Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]
Page 39
“We will stay. However, you will leave and not return. Your tricks do not amuse us, your pets do not scare us and your lack of respect does not please us.”
Egg bit her tongue. No matter how she felt, it was wrong of her to act so undiplomatically. She had behaved badly and she knew it. “I apologize for my behavior. No disrespect was intended. Someone will contact the Phanta with the details of when and where we intend to land you.” Into her communicator she said, “Jax’x, beam us to the next habitat.”
“How did it go?”
“Um . . . not as well as it could have.”
After Serenity had introduced herself, and unseen by any of the sisters, the guard sent a swirl of twinkling lights from his ring into Sparky’s chair. Once there, they faded away. And waited.
Chapter 10 – I love him; I love him not
Finalizing the Mission
After the better part of a day, they had finally finished all the preliminary work.
They determined that the probable cause of the Ark explosion was an experiment gone terribly wrong in one of the habitats. The occupants, a race known as the Psi’ons, were highly intelligent and dedicated to scientific research. What they had been working on was too advanced for the Gek’a to understand. However, the Psi’ons were very open about sharing their experiments with the Guardians and had convinced them there was no danger. Unfortunately, they were wrong.
Tragically, the explosion had destroyed another eight neighboring habitats. Seven others were ejected by a fail-safe protocol programmed into the computer system.
The Gek’a working in those habitats had paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Of the twenty-three habitats that survived (not counting the Klat and the Nauti), only three had chosen to make their home in this galaxy. They had been ejected from the Ark and programmed to land on three different planets in this system. The rest elected to return to their own galaxy with the intention of overthrowing the established corrupt government. Technically, the Ephemeral didn’t choose – since they weren’t given an option.
After conferring with I’za, Egg decided that except for the treacherous Prime Hegemon Gan’gli, the rest could work together to help insure the success of their mutual goal. The heads of the nineteen habitats agreed with her plan.
The Ark was reconfigured. All habitats that had been destroyed were ejected and put into orbit around the pre-designated moon as Egg had previously decided.
The occupied nineteen were moved to the inner ring and the maintenance access channels were unlocked so that the occupants could move freely from one to another.
The Ephemeral had been given the outer ring all to themselves.
The ship did not incur any structural damage. It would require only minor repairs – and these were mostly to overloaded electrical systems.
All that remained to do was to wait for the five ejected habitats to return to the Ark. Once that happened, Benny’s navy would render whatever medical aid that they could, repair any minor damage in each habitat that might have been sustained, and help Grex, Aero and Skotti complete the work on the Ark including reprogramming it to retrace its path.
The last issue was the Gek’a. I’za, with help from V’az, had gathered them all and discussed the options available. About a hundred decided to stay with the Ark and help the survivors return home. They felt very strongly about completing this mission.
The rest accepted Queen M-egg’Alynnia’s invitation to relocate to Aerianna at least temporarily. They could choose to stay or move elsewhere once they had visited other worlds that might offer them sanctuary.
V’az had no intention of letting I’za out of his sight. He, too, would go to Aerianna.
With that settled, I’za began a roll call of all those that had died. And the Gek’a mourned the loss of their friends.
Very Late that Night
After a very long and trying day, they were all back onboard the Gracie. I’za introduced her young man to the Sisters. “And finally, this is Egg, the leader of the Sisterhood.”
“Pleasure,” said V’az. The poor guy looked emotionally drained – as well he might. It was by any measure a very taxing day. On one hand he was reunited with I’za, something he assumed would never happen. That ‘high’ was offset by the grieving ceremony as he and the rest of the Gek’a bade farewell to brothers and friends that had died.
“Welcome aboard,” said Egg. “Whatever we can do to make you comfortable, please let us know.”
“Thank you.”
“Egg,” said I’za, “I’ve been meaning to ask you how it went with the Phanta. Did you meet Vyper?”
“Um, yes.”
“Well,” and she stretched out the word. “It could have gone better.”
“I know what you mean. She is such an annoying individual. It’s a wonder that you were able to have a civilized discussion with her.”
“Well . . .”
I’za looked genuinely concerned. “What happened?”
Egg described the encounter.
V’az had gone white in the face. “That is not good.”
“It’s okay. She didn’t do anything.”
The young man looked at his companion – eyes wide. “Doesn’t she understand?”
“I’za warned me that they’re a little bit sensitive. When I realized how rude I was being, I apologized.”
The two Gek’a looked at each other again. I’za turned to Serenity and asked, “Can you scan Egg to see if there are any anomalous electromagnetic readings?”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s just a precaution. As I told you, they can be very vengeful.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” called Sparky.
“Hopefully the current situation with the Ark distracted the August Sovereign. I think you should avoid making contact with her again.”
“Not a problem. I’ll leave it to you.”
“Then with your permission, V’az and I are going to my cabin.”
“Say what?”
“We’re very tired.”
