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The Quest_Last Gods Book 1

Page 6

by Linton Bowers

  Actaeon rose but the shaft of Tanveer’s spear smashed into his thigh. He jumped up.

  “When I command, you move as if your life depends on speed. From now on speed is all you know.” Her spear lashed out so quick that he wasn’t sure if it had moved. The warm trickle running down his cheek was the proof.

  “You cut me! How the hell did you do that with a wooden spear?”

  Tanveer thrust her spear forward stopping centimeters from plunging into his eye. The very sharp point dominated his world at that moment. “You are no warrior. You will either become one or die by my hand. That is a choice only you can make. The first thing you must learn is to keep your mouth closed.”

  She spun in a circle and hopped away at the same time. A flick of her wrist brought the butt end of the spear around. The shaft connected with the side of Actaeon’s head. Pain blossomed in his skull and darkness crept in along the edges of his vision. He dropped to his knees and clutched the now bleeding side of his head.

  His health bar flashed and he was dismayed to see more of it clear than red.

  Tanveer bent down and whispered into his ear. “Your next lesson. Is to learn when to duck. I suggest you figure that one out quickly.”She righted herself and placed the flat edge of her spear tip under his chin forcing his head up. “Watch me once more. I will perform the basic thrust twice so you can see it from the front and side. You will spend the remainder of the day attempting to achieve my level of perfection. I doubt you will come close though.”

  Before Actaeon could consider responding she stepped back and turned to the side. Tanveer moved faster than his eyes could track going from standing erect to having her spear out in front of her with her legs spread and bent at the knees. Actaeon took advantage of the time she offered inspecting her posture. What was most amazing is how motionless she remained.

  Without saying a word Tanveer stood, turned and stepped back several feet. In less than the time it takes to blink she was once again down with her spear extended. This time it was pointed at Actaeon with the tip an inch from his nose. He swallowed then moved his focus off the tip and onto the woman. After a minute she stood and pointed the tip to the sky.

  “That is all the instruction I will give you for today. Tomorrow I expect to see some improvement.” She nodded once then walked away.

  Actaeon watched his teacher, Tanveer the half-orc walk away. He told himself it was a moment of change and possibilities for the future and not because she had a sway to her hips. She went back inside depriving him of the view. He took stock of all the activities around him. There were paired off people sparring all around. Not everyone was human, but most were. The cat-people were not among those training, neither was one of the small gremlin creatures that first greeted him when he arrived. The strangest thing he saw was a bipedal creature that looked like a beetle. It had four thin arms and a large carapace covering its back complete with a split down the center making him think there were wings underneath. The entire thing was covered in the dark red exoskeleton. Because it was facing away he couldn’t see its face, but he was kind of glad about that. The last thing he needed were nightmares fueled by that guy’s large mandibles.

  “You will train or you will die, human” one of the cat-man guards shouted. Actaeon looked up following the trail of the voice. He figured out why there were no cat-men in the arena. They were in the stands, spread out and watching.

  Actaeon went back to his training. He went through the motions over and over again. No way in hell was he going to match the speed Tanveer used. Instead, he went really slow in order to get the stance right. Because of her speed he didn’t see if she stepped forward or back. He decided to step back as moving away seemed logical considering the length of his weapon.

  He decided to dedicate himself wholly to his training. He performed spear thrust after spear thrust. Everyone around him became background noise. He thrust, kicked up a puff of dirt, reset, and thrust again.

  He learned a valuable lesson. Stamina was finite. His yellow bar flashed when there was just a sliver left. His chest heaved trying to draw in a breath. His arms felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and his legs had become gelatin.

  Actaeon dropped to his knees. Spots dotted his vision. He clawed at his chest attempting to get more air.

  “Be at ease, friend Actaeon.” Al stepped into view. “You used too much stamina, yes? Do no fear. Breathe in deep and close your eyes. Let your breathing be the only movements you make. The less muscle tissue in motion the better to regen stamina.”

  He felt a rough hand on his shoulder complete with claws. The sharp points pressed lightly against his skin. Feeling the Kobold touch him brought home just how real his situation was.

  “Good, good. You feel better, yes? Your stamina should be on the rise. In a few minutes when it has risen above ten percent go get a drink of water. It will help.”

  The hand on his shoulder fell away. Actaeon opened his eyes and saw Al’s tail swished back and forth as he walked away. He stepped up to a tall human and pulled a practice sword from the ground. He nodded and they stepped into their sparring session.

  The water was cool and felt good going down. While there was no message about a stamina buff his bar did start to fill faster. In the time it took to walk back to his spot his stamina was full. He went back to practicing his spear thrusts.

  You have gained a new skill: Novice Spear-man lvl 1

  Through hard work and perseverance, you have learned the basic spear skill. Continued use of spears will increase your skill level to Journeyman Spear-man.

  The notification came just before a loud horn sounded. Actaeon looked around as he had no clue what the sound meant. The other gladiators all stopped what they were doing. A few stood in place and conversed, but most returned to the weapons racks. Actaeon followed suit and placed his spear back where Tanveer had gotten it from. He followed behind the others as they meandered toward the entrance to the slave pens. He was amazed that the guards were not rushing anyone. As he walked he looked around and saw the guards lost in their own conversations. There was even an all black cat-man leaning on his halberd and watching a butterfly flit around. The lackadaisical attitude of the guards amazed him. He filed it away for later. This was something he could use.

