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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 11 Consummation

Page 5

by Marita A. Hansen

“She’ll come here only if you shut the fuck up.”

  Lucan went quiet.

  Christo’s annoyed voice came over the line. “Happy now? He wasn’t upset until you spoke to him.”

  “What time do I meet you?”

  “Three in the afternoon will do.”

  “I can’t come during the day; it’ll have to be at night, when I can slip out without anyone seeing me.”

  “Okay, meet my men out the back of the mall at midnight. And don’t double-cross me, because I will kill your retard of a brother in an instant. Agreed, schiava?”

  “If you make it 2 A.M.”

  “Done, and you sound very different. I wonder what you look like now, hopefully as pretty as you were back then, because I haven’t had a fuck in a long time. See you soon.” He hung up.

  I held the phone out for Camila to take.

  She slipped it back into her pocket. “Buona fortuna with getting your brother back, and if you can, help Jagger’s brother too.”

  I nodded, surprised she was asking. “What are your intentions with Jagger?”

  “To be with him, I find him fascinating.” She breathed out. “Can you leave now, I want to be alone.”

  I frowned. “I’m sorry about your sister.”

  She nodded. “Grazie.”

  I went to the door, turning back at her voice. She was looking at me with sadness in her eyes. “Do you remember Jagger raping you?”

  I shook my head.

  “What about Christo?”

  I frowned, the memory of being held down and fucked, of screaming... I had thought it was the priest, but now ... it had to be Christo. “Yes,” I finally answered. “But I got confused. I thought it was his twin who’d done it. My memory isn’t very good.”

  “I could never forget being raped.” She pushed up and walked over to me, pulling out a—

  I stepped back at the sight of a knife.

  She turned it around, holding the handle out for me. “Take it.”

  I did, surprised she was giving it to me.

  Her features darkened with hate. “When you gut my uncle, tell him I gave you the knife and to burn in fucking Hell.”

  I nodded, shocked by her words. I knew without a doubt she hated me, but I guess she hated her uncle even more.

  She spun around and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I looked down at the knife, still taken aback by her words and what she’d given me. The shower went on in her bathroom, pulling me out of my fixation on the knife. I headed out of the room and back to Frano, hiding the knife in my jeans.

  I reentered our room, finding Frano sitting at his desk, talking to someone on the phone. The name Ricardo passed over his lips, which I remembered belonging to Alessandro’s oldest brother. Frano continued talking; assuring Ricardo that Alessandro was safe. I quickly slipped the knife out of my jeans and pushed under the mattress, then sat down on the bed. I stared across at his bareback, wondering whether today was the last time I’d ever be with him.



  I knocked on Bianca’s door, wanting to tell her I was ready to leave for my famiglia’s compound. My oldest brother had talked Frano into sending me back home, since it wasn’t safe for me to be around the Landi. Frano in turn had brokered a deal with Pedro Landi, allowing Andriena and Bianca to come with me. Of course, I knew full well why Pedro had said yes: to get me and Andriena away from the D’Angelos, whom he didn’t want to harm.

  Bianca’s bedroom door opened, the woman appearing forlorn, no doubt over Jagger. I’d spotted Camila following Jagger earlier in the day, the leech probably sucking his cock dry. I couldn’t stand the troia. She was a user, like the rest of her famiglia—with the exception of Andriena, that woman a rose amongst the Donatelli thorns.

  “Are you alright, Bianca?” I asked, knowing it was a stupid question. But I had to say something, plus talking sometimes helped.

  She shook her head.

  “You can talk to me about it.”

  She shook her head again, her eyes glossing over with unshed tears.

  I reached down and picked up her bags. “You’re better off without Jagger.”

  She wiped her eyes. “It doesn’t feel like it.”

  “Well, it’s true. You’re a beautiful and courageous woman, Bianca, while he’s a pathetic excuse for a man. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  She gave me a weak smile. “You’re the sweetest man.”

  “That’s what all the ladies say, but then again, I do have a habit of coating my cock with honey.”

  She laughed. “And the crudest.”

