The Quest_Last Gods Book 1

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The Quest_Last Gods Book 1 Page 13

by Linton Bowers

  “No and then,” Kenishera said. “That is my plan.”

  “That is not a plan,” Tanveer said.

  “I agree,” Kenshiro said. “That is the beginnings of a plan.”

  Actaeon was reminded of one of his favorite movies. He smiled thinking about it. “That’s twelve percent of a plan.” He chuckled.

  “What?” Tanveer asked.

  “Nothing. I think it's a good start. We need to figure out what happens next.” Actaeon said. “Oh! I got it. I talk them into letting us stay somewhere and you guys sneak in once we are settled. What do you think?”

  “That might work, but you need to stay in a place big enough to accommodate us all,” Kenshiro said.

  “Why the hell not!” Tanveer threw her arms up. “We will be close. Take the ones we rescued and walk into town by way of the road. We will remain out of sight.”

  “You got it, Boss,” Actaeon replied.

  The abused girl held onto Kenishera and refused to let go. When Actaeon approached her tears welled up in her eyes. “It is going to be okay,” Kenishera said in a soothing voice. “Actaeon is a good man. He will help you find your way back home.” She pushed the girl out to arm's length. “Do you trust me?” The girl nodded. “Then trust me now. Go with Actaeon and allow him to help you. Not all men are the monsters that kept you in that cavern.”

  The girl shook so hard that Kenishera’s arms trembled. In spite of her fear she nodded. Actaeon was impressed by her courage. To walk headlong into the source of crippling fear was a heroic trait he hoped he shared, or maybe hoped he never had too.

  Actaeon stepped closer. “I promise that no one will hurt you like they did, not again. Or it will be over my cold corpse,” Actaeon said. He heard Tanveer snort but didn’t rise to the taunt. “Can you speak? What do we call you?”

  She leaned forward burying her face in Kenishera’s chest. Actaeon heard some mumbled words that were too low to make out. “She says her name is Tabby,” Kenishera said. She leaned back and looked down at the girl. “That was not so hard now was it?”

  Tabby shook her head. After a moment of silence, she extricated herself from Kenishera’s bosom. Then she turned taking her time doing so. Every other step she looked back at Kenishera who gave her a warm smile each time. Her eyes met Actaeon for just a moment giving him his first look at her brown doe eyes. Her face tilted down and she nodded once. He took that as a sign that she was ready.

  “Tabby and I are going to get going,” Actaeon said. “I’ll see you guys tonight. Don’t get lost.” He turned and started down the road. After a couple steps, Actaeon looked back to make sure Tabby was behind him. She followed at a slower pace with her eyes glued to the road and her shoulders slumped. He wondered if she was like that before her abuse.

  “Here is the plan, Tabby,” Actaeon said. “You and I were out on a walk to get to know one another. Oh! Yeah, your parents were setting us up for an arranged marriage and it was our first meeting. Yeah, that’s the ticket. What do you think so far?”

  Actaeon glanced at Tabby. She had a look on her face that said she just ate a lemon quick as she could and it kinda hurt. “What’s that look for? I think this will work.” Tabby’s cheeks reddened and she looked away. Her loose auburn hair obscured her face.

  Actaeon let out a sigh before continuing. “Anyway! So while we were walking we were hit from behind. After that, we woke up in that cave far from home and no clue where we were. Naturally, I killed the dwarves and we got away. At least that part of it is true huh?” He chuckled. “Then we walked out and kept walking until we reached the town. What do you think of that? Besides brilliant I mean.”

  Tabby kept her face covered and didn’t respond. Actaeon thought he saw a slight shake of her head, but he couldn’t be sure if it was just the sway of her hair from walking. As they continued Actaeon filled in all the minor details of their courtship.

  The town was small. The main road was lined by five buildings on each side. There were smaller roads with what he guessed to be residential buildings. There couldn't have been more than seventeen homes flanking the ten businesses.