“Uh huh.”
“Is there a problem?”
“No. It’s just that you two aren’t married.”
V’az was confused. “Why does that matter?”
Egg decided to back down. Imposing her morality on aliens was probably a dumb thing to do. “Never mind. We’ll see you two bright and early.”
I’za smiled. She turned to her man and whispered something in his ear. “Really?”
“If you want.”
“You know I do.”
“Then ask.”
“Okay. I’za, will you be my mate for life?”
“Yes,” and they kissed. She turned to Egg and asked, “Is that better?”
“Is what better?”
“V’az asked me to marry him, I said yes and now we’re married.”
“Did I hear that right?” asked Bl’azzz.
“Yeah you did,” answered Sparky.
“Does that mean you’re retiring from the Sisterhood?” asked Tee’ka who was very interested seeing that she was in a similar position. Or could be.
“Of course not. I will serve Egg for as long as she needs me.”
Tee’ka then asked, “Is that okay with you, V’az?”
“Why wouldn’t it be? I’m sorry; this is all so confusing to me.”
“You know what?” declared Egg. “It’s all good. First, congratulations to both of you. Mazel Tov. Second, Bl’azzz get out the kazoo. The rest of you – champagne, confetti and . . . and . . . oh heck, that’s enough.”
“I’m still confused,” said V’az.
Three Days Later
“So that’s it. The Ark is on its way from whence it came. The three habitats that chose to stay were successfully landed and all seems to be progressing well. I told them to contact the Regent of Alien Affairs on Peekaboo Prime if they needed help in any way. Th
e Gek’a that are relocating to Aerianna are being transported by the navy. All except V’az, I’za’s new husband. He’s on board.”
“I was terribly saddened to learn of the deaths of his two brothers. Please give him my condolences,” requested Meggy. Then she realized what Egg had said. “Married?”
“It was a beautiful ceremony. He said ‘will you marry me?’ she said ‘yes’ and the deed was done.”
“Seems awfully efficient. But what was their motivation for the timing? I hope it was not a reaction to the emotion of the day?”
“Actually, they were just tired.”
“I am sorry?’
“Not important. They’re happy, and I’m happy that I’za isn’t retiring from active duty. I need her. By the way, Soar’elle is sending a team of anthropologists to the destroyed habitats to learn what they can about the people and their culture. When they finish, they will find a way to create a memorial in their honor.”
“Yes, I am aware that you had arranged this. That is truly the sign of an individual who would make a great queen.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Sorry, I am rambling. Anyway, it is another job well done. Tell my sisters how proud we all are of yet another wonderful accomplishment.”
“On a personal note, may I ask why you have not returned my brother’s communications? I can personally vouch that he is back to his delightful former self.”
“I’m sure he is. When he called the first time, he talked to Jax’x and she said he seemed better than new.”
“Then why?”
Egg exhaled. “First, it needs to be done in person. And second, he’s going to ask me to marry him again.”
“Of course he will. Is that a problem?
Egg didn’t answer.
Meggy pressed, “Egg, please tell me what is worrying you?”
“I didn’t like the person he had become. He was worse than awful.”
“But that was not him, as you well know.”
“Of course it was him. It’s the despicable person beneath the wonderful one.”
“And you are afraid of what?”
“That over time, the bad wins out.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Every time I think about us getting married, I’m getting goose bumps.”
There was a soft knock on the door. “Come in.”
The Prince hesitated briefly, took a deep breath then entered. He stopped just inside the room and asked, “May I close the door?”
Benny did, then turned back to Egg and said, “My sister shared with me your . . . your concerns.”
“You were awful, Benny. Nasty, arrogant, insensitive, rude . . .”
“Stop, please. I know how I behaved and I am ashamed. As much as that behavior worries you, it also alarms me.” He tried to lighten the mood. He smiled and said, “I am but one bump on the head from becoming a monster. So I implore you not to throw anything substantial at me.”
The effort was rewarded with a small smile that faded when she said, “I got goose bumps.”
“When?” He understood how important this particular phenomenon was to her.
“The day you called. When I returned to the ship it was late and I was so tired. And even though I wanted to talk to you, it just seemed better to wait for the next morning. That night I dreamt about us . . . we were exchanging our wedding vows.” She paused as she recalled what had come next.
“Please . . . continue.”
“You were about to put the ring on my finger . . . but something made me scream. Or maybe someone else screamed – the image is really fuzzy now. Anyway, I woke up covered in sweat and goose bumps.”
“And your interpretation is that if we were to wed, at some point I would devolve into that miscreant that we both so loathe?”
“Is there no other interpretation that is possible?”
She hadn’t thought of that – so fixated on her first assumption. “Well, maybe.”
“If you and I could identify another possibility, would you then reconsider? After all, if there are two possible outcomes, perhaps there are hundreds and who is to say which one might come to fruition.”
