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Julia Mills - Her Dragon's Heart (Dragon Guard Series Book 8)

Page 9

by Unknown

  “What he’s really saying is…We couldn’t be happier for you. When is the ceremony and what can we do to help?” Kyra added and the room erupted in laughter as the rest of the Guardsmen presently staying at Rory’s house came straggling into the room.

  Melanie looked at Jace, then at Kyra, then back to Jace with sheer panic in her eyes. “I have no idea how to plan a mating ceremony.”

  “Don’t worry, mo chroi’. In dragon culture it’s the man that does all the planning. I even get to pick out your gown.”

  “No way? That’s great! I’m a total disaster when it comes to things like this.”

  “Not to worry. I got it covered.”

  “Hey, young’un, we doing this here or flying home for the festivities?” Royce asked, a little less grumpy than when he came in.

  Looking back to Melanie, he answered. “Whatever Melanie wants, I’m good with, but I will admit to wanting her to be mine as quickly as possible.”

  “No pressure.” Melanie joked. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me, Jace.”

  “Then here it is! Day after tomorrow we’ll be officially mated.”

  “All right, young man, get your butt out of that bed and get to work. I’ll sit with Melanie and answer any questions she might have since Siobhan is an ocean away.” Kyra lightly clapped her hands together and made a shooing motion with her hands toward the other Guardsmen in the room. “Let’s get the coffee going and breakfast started while these two get ready for a busy day.”

  Stepping over the threshold, the little witch called over her shoulder, “No dallying you two, we’ve got lots to accomplish and two days to get it done.”

  Both Melanie and Jace laughed out loud as the door clicked shut and the sounds of Kyra issuing orders continued. In less than an hour they had both showered – separately, much to Jace’s chagrin – were dressed in fresh clothes, and appeared at the dining room table just in time to have breakfast.

  Walking out the door with Liam and Rory in tow, Jace looked over his shoulder one more time, taking in the person he loved more than anything in the world. Their eyes met, the electricity of their connection settled deep in his heart, and he sighed as her voice floated through his mind. “I love you, Jace MacQuaid.”


  The last two days had been crazy. Melanie learned so many things she never could’ve imagined about dragons, their origins and their customs. She wondered if she would ever remember it all. If that wasn’t enough, tons of people had started to arrive, some she knew and some she didn’t. She tried like hell to remember all their names but knew for sure she was going to screw up somewhere along the line.

  Melanie nearly had a stroke when Jace dropped the bomb that his mother and two brothers were coming from the clan of his birth.

  “What? Who’s coming?” She spun around to face him.

  “My mom and my brothers.” He stated so matter of factly, she expected his sentence to end with ‘duh’.

  “Oh. Okay.”

  Walking across the room, Jace wound his fingers through hers and asked, “What’s the matter, m’fhíorghrá?”

  She smiled at the beautiful endearment, knowing full well he was her one true love as well. “Nothing. It’s just for some reason I thought your family had passed like mine. It’s just a shock, that’s all.”

  “Okay, let’s get one thing straight. That bullshit may work with everyone else but not with me. I want us to be honest about everything and that means you tell me when something is bothering you. It’s my job to take care of it from there. Got it?” He kissed the tip of her nose, which eased the sting of his words, but Melanie had to make sure he understood who she was.

  “While I appreciate your need to ‘take care’ of me and Kyra even prepared me for it, you need to realize that I’ve been on my own for a long time. It’s gonna take a while for me to not just take care of things on my own. But you are right, we do need to be honest with one another and I did hold back.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. Hell, it’s one of the million things I love about you. Now, out with it.”

  “I’m just afraid they won’t like me.” She spoke as fast as she could and mumbled, hoping Jace wouldn’t hear but with his dragon hearing, he heard every word.

  Lifting her into the air, he carried her to the chair by the window, sat down and placed her on his lap, facing sideways. He tenderly laid the tips of his fingers on her cheek, turning her head until they were facing one another. His smile was open and honest, making it hard for her to swallow past the lump in her throat. When he spoke, she could feel the love in his words.

