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The Trials of Olympus

Page 4

by Brittni Chenelle

  I navigated around the deep potholes that littered the alleyway as I absently rubbed Celi’s back to comfort her, or maybe it was to make myself feel better. As we reached the end of the alley, I made a left to head toward Andy’s apartment. It was probably too much to ask, for my best friend and ex-boyfriend to take care of my sister, but I had no other choice. There was no one else I trusted.

  There were five gang bangers hanging out around the corner house we passed on our journey. One offered me a beer, another told me to ditch “the kids” and he’d show me what it felt like to be with a real man. Classy.

  I ignored them and kept walking, trying to get Celi as far away from them as possible. I was afraid the situation was going to take a turn for the worst when Jiro stepped up next to me, his palm flattening against the small of my back. I instinctively curved my body into his side. I was not the sort of girl who needed a man for protection, but my sister was worth the blow to my pride.

  Jiro positioned his body between mine and the men as they kept talking smack. He turned his head slowly to stare at the men and they blanched in unison. I didn’t see the look on his face, but whatever it was had scared the crap out of them. The one who appeared to be their leader, the “real man”, crossed his arms in an attempt to look hard. “Whatever. Keep your bitch. She ain’t even all that. Let’s go.” Just like that, they disappeared into the house and I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Want me to roast them?” Jiro asked.

  My lips curved into a devilish smile as I winked at him. “As amusing as that would be, I don’t want to smell like a bonfire.” As I looked up at him, I felt my smile die as quickly as it had appeared. I couldn’t be friendly with the literal Prince of Hell.

  I cleared my throat and whispered a “thank you” to Jiro as I stepped away from him. It was comforting to be tucked into his side, but he was the enemy. He wanted to either drag my soul to Hell or use me to win some tournament. I couldn’t allow myself to rely on him in any way. The fact that he’d dodged me when I questioned his motives made it glaringly obvious that I shouldn’t trust him.

  The reminder of my place in life had my spine straightening as much as it could as I squeezed my sister tighter to my chest, my jaw tensing in resolve. I was the only one I could depend on. I’d save Araceli at all costs. Winning my soul was just a means to an end. I’d do whatever it took to give her the life she deserved.



  Holy fuck, did she wink at me? My skin pricked with heat. Flustered, I scanned the road ahead for potential threats. Of course, there were none I couldn’t easily handle, but the distraction was helpful. Though it certainly didn’t seem like Yesenia needed any help.

  It was hard for me to imagine that some neighborhoods on Earth were worse than this one. I’d seen a fair few, and yet, as we walked through the dark streets, Yesenia guided her sister without a trace of fear. Fear was all I knew. It was the fuel that made the Underworld strong. I didn’t know why, but as we navigated through the decrepit streets, she leaned closer. I couldn’t help but feel like she was trying to comfort me. Me, the immortal god, protected by this tiny wisp of a girl.

  Whatever my fascination with her was, I needed to end it immediately. I was literally about to drag her to the Underworld—leading her to the slaughter. Whether Hades let her into the tournament or not, this was going to end the same way. Her blood on my hands. I knew, if given the choice, my mother would rather me prevent Hades from winning the tournament over returning her to her human form. Unlike me, it was the kind of sacrifice she would make without hesitation, but she might feel differently if she knew that an innocent girl would become collateral damage in that equation. Pursuing any kind of attraction I felt for Yesenia could damn the entire world. I knew better than to get involved.

  “Are you okay?” Yesenia asked, jogging me from my thoughts.

  I looked up to find her walking up the steps of a run-down apartment. “Is this the place?” I asked. She nodded.

  We walked past rows of old apartments, Araceli clutching tightly to her big sister. This was the best place she knew to bring her? Perhaps the Underworld was a safer bet.

