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by Justin Conley

  Fear came into Gintina the moment she gripped the vial. She knew that from here on in, she would be coming between Livia Santos’ continuous rule and Luciana’s rise from concubine to Santos queen. She got up slowly and left their small apartment within the palace area, already dreading her new future...


  Hours and hours went by. Luciana was alone in her home, with her thoughts to her son and her new role. Circling around her home, she had everything riding on one small potion.

  If it worked, the rest would be easy, she thought. Livia was the link. Without that link, Nero would be vulnerable to anything.

  She went into a closet and took out a dress; a slinky, blue leather dress, ripe for the occasion. She waited for the moment to wear it. Just when she was about to try it on, the door sounded. It was slow, but the footsteps were cleared as well.

  Then came Gintina, breathing hard.

  “Is it done?” Luciana asked.

  Gintina took a seat on Luciana’s bed. “I did what you said. I had to say it was crazy out there.”

  “No one saw you?”

  “I got out of there just as soon as I gave it to her.”


  “What now?” said Gintina.

  “For now, we wait. Wait for the sirens to roar and watch the bitch go to her grave.”

  “And then?”

  “Then, you wait.”

  There was no more. Luciana left the room with a sly look on her face as she lied on her bed with the leather dress she had taken out. Gintina just put her head down, knowing that Luciana's smile meant bad news...


  Hours later, Livia Santos began coughing uncontrollably and collapsed in one of the dining halls of the Palace as she was entertaining some of her guests. Cursers sent messages to Nero to inform him of her condition immediately as doctors tried their best to stabilize her condition.

  For three days at her bedroom, Livia coughed up black bile and sweated blood profusely from her pores. Those who were allowed to attend to her watched her go from an immaculate bronze goddess clothed in beauty to a frail woman who skin was a light pale black.

  With the heart of a Santos, Livia fought and held on as long as she could but in the end, it was not enough. The toxin that coursed through her veins had liquefied a majority of her organs.

  A week after collapsing, Queen Livia Santos was pronounced dead.


  Nero returned from Solaria when he heard the news and made the arrangements for the funeral. His wife of almost twenty years was dead. His doctors labeled it as a “peaceful long sleep.”

  Nero did not think one bit that it had something to do with her health. Going back to the nightmares in his mind, he suspected someone wanted him dead, but they got to Livia first. He put the entire palace on high alert, but most of his trusted soldiers were in Metropolis fighting.

  So he had to let loose his most dangerous soldiers still around: the Democrat Guard. Their powers were equal to Santos’ rule and if they see fit, they could prosecute anyone. The streets of Crystal Metropolis were not safe for anyone as long as the Democrat Guard represented the Santos clan's interests.

  For days, there were interrogations on susceptible people who could be the culprit, but no one was found. He called Sage Fortinbras one day and invited her to Crystal Metropolis to help out and talk about his future plans.

  When Sage arrived, she could tell that Crystal Metropolis was in upheaval. It reminded her too much of Nero’s feud with Pisanio's killers. Seeing the palace from a distance, even though it was so close to her, she headed for the place. The Democrat Guard gave her safe passage, and Sage met with Nero with a hug. They went to the throne room and Nero took his place there.

  “I want to discuss with you about a new role in the ATM,” Nero said. "We need to make some moves. My wife’s death is going to crumble everything we built. That means anyone could be coming after me. I need you there. And when my son comes back from Solaria, he’s going to be helping you. The two of you need to work together to purify this planet again.”

  “I want to be sent to Syra,” responded Sage quickly.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  Sage tried to calm himself down. She responded, “I have real estate there. I’ve already established myself there. I always wanted to go there since the war ended. Now I have that chance.”

  Nero clinched his fist, but gripped the arm of the throne chair instead. He knew what it was really about, but relented.

  "Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure," Sage answered. "I ask that you accept this request, but know that I’ll still be loyal to the family and to you, your majesty.”

  Nero had no choice. He had to let her go. Nero told her that she had his permission to go to Syra and lived out the rest of her days. With that, his most loyal general and friend, the one reason he was king of the universe, turned and left the throne room of the Santos Palace, possibly for the last time...


  The Crystal Metropolis Army and Marines came back from Solaria. No parade was arranged for them. They just returned to their homes, waiting for further orders from their king, not coming close to settling things in Solaria. Things were calm at the planet, but they were sure they would have to go back soon.

  After making arrangements and a final act of remembrance, Livia Santos' body was sent to the far reaches of space, and her body was dissolved with her ashes absorbed among the stars.

