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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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by Robert Iannone

  “Hey, Soar’elle. How are you?” said Egg as she moved in front of the screen. Even though it was someone she knew and admired, her goose bumps refused to go away.

  “It has been too long, dear friend. Are you well?”

  “Couldn’t be better. We left your daughter only a few days ago.”

  “Yes, I know. My congratulations to you and your sisters for yet another amazing accomplishment.”

  “We did the easy part. Aeri’elle has the really tough job.”

  “I do so admire your legendary modesty.”

  Ignoring the compliment, Egg asked, “How can I help you? Perhaps you didn’t know that we are on our way to Aerianna as we speak.”

  “The Prince told me as much. I was hoping to catch you before you made the journey unnecessarily.”

  Egg stole a glance at the others. “Why would going home to Aerianna be a waste of time?”

  “That was phrased poorly. Please forgive me. I have called to ask the Sisterhood for help. If you agree then the trip home would be out of your way.”

  “What sort of help were you looking for?”

  “I sent a team of archeologists from the University to a remote planetoid. They are in need of assistance.”

  “Okay. What exactly do they need?”

  “Apparently there are unfriendly . . . how shall I say this . . . well, unfriendly ghosts or some other unknown supernatural phenomenon wreaking havoc with my people.”

  “I’m sorry. Did you say unfriendly ghosts?”


  “Just to be sure there’s no confusion, when you say ghosts you mean the spirits of the dead?”

  “That is one possible explanation.”

  She just couldn’t help herself since this conversation was so bizarre. “Shouldn’t you be calling Ghost Busters?”

  “I am uncertain as to the reference. But if there is an organization that specializes in this sort of work, I will do as you suggest. Do you know how to contact them?”

  “Does your TV have cable?”


  Egg apologized for her incomprehensible joke. “Hang on a second while we get all the sisters on this conversation.” She nodded to Serenity who patched in the room where Bl’azzz and Tee’ka were staying. “Hey, guys. Soar’elle is on the communicator. He needs help and I wanted you to hear what he has to say.”


  “Tee, Soar’elle is Aeri’elle’s dad.”


  “Okay, Soar’elle. We’re all here. Shoot.”

  “I . . . I have no weapon.

  “That’s earth slang for go ahead and talk.”


  “Not so much. Continue with your story,” she pressed.

  “Of course. The expedition had gone in search of the legendary Ark of Forever.”

  “Is that like Noah’s ark?”


  “Not important. I never heard of this ark. Any of you guys?” she asked her sisters. No one had. “It can’t be that legendary,” she suggested to Soar’elle.

  “Well, in archeological academic circles, it is well known. The same tale, with perhaps minor differences, can be found on at least a half dozen worlds in the Federation.”

  “So what exactly is this Ark and why is it called what it’s called?”

  “It is, or supposedly was, a multi-generational ship. Let me show you a rendition of the vessel. It is a composite of all credible reports on the matter.”

  The girls studied the image. Egg would have expected Serenity to make the first comment, but it was Jax’x.

  “If I were to design a multi-generational ship, it might look like this one.”

  Serenity smiled. Finally, someone to argue with. “I disagree.”

  Egg also smiled. She now had two very happy young ladies that were going to make life onboard a lot more interesting. “Jax’x, you first. Tell us why you like the design.”

  Engineering details tend to bore most people to tears. To summarize Jax’x’ approval of the design, it had to do with the wheel units that encircled the main body of the ship.

  On the other hand, Serenity objected to the lack of modularity. “If one section gets hit by a meteor, or damaged from fire or some other accident, the whole ship is in jeopardy. Over many generations, something catastrophic is bound to go wrong. By making it modular, you limit the damage and you can jettison that section if need be.”

  Jax’x smiled in appreciation. “That’s a valid point, however . . .”

  “Stop. This is a wonderful discussion but I doubt if it’s relevant to our mission.”


  “Yes Soar’elle?”

  “Would it be possible to have those two young ladies visit the University? We have been going around and around on the ship’s design without any agreement. I think your sisters can lend a wonderful new point of view – or views – to our theories.”

  “Ladies, up for a little engineering talk?”

  “Count me in.”

  “If she’s going, I need to go so I can correct the errors in her logic,” teased Jax’x who was acclimating herself at the speed of light to the Sisterhood’s comical ways.

  “Bite Me,” replied Serenity with affection.


  “No, you jumping juju bean, that’s an earth expression that means I disagree with your comment most strongly.”

  “Oh. I’ll remember that for future discussions. I’m guessing I’ll have to use it a lot.”

  “Soar’elle, as soon as it’s possible, you can have both of them. Maybe forever if you play your cards right. And, no, don’t ask what that means.”

  “That is wonderful. Shall I continue with my story?”


  “The legend tells of this Ark of Forever as being built in the Andromeda galaxy. Even traveling at close to the speed of light, this ship would spend thousands of years in interstellar space before it reached our galaxy.”

  “And why would they do such a thing? By the time they discovered what was to be discovered, their home world would not even remember them. And even if they did, there would be no way to communicate back and forth.”

