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The Quest_Last Gods Book 1

Page 10

by Linton Bowers

  Status: Unconscious

  Relationship: Friendly

  That explained nothing. While Actaeon had no way of know what Kenshiro’s health points were he doubted they were at one hundred percent. He cursed at not knowing any healing spells. In fact, he had not seen any healing magic other than the Water of Life.

  “Kenishera,” he blurted out as he realized he didn't know if she was safe.

  Actaeon looked to where the front of the wagon was, and where the other wagon should be. It was not there. Neither was his wagon still on the road. Stretched out before him was an open field. Crushed grass surrounded the wagon.

  “Kenishera!” Actaeon shouted. “Are you there?” To himself he said, “please be okay.”

  “Actaeon!” Tanveer’s voice responded. “Do you know what happened?”

  “No! Are you okay, Tanveer?” He replied.

  “I am fine. Is Kenshiro unconscious like Kenishera?”

  That answered his next question. “Yes!”

  “It is the effect of being forcibly removed from. A psychic link. They will recover. I am forming a party, accept,” Tanveer said.

  You have been invited to Tanveer’s party.

  Do you accept?


  A small circle with Tanveer’s picture appeared under Actaeon’s three status bars on the far left of his vision. Three bars representing health, mana, and stamina appeared next to her picture. “That was helpful.”

  “How do we get out of these cages?” Actaeon shouted.

  “Much like most inanimate objects here the cages have a set amount of HP. The doors will have a lower HP as they are the weakest points of the cage. Hit it until it gives.” Metallic ringing and meaty thuds followed Tanveer's words.

  Combat Log:

  Hit on cage door for 29 damage.

  Hit on cage door for 29 damage.

  Hit on cage door for 30 damage.

  Tanveer was really giving it to the door of her cage. Actaeon rose and approached his cage door. He hit it with all he had.

  Hit on cage door for 2 damage.

  Actaeon got one hit on his door before the loud roar. He stopped with his right fist pulled back ready for hit number two.

  Tanveer screamed. Metal tearing and scraping against rock drowned out the screams. Her health jumped from ninety percent to fifty. Her cries and the sounds of metal scraping against rock quickly receded.

  “Tanveer! What's going on?” Actaeon shouted.

  The wagon lurched. Actaeon was thrown from his feet. His head hit the bars that once was the top of the cage. As his vision darkened he noted that the grounds was rushing past the bars.


  Larion ran.

  He had no recollection of how he got into the forest, or why he was running. He just knew that if he didn’t he might die.

  The cold night air bit at his lungs with every step. He slowed as his burning leg muscles closed in on failure. He had no choice but to come to a stop.

  Larion bent at the waist and placed his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his second wind. His mind raced faster than his legs could carry him with questions of why? Why was he running? What was he running from? Where was…

  “Oh gods! Eve!”

  Larion stood and looked around. Behind him the sky glowed orange and red. He wasn’t sure why, but he knew that was where his home and the town were. He ran once more, this time toward the danger he suspected he just escaped.

  Larion’s body moved as if it had a separate mind telling it to do so. His thoughts were planted solely on Eve. He thought her name over and over until it became a mantra that spurred him forward. He thought of her in the hopes that she would magically materialize in front of him. That didn’t happen.

  He broke free of the tree line and ran into a wall of heat. All he could see of the town was red and orange flames topped by thick black smoke. He tried moving closer but even at a hundred yards the heat was unbearable.

  Larion ran parallel to the town. His aim to get around the fire and enter into a part of town that had not yet burned. Consequently, Eve lived on the other side of town. This was where his hope sprang from.

  He crossed over the east road that lead into town and kept running. The fire raged on offering no opening. He ran until he stood between the town and the hill that was his home. The hill seemed to be untouched.

  For the briefest of moments guilt crept in. He had not thought of his family during the mad dash to get to town. Eve, the girl that turned aside his feelings as easy as a duck shed water, but he couldn’t help the way he felt.