  Nero was crushed and heartbroken but he could not let it bother him. He had to be strong for the ATM. The way Livia died still made Nero hesitant to make some sort of action. He was still able to keep his head clear to make administrative decisions for his court.

  The atmosphere was different. Loneliness had crept in and he needed some kind of companionship.

  This was the chance someone was looking for.

  Seeing Nero on his throne chair signing documents from a corner, Luciana whispered in Gintina's ear, "Give me an audience with the King."

  Gintina obeyed. The rest was up to Luciana.

  Luciana knew there was no way she could overpower a king in his prominence, being that she was a mere concubine. However, as a sensual female, she could control a man by appealing to his basic desires and needs.

  That night, Luciana went into the throne room, when he was alone in his throne chair, not moving from that spot the entire time. As a predator lurking for its prey, once she entered, Luciana could tell that Nero was not himself. It had been months since Nero had been with a woman. The combination of grief mingled with hatred and rage had driven Nero to the brink of insanity.

  “King Nero,” she said. “Are you okay?”

  Nero awakened from his drowsiness and saw the sudden beauty of Luciana Boardwalk. The lights that reflected off the blur in his eyes made it seem as if there was a halo over her head. When Nero’s eyes cleared, Luciana stood in front of him exposing enough of her bosom from her dress to tempt and entice him. The dress was so slick upon her curvaceous figure that it took a second before Nero was able to compose his thoughts.

  “What are you doing here, Luciana?” he asked. “And what’s that you have on?”

  Luciana strutted gracefully towards the steps of his throne, seducing Nero with each step she made.

  “I came here to talk to you. If my King’s okay with this.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’re hurt. Because of your wife.”

  “I can’t cry for her,” he said. “I can’t cry for my wife. I know that the minute I do, that’s the end for me. They'll take it as a sign of weakness and everyone will come after me. So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to handle this?”

  Luciana came closer until she stood right beside him. “I came to comfort you. With whatever you are feeling. I don’t want you to feel that way anymore.”

  “I’m sorry, Luciana.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For the way I treated you. For the way I’ve
been treating you. I wish things were different. I wish that I cared about you more."

  She knew it was the wine, but she milked it for all it was worth. “So do I!”

  “Your son’s... Our son's a good man. A brave man. I only wished I was more in his life.”

  “We can start now with this.”

  Then, Luciana leaned forward and kissed Nero on the lips. The kiss went deeper until they both were lost and making love on the throne chair.

  In a single act, Luciana had seized control of Nero and Crystal Metropolis without the war tactics of Pisanio or the business intellect of Nero. Luciana Boardwalk was able to conquer a kingdom between her legs...



  33 B.E.​

  In one year, Luciana Boardwalk became Queen Luciana Boardwalk Santos.

  She and Nero had married after a trying time with Livia’s death. Luciana comforted him and managed to get his head back in the game of ruling the ATM. Her son Timon was proclaimed as next in line for the throne after Demetrius. Meanwhile, Demetrius and Alejandro worked more and more with their father with Demetrius working extra harder.

  However, he did not have Sage Fortinbras, his trusted general.

  In 32 B.E., a year after she had settled into his post on the planet Syra, Sage died of a sudden illness caused while on campaign to settle disputes in Hungaro. Nero mourned her death, which just turned to another way of mourning Livia.

  There was more to it than that, and only Luciana and her main servant, Gintina, knew the real story. Sage knew where the secrets were hidden and she knew if she wanted, Sage could tell Nero and it would blow the lid on Luciana's power play, bringing her plans to a halt.

  Luciana acted and the rest was history for the moment. She was a true Santos through and through. She stood by her husband, her son and stepchildren. Like Nero, she had a strategic mind as well, probably better than his.

  Other than that, things were calmer in the Santos Palace. Everyone adjusted to their role in the court. Alejandro had become a lator. Demetrius was heir apparent. Timon Boardwalk was elevated to Captain of the Democrat Guard. Luciana could not have been prouder of the pieces put in place.

  However, the only other problem Luciana did not count on was Amilie Santos, Nero and Livia’s only daughter. Hearing the news of her mother's death brought Amilie back to the forefront of family politics. She had come to live with her father after a shaky time five years ago.

  From there in secret, Luciana and servant Gintina wanted to make her move. She wanted her to marry her son Timon.

  However, he was already married and loved his wife very much. Luciana knew that she had to act immediately.

  She had a talk with her husband.

  “Why do you want this?” Nero asked her. “Timon’s happy where he is.”

  Using her powers of persuasion that she was known for with her maids, Luciana told him, “Amilie needs someone to be a role model.”

  “Why? What’s going on with my daughter?”