  Serenity looked at Jax’x. “You’re well on your way to becoming insufferably irritating.”

  “Thank you. Please let me know when I actually get there.”

  Soar’elle waited while this little dialogue played out. The Hameggattic Sisters were well known, and much beloved, for these silly exchanges. “That is an excellent question . . . or should I say questions . . . Jax’x. Remember we don’t have definitive proof of anything so we can only speculate. We think that their world or worlds were involved in some kind of war with an unknown enemy. Those that could - made their escape in the Ark.”

  “Must be a heck of an enemy to scare people into traveling trillions of miles to find safety.”

  “Yes, Serenity and that’s why we have taken such an interest in this.”

  Egg’s eyes got wide. “You don’t think that this enemy followed them here, do you?”

  “We don’t know – an answer you will hear frequently, I’m afraid. If they did, we need to know as much about them as we can so we can implement a defense.”

  “Well, I can see why this is important.”

  “Egg, it may be a matter of life or death.”


  “Yes, BreeZee?”

  “Do you think there are more than one species on that ship?”

  The dragon smiled. “You ladies are so extraordinary. Not only do you confront danger and prevail, you also have excellent intellectual skills. That was another great question. The majority of us think yes and we base that on the ship’s design.”

  “I’ve got a question.”

  “Yes, Bl’azzz?”

  “What makes you think that those people on the Ark are the good guys? Maybe the good guys chased these people away.”

  “Well . . . well . . . oh my. We had never considere
d that possibility.”

  “Nice going girl,” complimented Jax’x.

  “Soar’elle, what do you want us to do? Please remember we have three sisters that are not one hundred percent.”

  The dragon hesitated as he considered, or reconsidered, his objectives. “I am embarrassed to say that I am not sure what the best course of action should be in light of Bl’azzz’s question.”

  “How about this. Recall your team to get them out of harm’s way. Have them contact us and give us all the data that they have gathered so far and a rough idea what else they need should we be able to get it. Then we’ll go in and survey the situation and give you our assessment of the danger. Worse comes to worse, the Prince can send an armed guard to protect your people so they can finish the project.”

  Soar’elle stared at Egg. “That is good. Very good, indeed. I am in your debt.” Then he laughed. “Actually, I have been in your debt since the day you defeated Mobius.” He hesitated again. “Though my debt to you began when you were able to give my grandfather a chance to reunite with his childhood friend.” The dragon actually shed a tear or two at that memory.

  “I miss him,” whispered Egg. “He was . . . just so wonderful.” She wiped away her own tear.

  “Does he still visit you?”

  “It’s been a while.”

  “Well, when he does, please give him my love.”


  “I will contact my team shortly. Thank you all. Soar’elle – out,” and the screen went blank.

  “Egg,” whispered Jax’x.


  “I don’t think I read about whatever you two were talking about. Is it a private thing?”

  “No. It’s in the history books. Short story is that when Dazzle put her spirit into the flying suit, she had to say goodbye to her best friend Storm. Turns out he was Aeri’elle’s great-grandfather. Dazzle had promised him that before this fight was over, the two would reunite. It didn’t happen quite the way it was supposed to. On the day he died, he . . . he um,” but she couldn’t finish and started to cry.

  Bl’azzz, who was there, finished the tale. “We all saw his spirit leave his body. And before he faded away, Dazzle’s spirit found him and they hugged. A minute later he was gone.”

  “He visits Egg in her dream,” added Bree who let her tears fall down her cheeks.

  “Oh. Oh my.” Jax’x was as affected by her sisters’ emotion as by the tale itself.

  No one said anything for a few minutes. Egg finally took a deep breath. “Jax’x, it was actually an incredibly beautiful moment. Hard to believe I was only nine at the time. However, now we have work to do. Okay, Serenity, get the coordinates of that planetoid. Let’s head out.”


  A few hours later, they were well on their way. The trip would take a few days which would give Bree and Jax’x time to learn the ship, for Tee to come to her senses (don’t say it), and for Bl’azzz to regain strength in her taloned foot. As for Jax’x, a few days wouldn’t be enough time for her to heal properly.

  Over dinner, the conversation started at a place near and dear to their collective hearts.

  “Egg, what are we going to do about Xara?” asked Bree.

  “I’ve asked Meggy to put out the word. Her picture and a description of the Astral will be circulated to all one hundred or so planets of the federation. Someone’s bound to spot her.

  “Maybe so, but she has the MAGEK unit,” Jax’x reminded her.

  “Yeah. That’s not good.”

  “Actually it is.” Everyone turned to look at Serenity. She smiled back. “Come on, someone here should be smart enough to figure it out,” and she turned to stare at Jax’x.

  Jax’x put down her fork and stared back. “And if I guess the answer, what do I win?”

  Serenity put down her fork. “I’ll wear a smile for a full week. I’ll be Miss Congeniality.”

  “Wow. What do you think Egg – can she actually pay her debts?”

  “Hmmmm. Well, if she can’t, Tee’ka can teach her.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Tell her Tee.”

  “I used to be a Hostess on Laff’Alott. I had to smile all the time – even if I didn’t like the people.”