  The buildings had a wild west feel in that they were built with naked wooden planks. There was even a set of swinging quarters doors on a building that resembled those of a saloon entrance. The look of the place surprised Actaeon. He was expecting something that looked more Roman. He was glad for it as Actaeon didn’t want to see another Roman style building as long as he lived. The question now was where should they go?

  “Ahoy there!” A man exited the farthest building on the left. “Welcome strangers!” He waved as he walked off the porch and onto the road.

  “Hello,” Actaeon said. The distance between them quickly vanished. “I’m Actaeon.” He said once they were within a few feet of each other.

  “Well met, Mr. Actaeon. I am Gregory Davenfort, the mayor of this here town. What brings you to Valeshire…” His words trailed off as he saw Tabby. “Dear gods,” The Mayor whispered. “Tabby, is it truly you?”

  “You know her?” Actaeon asked.

  “Yes of course!” The mayor wrapped Tabby in a bear hug lifting her off her feet. Her body went still then she started to scream. The mayor quickly set her back down and moved away. “What is it, Tabby? It is me, your uncle Gregor. Oh, dear gods what have they done to you?”

  “They treated her very bad before I got there,” Actaeon said. He wondered why he hadn’t considered that Tabby would be from here. It made his plan seem stupid.

  “Well, I am grateful for you, Mr. Actaeon.”

  “Just Actaeon, please. And it was nothing. I was traveling through when I came across the cave.”

  The Mayor’s eyes widened to an impossible width. “Please come with me and bring Tabby. We must see her folks post haste.”o

  The Mayor turned and made a beeline for the building with the saloon doors. He rushed in and vanished in the dark threshold. Actaeon hesitated for a second his mind going back to the darkness of the cave. Tabby bumped into his back and Actaeon jumped. He rushed forward.

  The Mayor stood in front of the bar waving his arms about as he spoke to the older looking portly man behind the bar wearing a dirty apron over clean looking red long sleeve shirt.

  “There,” The Mayor shouted. “There they are as I said.”

  The bartender’s eyes landed on Tabby. He dropped the glass he was wiping with a cloth. The sound of shattered glass beat him around the edge of the bar. He moved faster than Actaeon would have thought possible for a man of his age and size.

  “My Tabby!” He wrapped her up in a hug. This time instead of stiffening and screaming tabby tried wrapping her arms around the man’s bulk. She wept as they held each other.

  “What is all the…”

  Actaeon turned his back to Tabby and the bartender. The newcomer was a large woman with salt and pepper hair, rosy cheeks and crow’s feet around her eyes.

  “What kind of black magic is this,” The woman whispered.

  “Nah,” The mayor responded. “It is Tabby. This man has returned her to us.” The woman didn’t move. She seemed to be stuck in place. “Come, dearest sister. It really is her,” The mayor said.

  The woman broke into a run and hugged the girl from behind. Now sandwiched between her parents Tabby’s weeping intensified. “My baby!” The newcomer wailed. “What did they do to you?”

  “I think we should go outside,” The Mayor whispered in Actaeon’s ear. “Let them have a moment.” He lead Actaeon by the elbow back through the swinging quarter doors.

  “My friend, while I am most grateful for what you have done I need to ask you something.” He looked side to side as if checking that they were alone. Which they were. His eyes met Actaeon’s again then he looked around once more.

  “What is it?” Actaeon asked. His patience was growing thin.

  “Are you a slave?”

  “Why would you…”

  “Half a caravan passed through here a day ago. They were without the usual sla
ves meant to fight in the other arena. Something about an ambush and barely escaping. They said the slaves were dead.” He looked Actaeon up and down.

  That was when Actaeon realized his mistake. He was still wearing the leather pants and Manica he used to fight the dwarfs. he mentally slapped his forehead. He should have changed. Why didn’t he think of changing into something that didn’t scream, ‘Roman slave here!’

  “I was one of the riders in one of those cages. But I am no one’s slave,” Actaeon growled.

  “The lack of a collar would suggest that. For bringing my niece home I will give you sanctuary here. No one but Valeshireans will know you still live. That is the least I can do for what you have done. I only ask you are straight with us from now on,” Mayor Davenfort said.