  “No, my brother Dominic has that title.” I smiled. “I can’t wait until you see my famiglia again.”

  Her smile dropped. “I’m not looking forward to it. My split with Ricardo wasn’t on good terms.”

  “That was twelve years ago, and my brother holds no grudges against you. He only says nice things when your name comes up.”

  Her eyebrows rose sharply. “He does?”

  “Sì, I think he still holds a candle for you.”

  She screwed up her face. “No, he doesn’t, he always held one for Ghita.” She breathed out. “Even though I hated her, I feel bad that she’s dead, because I know he’ll be suffering, and I don’t want that. Despite what happened between us, I want him to be happy.”

  “He would be if he didn’t let you go for that troia Ghita.”

  “He didn’t let me go, I left him.”

  “If he didn’t fight for you, then he let you go. I would’ve fought tooth and nail to get you back—and would’ve succeeded.”

  She smiled. “You’re very sure of yourself.”

  I shrugged. “Women can’t resist me.”

  She laughed. “You’re just saying all of this to cheer me up.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.” I jerked my head to the side. “Now, let’s go, Andriena doesn’t like being away from me.”

  We headed down the passage and the staircase, finding Andriena talking to Frano in the entrance, with two guards standing nearby, along with Camila and Rita. Andriena turned as we neared them, gracing me with one of her lovely smiles. She had long, wavy black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes, which were rimmed in Kohl. Coupled with her loose-fitted pants and silk blouse, she looked exotic, making me want to push her up against a wall and rip her clothes off. I felt my cock twitch, the bastard on permanent overdrive. But I couldn’t fuck Andriena, especially not after she’d been raped by my famiglia’s soldiers. My eldest brother had dealt with the men, killing the ringleader with his own hands, but it didn’t stop the poor woman from suffering. I’d heard her cry out in her sleep, nightmares plaguing her. I knew the feeling. I’d woken up for years after my kidnapping in a cold sweat, fighting my covers, thinking the men who’d taken me were digging that knife into my back again, cutting out a hateful message, because my father had refused to pay the ransom. Only sex wore me out enough to send me into a dreamless sleep. Sex was my drug, and I fucking needed it all the time.

  I wondered how I was going to cope with leaving the D’Angelo house. My addiction had grown worse since being here. The female pleasure slaves downstairs satisfied my every whim, doing whatever I asked of them without complaint. Merda, yesterday I’d fucked seven of them, and still could’ve gone back for more. It wouldn’t be like that back at my famiglia home. We had no pleasure slaves and the maids were unattractive, all chosen so my brothers and I didn’t get tempted. It was because my second oldest brother, who hired the servants, was an uptight prude, who didn’t approve of sex outside of marriage. Fuck, Salvatore pissed me off. He was a self-righteous stronzo, who needed to butt out of my life.

  I breathed out, knowing I would have to go on the prowl again, something I was dreading. I hated the games some women made me play. I just wanted sex, not to court them, especially since there was no way I could get tied down—not even if the female was as beautiful and sweet as Andriena. Thank God I didn’t have to marry her now; because once we were safe
in my famiglia compound, Pedro couldn’t do merda to us.

  “Are you alright, Alessandro?” Andriena asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I nodded, my mind returning to her predicament. “You sure you want to go to my home? I can take you someplace else if it’s going to upset you.”

  “You said the soldiers who hurt me are gone, and anyway, you’ll be safer with your famiglia.”

  “True,” I said, concerned with how fast the mafia war was escalating, my family now involved in it. “I just don’t want you to go through anymore than you already have.”

  “As long as I’m with you, I’ll be fine.”

  I nodded again; worried she was becoming attached to me. I couldn’t commit to her, my need for sex insatiable. It was why I’d begged my father to buy a porn studio, which he’d done, allowing me to take charge of it. I’d reveled in it, picking the best-looking women to fuck to my heart’s content. Then my father had gotten ill within weeks of purchasing the business, and my mother had taken over. Fuck! The look on her face when she’d found out what I’d been up to. I was sure she was going to castrate me. Yet, to my surprise, she agreed to keep the business, as long as I didn’t perform. But that was the whole point of having it—so I could get sex. So, when the D’Angelo job for a slave trainer came up, I’d grabbed it with both hands.