  When we got to an apartment marked 37 A, Yesenia knocked. After a bit of shuffling, and the scrape of the metal locks opening one by one, the door swung open. A tanned and muscular man nearly my height opened the door. For a second, I studied Yesenia’s reaction to make sure we’d come to the right place. The man smiled. “Hey, babe!” He pulled Yesenia into a tight hug, not minding that her sister’s body was between them, as he pressed a kiss onto her cheek. The smile on her face was stunning, and I felt strangely angry that this man could make her so happy with just his presence. What the hell was wrong with me?

  I mentally shook myself as he noticed me for the first time. His jaw dropped as he turned to Yesenia. “Who’s the boy toy? Que guapo! You’ve been holding out on me, perra.”

  “Can we come in?” Yesenia asked with a soft chuckle.

  He nodded, letting her pass and waving me through. I attempted to squeeze through, but he stopped in the narrow doorway so I had to basically bump chests with him to enter. How cute. The human wanted to intimidate me. He thought I was attractive, that much was obvious by his dilated pupils and the way he stared, but his desire to make sure his friend was safe was stronger. Such a perplexing race.

  Despite the run-down appearance of the apartment from the outside, the inside was cozy and well lit. There were several bookshelves packed with tomes of every size and color, and the hand-painted furnishings made good use of the space. Everything seemed a little worn out, but cared for and artfully restored. There was a stack of dumbbells in the corner, a poster of a band I’d never heard of, and a few other less aesthetically pleasing items stashed around the place that didn’t match the artistic vibe of the rest, which suggested that Yesenia’s friend had another roommate.

  As soon as she was set down, Araceli walked over to the couch and laid down as if this were a regular routine.

  Yesenia turned to me. “This is Andres. He’s my best friend.”

  Andres held his hand out to me and I shook it.

  “Oye wey,” he said, “you have a strong grip. You don’t have to squeeze my hand off.” He shook his hand dramatically and looked at Yesenia. “Well, he probably has a firm grip on that ass at least.” He swatted her butt and laughed heartily.

  I sighed. What have I gotten myself into?

  Yesenia turned to Andres. “This is Jiro. He’s not my boy toy and he’s definitely not tapping this ass, bitch. Chill. He’s the Prince of the Underworld.”

  “The Prince of the Underworld?” He scoffed, his voice full of disbelief.

  I didn’t give her time to respond. Seeing was believing, after all. A fireball flared to life in my palm as the heat of my infernal power sent flames to my pupils.

  Andres gaped in shock as he spluttered incoherently. Yesenia raked her fingers through her thick curls in obvious agitation before she pushed on. “Like I said, he’s Hades’ son. Anyway, I was wondering if you could watch Celi for a bit while I ask Hades to let me compete for my soul which my gem of a mother sold.”

  “Wait...” Andres recovered from his stupor fairly quickly. He took a seat beside Araceli on the couch, crossing his legs. “So, you’re telling me that this guy is some kind of god? And you’re not sleeping with him? Well damn. Can I?” He smiled, dimples cutting into his cheeks as he wagged his eyebrows suggestively. Despite his flirtatious words, his gaze sized me up. It was evident in his hard stare that he was concerned for his friend and her involvement with me.

  Yesenia clapped her hands in front of his eyes. “Focus, Andres.”

  “Yes, I’ll watch her. Go win your soul back or whateva’,” he said, his gaze still glued to me. “But don’t do anything I would do.”

  “I don’t have enough courage to try any of the shit you’d do, Andy. I’ll be fine.” Yesenia sent him a wink, much like the one she had sent me. Not that I cared.

This was unbelievable. I scoffed. “Are you kidding? That’s it? You’re going to believe her just like that?”

  Andres stood. “Honey, didn’t you hear? She said I was her best friend.” He crossed his arms. “Around here that means something.”

  I took a sharp breath through my nose. “I need some air.” I turned and headed for the door with no doubt in my mind that, for an eternity, I was going to regret the day I tried reaping the soul of Yesenia Rodriguez.



  “Well, he’s high strung,” Andres murmured as the door slammed behind Jiro.

  I rolled my eyes and backhanded his chest. “Maybe because he lives in the Underworld? Whatever. I don’t have time for this. I have to go. Keep Araceli safe.”

