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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 31

by Robert Iannone

  “I guess they would be. So what are they going to do for him?”

  “Egg,” the girl sighed. “We are at wits end. The doctors can do nothing. We have contacted the other planets in the federation but they had nothing to offer. If I could just get inside that thick head of his, I would . . .”

  And that triggered Egg’s memory. “STORM,” she yelled.

  Everyone turned to stare. Syl asked, “Where?”

  “No, no, no.” To Meggy she said, “Last night Storm visited me. He asked me where’s Waldo.”

  “I do not understand? Is he not back with his people? And what does that have to do with my brother?”

  But the other girls understood. Waldo, using the PhoG, could probably repair Benny’s brain from the inside.

  “Meggy, we can get him back. We can fix Benny’s brain.”

  The Queen shook her head – partly from amusement, partly from impatience. “Egg, even you cannot do the impossible.”

  “True dat. But Mobius can.”


  It took the better part of an hour, but Serenity managed to establish a three-way video conference with Waldo, the Royal Family (sans Benny) and themselves.

  “Before we connect Waldo,” warned Egg, “please remember that he only looks like Mobius. Don’t let that . . . (she glanced at Tee’ka) . . . that commanding face put you off.”

  “We understand,” replied Lord Z’kkk. “Please continue.”

  “Okay, then.” To Serenity she said, “Patch him in.”

  The girl did as she was asked. And on to the viewer – both theirs and the one on Aerianna – appeared that memorable visage etched forever in the Royal psyche.

  As usual, the man said, “I would speak with Tee’ka first.”

  “Waldo, the Royal family would like to discuss something with you.”

  “Acceptable. First, I will speak to Tee’ka.”

  Back on Aerianna, Rose’Alynnia felt her knees go weak at the sight of that hated face. She stumbled and her husband had to grab and support her from falling.

  “Shall we continue?” whispered her husband.

  Rose’s eyes were wide, her face flushed. “I am being irrational – but I cannot seem to stop.”

  “We can reschedule this communication or I can represent both of us.”

  Rose wanted to look at her husband but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the hideous face. “I will see this through for our son’s sake. I would have your arm to steady myself.”

  “Of course,” and he gave it to her.

  The conversation between Tee and her man ended quickly. “Waldo, I would like to introduce Queen M-egg’Alynnia of Aerianna. She is also a Hameggattic Sister.”

  “Honored,” said the man. “I, too, wear the green scarf with much pride.”

  Meggy also remembered the original owner of that face from their encounter on Zynn-Zaz’zia . . . and with a great effort of will, fought the desire to shiver. “The honor is mine, sir. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself for my people is an act of bravery we will long remember. We owe you more than a debt of gratitude. That will be a conversation for another day, however.”

  “Your Egg chose not to sacrifice my people. I returned the act of kindness. Therefore, there is no debt.”

  “As you say. May I introduce my parents? This is the Queen Mother Rose’Alynnia and her husband, my father, Lord Z’kkk.”

  Rose managed a small nod of her head. Z’kkk offered, “I, too, thank you for all that you have done for my people.”

  “Acknowledged.” He then looked to Egg. “Is this meeting concluded?”

  “No, Waldo. We have another favor to ask.”

  “As an honorary sister, I will comply with such a request.”

  “I haven’t asked anything yet.”

  “No matter. I will do it.”

  Egg smiled. “Thank you. You remember the Prince, of course.”

  “I do. Is he well?”

  “No. His concussion has caused memory loss and as a result his personality has changed for the worse. Is it possible for you, using the PhoG, to enter his mind and repair the damage?” She held her breath waiting for his reply.

  “I cannot say without an understanding of the damage.”

  “But there is a possibility?”


  She took a deep breath. “And would you do this for me . . . I mean for us?”

  “I am an honorary Hameggattic Sister. I am yours to command.”

  “Waldo, you are the best.”

  “Be warned, Egg. I cannot guarantee a satisfactory outcome without additional knowledge.”

