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Ark - Box Set #6, Part 1 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 41

by Robert Iannone

  “Well, he’s a keeper,” yelled Jax’x.

  “Yeah, he is,” and she smiled to herself at some personal memory.

  “Anyway,” said Sylvia, “Serenity does want to say a few words.”

  “Thanks, Syl. So, as most of you know, I’m not good at making speeches.” Someone giggled. “Shut up, Jax’x. And I’m really terrible at expressing my feelings,” she stopped to stare at her friend who refused to make eye contact. “But I need to give it a try.” Another deep breath and she turned towards Egg. “Eloise Graystone, alias Flying Girl, I love you. We all love you . . .” and she stopped to wipe away her tears. “You have changed my life and the lives of everyone at this table. You have changed the lives of millions of others – people whose names we’ll never know. Aerianna, Spell ‘Bound, Zynn-Zaz’zia, the entire Federation of planets . . .” She had to pause again. Egg tried to use the interruption to stand and put an end to these compliments but Sylvia grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. “Stay put and listen,” she scolded her friend.

  Sparky began again. “You are the product of your parents and Queen Rose, you were shaped by Grammy and your friendship with Sylvia . . . and somehow this combination resulted in a person that is so superior to all others it defies logic.”

  “No, no. Thank you but please stop . . .” Egg called out from the chair that Syl had imprisoned her on.

  “Nope, can’t do that. Anyway, I want to thank you – not for saving worlds – but for saving me. I found a family in the Sisterhood, something that I never thought would happen after my mom died. You invited me to join even though I tried my best to hurt you. You made me a trusted friend and a Hameggattic sister when all I deserved was to be spurned as your enemy. I found a purpose in life – a noble purpose – one that I could hardly envision me doing or wanting to do. I was selfish, conceited and just a colossal pain. Now – well now I know that I have no reason to be conceited and no desire to be selfish.”

  “You’re still a colossal pain.”

  “Jax’x, why I love you is beyond understanding.” She smiled broadly. “If I had to guess, I’d say it was probably from pity.” They each stuck out their tongue at each other. “I’m almost done. Egg, I owe you my life – and I mean that literally not figuratively. I intend to follow you wherever in this galaxy you plan to go. I will stand by your side and fight any foe that threatens you, the sisterhood or anyone we are trying to protect. But I know that sooner rather than later, after you marry Benny, you’ll want to retire as an active sister. When that happens, there will be no more Hameggattic Sisterhood and the best part of my life will come to an end.” She smiled sadly. “That’s me being selfish so deal with it.” She raised her champagne glass. “To Egg of Earth, Heroine of Aerianna – may you find great happiness with the Prince and may you always be my friend.”

  And they all stood, raised their glasses in a salute to the most extraordinary person they would ever know. “To Egg,” they repeated and drank.


  They stood at the foot to the main stairway to wait for the bride-to-be. Jax’x found Sparky and hugged her. “Great speech.”

  “Don’t be mean.”

  “I’m not, you goofy grump. It was heartfelt and sincere and voiced everything that we all feel. You did good.”

  “Then no more ear flicks?”

  Jax’x smiled. “It wasn’t that good.”

  “Here she comes,” someone yelled. They all turned to see their friend make her grand entrance . . .

  No one had ever seen Egg in a dress in all the years that they had known her. And they were floored. “Absolutely stunning,” murmured the humans in the crowd.

  She made her way down the stairs as carefully as she could. With the dress swirling around her feet, it was an invitation to trip and fall in a most un-lady-like fashion. When she made it to the bottom, she smiled and curtsied.

  The girls oohed and ahhed and applauded.

  “You like?” and Egg spun around.

  “It is magnificent, sister,” proclaimed Meggy. “Absolutely worthy of a princess.”

  “Thank you. And . . . thank Sassi. She and Ssong designed it.” Ssong was Rose’s sister of course.

  Over the next few minutes, everyone came up to the bride-to-be to express their admiration for the dress and their complete surprise that Egg really was female. “He’s going to be knocked senseless when he sees you in that thing,” or words to that effect was the common sentiment.