  “Let’s just say that I sensed Amilie’s been acting up lately. I mean she’s been away for five years and I know you want her back in the family affairs. But I feel if she doesn’t have that grounding, she’s going to fall again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don't worry, love! My son can protect her.” said Luciana.

  “I’ll put it into consideration.”

  With the first phase of the new plan into motion, Luciana knew the only thing left was to persuade her son.


  “I can’t do it,” Timon told Luciana when she got the chance. “I love Dina.”

  “What’s wrong with having two wives?" Luciana stressed. "Most males do it all the time.”

  “I’m not most males.”

  “No, you’re not! You're a Santos prince! But Nero wants you to do this because Amilie needs it.”

  “Why me?”

  “You’re my son. I know who you are and what you are. No one else can do this.”

  In the end, Timon’s response to his mother was a calm but stern 'no.' There was no chance. The love Timon had for his wife, Dina Boardwalk, was too strong and no one in the universe could change that.

  Luciana knew that the marriage between his son and Nero’s daughter would secure his claim to the throne because he would be out of the running if Nero's mind stray away to another concubine.

  Two competitors were already on her radar and making good ground: Livia’s sons. If she could take care of them, then there was nothing else that could not be done.

  With two cards she could use, marriage or assassination, Luciana Boardwalk Santos was going to manipulate the situation for all it was worth…


  35 B.E.

  Luciana and Gintina were always together when she was not working with her husband. There were too many secrets between them for Luciana to let her go. Nero was in his late fifties, still strong and fun as ever, though tougher than in his younger years. Luciana knew that there would come a time when he would be exposed to illnesses and before that happen, everything had to be in place for Timon to claim the throne.

  Gintina's services were required again. Besides being a maid, upon Luciana's blessing, she was a practitioner of potions thanks to the teachings of witch doctors, which was vital at this point.

  The first part of her plan was that Timon and Amilie had to get together and get Dina out of the way. That was Gintina’s job.

  Gintina knew about Dina. She was a sweet and innocent girl, the perfect woman for a warrior like Timon and the perfect mother for Timon’s sons, Dromio and Ichiamo.

  The only problem she had was that Dina fell in love with the wrong man.

  Gintina took the same road when she went to “do the deed” to Livia. She would play the spy and observed Dina's routines carefully.

  She started by going through the alleyways and straight to the Santos Palace. She would take some time to observe the sky and space. She saw that for a small planet, Crystal Metropolis seemed majestic to her eyes. There was a certain majesty not just for its size, but for what it stood for. It was at the center of the galaxy. All of the planets surrounded this small speck of a star. There was a sun, but it shinned in another side of the galaxy. Sometimes, the sun never came out in Crystal Metropolis, so most of the months was seen in a case of close darkness with a shred of sunlight every now and then.

  This time, Gintina headed for a small villa built just for Timon and Dina to live in close to the Santos Palace. It was perfect. Timon was gone and Dina was alone. Or so she thought.

  When she first came inside to see Dina, Gintina saw that she talked to several of her friends about their future. Something that Dina said made Gintina think about what she was doing.

  “Timon never wanted this,” Dina said. “His mother’s pressuring him to rule. We were thinking about taking the boys and moving away from the planet. He was going to talk to his parents about it, and then, we’re leaving this place before it gets too dangerous.”

  Her friend asked, “What makes you think it’s going to get dangerous?”

  “There’s rumors.”

  “Isn’t there always rumors?”

  “But this is more than anyone’s bargain for.”

  “Expect more to come. You’re Timon’s wife. I even heard that your mother was arranging Timon to marry Amilie Santos. Even if Timon had to do it, I don't see him being in the same bedroom with that slut!”

  Gintina did not do the deed that night, or any night after. She just could not bring herself to it. With Livia, it was like second nature. She was a threat and had the heart of a Santos ruler. On the other hand, Dina was not the ruling kind, only wanting peace within her family.

  Plus, Dina was right. Things were hot in Crystal Metropolis. And she knew who was increasing the fire in the furnace that was Crystal Metropolis politics...


  Luciana followed the activities of Amilie Santos. So far, there was nothing. She was being the typical lo
ving daughter, trying her best to stay out of trouble. Luciana knew being in Crystal Metropolis, there was all sorts of ways to get into trouble.

  Crystal Metropolis had a true mixture of aristocratic flair and urban glamour. During her wild days of mingling in its streets, Amilie Santos would do everything to get some attention from her father. While her brothers would do everything in their power to keep up with their father's version of royal mystique, Amilie would find her place in Crystal Metropolis' infamous club underworld, drinking wine heavily many nights, and take different suitors into her bed.


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