  “I understand. But now there’s hope – before there was only despair.”

  “I would not see Tee’ka’s sister in such a state. I will go to Aerianna immediately.”

  “NO.” All eyes turned to Rose. “I am sorry. I cannot allow that man back on this world.”

  “Rose, it is his face only. It is not the man,” pleaded her husband.

  “I will not have it,” and she stormed away.

  Z’kkk turned to the screen. “I do apologize Mobius,” he said without realizing his error. “Please forgive my wife in these trying times. Perhaps we can reschedule this conversation for a later date?” Not waiting for a reply, he gave a small bow of the head and disappeared into a black screen.

  Meggy tried to save the situation. “Waldo, as I am sure Egg has told you, the avatar you chose resembles a most notorious villain in our history – one who deeply affected my mother. It has been an extraordinary few days for her. For all of us. We did not know if my brother had survived the destruction of his ship and then we did not understand the true nature of his injuries. Once my mother has an opportunity to reconsider her reactions, she will realize that they were emotional and not logical. I hope that we may continue this discussion at that time.”

  “We Klat do not possess such a range of passions. I had thought that was our strength. However, I am now of the belief it makes us less human and more like the Ephemeral . . . a horrifying thought. I await your mother’s reassessment of my help. Tell her she is under no obligation to meet me in person. I will not be offended.”

  “Sir, you are most kind. I will ask Egg to contact you again when the time is more propitious. Until then, I bid you good day.” She turned her face toward the image of Egg. “I am sorry sister but I will find a way to convince her to allow the procedure. And Tee’ka, I apologize to you for my mother’s behavior. You are marrying a very good man.” She exhaled sadly and her screen went dark.


  After the communications were severed with all parties, the girls turned to face Egg. Syl spoke for them all. “Are you okay?”

  They were all surprised by her answer. “I’m not worried about Dazzle. Sooner or later, she’ll do what’s right for her son. It’s him I’m worried about.”

  “Him who?”


  “Worried that Waldo won’t be able to undo the damage?”

  “Yes, I’m worried about that. That’s not the issue. Why would Benny let Waldo into his head to make changes? As far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing wrong with his brain. No one in their right mind would let an alien tinker with their head.”

  “But he’s not in his right mind.”

  “We know that. He doesn’t.”

  “So what now?”

  “I need to think about it. For now, let’s continue to Zynn-Zaz’zia.”



  “Rose, I will not idly stand by and allow my son to live out the rest of his life in such a state.”

  “And I will not have that man set foot on this planet.”

  “It has been a difficult few days for all of us and I know you are emotionally vulnerable. However, I have never known you to react so irrationally, regardless of the stress of the moment. That man is NOT Mobius. It is an avatar in his likeness. Serenity grew that body and transferred a computer program into it. Waldo is not the dastar
dly person that caused all of us such pain.”

  Rose dropped into a chair and seemed to melt into its cushions. She fought hard to regain her senses and was thankful to her husband for giving her the silence in which to do just that. “I am sorry. I was being foolish. If Mo . . . if Waldo is willing to help, then we must accept it as the only alternative to bring back our son.”

  His Lordship offered his hand to his wife. She took it and he pulled her up and into an embrace. She buried her face in his shoulder. After a moment, a small smile came to her lips, though her husband could not see it. “Once again, our dear Egg has found a way to save the day. So tell me husband, do you think our grandchildren will be as incredible as our daughter-in-law to be?”

  The question brought a smile to Z’kkk’s face also. “I cannot imagine anyone as extraordinary as Eloise. If they possess just half of her qualities – and those of our son – then we will surely be blessed.”

  “I am forced to agree. There will never be another Egg.”

  But they were both wrong. However, that’s a story for another day.


  Q’umulus, an hour later

  There was a knock on the door and Ben’Edikk entered. “You asked to see me?”

  “Yes, son. Your mother and I have something we wish to discuss with you.”