  “They are going to absolutely adore you. Mom, you can call her Jillian, loves to hug and will make all over you. Jonah, my older brother, will flirt with you until I want to rip his heart out, just to mess with me. Lastly, Jalen, who’s five years younger than I am, will tell you every embarrassing story he can think of about our childhood. That’s my family in a nutshell and you have nothing to worry about.”

  “But what about my family? What are they gonna think about the blood of a crazy, black magic Grand Draoi running through my veins?”

  “My mom always said you can pick flowers and you can pick your seat, but you can’t pick your relatives, so I’m sure they’ll be just fine with it.”

  Melanie laughed out loud as her remaining anxiety melted away. Hugging Jace as tight as she could, she whispered, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, mo chroi’.” He lifted her off his lap and made sure she was steady on her feet before standing alongside her. A quick kiss and he was turning towards the door. “Now, I have tons of last minute things to get done. Not to mention the ladies were giving me grief for bothering you before the ceremony.” With his hand on the knob, Jace turned and winked, then opened the door and said, “I love you more than the stars in the sky,” before disappearing.

  Wanting to make sure he knew she felt the same, she sent a message of her own through their mating bond. “I loved you yesterday. I love you today. I’ll love you tomorrow. Oh hell, I’ll love you forever.” The warmth that filled her heart and soul let her know he’d heard and was just as happy as she was.

  Kyra, Sam, Kyndel, Charlie, Anya, and Emma all came rushing into her room as soon as Jace had walked out the front door. Melanie was tickled that most of the mates from Jace’s clan had come along with Rayne, Aaron, Rian, and Carrick to attend the reception after the mating ceremony, especially since only she, Jace, the Guardsmen of the Force, and the Elders could be at the ceremony. Melanie had asked several times if Jace was sure he didn’t want to go home to get officially mated, but his response was always the same. “No way! I’m not letting you get away.”

  The doorbell rang while the ladies were doing her hair and helping her with her makeup. Kyra excused herself and returned just a few minutes later with a huge bouquet of spring flowers, a big white box with a bronze satin bow, and Hannah. Trying not to cry and mess up her newly applied makeup, Melanie motioned for her childhood friend to come closer. “You have to come here, crazy woman. They’re trying to make me presentable.”

  With tears running down her cheeks, Hannah came right over, hugged her tight around the neck. “You are always presentable, goofball.” Everyone in the room chuckled, then Hannah added, “I am so happy for you, Meli Rose.”

  “And I’m so happy you’re safe and here with us.” Melanie smiled.

  Next came the flowers, Kyra placed them on a small table in front of the window closest to Melanie and handed her the card. On your special day, we wish you all the love and happiness in the world. Sorry we couldn’t be there with you and Jace. See you when you get home. All our love, Aidan, Grace, Ashton, Angus, and Sydney. She completely understood that Grace and the twins were nowhere ready to travel and that Sydney had stayed to help with the new babies, but she was blown away by the couples’ thoughtfulness.

  Lastly, Kyra sat the white box on the bed. It was perfect timing as the others had just finished with her makeover
. Rising, Melanie made her way to the bed, carefully untied the ribbon, laid the lid on the bed, and stood speechless as the strapless bodice of the gorgeous white gossamer gown shimmered and sparkled in the afternoon sun shining through the open window.

  Picking it up, she awed at the expertly embroidered tiny bronze flames and diamond-like crystals that covered the entire top of the dress. Larger crystals cascaded from the cinched waistline to the bottom of the floor-length skirt. Turning towards the antique mirror that stood in the corner of the room, she held the dress in front of her, marveling at her own reflection.

  “On my Heavens that is amazing.” Sam breathed.

  “Yes. It is stunning. Now, let’s get you into it before your escorts get here.” Kyndel winked.

  In less than a minute, hands were coming at her from every direction. Jace’s T-shirt that she’d used as a bathrobe was gently lifted over her head. “Arms up.” Charlie instructed while she and Anya brought her mating gown over her head, careful not to disturb her hair or makeup.

