I could go on playing a role. And it’s not as though I don’t share your frustrations.”

  “So if I did leave the service—”

  “You aren’t just a diplomat, darling.”

  “No. But the same qualms apply doubly when it comes to being a spy.”

  Suzanne tilted her head back so she could look up at him without the brim of her bonnet getting in the way. “I was wondering if you’d miss it.”

  “The challenge?”

  “The adventure.”

  “That’s hardly something one builds one’s life round.”

  “That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t miss it.” For she knew she would.

  “For Colin’s sake it might be better if we were more settled.”

  She swallowed. “I don’t know that we’re settled sorts of people, Malcolm.” She looked down at her threadnet glove against the blue superfine of his sleeve. He still had his coats tailored in London. “I suppose we’d live in England.”

  He stared at a bookseller’s sign, swinging on its iron mounting. “I’m not sure—”

  “That you want to go back.”

  She saw the flinch in his eyes, the instinctive recoil from whatever had driven him from his family and the land of his birth.

  “Perhaps it’s time I faced it,” he said. “But I’m not sure I want to put you and Colin through that.”

  “Part of being married means one doesn’t have to go through things alone. Unless of course you’d prefer it.”

  He shot a look at her.

  “Sometimes sharing one’s life can be a burden. And I’m not just talking about sharing the dressing table and chest of drawers in cramped lodgings.”

  His mouth twisted. “I know I don’t share myself easily. You put up with a lot.”

  “Actually, you’re a ridiculously undemanding husband, Malcolm.” Though it was the last thing she’d have thought when she married him, sometimes she wished his emotional demands were greater.

  “And you’re a remarkable wife. But you deserve better than the man I fear I’d be in Britain.”

  It was on their one visit to Britain, a year ago, that she’d realized she loved Malcolm for better or worse. Seeing him in London and in his beloved Scotland, she’d glimpsed sides of him she hadn’t seen before. The vulnerable schoolboy. The conflicted son and brother. The loyal, teasing friend. But she’d also realized just how much of himself he kept locked away and how unlikely it was she’d ever discover the key.

  “We needn’t go to Britain if you’d rather not,” she said. “There’s the Continent to choose from. And beyond. Though I saw enough last summer to think a part of you would like to go home. And give Colin the chance to grow up where you did.” For the world his mother had grown up in was gone.

  “Perhaps. Though thank God there’s no way he’ll have the childhood I had.” He put his hand over her own where it curled round his arm. “I won’t do anything without consulting with you. I promise.”

  “I’m good at rebuilding my life, dearest.” She drew a breath. “For now we have more immediate concerns. Like how we’re going to convince Juliette to confide in Rupert and Gabrielle.”


  Malcolm turned to Juliette as they stood in the courtyard of Rupert and Gabrielle’s house. A gust of wind ruffled the clouds over the moon, illuminating her wide, still eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Not in the least.” Juliette’s voice was level, but she was very pale above the dark blue folds of her cloak. “But we need their help. There’s no time to question further.”

  Suzanne touched Juliette’s arm. “Malcolm was imprisoned last autumn. I knew I needed help. I had to decide whom to trust. Whom I could risk trusting. Because the alternative was unthinkable.”

  Juliette nodded. “So let’s just move forwards. No sense postponing the risk once we’ve decided to run it.”

  Malcolm nodded and rang the bell.

  Juliette cast a glance round the marble-tiled entrance hall. Her gaze moved from the gilt chandelier to the satinwood pier table to the silver filigree basket for calling cards. “Not the sort of place I ever expected to be connected to.”

  “Even aristocrats can be quite decent,” Malcolm said. “Speaking from hearsay of course.”

  Juliette flashed a smile at him, surprise mixed with gratitude.

  Suzanne followed Juliette up the stairs, remembering a time— not so very long ago—when she had felt as out of place in this sumptuous, alien world. This world she was now a part of. That her own son had been born into.

  Gabrielle and Rupert were not alone in the salon. Gui Laclos walked forwards at the opening of the door. “I expect you have matters to discuss,” he said after Malcolm had introduced Juliette. “I was just going.”

  “No.” Malcolm exchanged a look with Suzanne. “I’d prefer it if you could stay. This is a family matter.”

  Gui gave a dry laugh, but at a look from Gabrielle he dropped back into his chair.

  “Mademoiselle Dubretton has something to say you should all hear,” Malcolm said.

  Juliette drew a breath. Suzanne recognized the hesitation before the moment when one voiced a truth that could change one’s life as one knew it. The moment she herself couldn’t contemplate. Then Juliette told her story with the economy of a master wordsmith.

  Gabrielle stared from Juliette to Malcolm and Suzanne, then looked back at Juliette. “You’re saying your son is Étienne’s son?”

  Juliette swallowed but did not look away from Gabrielle’s gaze. “I’m saying he might be. Even Princess Tatiana didn’t know for sure. My husband and I have no wish for Pierre to be other than what he is.”

  “I understand that,” Gabrielle said. “I have a little boy myself.” She leaned towards Juliette. “I think I speak for my husband and brother as well when I say that none of us has any wish to change your relationship to the boy. But we can’t help but feel an obligation to him.”

  Juliette drew a breath. “But—”

  “Madame St.—Mademoiselle Dubretton.” Rupert got to his feet. “We can discuss this with you and your husband and I’m sure arrive upon an amicable solution. After we get your husband out of prison.” He looked from her to Malcolm. “That’s why you told us, isn’t it? You’re going to get him out and you need our help.”

  “I hope that’s why they told us,” Gui said.

  Malcolm outlined their plan.

  “You think it will work?” Rupert asked.

  “I think it can work. If we all play our parts.”

  Rupert nodded. “You have no idea what a relief uncomplicated action is.”

I couldn’t agree with you more,” Gui said.

  Malcolm glanced round the group assembled in their salon in the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Wilhelmine and Dorothée seated on the sofa. Cordelia in the damask wingback chair with Harry perched on the arm. David and Simon on a pair of straight-backed gilt chairs. He was used to thinking of himself as living an isolated life, but these six people were friends. More than that. In their own way, they were all family. They listened in admirable silence as he explained the situation. None of them was given to asking unnecessary questions, and by now they’d all been through enough to temper any shocked exclamations or gasps of surprise.

  “You want our help,” David said when Malcolm finished.

  “We’re hoping for it.”

  “Of course. That is, I can only speak for myself—”

  “As can I,” Simon said.

  “I’d be distinctly cross if you left me out,” Cordelia said.

  “A mission where one can be confident of being on the right side,” Harry said. “I didn’t think those existed anymore.”

  Malcolm met his friend’s gaze. “If Wellington or Castlereagh finds out—”

  “Don’t be an idiot, Malcolm. I know what I’m risking. And I know you’d do precisely the same in my situation.”

  “You’re a man after my own heart, Colonel Davenport,” Wilhelmine said. She looked from Malcolm to Suzanne. “I don’t pretend to your expertise in these matters, but I know the easiest way to get Juliette Dubretton and her children out of Paris. No guards dare to ask questions about the carriage of a Princess of Courland.”

  “Two Princesses of Courland,” Dorothée said.

  Wilhelmine smiled at her sister. “And I’m known to often travel with my maids’ children.”

  “I confess I was hoping for as much,” Suzanne said.

  Malcolm quickly outlined the rest of the plan. Harry nodded matter-of-factly. Even David, who was a stranger to such adventures, merely looked a bit disappointed that his own role didn’t require more.

  It was already late, so the company broke up soon after. Wilhelmine moved to Malcolm’s side amid the rustle of fabric and murmurs of “good night.”


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