  I turned to Frano, holding out a hand. “Grazie for all you’ve done for me. When the war is over, I would love to return here and continue working for you.”

  His eyes flicked to Andriena, drawing my attention to her. She was staring at the floor, making me wonder whether I’d hurt her feelings with my words. Still, she needed to know I couldn’t be with her, and it was better now she realized it, than further down the road.

  I refocused on Frano, giving his shoulder a friendly pat. “Take care, cousin, and don’t let that troia push you around,” I said, looking at Camila.

  Her eyes widened, then her hundred-watt glare zeroed in on me. I smiled back, amused I’d annoyed her. I still didn’t understand why Frano was marrying her when he had one fuckable-looking woman standing right next to him. I winked at Rita, getting a blank stare in return. Frano sniggered, the man the opposite of my oldest brother, who probably would’ve hit me if I had done that to Ghita. My mood darkened at the thought of Camila’s dead sister. I may not have liked her, but she didn’t deserve to be murdered in cold blood.

  “Anyway, enough standing around,” I said, just wanting to get home now. “We better get a move on.” I headed for the door, one of the Landi soldiers opening it for me. I descended the steps to the car, popping Bianca’s luggage into the trunk. I was surprised by how little she was taking, which made me wonder whether she was considering returning to the D’Angelo household. I hoped she wasn’t, because—

  My eyes moved to the second-story window, seeing the reason why. Jagger was peering down at us, his face an emotionless mask. Unlike Frano, I didn’t like him. I understood he’d been through hell, but he didn’t need to push his pain onto Bianca and Honey, especially when all they’d done was try to help him. I’d wanted Honey to come to my home too, but Frano had said that Pedro had refused to let her leave. Anyway, I didn’t think my famiglia would appreciate an FBI plant in their midst, not to mention my two oldest brothers hated slaves being in the house.

  I turned my back on Jagger, the Donatelli sisters grabbing my attention. Camila and Andriena were hugging each other, both of them having a tearful farewell. I waited for them to part, then ushered Andriena into the backseat of the black sedan. Once she was in, I turned to Bianca, who was staring up at Jagger. I didn’t doubt she loved him, but I knew she was strong enough to move on. Again, he didn’t deserve her, and with them being parted, I was hoping she would finally see the man for what he was: weak and destructive. If anything, I wanted her to fall back into the arms of my oldest brother. Regardless of Ricardo’s violent affliction, he’d never hurt a woman. He also treated them with respect, something that Bianca deserved after all she’d been through.

  “You ready to leave, Bianca?” I asked.

  She nodded, her expression hardening. “I was a fool to think I could have him. He’s too damaged.” Her attention moved to Camila. “Don’t damage him further. Try to at least make him happy—if he can ever be.”

  Camila went to say something, but Bianca turned away from her and climbed into the car, getting a complaint from Andriena. The door on the other side opened. Andriena got out and headed around the trunk.

  “I’m next to you,” she said, pushing me forward.

  I smiled. “All you Donatelli women are bossy as hell.”

  She smiled back. “I am when it comes to you, so get in.”

  I saluted Frano, then climbed into the backseat, Andriena sliding in next to me. She closed the door, then angled her head around me, focusing on Bianca. “He’s mine.”

  I laughed. “Firstly, she’s not interested in me, and secondly, we aren’t married, so I’m not technically yours.”

  Andriena placed a hand on my leg as the driver pulled out of the driveway. “Signor Santini,” she said, fixing me with a stare, “when you promised to marry me, it made you mine.”

  My smile dropped. “I only agreed to it to save you from Pedro.”

  “You still can’t break your promise, so when I get to your home, I need to speak to your madre about arranging the wedding.”

  I felt my heart sink.

  She covered her mouth, her eyes dancing with mirth, then she cracked up, her laughter filling the car. “I’m joking!” She continued to laugh for several seconds more, then finally got herself under control. “Dio mio, do you realize how terrified you looked?”