  The young man sat down. “I am listening,” he said somewhat impatiently.

  “The injury to your head caused a severe concussion . . .”

  Benny interrupted. “Why are you telling me something that I already know? Please, get to whatever point you wish to make. I am busy and this meeting is interfering with my endeavors.”

  Z’kkk gritted his teeth. He had to remind himself that it was his son’s injuries causing such behavior. “Apologies. However, we received the results of your evaluation by the psychiatrist.”

  “Good grief. Who cares?”

  “If you would allow me to finish, you will be able to get back to whatever activity you seem eager to resume.”

  “Then please get on with it.”

  Z’kkk glanced at Rose – a look that spoke volumes. “Your concussion has left you with a degree of brain damage which is affecting your personality. We have asked Waldo, First Citizen of the Klat, to use some advanced surgical techniques to remedy the problem.”

  Benny barked a laugh – one completely devoid of humor. “Are you mad old man? No alien is going to rummage around inside my head. Besides, I can assure you that I am perfectly fine. There are no ill effects from the concussion. Now, if you will excuse me . . .” and he stood up, turned his back on his parents and left.

  Z’kkk stood there staring at the now closed door. Eventually he turned to his wife and asked, “What is an appropriate earth saying for a situation such as this?”

  “I believe – Houston, we have a problem – would serve admirably.”

  Chapter 2 – Zynn-Zaz’zia

  They entered orbit above the planet. Egg had the main viewer on so Jax’x and I’za could get their first glimpse of a ‘real’ planet with oceans, fertile plains and snow covered mountains. They were both awestruck at a view that most of us would take for granted.

  “That blue . . . that can’t be water, can it?” asked a disbelieving Jax’x.

  “Every last drop.”

  “That’s incredible.”

  “I’za, not sure if we told you but Jax’x came from Spell ‘Bound, a planet with no surface water.”

  “I do believe I knew that. On the other hand, I have never seen such a stunning world either. The Ark did not pass close to planets. So other than that planetoid where we first met and the somewhat unimpressive moon where the Ephemeral set down, this is my first encounter with such beauty. It is awe inspiring.”

  “It is a beautiful world and one with too few occupants. I hope Zazzi is able to get the Nauti to call this home. Just for the record, Aerianna is also pretty spectacular; and its capital city Q’umulus is beyond amazing.”

  “And it’s the home of the Sisterhood, correct?”

  “Yes. We actually own a castle. It was a gift from Dazzle.”

  “How romantic.”

  “Not so much. We don’t usually get male visitors.”

  “Is that a rule?”

  “No. They’re just afraid of us I’m guessing. We can be pretty intimidating.”

  “Egg,” asked BreeZee, “what are our plans?”

  “I think a formal reunion is something we’ll schedule for a later time. So, let’s just go around the room and see what everyone wants to do. Bree, I assume you’re going to visit your family?”

  “Of course. Does anyone wish to join me? My parents would love to have all of you as guests.”

  “If you would take me to see the ocean afterwards, I would love to meet your family,” said Jax’x.

  “I, too,” added I’za.

  “That’s great. Anyone else?” No one said anything. “Doesn’t matter since my two favorite sisters are coming with me. The heck with the rest of you,” she teased.

  “Bree, I would, but I have to get to class,” said Syl.

  “I know. I was just kidding.”

  “What about you, Hot Lips?”

  “I’m going to say hi to K’ssss then take the space portal to Aerianna. I want to see how Soo is getting on.” To the two new sisters she explained, “She’s going to have a baby.”

  No need to document all the oohs and aahs from the girls.

  “What about you, Tee?”

  The girl’s response surprised everyone. “I want to talk to Meggy and see if she’ll let Waldo live on Aerianna.”

  “I don’t think he’ll leave his people.”

  “I know. I want all of them to live on Aerianna.”

  That was never going to happen but Egg decided to let Meggy handle it.

