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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

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by Robert Iannone

  They landed at the edge of the fog and Rose slid off Storm’s back.

  “Now what?”

  “Well, now we walk in there” and she pointed at the valley that peeked through the occasional breaks in the swirling mist.

  “You first” he said ungallantly.

  She looked at him and made a face. “My hero . . .” Then she turned and put a foot out to see what would happen.

  Nothing. It didn’t try to stop her. Apparently, she was welcome. “Now you,” she told her friend as she nudged him forward.

  Again, nothing as one of his talons penetrated the fog.

  “Okay, let’s go” and Rose started to walk.



  “How do you address a talking tree?”

  Rose giggled – more from the stress of the situation than anything else. But before she could answer, a voice said, “Tree is sufficient.”

  “Oh my gosh” she screamed involuntarily.

  “Did you hear that?”

  “Of course I heard that you feathery flying freak”.

  “I am the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl, and you and your companion are most welcome Princess Rose’Alynnia.”

  Rose looked around for the source of the voice but all she could see was fog and trees – just plain ordinary trees. “I’m sorry but where are you?”

  “Follow the path which I will illuminate for you” and an eerie green glow lit the ground.

  So they did and it led them to what was unmistakably the mystical Myst Tree…

  “OH MY GOSH” she whispered.

  “Gosh and double gosh.”

  “I have been expecting you Princess. Welcome to Sighing Whorl.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And Prince Storm, it is an honor.”

  “Say what?” The dragon was standing behind his friend trying to look small and inconspicuous.

  “Princess, I cannot give you wings.”

  “Oh. I mean I didn’t think you could or if you could you wouldn’t.”

  “But one day in the far future you will fly . . . not as you are, but as the essence of what you once were.”

  Rose turned to look at Storm who shrugged in confusion.

  “Sir . . .”


  “Sorry. Tree, I have no idea what you mean.”

  The Myst Tree ignored her statement. “It is essential that you pursue that which you desire. Those that once gave you flight will give flight to your dreams. But time also flies and that works against you until it works for you.”

  “I am truly sorry for being so stupid, but I don’t understand anything that you said.”

  “We will meet again Princess but it will not be a joyous occasion. Until then, live, learn, love.”


  They flew back in silence each trying to remember and to understand what they had been told. But it made no sense.

  The Myst Tree had a reputation for talking in riddles. Obviously, it was well deserved.

  And though they discussed it endlessly for the next few weeks, they soon grew tired of the subject. Besides, there were so many distractions begging for their attention.


  “Who is that?” Storm was pointing to a blue-skinned, teenage boy in the courtyard below. Humans on Aerianna came in every color of the rainbow.

  “That is yet another Prince. His name is Z’kkk.” She watched him for a moment as he wielded a wooden sword at a straw dummy. “You know, one of the first things I’m going to do when I become Queen is to get rid of all you Princes.”


  “There’s way too many of you. There ought to be just one – the one I intend to marry.”

  “Oh, really? And who might that be?”

  “Haven’t met him yet” she replied coyly.

  “And how will you know him when you do meet?”

  “A woman knows these things here” and she pointed at her heart.

  “Shall I tell you how a dragon knows he met his future wife?”

  “This ought to be good.”

  “The woman tells him.”

  “What? I never heard that.”

  “It’s true. She’ll come up to the man of her dreams and tell him he’s the chosen one.”

  “And he has to marry her?”

  “Doesn’t have to – if he wants to be a bachelor his whole life.”

  “You’re just teasing me.”


  She fell silent for a few seconds. “Hey, I bet you I can make Z’kkk cry.”

  “How – by boring him to tears with the story of your glorious life?”

  She kicked her friend in the leg. “No – I’m going to challenge him to a sword fight. And after I disarm him, I’ll whack his backside so hard he’ll grab it, turn red then cry.”

  “Maybe he’s good with a sword. Maybe he’ll whack your royal bum.”

  “How much?”

  “How much what?” he asked suspiciously.

  “How much do you want to bet?”

  Without hesitation, the dragon responded, “One thing I’ve learned over the last four months is to NEVER bet against the great and powerful Rose’Alynnia.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet.”

  “No, that’s self-preservation.”

  “Come on. Let’s have some fun.”

  They made their way to the courtyard and when Z’kkk saw who it was, he immediately stopped and bowed as custom dictated. “Good day, Your Highness. I did not know you were about.”

  Ignoring the pleasantries Rose said, “Find me another sword. I wish to challenge you.”

  The young man’s eyes went wide in surprise. “I must warn you that I am very good, Princess. If you mean to do this, I will be obliged to duel left-handed so that you may best me. I would not think that such a contest would hold much satisfaction for you.”

  “Get the sword. And I command you to fight right-handed and as well as you can.”

  “But . . .”

  “If you lose, I swear I’ll have my father use the Crystal Egg to turn you into a sea slug.”

  “Your Highness teases me.”