  Kyra peeked over her shoulder and began lacing up her bodice. “Tight enough? Can you still breathe?” The little witch teased.

  Melanie nodded. As soon as Kyra had her all tied into her gown, Anya secured the wide bronze ribbon that went with the dress around her waist. Standing at her side, Devon’s mate smiled sweetly. “You’re just a vision, Mel.”

  “Give a spin, pretty lady.” Emma chuckled from behind her.

  Whirling like a princess at the ball, Melanie made two complete revolutions before stopping and facing the women that became more like sisters than friends to her in the last two days. Her heart filled with feeling of belonging and love completely foreign to her. Hannah walked towards her and placed the bronze satin slippers that accompanied her dress on the floor at her feet. Stepping into the shoes, she took a half turn and looked at the finished product now that she was made over from head to toe.

  Looking good, kiddo. These ladies can work a serious makeover. They should start a salon.

  “All right, Sadie, Sadie, soon to be married lady. I have it on good authority your escorts have just arrived.” Kyra tapped her temple and Anya nodded in agreement.

  Melanie followed as the ladies filed into the hallway and had just stepped into the living room when the doorbell sounded. Anya opened the door and there stood Devon and Royce dressed in surcoats reminiscent of Arthurian times, made from luxurious, bronze wool, trimmed in black braid with silver thread glittering throughout. She knew they matched the scales of Jace’s dragon almost exactly from her brief introduction to the beast. On the front, there was an intricately embroidered picture depicting a dragon in flight. They each also wore a black, long-sleeved undershirt and pants, as well as knee high, polished black boots that shined in the afternoon sun.

  The Guardsmen bowed, returned to standing, and announced in unison, “Your steed awaits, milady.” Both men winked and all the women chuckled as Royce and Devon gently took her hands, placed them on their bent elbows, and led her to the black stallion with bronze and white ribbons braided into its mane.

  Devon lifted her into the saddle and made sure she was steady enough to ride side saddle while Royce stroked the horse’s nose and held him still. As soon as they were sure she was ready, the Guardsmen mounted their horses and started off towards the path that led to the beach. Royce at the front, Melanie in the middle with Devon bringing up the rear, they made short work of their trip to the shore.

  When the sea wall came into view, Melanie also noticed a young Guardsman in training, Seth, whom she’d met at the lair. He stood at attention, dressed identically to Devon and Royce, holding an enormous bouquet of bronze roses. As soon as her feet touched the ground, the young man approached. Bowing low, he handed her the flowers, stood, and returned to his post at the top of the stone stairs that led to the beach.

  She took the cream colored card elegantly embellished with her name, opened the envelope, and smiled at the message on the card. Today I marry the best woman I’ve ever known. I love you more than the stars in the sky. Looking forward to forever with you. Love, J.

  Once again Devon and Royce offered her their bent elbows, but this time led her down the narrow stone steps to the beach. She removed her shoes as Kyra had instructed, thanked both older Guardsmen, and headed to the white wooden chair Royce had said was hers with Seth following close behind.

  Making her way to her seat, she took in the elaborate preparations her mate had made to make their mating ceremony absolutely perfect. About ten yards from where she was to be seated stood a massive archway covered in bronze roses like the ones she carried, along with hundreds upon hundreds of bronze, silver, and white ribbons woven through the lattice work blowing in the sea breeze.

  To the left was a large raised dais on which sat five ornate chairs resembling thrones. The platform, too, was decorated with bronze roses spilling from large ceramic urns wrapped in enormous white bows. There was also a large circle drawn in the sand with tiny white tea roses right in front of the platform.

  Taking her seat, Melanie prepared to wait but was pleasantly surprised when less than two minutes later the four elders she’d met from Jace’s clan and Rian, the Head Elder of the Blue Dragons and Royce’s older brother, walked onto the platform, taking their places in the makeshift thrones.