  Actaeon focused on the blinking notification bringing up the window.

  +2 to Stamina

  +1 to Strength

  +1 To Intellect


  “How was your first day on the training field?” Al joined Actaeon in line to get back inside. “It looked like Tanveer left you alone for a good portion of the day.”

  “She sure did, but not before getting a few licks in. Then she showed me a spear thrust and took off. Told me to have it perfect by tomorrow,” Actaeon said.

  “Did you get it down?”

  The line moved forward a few paces. It was another thing he would put away in his escape file he kept in the back of his mind.

  “I can’t say for sure. I think so, but she was so fast when she demonstrated, it’s hard to tell.”

  “Aye, that Tanveer is one hell of a warrior, but short on patience. Did she say what happened to her last trainee?”

  “No, what happened?” Actaeon asked. He was expecting to hear that she became fed up with the last one and quit. What Al said next took Actaeon by surprise.

  “He died,” Al said.

  Actaeon was floored. He stopped moving and his jaw hit the floor anchoring him in place. His mind traveled back to when Tanveer had her spear pointed as his face. The sharp tip of the wood was an inch from his eye at most. One flick of her wrist and he would have been a goner.

  Something hard bumped into his back knocking him free of the spot he was rooted too. Solid hands grabbed his arms stopping him from breaking his fall with his face.

  “I’m sorry, mate. I hope I didn’t hurt you?” The voice was soft and reverberated slightly.

  The hands lifted him back up to his feet and held him steady.

  “Thanks for that,” Actaeon said. He turned to see the immovable force that kept him from falling. Once again his jaw hit the ground. Before Actaeon stood the beetle person. What really caught his attention was it's face Where he expected to see mandibles was a regular jaw. Which went up to a human lips then a nose and a pair of small blue eyes. Like the rest of him his face was red.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Yeah I… Yes. I am fine. Thank you again,” Actaeon said.

  “Oh good, I was afraid I hurt you. I apologize for not paying close attention and walking into you. Please tell me I didn’t harm you. I couldn’t bear it if I did.”

  “No, really. It was my fault I stopped when I should have kept going and I’m fine. Don’t worry over me,” Actaeon said. “I’m Actaeon.” He held out his arm. “Who might you be?”

  The beetle man smiled and looked away. “I’m Olieair. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Actaeon.”

  Olieair gripped Actaeon’s arm and they shook. “Is something wrong, Actaeon? You look like you’ve seen the dead walk.”

  “No, oh no, nothing at all. I’m sorry, it's just that I’ve never seen a… Um… I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but what are you?”Actaeon asked.

  Olieair laughed. “It’s okay, Actaeon. I get that a lot. I’m the only one of my kind here that I am aware of. I’m a Verhoven. Like you I was brought here under the pretense of playing a game.” Olieair leaned in close. “Thing is, I am a horrid gamer. Like zero skills.”

  “How did you end up with a VR setup? Didn’t the developers send those to the top players like they did on my world?” Actaeon asked.

  “Yes and they sent it to my brother. He was not home when it came so I set it up for him. Then I figured what could be the harm in giving it a go. So here I am.” Olieair raised his arms and spun around to bring his point home.

  “Are you a kid?” Actaeon blurted out?

  Olieair laughed. The reverb in his voice made the sound pleasant and creepy at the same time. Weird. “Oh no. It is custom for families to stay together. My beloved was going to move in after we were joined.” The smile left his face. “That won’t happen now.”

  Actaeon placed his hand on Olieair’s arm. “I’m sorry.”

  Olieair’s smile returned but it didn’t reach his somber eyes. “It isn’t your fault, dear friend. But thank you for saying so.”

  As Actaeon smiled, a thought occurred to him, one that made him realize just how jarring all this had been. “Olieair, would you happen to know how it is I can understand you and everyone here?”

  “You caught on to that. I am not really sure. I just know we can.” He leaned forward again and lowered his voice. “I am not very smart but I am strong. That's how I survive here.” He moved back. “My brother was the smart one.” He let out a sigh and his eyes teared up.

  “This is me,” Olieair said. He turned and walked into his cell before Actaeon could respond.

  As slaves found their cages the pace of the line increased. A few minutes later Actaeon was seated in his own cell. Soon after a cart passed by handing out tin plates stacked high with meat and what looked a lot like potatoes. The food was surprisingly good. The meat was tender and juicy and the potatoes tasted sweeter than he expected. Soon after fatigue took hold and he was out for the night.


  The knight in black armor held his sword out parallel to the ground. A horde of four legged horned creatures charged at him. When the first was in range the knight sidestepped and swung his blade. The first monster fell.

  His blade became a whirlwind of death. Blood and gore rained down around the knight and he continued his dance.

  Hours passed and the bodies piled up. The last of the beasts fell and let out a huff of air, its last.

  The ground shook.

  This was what the knight had fought so hard for. The opportunity to destroy the master of these creatures.