  Fire burned along that border as well. The vantage from where he stood told the whole story. His town was gone. In its place raged an inferno. The heat from the fire would prevent his efforts to lug a bucket back and forth in an attempt to douse the flames.

  Larion sank to his knees. He didn't know if he was not crying or if his tears evaporated from the extreme heat. He did cry out though. He screamed Eve’s name. He lashed out at the gods for allowing this to happen. He beat on his chest to punish himself for not being here to save her.

  Between his own scream, Larion heard another scream. He turned, understanding that the other voice had come from behind.

  The home Larion loved was now burning. A figure on fire ran from the house screaming inhuman cries that made Larion’s hair stand up. He rose to his feet and ran.

  Twenty yards from his house, and another ten from the now prone figure, his house exploded.

  Larion flew back. The shock wave carrying him off his feet. He hit the ground and tumbled uncontrollably down the hill. His head struck something hard and darkness claimed him.


  The air was still and all was quiet. Actaeon woke up unsure of where he was. The sun shone bright and a bird started its mournful song.

  He laid half buried in dirt. Some of which was in his mouth. Including something that was squirming.

  Actaeon shot up to all fours. He spat and cleared his mouth using his fingers. He didn't see what had been moving and thought that for the best. There was no doubt that it was going to be a dung beetle complete with shit ball accessory or something equally disgusting.

  As he was cleaning his tongue vigorously he took stock of what was around him or wasn’t. The bars of the cage surrounded him with the exception of where they connected to the wagon. The wheeled cart was a good twenty feet away and in two pieces. Between himself and the wagon lay Kenshiro. He was face up on the ground and one of his legs was bent at an unnatural angle.

  “Kenshiro!” He stood and took a step. The pain in his own legs almost made him fall on his face. “Hang on, bud. I’m coming!”

  Actaeon focused on himself. It was something he hadn't tried before, but it had to be there. This pseudo game world was too much like every other RPG he had played.

  A character sheet popped up, but not like his stat sheet. This one had a full body image of Actaeon with item slots for the gear he was wearing. Including empty slots for all the gear he lacked. The entire image of himself was yellow save for the head and legs which were red. That made sense considering he felt like there were a few muscle bound fairies in his skull playing racket ball with Mythril ball bearings. There was also the pain that thrummed in his legs giving him proof that there was a reason his legs were red. He was sure the yellow didn't indicate any severe damage. The red in his head did concern him a bit, but he had to worry about that at another time.

  Actaeon closed the window and took a few careful steps forward. Nothing was broken, but every muscle hurt. That he could deal with.

  “Kenshiro? Can you hear me?” He knelt next to the purple figure. “Kenshiro!” Actaeon shook Kenshiro’s shoulders. The unconscious man moaned. “Well that's a start,” Actaeon mumbled.

  “Ah!” Kenshiro sat up so fast he smacked his forehead into Actaeon’s nose.

  “Ouch!” Actaeon shouted.

  “Kenishera!” Kenshiro shouted. “Where is she? I don't sense her!”
r />   “Calm down,” Actaeon said. His voice was nasally due to the swelling and bleeding from his nose. He swayed on his knees as unconsciousness threatened to take him again. “Why do you say that, Kenshiro? What does that mean?”

  “You don't understand. I can't sense her, Actaeon. That has never happened. We have never been far enough apart for that to happen. I have to find her!”

  Kenshiro tried to stand. He fell over and screamed. He tried moving his broken leg and screamed again.

  “Stop! You can't do anything for her like this. You have to stay here while I go find her and Tanveer,” Actaeon said.

  “If I can't sense her what hope do you have of finding them?” Desperation made his voice high in pitch.

  Actaeon stood and looked around. He found what he was looking for. There were plenty of differences between Last God's and the game it was modeled after. Group dynamics were not one of them. He knelt back down.

  “Tanveer sent me a group invite before the wagons were dragged here. I can see her location. I can find them, Kenshiro. I will go and bring them back.”

  “Take me with you. I have to save my sister,” Kenshiro said.