  Melanie then watched as the six men she knew were Guardsmen of the Force from Jace’s clan appeared. They were all in the same dress uniforms as her escorts but with surcoats depicting what Jace had told her were the colors of their dragons. Rayne stood at the head of the line in flaming red. Royce was next, and had changed into his beautiful royal blue surcoat with green accents truly befitting the gentle giant that gave her mate as much trouble as he could. Next was Aaron, Charlie’s mate, and one of the men she’d yet to get to know. He was dressed in silvery gray as was the man that stood next to him. She recognized him from the pictures in Jace’s mind. This was the man that had been a traitor to his kin but now worked daily to redeem himself. Andrew was also Emma’s mate and if anyone could turn someone around, it was the gentle jewelry artisan Melanie was proud to call friend.

  The next in line was Lance, whose dress uniform was gold and black, he grinned and winked, letting her know the jokester had come prepared. Last in line was Devon, who had changed into his opalescent white surcoat.

  From what Jace and Kyra had explained, she thought that was the end of the guest list for her mating ceremony, but the crunch of boots alerted her that there were more attendees on the way. From behind the dunes came Rory, Kellan, Declan, Lennox, Pearce, Brannoc, and Liam all dressed in their finery, as well. As she looked at the men her Jace held in high esteem, each man winked their approval and she grinned in response.

  My family just keeps growing. Ain’t love grand?

  Looking around for the man she wanted to spend forever with, Melanie almost panicked until a glimpse of bronze fabric and the shine of black patented leather boots caught her eye. Turning in her seat, she could do little more than stare. Her pulse raced as she took in the man of her dreams. His short blond hair was blowing in the breeze and his brilliant blue eyes danced with mischief and so much love, she was humbled at the amazing mate the Universe had given to her.

  Carrick’s voice carried across the beach. “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that dragon kin was no longer safe from those that would expose and destroy them. They sought to join with the knights that had fought so valiantly by their sides. Thus, through magic and the will of both dragon and knight, the Golden Fire Clan of the Dragon Shifters became a reality. It was through the joining of many different clans that we have become the strong and powerful Force we are today.

  “We are here, in the place of importance to the couple, long blessed by our ancestors that have gone before us, to honor what the Universe put into place all those many years ago. To acknowledge and bless the mating of Jace Aaron MacQuaid to the one the Universe made for him, Melanie R
ose Whelan. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward.”

  All the Guardsmen from Jace’s clan including Liam and Andrew stepped forward, then knelt in front of the Elders, and bowed their heads. Rayne stood, addressing the Elders, “We, the five of the MacLendon Force and those that will one day join our ranks, wish to witness and offer our blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish when their souls have gone to the Heavens.” He returned to his brethren, knelt, and again bowed his head.

  Carrick began again, “Your witness and blessing have been acknowledged and accepted, MacLendon Force. Aherne Force, what say you?”

  The six men of the Blue Thunder, all dressed in surcoats of varying shades of azure, stepped forward, knelt in front of the Elders, and bowed their heads. It was Rory that stood and addressed the Elders. “We, the six of the Aherne Force wish to offer our blessing to our brethren and his mate. May the Universe bless you. May you see your children’s children. And may you know nothing but happiness from this moment forward.” Rory returned to his brethren, knelt, and bowed his head.

  “Your blessing is most welcome, Aherne Force,” Carrick acknowledged. All the Guardsmen stood in unison and returned to their places next to the platform.

  “Jace MacQuiad, you may go to your mate and escort her to the center of the Blessed Circle.” No sooner had the words been spoken than Jace was standing in front of Melanie.

  He took her roses in one hand and pulled her to standing with the other. Reaching around, he placed the roses on the chair she’d just vacated, kissed her cheek, and then led her to the center of the circle drawn with tiny white roses.

  “The bronze dragons were forged from the hard core of the Earth. They are powerful, solid dragons that possess especially hard scales and because of this, are often referred to as the ‘Warrior Dragons’. Carrick spoke with authority.


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