  “I’ll take you to Aerianna,” offered Serenity.

  “Why are going to Aerianna?” asked Egg.

  Shockingly Sparky blushed. “I a . . . I mean I . . . that is the ship could use a few upgrades and I figured while I have the time . . .” but she left the rest of the thought unspoken.

  However, the sisters were like any gang of females . . . eager to see forbidden romance in any encounter. “That guy we had in the hold, what was his name?” asked Jax’x innocently.

  Serenity shot darts at her friend with her eyes. “I don’t remember.”

  “Sparky . . .” teased the other girl.

  “Oh, all right. If you must know his name is Lt. Tess’lar. He’s the chief engineer for Benny’s fleet. He offered to help me with . . . stuff.”

  “Chief engineer . . . how lucky for you. So, what kind of stuff did he want to help you with?”

  “Shut up.”

  Egg came to her friend’s rescue since Serenity had never shown the slightest interest in men before. “I’m sure the two of you can come up with some great modifications for the ship. Go. Just make sure you can get back here in a hurry if we need you.”

  “Can do.”

  “Hey Serenity, if you happen to see Captain Ax’gard, tell him I said hello.” Syl wasn’t the least bit intimidated to admit she had an interest in a man. Heck, she already had seven husbands.

  “I will. Should I ask him to call you?”

  “Lesson number one, girlfriend. Show the guy you have interest . . . but don’t let him think you’re over-eager. He needs to earn your ongoing attention.”

  “Syl,” and Serenity gave the girl a ‘come over here’ shake of the head.

  Sylvia did. Before Serenity could ask, she said, “Of course you can call me anytime if you need some advice.”

  “Now I see why you’re the legendary Feminion. Thank you.”

  “Just stay away from my man or I’ll give you a flat tire,” teased her sister.

  “What about you Egg?” asked Bree.

  “I think I’ll fly Syl back to the university.” To the others she explained “It’s located in the Time Castle of a character named Reven that we met when we were h
ere the first time. I’d like to see what they’ve done to it.”

  “What is a Time Castle?” asked the always-inquisitive former Librarian.

  “Zynnia, the entity that created this planet, also created Reven. The concept was if things went wrong, this Time Lord could go back in time and make things better. It was a stupid idea and was never needed. We decided to use that thing’s ability to manipulate time to send Mobius back into his past in an endless loop. He’s stuck there forever. It was kind of cruel but he deserved much worse.”

  “That is fascinating. Maybe you can go back in time and warn the Prince to activate the emergency inertial dampening system. Then he wouldn’t be injured.”

  Egg shot down the idea. “We destroyed all that Time stuff. Sorry.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Okay everyone. Make good use of this little vacation. And stay in contact with each other in case we have to save the galaxy again.”


  Aerianna Royal Space Port

  Serenity had teleported Tee’ka down to Q’umulus then took the Gracie to the Royal Space Port. “This is the Gracie. Permission to dock?” she asked central control.

  “This is an honor Gracie. Permission granted. Please use docking bay seven.”

  The girl smirked. “Did you say seven?”

  “It is reserved for the Sisterhood in perpetuity. Orders of the Queen Mother. Will you need assistance or supplies?”

  She took a deep breath for courage. “I was hoping that Lt. Tess’lar was available to help with some modifications.”

  “One moment while I check.” Two excruciatingly long minutes later the controller said, “The lieutenant will meet you at the dock.”

  “Thanks. Gracie out.”

  But the guy wasn’t finished. “To whom am I speaking?”

  “I’m Serenity.”

  “On behalf of all my brothers and sisters in the Royal Navy, we wish to thank you and the Sisterhood for rescuing our people. It is greatly appreciated.” His sincerity made the non-emotional Sparky tear up. “We’re glad it all turned out as it did. Thanks.”

  “Thanks aren’t enough by any means. If you have the time to stop into the Hub-Bub Club, you’ll have free drinks on us until you pass out.”


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