  Two horns as big around as a man was tall crested the hill. They were followed by the massive head that held them up. In total the monster stood taller than three men standing one on top of the other. Its hide was covered in scales and blue smoke tendrils drifted up from its nostrils.

  The knight held his ground. He was the last line of defense. If he fell countless lives ended with him. No matter what, he had to end this thing.

  The Knight charged, sword held over his head in a two handed grip. A battle cry exploded from him.


  Actaeon sat up. Sweat covered him from head to toe and his breath came in quick gasps.

  “What the fuck was that?” He asked himself.

  “Come again?” Cane asked.

  Actaeon looked over to find him sitting in his cell with his arms dangling out between the bars of his door. He checked the time and saw it was half past midnight.

  “Do you ever sleep, Cane?”

  “I do, but I only need a couple hours a night. Most of my night is spent meditating and contemplating the life I live.”

  “You don’t think about the life you had?” Memories of Actaeon’s date with Rebecca flitted around the edges of his mind. He could reach out and grasp them. Spend a few moments reliving his past joys, but it would hurt. The pain of loss could overwhelm him. He let the memory drift away.

  “No. I used to dwell on my former life. I ended up going into each battle with reckless abandon. My successes stemmed from my lack of caring what happened to me. If not for getting another killed with my foolishness I may be the one dead now. I learned a hard lesson about letting go and looking forward.”

  “What do you look forward to, Cane? I can’t see anything to look to if this is the life I’ll have.”

  Cane chuckled. “Perhaps I traded one foolish state for another. I choose to hope that my time here is finite. That one day I will be in a better place pursuing interests other than fighting.”

  “Like what?” Actaeon sat up. He didn’t feel like sleeping any longer.

  “As I am stuck here in this world I would like to take advantage of the crafting system. I was never a creative type though I always longed to be able to make things with my own hands. Now, with the skill system my chance could come. First, I must find a way out. So I hold my hope.”

  Cane turned his head to look at Actaeon. “The best thing about the first week of training is being too busy or too tired to dwell on past lives. I think it makes the transition a little easier. But there are those that can not let go. If you take just one lesson from me let it be this. Let go of the past. Fashion yourself into the man you wish to be and move forward. Always move forward.”

  Neither person spoke for a while. Actaeon let the words sink in. He remembered advice his father had given him when he was young. His dad caught him crossing the nearby busy street after having told him several times not too. ‘Let the mistakes of others guide you to the right actions. There is no need to make those same mistakes to learn the lesson.’

  “Get some sleep, my friend. You will need it,” Cane said.

  Actaeon nodded. Thoughts of dad lead to thoughts of mom and the swelling of his tear ducts. He laid back down and stared at the bars above him until sleep took him away from memories that stirred unpleasant feelings..


  Larion woke to Eve standing over him. He let loose a scream and shuffled back. His head hit the wall stopping his flight.

  “Oh my gods! Larion, are you alright?”

  “Yeah.” He settled against the wall and rubbed his head. The wall was cold against his bare back and… His hand stopped but stayed where it was against his head.

  Larion looked down and let out a sigh of relief. The blanket covered his legs and waist. While his loft was in no way a private place it did provide enough cover for him to sleep in the buff on occasion. Much like he was now.

  “Does your head hurt? You hit it hard if that loud thump was any indication,” Eve said.

  “No, I am fine. Hey, Eve?”

  “Yes, Larion?”

�Think you could give me a minute to get dressed?”

  “Yeah sure. I’m not in a hurry.” She crossed her arms and sat back on her heels. She sometimes missed the obvious.

  “I meant for you to go back down the ladder and let me get dressed alone,” Larion clarified.

  “Huh?” Eve’s face twisted up into a sneer. “Why would…” her eyes went wide. “Oh. Um.” Her cheeks took on a scarlet hue. “I will be outside, Larion.” She rushed down the ladder and out the door.

  A few minutes later he walked out of the house while running his hand through an unruly mop of hair. Eve was outside waiting and fighting off Patty. The sheep was attempting to get a taste of Eve’s dress. Eve being the kind hearted girl she was only pushed Patty away. Patty would then go right back in mouth wide open and ready for a bite.

  “Patty!” Larion yelled. He smacked his hands together startling the sheep. “Get out of here!”

  Not for the first time Larion had to wonder if Patty was smarter than she let on. She gave him a look that said she was just trying to have fun. With her head lowered she slinked away joining the rest of the herd.

  “Sorry about that,” Larion said. “I don't know what goes through her head. I think her white wool is a deception. She should have black wool considering all the mischief she gets herself into.”

  “It’s okay.” Eve wrapped her arm around Larion’s. “Are you ready? I want to get there before he sells out of all the good stuff.”

  Eve pulled Larion along as he answered. “I’m ready, but I don't know how much bartering I can do with my arm torn off.”

  “Ha ha,” Eve mocked. “Get a move on then. You move like a pregnant yak.”

  They walked in silence. Eve pulling and Larion doing his best to not be pulled off his feet. Eve was the daughter of the village blacksmith and was no stranger to the hammer. While she was a slight girl she was still one of the strongest kids their age.


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