  “Your Highness doesn’t tease. Once you’re a slug I’ll put you in a jar in my room – as a trophy. Now, get the sword.”

  His face had turned white. Z’kkk was a year older than Rose but completely ignorant in the ways of troublesome girls. So he took her threat at face value. He scampered off and returned within a minute with another wooden sword. He handed it to her, hilt first.”

  “Thank you. Ready?”

  “Um . . .”

  “I’ll take that for a yes. Storm count down from three.”

  “Three, two . . . one.”

  She feinted to her right and drew a weak parry from the young man. She repeated the same to her left and elicited the same response.

  “You better try harder” and she lunged straight at his chest.

  Taken by surprise by the quickness of her move, Z’kkk backed up a step, catching his boot and staggered off balance. His sword hand came up in an attempt to regain his footing.

  Rose struck again. She slapped at his sword with all the power she could muster and it went flying from his hand.

  The boy pivoted to retrieve his weapon but his foot slipped and he fell face down into the dirt. Rose looked over at Storm and gave him a big, evil smile. The she walked over to the prone form of the little Prince and whacked him on his butt with the flat part of her sword.

  “OWWWWW” he screamed at the unexpected pain. Whacking a disarmed opponent was against all the rules of chivalry. He grabbed for his Gluteus Maximus with both hands.

  Rose burst out laughing. She really wasn’t trying to be cruel; that wasn’t in her nature. It was done in the name of harmless entertainment (at least in her mind).

  The Prince turned red and jumped up still holding his butt. Then remembering Rose’s threat his eyes began to tear up.

  “Storm” the girl yelled over her shoulder. “Find me
a nice jar for my new pet.”

  Z’kkk burst into tears and ran off.


  The rest of the year flew by – in more ways than one. The Princess and the Dragon spent their days flying and exploring the near and far reaches of their world . . . from mountaintops to deep sea cities. Together they met with the young and old, scientists and artists, teachers and merchants, lords and commoners learning what they could about every facet of life under the good King M’earth.

  Storm became Rose’s best friend fulfilling the Queen’s unspoken reason for putting the two together. In her mind, there could be no better way for Dragons to maintain their position in the order of things then by having the ruler of Aerianna consider Storm her most trusted advisor.

  And the people grew to love their Princess, as they had never done before.

  Chapter 6 - Z’kkk

  Six years later

  “How do I look?”

  Ss’ong, Rose’s eight-year-old sister, looked at her with wide-eyed appreciation. “You are the most beautiful Princess in the whole world,” she said breathlessly.

  “No, dear one, that honor is yours.”


  “You are everything that I am not. Delicate features, sea green eyes, silky long hair the color of honey and your laughter could make even Queen F’Aerianne smile.”

  The young girl ran over to her sister and gave her a hug, burying her face in Rose’s coming-out gown. They held the embrace for a long moment until the older girl gently disentangled herself from her sibling. “It is almost time for my grand entrance.”

  “I wish I could go.”

  “As do I. There is, however, a way for you to watch the festivities.”

  “Really? How?”

  “I have a surprise for you. Come” and she walked out of the dressing room and into her bedroom. “This is for you” and she handed her sister a rectangular case about a foot in length on each side.

  “What is it?” said the Ss’ong after she opened the box and withdrew a crystal the same shape as the package that held it.

  “It is a viewing stone. I borrowed it from my friend, Ven’trrr, the chief scientist of the Serpents.”

  “But what does it do?”

  “I cannot explain the science but there is another crystal in the ballroom that will send pictures of the party to this device. Press this button here and you can see everything that happens.” She pressed the button and the crystal lit up. Slowly the glow resolved itself into a scene of an elaborately decorated room with a couple of hundred guests milling about waiting for Rose to make her entrance.

  “Ohhhh,” sighed the girl in wonder.

  “If I may I advise you – kiss mother and father goodnight, then go to bed, turn out the lights so everyone will think you are asleep and under the cloak of your covers watch me dazzle the young men of Aerianna.”

  Ss’ong hugged Rose again. “You are the best sister in the entire universe. You always take care of me. Thank you, thank you.”

  Rose smiled at the girl. “As long as I live, I will always take care of you. I promise.”


  Her heart told her that he was the one and she blushed. “Oh my gosh” she murmured to herself.

  Storm overheard the words and thought she was talking to him. “What’s wrong?”

  They had been at the party for almost an hour. The Princess had dutifully talked to every man, dragon and serpent who was presented to her and danced with every young man that had the courage to ask her.

  Then a late arrival caught Rose’s attention. He looked taller than she remembered, his hair was longer and he had gained sufficient weight so that the skinny boy now looked the young man.

  And he was blue skinned and beautiful. “Nothing” she lied to her friend.

  The newcomer hurried over to Rose and bowed formally. “I do apologize, My Lady. I was detained against my will.”

  Rose’s eyebrows arched up. “Am I to take it that you were held prisoner?” she teased.

  “Prisoner?” he parroted in confusion. “Oh, no, no. I meant that my father, the Earl, insisted that I pay a call on your parents before I came.”