  I scowled at her, not amused at being made fun of. “Commitment would strike fear into the heart of any man.”

  She threaded her fingers through mine, her laughter finally dying down. “I do know what you’re like; I just have to win you over.”

  I frowned, because no one could win me over.

  She laughed out loud again. “I’m kidding!”

  I let go of her hand. “Your humor isn’t contagious.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that, Alessandro.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the seat, still unhappy. I knew she didn’t mean to upset me, but regardless, it made me feel like merda. If I could commit, I would. I wanted to have a wife and children, but knew it was an unrealistic fantasy, something I’d come to accept years ago.

  “Alessandro?” Andriena said, now sounding upset. “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  I breathed out and patted her lap, wanting to mollify the situation. “Don’t worry, I’m over it.”

  Bianca mumbled something, making me turn to her.

  “What?” I asked.

  She placed her mouth next to my ear, whispering, “She’s lying, she does wants you.”

  “What did she say?” Andriena asked loudly.

  Bianca angled her head around me, focusing on Andriena. “I told him that whoever wins his heart will be one lucky woman.” She winked at her, then turned to look out her own window.

  I leaned my head against the seat and closed my eyes, hoping no one won my heart, because no matter what: I was destined to live a life filled with sex and whores, not love and marriage.


  A jolt pulled me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes and straightened, my head having been resting on Andriena’s shoulder. Still not fully awake, I turned to Bianca, wondering why she was shouting at the driver to go faster. Outside her window, an expansive valley stretched out for miles, the cliff’s edge a lane away.

  “What’s happening?” I asked.

  Gunfire answered my question, the sound coming from behind our car. I turned and looked out the back window, seeing two cars on our tail. I swore, the fucking Landi having lied to us. I knew it was too good to be true that they would let me and Andriena walk away.

  I turned back around, realizing a second later it couldn’t b
e the Landi, since the two soldiers up front worked for Pedro. The driver had his foot planted to the floor, while his partner was pulling out a gun.

  “Who are they?” I asked.

  “Donatelli,” the soldier in the front passenger seat replied. He reached between the seats, passing me back a gun.

  I held it out for Bianca to take, knowing they were coming for her. “Do you know how to use a gun?”

  “Sì,” she replied, taking it.

  I leaned forward. “Have you got anymore guns?” I asked the soldier.

  He handed me another one. The car swerved, making me drop it. I picked it up, and undid my seat belt. “Move to the middle,” I ordered Andriena.

  She undid her seat belt and climbed over me.

  “Buckle up,” I lowered the window, “and put your head between your legs.” I glanced over at Bianca, who was staring down at the gun, her hands shaking like crazy. “You too, get your head down.”

  As soon as she did, I angled my gun out the window and aimed for the tires of the closest car, hitting one. The car veered right, crashing into the rock wall lining one side of the road. The other car swerved around it, gaining on us fast. I got off a couple more shots before having to retreat inside the car, a hail of bullets coming our way. I flung myself over Andriena and Bianca as the bullets flew through the rear window, spraying glass over us. I winced, the shards cutting into my back.

  “Fuck!” the driver yelled. “They got Sal!”

  I looked up, seeing the seat in front of me shot up, the soldier having taken the bullets meant for me. A loud boom sounded. Our car swerved to the right, flinging me against the door. The driver made another sharp turn, making me fall onto Andriena this time. She yelled out, my weight probably hurting her. I pushed up and grabbed my seat belt, clicking it on as more gunfire opened up on our car. The driver veered to the left more, looking like he was having trouble controlling the car. My eyes shot to Bianca’s window, knowing we were heading for the edge.

  “Get down!” I shouted at the women.

  I turned to Andriena, curving my body around hers as the car went over the edge. It came down hard on its wheels, flipping over a second later. The women screamed as it rolled down the hill, our bodies getting batted about. I yelled out as my head hit the ceiling. I blacked out, then came to as the car rolled onto its tires, thankfully stopping. I blinked, trying to get my vision in focus. Bianca was frantically yanking at her seat belt, while Andriena looked dead. I felt her neck, intensely relieved to find a pulse.


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