  “I can do that. And in doing so you need to know that I am not the only survivor. In fact, no one died, other than the dwarfs,” Actaeon said.

  “I see. Are the others free now as well?”

  “No, they are still collared. They will have to go back. Would it be too much to ask that you help them return?” The words tasted like bile as he spoke. He felt like the shit scum crawls on.

  “The remaining wagons will be back through here tomorrow. They continued on to inform the other gremlin master of what happened. Your friends can return with them.”

  “Can we give them a place to stay for the night and some food?”

  Mayor Davenfort smiled and placed a hand on Actaeon’s shoulder. “If it were up to me I would have you all freed and treated like my family.” His smile fell. “Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about the collar. All I can do is treat your friends with dignity and kindness for as long as they are in my care. I hope this is good enough?”

  “That is more than I hoped for. Thank you Mayor Davenfort,” Actaeon replied.

  “I was serious when I said I would treat you like family, that means calling me Gregor or Gregory. No more of this Mayor nonsense.”

  Actaeon smiled. “Thank you, Gregor. I have to go into the woods and find my friends.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Actaeon. We were close and witnessed all that happened.” Kenshiro walked out from between the closest buildings. He smiled at Actaeon and offered Gregor his hand in greeting. “Well met, Mr. Mayor.”

  Gregor and Kenshiro grabbed each other's forearms and shook. “Like I told your friend here, please call me Gregor. You are most welcome in Valeshire, friend.”

  Actaeon watched as Tanveer and Kenishera followed Kenshiro out of the shadows. Kenishera bowed and introduced herself. Tanveer stood next to Actaeon and crossed her arms. The woman struck an imposing figure. Which was probably why Gregor stepped back and nodded to her.

  “Let us go inside and get you all fed and situated for the night. Come inside and be welcome.”


  Actaeon lay in the small bed staring up at exposed wooden beams.

  He was given the option of sleeping in a large room with a king sized bed that looked comfortable as all get out. He opted to let Tanveer and Kenishera take that room. If they had to go back the least he could do was let them enjoy some luxury.

  Sleep refused to happen. When he laid down he was clean and had a full belly. He felt like he was going to crash while standing. Once his head hit the pillow that stopped. Thoughts of his only friends in that fucked up world having to go back to slavery kept him awake. There had to be something he could do.


  Kenshiro has invited you to join his mind link. Do you accept?

  Yes / No

  “Hi Kenshiro,” Actaeon said. The black space with the inviting fireplace and chairs materialized around him.

  “Hello to you too,” Kenishera said. “I do take offense to being called my brother though. I work hard to ensure I look womanly enough to not be confused with my male twin.”

  “Oh! Well hello, beautiful. I assumed I would see Kenshy first since he invited me over. Sorry about that.” Actaeon sat in the chair next to Kenishera.

  She chuckled. “I suppose I can let it pass this time.”

  Actaeon looked into her large eyes. His smile faded as he did so. Soon she would be gone and they would be too far away to spend time together in a mind share. Seeing her in person would be out of the question as he would be thrown back into slavery.

  “I could go back with you,” He said.

  “That would not work. You would be collared again. I can not have you giving away something as precious as your freedom for me, dear Actaeon. No, that is not acceptable.”

  “We could find a way to be free if I go,” He replied. Even as he said it he knew it was false. The collar would give no quarter, he knew that from his time wearing it.

  “We both know that will not happen. The control of the collar is absolute. No, we will remain slaves and you will live your life.” She placed her hand in his. “That is our lot in life. We have come to accept, as should you.”

  A tear rolled down his cheek. The thought of never seeing Kenishera again became a heavyweight in his gut. he understood why she would feel the need to accept, but he wouldn’t.

  “No,” Actaeon said. “I will not accept this.” He turned in his chair to look her in the eye. “Kenishera, I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to see you freed. If that isn’t good enough I will find the power to make it happen. I swear it!”


  You have made a pact. Fulfilling this pact will endear Kenishera to you. Failing to fulfill this pact will result in severe consequences up to and including death. Good luck!