  The young man looked vaguely familiar and Storm asked, “Have we met, sir?” Like his best friend, he was learning to speak as a Royal when circumstance warranted.

  Z’kkk looked at the dragon and smiled. “Yes” he replied enigmatically.

  The dragon couldn’t help himself and said with a toothy grin “Sorry, but all humans look alike to me. Where did we meet?”

  “Perhaps if I gave you a hint”. But instead of looking at Storm he turned to look at Rose and said in a slightly falsetto voice “Storm, find me a nice jar for my new pet”.

  “Ekkk,” squawked the dragon at the memory.

  Rose, of course, had already made the connection. “And how is your Gluteus Maximus” she asked as regally as she could without laughing.

  “The pain has gone but my pride remains injured” he replied. His grin turned his face from handsome to patently gorgeous.

  “I will give you an opportunity to repair the damage – if you can. Dance with me but do try to stay upright.”

  “As you command, my Lady” and he took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

  “If you step on her feet, I still have that jar” called Storm as the couple glided away.


  He danced in silence as if it took his entire concentration to perform well. To make it worse, he held her gently at arm’s length as if she might break. There was as much intimacy as if Rose was dancing with the Old Duke. And that simply would not do.

  “Sir, I must warn you that if you do not show improvement, I will ask Prince Storm to fetch the jar.”

  “But Your Highness I thought I was doing so well?”

  “To your credit you have not fallen down nor have you stepped on my foot.”

  “Then what?” he asked confused.

  She wanted to command him to pull her close so she could feel his breath on her neck.

  She wanted to command him to tell her how beautiful she looked.

  She wanted to command him to insist on dancing every dance with her.

  But if she did, then it would mean nothing.

  “I tease you sir. You are a fine dancer.” And the music ended. “If you will excuse me, I must socialize with the other guests.”

  “Of course”. He knew he had made a poor first impression though the reason was not obvious. Since this opportunity to be alone with the Princess might be a long time in happening again, he screwed up his courage and said “But I must insist that you save at least one more dance for me.”

  “Why is that sir?”

  He hesitated for a heartbeat, took a deep breath and said softly “because I have been in love with you ever since that day.” Not waiting for a reply that might break his heart, he tipped his head, turned and walked away.

  Rose stared at the young man’s back…frozen in place by his words.

  “You okay?” asked Storm who had walked over.

  She forced herself to look away from Z’kkk and at her friend. “Do you want to know a secret?”

  “Rosie (he only used that term of endearment when he had something very personal to say to her) I may be a dragon but I know you all too well.”

  “Oh, really.”

  “Really. That poor wretch doesn’t stand a chance. You’re going to marry him.”

  “Oh my gosh”.


  “We’ve spent way too much time together.”

  “Best Friends Forever.”

  “Absolutely. By the way, if you tell Z’kkk before I do, I’ll put you in that jar.”



  “Mother, what do you think of Prince Z’kkk?”

  Kat’Alynnia turned to her daughter and studied her face. “More importantly, what do you think of the young man?”

  “I think perhaps he might be a suitable match for me.”
r />   Kat’Alynnia crinkled her eyes in amusement. “His family is held in the highest regard by your father and by his fellow countrymen. On that score, I would agree.”

  “Ever since my party I have been spending time with him. I find his company . . . um . . . satisfactory.”

  “Well that is certainly a point in his favor.” The Queen could sense her daughter’s discomfort in discussing the subject but for the moment, she thought she let the young woman fidget.

  “Yes it is. He is quite intelligent and can tell the most amusing stories.”

  “I see. Again, that is very good.”

  “We seem to have much in common.”

  Enough was enough. It was time to cut to the chase. “Rose, have you kissed him?”


  “Z’kkk is the most handsome young man I have ever seen – or dreamt about.”


  “Oh, stop. I love your father and would never do anything to hurt him. Nevertheless, Z’kkk is everything I could hope for in a son-in-law. Why do you think he was late to your party?”


  “I had the Earl bring him by to meet your father. I was playing matchmaker. M’earth took to the boy immediately. And when he requested your father’s approval to ask you out, he received it gladly.”

  Rose was mortified. “I cannot believe you did all this behind my back.”

  “I would like to at least pretend to be contrite, but I am anything but that. I love you and want only the best for you. You spend almost no time with humans obviously preferring the company of dragons and serpents. I thought you would never meet someone that could win your heart. I was just encouraging the young man to do what he already had decided to do.”

  The girl wanted to be angry but the image of Z’kkk that came unbidden to her mind put an end to that. All she could do was hug her mother and say “Thank you.”

  “Having said all that I have, please remember there will be no wedding before you turn twenty.”

  “But if he asks for my hand in marriage, I can say yes, can I not? I can be engaged?”

  “With my blessings.”

  “Then I best tell my young man to bend a knee to me if he does not wish to incur my displeasure.”

  “Be gentle with him,” teased Kat’Alynnia.



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