  “That isn't a good idea. You will slow me down and if the shit hits the fan you are going to be in the way. I'm sorry, Kenshiro, but you have to stay here.”

  Kenshiro opened his mouth to respond. After a second of no words, he closed it and shook his head.

  “Why don’t you pick a spot to wait for me to return with them?” Actaeon asked.

  Both men looked around. Actaeon considered the cage he just came from but dismissed it. If a mob or group of mobs attacked then Kenshiro would be a meal in a basket for them.

  “Prop me up against the wagon,” Kenshiro said. “I would prefer to be in a position to see what is coming. Are the other wagons around? The supply wagon has our weapons. At your level going unarmed is pretty much suicide.”

  Actaeon stood. “Come again? Sui-a-what?”

  “Try to find the wagon. A weapon will help. Disregard my negative attitude. The pain is affecting me in a bad way. I'm counting on you to save my sister and Tanveer. While Tanveer is not as important to me as my sister she is still among the few I count as a friend. If I were capable of offering quests I guess this would be it. I can give you some training in magic if that would help?”

  “Really? I don't see how having magic would hurt. Lay it on me, Kenshiro,” Actaeon said.

  “Come, sit next to me. This may not work. Some people are not capable of learning any, while others can only learn one school or another. It is rare to be able to learn multiple schools of magic. I will teach you the Life School.” Actaeon moved to sit next to Kenshiro against the overturned wagon. “I'm sorry, my friend, I should have been more specific. Sit in front of me so that I may place my hands on your head.”

  Actaeon sat in front of Kenshiro and just to the side. Kenshiro’s broken leg sticking out prevented Actaeon from sitting directly in front of him. He leaned forward to get his head in close to his friend. He winced from a sharp pain in his back. He needed some healing.

  “This will not be pleasant, but bear with it,” Kenshiro said.

  Warm hands deftly touched the sides of Actaeon’s head. There was a slight tingle. A jolt shot through him. His back arched. Stabbing pain penetrated his skull and bounced around inside his brain.


  You have learned Life Magic!

  The pain intensified. Actaeon screamed.


  You learned Healing Hands.

  Lay your hands on your target and heal their aches and pains.

  Spell level: 1

  Next level: 0/10 points in life magic.

  Kenshiro dropped his hands. The pain subsided. Actaeon’s purple skinned friend was covered in Sweat and his breathing was labored. It seemed that teaching or transferring, skills took as much of a toll as being on the receiving end.

  “Are you okay?” Actaeon asked.

  “I will be fine. Fortunately, I get to lay here and rest up. My HP will increase as well as my mana.”

  “Will your health fully restore with a broken leg? And if it does will your leg heal?”

  “No. My health will top off at 75% until my leg is set and heals over time, or magic is used to heal it.”

  “Should I heal you?” Actaeon asked.

  “Yes actually, but my leg will not heal from Healing Hands. Another spell is required, one I do not know. But bringing my health up now would not hurt. Focus on the spell Healing Hands as you place your hands on me. It doesn't have to be any place in particular. I recommend you stay away from injured area or personal places. Touching a wound could cause some pain and discomfort.”

  “So Healing Hands will close wounds but not heal breaks?” Actaeon asked.

  “Correct. Healing hands will knit flesh back together but nothing else. That includes skin, muscle, ligaments and any other soft tissue I am not mentioning. Understand?” Kenshiro said. He winced as his leg twitched.

  “Yeah, I got it. Let me take care of that as much as I can,” Actaeon replied.

  He chose Kenshiro’s shoulder as the spot for his hands. He used both as he wasn't sure if one or both were needed. But the spell name seemed to indicate both were required. He pictures the words from the status window in his mind.

  Healing Hands

  He focused on activating the skill. A green glow surrounded his hands the light spread into Kenshiro’s shoulder and dissipated. His mana pool ran dry before the wound was completely healed.

  Actaeon’ head felt heavy. He fell back landing hard on his ass. He thought briefly of how the sharp rock he landed on must feel then passed out.