  “Okay then. It’s a bet.”

  “Not so fast, cat woman, what happens if you lose?”

  “I’m not going to lose.”

  That was greeted with laughter and (appropriately enough) catcalls.

  “Humor me. If the impossible happens, what then?”

  “I will be your servant for a week. Whatever you want, no questions asked.”

  More laughter and catcalls.

  “Accepted. Go ahead; dazzle us with your answer.” Everyone turned to the former Librarian.

  “Tee, get ready to teach old sour puss the finer techniques of smiling.”

  “Stop stalling, you masked maniacal misanthrope.”

  “Knowing you as well as I do . . .”

  “Ha. You hardly know anything about me.”

  “Shut up and let her talk. I’m dying to know if she knows . . . because I sure as heck don’t,” said Bl’azzz.

  Jax’x smiled just to savor the moment. “Since you said it was a good thing, I can infer that our devilish friend didn’t get everything she wanted. You never put the power coupling and generator on that ship. So, she has to find someone with advanced technological skills to manufacture what she needs. That probably limits the number of planets she’ll want to visit.”

  Egg looked at Jax’x then at Serenity. “Well?”

  The girl in the chair said nothing. All she did was force her mouth into a smile. On her, it looked unnatural and more than a bit scary. Batman’s Joker would have been envious. It would give anyone the creeps.

  “Nope. Don’t do that,” demanded Egg.

  “But she won.”

  “Yeah. Don’t do that.”

  Chapter 6 – Doctor Hoo

  “I am Doctor Hoo-Laqq’Engchawadechasilp Pichaironnarongsongkram. To whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”

  “What did she say?”

  “How would I know? Maybe our translation crystals aren’t working.”

  Egg shook her head at her two sisters. “Move. Let me talk.” Serenity and Bree moved out of the way. “Doctor, I’m Egg – leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  The woman on the screen – middle aged and very dignified – bowed so low her forehead almost hit the ground. “It is a great honor to meet the most famous Egg of Earth.”

  “That’s nice of you to say. Would you please pronounce your name again?”

  “Certainly,” and she did and it was still unintelligible.

  “I’m afraid my tongue can’t quite get around all those letters. You don’t mind if I just call you Doctor Hoo?”

  “Most economical. I have no objection.”

  “Thank you. I take it you are one of the archeologists looking for the lost Ark?”

  “Yes. I have four others working with me not including a crew of three that also assists with day-to-day logistics.”

  “Before we discuss what happened on that planetoid, could you send your findings to my ship’s computer so we can begin to analyze it?”

  “Of course,” and she turned to someone off screen. “The data is being sent as we speak.”

  Egg looked at Serenity who looked up from her control panel and nodded. “Thanks, we’re receiving it. So, Doc, tell us what you found, what still needs to be found and what the ghost was doing to stop you.”

  “I like that . . . right to the point. Very well. First, we have found the wreckage of an alien craft. I say that matter-of-factly but believe me when I tell you that I am doing backflips inside my brain.”

  That brought a smile to Egg’s face. “I can only imagine the excitement of making such a discovery. I’m sure you and your colleagues have put an inordinate amount of time and effort to get to this point. Congratulations.”

  The other girls looked at one a
nother. Hearing Egg sound so diplomatic was a novelty. She was always polite but this was a new side of her and they were impressed. Bree leaned over to Serenity and whispered “Benny.” The girls smiled at each other in agreement.

  “Thank you, Egg. That is very kind, and coming from you, very gratifying.”

  “I’m neither an archeologist nor an academician so I will never be able to understand the true value of your discovery.”

  “You are the Heroine of Aerianna. Anything I do that might impress you is reward enough.”

  “Please don’t. Like you, any success that I’ve achieved can be credited to my sisters. Individual accolades are not warranted.”

  “Ah, the famous . . .”

  “Don’t say it. In fact, let’s move on. I’m guessing that the craft you found is not the Ark.”

  “Correct. It is much too small.”

  “Do you think it came from the Ark? Maybe a scout ship?”

  “That is exactly what we were trying to determine when the ghost struck.”

  “Are you suggesting that the ghost is the spirit of whoever was in that ship?”


  That answer wasn’t expected. The woman was a scientist; for her to be absolutely certain could only mean one thing. “And what is your evidence?”

  “The only time we were harassed is when we neared the ship.”

  “Could the ship itself be creating this harassment?”

  “No. There were no power emanations that we could detect.”

  “Isn’t it reasonable to assume that our instruments are incapable of analyzing energy signatures from a piece of technology created in another galaxy?” asked Serenity.

  “Dr. Hoo, this is Serenity, one of my sisters.”

  “I have heard great things about you, Serenity. Your intellectual prowess is almost as legendary as Egg’s modesty.”

  The girl had the good grace to blush. “Nice to hear.”

  “As to your question, in theory the answer is yes. In practice, the electromagnetic spectrum is universal so we should have been able to detect something.”

  “You’re assuming it’s from another galaxy - in our universe.”

  The good Doctor Hoo stared at the girl for a few seconds. “Very interesting. I take it you subscribe to the multi-universe theory?”


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