  When the excitement died down, Egg turned and climbed back up a couple steps on the staircase. “I would like to say a few words if you don’t mind?” Duh, of course they didn’t mind.

  “First, thank you all for coming and confirming what I have always known – that we sisters have such an incredible bond that transcends time and space. It never matters what species we are or what planet we’re from . . . your love for me and for one another is the real stuff of legends. As for the rest of our accomplishments, we were just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Let the history books say what they want but we know the truth. We’re just ordinary women who care.

  I was going to call out each of you by name and tell you why you’re special to me. However, I think I’d rather do that in private. So in the coming weeks, plan on an unannounced guest coming for dinner. Expect a few tears and a lot of laughter and if it’s not too much trouble, a big bowl of chocolate ice cream.”

  “With or without hot fudge?” asked Ashley needlessly.

  Egg laughed. “Do you remember the I Scream place you used to take me to?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “You were a great big sister. Thank you.”

  “The pleasure was always mine, little sis.”

  Egg went silent as she scanned the faces before her. “K’ssss, you’re the only other one with a sister so maybe you can relate to what I’m about to say.” She gathered her thoughts then continued. “I had a great support system growing up. My parents, my grandmother and Syl. But it was always Ashley that made me feel the safest. Mom, Dad and Grammy were obviously much older than me. Their experiences were in the distant past and didn’t necessarily mirror what I was feeling. Syl is my age and she was facing the same things as I was. But Ashley was perfect in that she had gone through the same growing pains that I was going through and had found a way to survive. Her advice was always something I could relate to – and take comfort from. Sorry Ash – I should have told you this a long time ago.”

  “I always knew and it made me a better person knowing that you looked up to me.” Things were getting to be a bit teary.

  “Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because I now have a dozen or so sisters – and that includes you, Molly. For anyone who doesn’t know, she was the one that convinced Benny to let Waldo fix his amnesia.”

  “Tricked not convinced,” corrected the girl.

  Most of them didn’t know Molly very well. They knew her story but had spent little time in her company. Now they all turned toward the embarrassed girl with a new look of appreciation. Anyone that helped Egg deserved their high esteem.

  Egg continued. “Every one of you is my role model. I see unique strengths in each of you that I try to emulate. Serenity said I was a product of my parents, Grammy, Dazzle and Syl and I agree. But she left out all of you. So Ash, Molly, K’ssss, Aeri’elle, Tee’ka, Bree, Soo, Bl’azzz, I’za, Jax’x, Meggy, Spirit, Big Bird, Sassi and Sparky – thank you all for helping me be a better person. Thank you all for being my sisters.” She stopped to wipe her tears which allowed the rest of them to do the same.

  “I do want to say a few words about the topic that Serenity brought up. What’s to become of the Hameggattic Sisterhood? I’ve given this a lot of thought recently. And I think that over the next few years, we’re going to have to change . . . to evolve. I want to confer with my . . . my Feminion first. Then we’ll convene the first Sisterhood Convention where I can discuss these ideas with all of you and hopefully reach a consensus on what we should do going for
ward. Here’s a hint – all of you will have a role to play. Unless there’s a heath issue; no one retires.”

  Those words turned the mood from schmaltzy to somber and reflective. Luckily, Tee’ka being Tee’ka asked a perfectly timed question. “Egg.”

  “Yes, Tee?”

  “Are you going to have babies?” Everyone smiled and or giggled at the most inappropriate question.

  Egg’s response was unexpected. She had never shared what the Myst Tree had told her a year before. “According to the Myst Tree, I will have at least two.”

  BreeZee asked, “Why did he tell you that?” The Tree wasn’t known for his casual conversational skills.

  “When I asked him if the Sisterhood would carry on after I retired, he said yes. And . . .” she drew the word out and let it hang there.

  “Spit it out, Gracie,” yelled Sparky. “And what?”

  “Geez, our little love fest didn’t last long,” she teased.

  “I swear I’ll . . . I’ll run up there and tickle you.”

  “Be careful Egg,” added Jax’x. “Now that she has legs, we won’t be able to control her.”

  “You know what’s best about her new legs? She can now play on my dodge ball team.”

  “EGG,” screamed Bl’azzz. “Finish the story, would ya?”