  “Actaeon!” A smack to his face brought him back around. He opened his eyes and looked up at a worried Kenshiro. “You used all your mana, didn't you?” Kenshiro asked.

  “Yeah, I guess I did. That wasn't fun either.”

  “Actaeon, there are consequences to our actions never forget this. Now go and return with my sister and Tanveer.”

  Actaeon nodded. He rose to unsteady feet. He was sure his mana would regenerate as he walked, or he hoped so. If not he might not be able to use his healing spell until he figured out how to recharge. He did a quick check of his three consumable bars.

  Health: 130/145

  Stamina: 210/210

  Mana: 5/115

  Passing out didn't affect his health or stamina. That was one thing to be grateful for. The headache left in the wake of depleting his mana not so much. He pulled up his character screen and saw that all was green except his head, which was now yellow.

  “Did you heal me?” Actaeon asked.

  “Yeah, it was only fair that I do the same for you. Besides, I can’t have a half dead guy going out to save my sister, now can I?”

  “I guess not. Thanks.”

  “Don't mention it.”

  Actaeon pushed past the pain in his head. With a look around he saw the small icon that represented Tanveer in the distance.

  “Hang tight, Kenshiro. I'll be back soon,” Actaeon said. “I hope.” He mumbled the last bit so Kenshiro would not be able to hear.

  “I heard that,” Kenshiro said. “Have faith in your victory, my friend.”

  “I will.”

  After a check of the area and finding no weapons or gear Actaeon set out into the forest. He started by following the trail left by the other wagon. The wagon carrying the women had been pulled across the ground leaving boards and debris. It was a much better marker than bread crumbs any day of the week.

  As his mana pool recharged his pace quickened. Moving was easier without a pounding headache that throbbed with each step. Once he was at 20% mana the throbbing stopped. At 50% the pain ebbed. He was up to 60% mana when he found the wagon, or what was left of it.

  The metal cage was a twisted and broken remnant of what it had been. It brought to mind a multi-fingered claw reaching out of the ground. The rest of the wagon was demolished and spread arou
nd the twisted bars. One of the wheels was intact and spun listlessly. The axle that held it aloft had been driven into the ground like a spike.

  What Actaeon didn't see we're two female slave warriors and a Ferralin wagon master. He searched through the wreckage for any clues as to where he should head next. Under an intact section of the wagon, he found a chest with its top missing. Claw marks scored one side.

  “Score!” He shouted as he pumped his fist in the air.

  In the chest, we're two sets of leather armor pants. There was a leather and metal armor piece that covered one arm and a portion of both the chest and back. Along with the armor was a short sword. Not his weapon of choice as he lacked the skill, but it was better than nothing. Actaeon took a set of pants, the arm piece, and the sword.

  Item received:

  Plain leather trousers

  Armor 2

  Durability 8/10

  Item received:

  Rusty Short sword

  Damage 2-4

  Durability 10/15

  Item received:


  Armor 2

  Durability 10/10

  “That’s what they call those things,” Actaeon spoke to himself. He held up the piece of armor that would protect one arm and not enough of anything else. “Well shit, I guess it’s better than what I have on. Manica, that's just weird.”

  After he was outfitted with the new gear he set off once more following Tanveer’s beacon. The wind would pick up in spurts and the air against his nipples made him feel uncomfortable. More than once he considered going back to the trunk for his tunic.

  “Did I really have to take it off? Maybe I could have worn the Manica over my tunic?” He looked down at his washboard abs and thick chest. “Then again, maybe showing off the hot bod is the right way to go about it.”

  A scream of pain forced aside all concerns of modesty. Actaeon slowed his pace through the woods. Tanveer’s icon grew bigger at a much faster rate. He took that to mean he was closer.

  He pushed through the brush until a cave came into view. The opening was three times his height and wide enough for two buses to pass through side by side. The cave sat in the side of a cliff that rose at least four hundred feet into the air.


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