  “Oh shit!” Actaeon said. He looked over to Kenishera. She stared back with a horrified expression.

  “What have you done? You have to take it back! I will not let you die for me, Actaeon. Do you hear me? Take it back now!”

  “No,” Actaeon said. "I don’t plan on failing so there is no reason to take it back. I will see you freed. Tanveer and Kenshiro too. Hell, probably even Al just for shits and giggles. I am not going to give this up, Kenishera. Not ever.”

  Kenishera shot up to her feet knocking over her chair. “How dare you!” She shouted. Actaeon rose to his feet. “I do not need you to make decisions for me, more so with decisions that will result in you placing yourself in harm's way for me.” She stepped right up to him and placed her index finger in his face. “You listen to me and you listen well. I will not have your death on my conscience. Life is hard enough without that. I will go on knowing you are living a full life to make up for the one I can not! Do you understand me?”


  Her eyes went wider than they had been. “This is no laughing matter and I am no damsel in distress that you must save. You are not my white knight!”

  Kenishera disappeared.

  “What?” Actaeon looked around for her, but she was gone.

  “While I am not one to give into emotion like my sister I have to agree with her.” Kenshiro stepped out of the darkness. “She is right in that you should not have taken this upon yourself.” He stopped a few feet away from Actaeon.

  “Now that the ugly part is behind us let us talk of freedom. Please sit.” Kenshiro sat in the seat his sister vacated. Actaeon took his seat and waited to Kenshiro to continue. “She is right when she spoke of not being able to break free of the collar. It is an evil device designed to be foolproof. That does not mean they can not be beaten. It simply means they can not be beaten by one who is wearing it. That is why I am speaking to you now. You are in a position where you could possibly free us from the collar.”

  Kenshiro waved his hand at the floor in front of them. A table appeared with two glasses on it. They were full of a green liquid and condensation ran down the outside of the glasses. Kenshiro took one and sipped from it. He let out a long sigh. Actaeon followed suit. The drink was not something he was familiar with but it was sweet and tasty.

  “So how exactly can I free you?” Actaeon asked.

  “That is the question. I do not know the exact
answer. I have seen a man freed once. Well, almost.”

  “Almost?” Actaeon raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

  “Yes. He was sent to Lurge’s office. When he returned he was no longer a slave.”

  “That doesn’t tell us much. Nothing really. Surmising that freedom came from Lurge’s own hand was a simple matter of deduction. One might even reason that he could give others the ability to grant freedom if he so chooses, but that still doesn’t help us. I need to know how it is done. I need to know how it is done, a way that doesn't involve having someone attempt to remove your head from your shoulders.,” Actaeon said.

  “I would say you were. I for one would not take that chance nor allow my sister too. Tanveer is her own person but I think even she would decline. No, I believe Lurge is our best bet for freedom. I do not know how to get him to grant it, but he is the key. Getting to him is where I may be of assistance.” Kenshiro crossed his legs and took another sip. “When you get back to The Lurge Arena find a woman selling fruit from a wheeled cart. She is known as Lourdes. She can get a message to me alerting me to your presence. That evening you must be at the small entrance at the south end of the building by sunset. I will get you the rest of the way.”

  “Okay,” Actaeon replied. Excitement ran through him. When he made the declaration to Kenishera he had no clue how he was going to pull it off. But now he felt like there was a real chance of success.

  “Get some sleep, friend. I will disconnect now and do the same.” Kenshiro leaned forward with his hands on the arms of the chair as if to stand but stopped. “Talk to Kenishera in the morning. She will be upset with herself if she leaves without saying goodbye. She is tough, but her heart is firmly lodged on her sleeve.”

  “I will,” Actaeon said as the world dimmed.

  QUEST UPDATE: Survive and Escape 2

  You have gained your freedom, yet your friends remains slaves. Help your friends gain their freedom.

  Kenshiro has shared the name of a contact to help your friends escape. Get back to Lurge’s Arena and find Lourdes.

  Quest Reward: 1,000 XP for each friend freed


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