  “Sorry Hot Lips. The Tree said that my youngest daughter would take over for me. He even told me what her name will be. Apparently, I’ll name her Syl’kie in honor of my other brain.”

  “Really?” sighed Syl. “That’s so sweet.”


  “Shut up Sparky.”

  Epilogue – The Princess Bride

  They stood in the same cathedral, on the same spot that Rose’Alynnia and Z’kkk spoke their wedding vows. And with their permission and blessing, they would repeat those very words (with a few minor changes).

  As was custom, Egg spoke first . . .

  “Love is a beacon, a shining light . . .

  That casts out the shadows from the darkest night

  Two honorable hearts that beat apace . . .

  Binding each other through time and space

  Souls that are not perfect, but aspire to be . . .

  Joined this day, and for all eternity.”

  Then Prince Ben’Edikk spoke in turn . . .

  “From the day we met, seemingly an eon ago

  I have come to love you, this you know

  Forced to part, I lost my way

  As well as thoughts of seeing this day.

  With the help of friends, old and new,

  A second chance, my love renewed

  I promise you with my soul and heart,

  No being in the universe will force us apart.

  You are my friend, my flowering rose,

  I thank the stars that it was me you chose.”

  And finally, it was Egg’s turn to complete the vows . . .

  “My fair Prince, my heart’s desire

  It is you that set my passion afire.

  I have loved you from that fateful night,

  A gift from the stars, Light of my Light

  I once told a friend that a woman can tell,

  When she has met the man with whom she must dwell,

  Day after day, you are still that one

  From this moment forward, our life has begun

  As Lovers and Friends, Husband and Wife

  We will stand together, for the rest of our life.”

  To complete the ceremony and in honor of the age-old Earth tradition, Egg would now place a ring on Benny’s finger. She had asked the sisters to choose who would hand it to her. By unanimous choice, it would be Serenity.

  The girl really could not stand for very long even with her exoskeleton. After years of sitting, her muscles had atrophied. So, she sat in her chair waiting for her cue. Egg smiled and nodded to her.

  Serenity took a deep breath then stood to the surprise of everyone in attendance (including Benny) save the sisters. As she made her way from the chair to her friend, a twinkle of lights seem to follow her. They soon disappeared inside the electromagnetic field of her suit.

  The only one that seemed to notice was V’az who gasped. He turned to I’za and said “The Glimmer” and he pointed to Serenity.

  “Oh no.”

  Waldo, who was seated next to the girl overheard. To be sure, he repeated “The Glimmer?”

  I’za nodded. “On Serenity.”

  Waldo’s head snapped around to look. The girl was approaching Egg with her hand extended – holding the wedding band. The big man stood, rushed out of the pew, arm outstretched and finger pointing menacingly at the girl – screaming a blood-curdling “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”

  In the cavernous cathedral, Waldo’s cry reverberated off the walls and ceiling amplifying the already ear-splitting sound.

  Rose and her husband, like everyone else, turned to see who was causing the commotion. The sight of Mobius (it was still the evil one’s body and face) charging at Egg with malice in his eyes caused them to react instinctively. The Queen Mother put herself in front of her daughter-in-law to protect the girl. Z’kkk pulled out his ceremonial (though still real) sword and charged into the aisle.

  Realizing everyone was getting the wrong impression; I’za stood and began to scream – her voice adding to the cacophony of cries and yells that had begun to swell in volume. Realizing no one could hear her, she started to frantically wave her arms and shake her head.

  Egg couldn’t see the aisle where Waldo and Z’kkk were about to clash. With Rose blocking that view, all she could do was look out at her sisters and friends. There she saw I’za and time seemed to slow down. Her sister was trying to stop something . . . but what? Egg turned back to aisle, nudged her mother-in-law out of her way and was horrified. Lord Z’kkk was brandishing his sword and crouching in an attack position.

  Her father-in-law was going to kill Waldo.

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  Look for Book 5 of Ever After

  The Reverie Glass

  If you enjoyed Egg’s story, please take a moment to write a review on Amazon. For independent authors like myself, we live and die by the stars . . . the ones you give us. Thank you.

  Robert Iannone




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