  I turned on my heel and headed for the door, but Andres’s strong hand stopped me before I got very far. “As if. Kitchen table. Sit, bitch. BFT now.” I groaned and threw my head back, tilting my face up. I had to go, but Andy invoked BFT, and that was sacred. Best Friend Time was something we only invoked during serious situations. No matter what we were doing, everything was dropped when BFT was called—dates, sex, work, doctors’ appointments—no matter what. Andy using it now showed me how scared he was for me, even if he did put on a damn good brave face.

  I made my way to the kitchen table and sat, better to cooperate and get this over with. Andy sat across from me and held my hands in his. “Yessi, baby, are you sure this is a good idea?”

  I squeezed his hand and sighed. “No. It’s a terrible idea, but it’s also my only hope. Jiro... I know I can’t trust him, but I don’t need to. What I need is a chance to win my soul back. I’m not naive enough to think he’s allowing this to help me but, for now at least, it seems like we have the same goal.”

  Knowing I wouldn’t be able to leave without giving him details, I gave a quick summary of why my mother sold my soul and how Jiro had shown up the exact moment I turned nineteen. Andres nodded as I spoke, the gravity of the situation showing on his normally exuberant face. He stood and walked around the table, pulling me into a fierce hug. “Stay safe, hermana. I’ll keep Celi safe and take her to and from school. I’ll even do homework with her. Just kick ass and come back to us in one piece.”

  I looked up into his handsome face and smiled. The boy was my brother by heart, even if he wasn’t my brother by blood. I popped up on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll do my best. I’ll try to touch base or swing by if I can. Te amo gordito.”

  The childhood nickname had him laughing and he released me. “I hate you. Nevermind. Don’t come back.”

  A grin lit up my face. “Gladly. Coming back means I’d have to see your face again. Thanks pero, no thanks.” He rolled his eyes at my Spanglish and shoved me towards the door gently. “Go. Don’t keep the hottie waiting.” I rolled my eyes and walked towards the exit, only glancing back once to take in Araceli’s sleeping form. I couldn’t say goodbye to her. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to walk out the door.

  There was no room for sentimentality. I had to buck up. Straightening my spine and clenching my jaw, I took a deep breath and opened the door. As I stepped out and shut it behind me, my eyes met Jiro’s. As an objective bystander, I could say he looked hot as shit perched up against the wall. Stupid god DNA.

  He leaned against the peeling paint with his arms folded across his chest. He looked at ease as his midnight black hair fell in his eyes though his brooding scowl ruined the carefree vibe of his slouched posture. My gaze lingered a little longer than was polite, but damn it was a pretty picture. I stopped assessing him as he looked at me curiously, but he didn’t say anything—he just leaned there looking magnificent and making me a little flustered. Asshole.

  My phone buzzed incessantly in my back pocket as I tore my gaze away from Jiro’s form. Frustrated at myself for appreciating his looks so much, my voice came out as a snap as I answered the call. “What?”

  “Where are you?” my mother’s voice echoed through the receiver almost immediately.

  “On my way to Hades. No wonder you called me a child of Hell. You’d know since you’re the one who signed my fucking soul away!” My words came out as sharp hisses. I was beyond livid, but I didn’t want Araceli to overhear. The walls of the rundown complex were paper thin.

  “Yessi, I’m so sorry. I had to. I needed to keep a piece of him alive,” she whispered. It was a rare occurrence, speaking to my mother while she was semi-coherent, and I almost would have preferred it if she were high because her words were a dagger to my heart.

  My father had run out on my mom before I was born, but she’d found love again with Celi’s dad. Luis was an incredibly kind man. He adopted me at four but had been my dad long before that. My mom was only five months pregnant with my sister when we received the news. Luis, a soldier, had been killed in Afghanistan. Her need to keep him alive, even if it was through Araceli, made tears prick at my eyes. I fought them back as I murmured my goodbyes. A part of me wanted to rage at her, to scream and demand to know how she could sacrifice me so easily, but she didn’t deserve to get the guilt off her chest. I wanted the shame of her actions to fester with her rotten soul. But, still, as much as I hated my mother, I couldn’t fault her for her choice. I would sell my soul again in a heartbeat to save Celi, to save a piece of the only father I ever knew.

  Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I took a deep breath and turned back to Jiro. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go to Hell.”



  I took pity on Yesenia and ignored the phone call I’d overheard as I grabbed her by the wrist. “Come with me.”

  Following the way we came, I led her back to the street and ducked into a poorly lit alleyway. I scanned the area for witnesses but didn’t see anyone nearby. Releasing my grip, I turned to face her. “Okay, plant your feet like this,” I said as I widened my stance and crouched lower.

  She obeyed and I felt more than a twinge of satisfaction. For the first time since I’d met her, she looked nervous.

  “So, how does this work?” she asked.

  “You have to kiss me.”

  “What? No.”

  I shrugged. “Worth a shot.”

  A smile stretched across her face as she wound up and punched my shoulder.

  Laughing, I turned away and faced the open alley. I lifted my hand, igniting two fingers. In mid-air, I drew the outline of the gate, the fire catching along the edge of my design. When I finished, the flames spread across the open plane, forming a wall.

  The smile drained from Yesenia’s face. “Stop messing with me.”

  I crossed my arms. “Oh, you thought passing through to the Underworld would be easy?”

  She leaned closer to the pulsing flames, the heat already splashing pink onto her cheeks. “Is it going to hurt?”

  “Yes, but only for a few seconds.”

  She nodded, her gaze fixed on the gate. “And all I have to do is run through?”

  “If you run through panicked and scared, you’ll probably catch fire and die.”

  Her eyes widened and she turned to me. “Fine then. How do I do it?”

  I walked over, stepping between her and the gate. “Close your eyes.”

  She wrinkled her nose with distrust.

  “Just do it. Relax, I’m not going to kiss you. Sheesh. That was just a joke.”

  She exhaled her surrender and obeyed. Her gaze softened. Oh shit, maybe I was going to kiss her.

  I shook the thought from my head and said, “Picture yourself on the other side. You’re unharmed. You feel strong.” I stepped closer, taking her fingers in mine. “In your mind, you already walked through fire. How does it make you feel? Don’t think of anything else, just a sense of accomplishment. Let it fill you.”

  I moved back, easing her forward with our locked fingers. “You’re too strong for fear. Too brave.” My shoulder slipped into the flames. “You have never been defeated. You have never failed yourself.”

  I moved
back again, but I didn’t need to pull Yesenia forward anymore. Eyes closed she walked toward me with assured steps, our joined hands were already through the portal.

  My heart raced. “Picture returning to Araceli as a champion. The smile on her face.”

  Yesenia’s head and shoulders came through the fire. I saw a slight uptick of the corners of her mouth as she thought of her sister. “Feel your strength. Own your power.” I stopped and dropped her hand, but she moved closer until I could feel her breath on my lips.

  Her chest heaved with exhilaration as the gate extinguished behind her.

  Sensing the heat from it was gone, she opened her eyes and her gaze bore into me. She scrunched her brow, as if confused. “That was…” she whispered breathlessly.

  What? How was it? My gaze dropped to her lips in anticipation of what she might say.

  Her face brightened as she stepped back. “That was fucking awesome. Did you see me? I just walked through that fire like it was nothing.” She paced, pumping herself up.

  I watched in amusement, finding myself charmed by her ability to surprise me. I was so caught up in watching her that I didn’t notice that we were no longer alone.



  There was something legitimately wrong with me. Why was it that walking through a wall of fire made me want to literally jump Jiro? I blamed Andy. He put the idea in my head and now I couldn’t get it out. Pinche perra.

  The fire had scorched my skin, the pain almost instantaneous, but hearing Jiro’s calm, baritone voice made me focus. I felt his breath brushing against my cheek as he murmured encouragement and it had made my heart stutter. It also did things to my lady bits, but I did my best to shove those thoughts far down.


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