“Does it matter? Whatever it is, it will make me scream in horror.”
“Perhaps when you do, I will valiantly come to your rescue.”
“So maybe it’s not you at all. Maybe something is going to happen at the wedding?” She so desperately wanted to believe that there was another explanation.
“Since the doctors assure me that I am permanently cured, that would seem to be a more logical explanation.” He, too, was desperate.
Egg cupped her hands over her face as she tried to recall the dream in more detail. Like all dreams, they fade away ever so fast in the light of day. “There was another image.” She couldn’t quite make it out.
“A person?”
“I . . . I’m just not sure. It was something familiar. Someone familiar.”
Benny said nothing for fear of disrupting her remembrance.
The seconds ticked by in silence as Egg fought to bring the image into focus. It stubbornly hovered just beyond reach. Then she gasped.
“What? What did you see?”
“Are you referring to Waldo?”
“No. No it was Mobius. He was screaming something incomprehensible and then he attacked me. It was Mobius, I’m sure of it.”
“Egg, that evil man is gone as you well know. Therefore, it was either a nightmare brought on by all of your long hours of hard work or it was Waldo.”
“It couldn’t be Waldo. Despite his face, the man is as gentle a soul as I have ever met. He has never raised his voice to me or anyone for that matter. And the way he cares for Tee’ka . . .” She shook her head for emphasis. “It wasn’t him.”
“Then by process of elimination, it was a nightmare.” He smiled again. “The thought of a lifetime with me simply was too much joy for a mere human to accept and your mind rebelled. It makes perfect sense and I do forgive you.”
She stared at him almost as if she just noticed he was in the room. Her next words were like a slap to the face. “You’re such a liar.”
“If you forgive me, the Benny I know and love would have taken me in his arms and kissed me. You didn’t.”
“Hmmm. I do believe your hypothesis is correct. Allow me to remedy my mistake.”
“I don’t know. The moment might have passed.”
“If I may suggest, since we are both here with nothing else to do, it is worth the effort to try. With your permission?”
“Ummm,” and she pretended to consider his request. “Oh, why not. Permission granted.”
So he did.
And all that was, was once again.
“Well I think it’s beautiful.”
“It’s actually the coronation gift that King M’earth gave to Dazzle. The original sigil was a depiction of the Crystal Egg superimposed on the skyline of Q’umulus.”
“No wonder he wanted to change it.”
“You don’t think I should have held out for a diamond ring?”
Sylvia laughed. “Never. You are definitely not a diamond ring type girl. This Sword and Rose sigil is absolutely perfect for Flying Girl.” It was, of course, the same sword and rose on the buckle of Egg’s flying suit.
“Yeah, you’re right. I can’t stop looking at it in the mirror. How funny is that?”
“Why funny?”
“Because the tomboy Eloise is going to become a princess. But for old time’s sake, I think I’ll make everyone play dodgeball after the ceremony.”
Syl laughed at the thought. “Have you set a date?”
“Yup. The end of the month.”
“Isn’t that a little quick?”
“I’ve waited long enough if you g
et my drift.”
“For shame. I always assumed you never thought about such things.”
“Until I met Benny, to be honest, not very often.”
“Love, isn’t it grand?”
“Speaking of which, what’s up with you and your eighth husband,” teased her friend.
“Kreed and I are progressing at a comfortable pace, thank you very much.” Kreed was Captain Ax’gard if you couldn’t figure that out.
“How weird is it that all of us single sisters now have men in their lives. Aeri’elle and Bl’uddd, Tee’ka and Waldo, I’za and V’az, Serenity and Skotti, Bl’azzz and Aero, Jax’x and Grex . . . who did I leave out?”
“Poor BreeZee.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s too bad that we don’t know anyone with wings.”
“That’s going to be a problem since the guys on Zynn-Zaz’zia don’t interest her.”
“Hmmmm what?”
“Just a feeling. Not important.”
“Tell me.”
“I just got a sudden vision of a man . . . kissing Bree.”
“No idea. He had wings but not like our girl’s.”
“Goose bumps and now visions of the future. You are quite the accomplished Princess. What about Meggy?”
“Geez, it’s funny how I never think of her like that. So how does a queen find a man?”
“Probably not possible unless there’s an unmarried King out there somewhere. She’ll undoubtedly have to wait till her term as queen is over.”
“When’s that?”
“Four or five years.”
“Who would have ever dreamed that the Sisterhood would have a queen, a princess, a University Dean, four sisters with an IQ greater than Einstein, a computer program transformed into a living being, dragons, sea serpents, a telepath and an alien from another galaxy?”
“We’ve come a long way, sister.”
“And look at me . . . Princess Egg! Can you see me in some formal gown going to prim and proper state dinners?”
“Um, nope.”
“You could have lied.”
“Um, nope.”
“Well, as your punishment for being such a lousy friend, I formally appoint you my maid of honor. You’re still a maid, right?”