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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 9

by Robert Iannone

  “There is a third issue,” said N’ssss. “That person cannot be from Aerianna.”

  “Why do you say that?” asked Dazzle, the Princess formerly known as Rose.

  “Mobius with the help of the Crystal Egg would surely be able to ferret out our plans and stop them from coming to fruition. Nowhere, and no one, on Aerianna will be safe from him.”

  “Earth” interjected Ven’trrr. “Earth” he repeated as if tasting the name on his lips.

  “Is that possible?” questioned Dazzle.

  “What is Earth?” asked a number of voices simultaneously.

  “It is a planet many hundreds of light years from Aerianna. We discovered it with the help of our space portal. It is inhabited by humanoids much like us. But their civilization is fairly barbaric.”

  “Ah. Perhaps they are a thousand years or so from reaching a state of development that would be comparable to our own,” offered the philosopher.

  “That would seem to conform to the Tree’s message.”

  “If I may summarize. Rose will . . . I’m sorry, Dazzle will fight Mobius until she admits . . .” he stopped suddenly.

  “Admits defeat” finished Dazzle. “Please continue.”

  “At that point you will ask the Tree to transfer your life force to the flying suit. Some of us will take that suit to Earth and the thousand-year wait will begin. So we think we know why it will take a millennium or so, but we don’t yet know how we determine the individual when she comes along. She could be anyone.”

  In a sudden burst of insight, K’oral said “Dazzle, she must be related to you.”

  “Why? How?”

  “She must be like you in so many ways. You are truly unique, Rose . . . Dazzle . . . and it will take someone with your resourcefulness to succeed. Don’t ask me how I know this, I just do.” Like dreams, a sudden burst of insight was rare but accepted as fact.

  “And I know the ‘how’ of it” said A’fonia, the Medicus. “I will go to Earth with you. I will take samples of your DNA and . . . somehow . . . I will introduce it into the population on this planet.”

  “To what end?”

  “Over the course of a millennium, individuals with your DNA will eventually marry others with it. Their offspring will have twice the amount. When these children marry others from similar unions, their children will have four times as much. Over the course of a thousand years, we can expect that there will eventually be born a female child who, for all intent, would be your granddaughter many generations removed.”

  “Oh my gosh!”


  “But the question remains, how do we determine which child is the one that we want?”

  “We devise a test,” said the Philosopher.

  “What kind of test?” asked the Princess.

  That started a long and sometimes heated discussion. In the end it was decided that since the individual had to be brave, resourceful and determined, the test should involve something for which the individual would have no prior experience, alien enough to require courage to attempt and sufficiently difficult to require imagination to solve.

  After much discussion between the three serpents, the only scientists present, Ven’trrr announced, “we have a solution to offer, Princess.”

  “Please, tell us.”

  “Since Earth’s culture is not nearly as advanced as ours, we can assume that their technology will also be less advanced. With the flying suit, we will provide three pieces of jewelry - a ring, a bracelet and a necklace. Depending on how they are worn, each will give the wearer two different ‘powers’ for a total of six. The technology within will be a total surprise and something for which they will not be expecting.”

  Intrigued, Dazzle encouraged the serpent to continue.

  “The necklace is a translation crystal. The wearer can speak or understand any language.

  “Go on.”

  “The ring, when worn on one hand, will give our heroine the power to change shape. On the other hand, it will give her great strength.”


  “And the bracelet when worn on one wrist will give her the power to heal. On the other wrist, she will have the power to command any non-thinking creature.”

  “And why these powers?”

  “When she comes to Aerianna, she will be able to speak to our people and they to her. Changing shape and great strength could help her in the fight against Mobius. The power to heal will be useful in any combat. And, the ability to command any creature might just be the one ability that no one expects and could possibly be the difference in a battle yet to be fought.”

  She liked what she had heard. “What say you all”? And by unanimous consent, the plan was accepted.

  “What is left to decide?”

  “It would be too dangerous for A’fonia to go by herself and too difficult for her to complete her task without help. I will go with her,” volunteered Sir Gacious.

  “Thank you.”

  “And I will guard the portal so that no earthling stumbles upon it.”

  “How will you do that?”

  “We will anchor the Earth side of the portal at the bottom of a lake. Since they have no sea serpents on their world, I will be the first.” He grinned and added “one look at me should be sufficient to discourage anyone from exploring too deeply or with too much enthusiasm.”

  “Thank you all. Though the odds are against us, it seems that this plan has at least a chance of success.”

  “Maybe the Myst Tree will give us his blessing?”

  “Ha. That would make it all too easy. He prefers it when we struggle.”

  But she was wrong. That night the Tree appeared in her dreams, but only briefly.


  “Tree? How unexpected.”

  “Well done.”

  Chapter 10 – The Essence of Life

  The next morning was to be their last together. To continue to meet as a group would only invite trouble and the unwanted attention of Mobius.

  “A’fonia and Sir Gacious will stay here since they will be going to Earth with me. It would be too dangerous to return to Q’umulus and they would be too conspicuous living among the serpents. Ven’trrr you must take your people and return to Nau’tika to guard the portal and to keep the jewelry safe. I will keep the flying suit with me until . . . until I visit Sighing Whorl.”

  “A word of warning, my friends” Sir Gacious said addressing the serpents. “You must act as if the veil of light had indeed touched you. It shouldn’t be too difficult to feign fear of Mobius.”

  “Agreed” replied N’ssss.

  “Then if there is nothing else to discuss . . .”

  “Umm . . .”

  “Yes, K’oral?”

  She looked even worse than she did when she told the Princess about her sister and fiancé. “What about your . . . what about after you transfer your essence to the suit?”

  A’fonia understood what the young serpent was trying to say. “I believe she is asking what you would have us do with your body.”

  “Oh?” That question drove home the finality of what they proposed to do.

  “I will . . . I will bring it home” stammered Storm.


  “Sir Gacious?”

  “That will not do. It seems to me if the Tree can transfer your essence into the suit; it can transfer it back into your body.”

  “In a thousand years?”

  “Ven’trrr, can you create some kind of stasis pod that could preserve Dazzle’s . . . um, preserve the body as it will be at the moment of transference?”

  “Well, that shouldn’t be too difficult. But to what end? It would require an enormous amount of energy to maintain. And the only one that will be around for the next millennium is that devil, Mobius.”

  “Exactly” replied Storm. Turning to his best friend, he said, “If I give him your body in the stasis chamber, he’ll keep it preserved as a trophy. He won’t be able to resist. When you do retu
rn to Aerianna, the Tree would be able to reverse the process and we would have our Princess back. No, we would have our Queen back.”

  “If you give Mobius my body, he will most assuredly display it to my people. Would that not be doing them a terrible disservice?”

  “Just the opposite” replied Sir Gacious. “Seeing you, even just your body, will remind them of what they lost. It will keep alive the hope of a better future.”

  “Then it’s settled” said Storm. “Don’t argue Dazzling Rose. You’re my best friend and I intend to be around for your return.”

  “You’ll be a bit long in the tooth; old even for a dragon,” she teased.

  But he could not respond in kind. He just wrapped his wings around her and fought a losing battle against his tears.


  It was late that night when Storm, disturbed by a light, rose from his bed to investigate.


  “Please, do not use that name.”

  “Dazzle, what are you doing at this hour?”

  “I’m bringing my diary up to date. There won’t be much time in the days ahead and I would like it to be as complete as it can be.”

  “Will you take it with you?”

  “I can’t of course. I would like you to hide it in my stasis . . . oh, let’s stop calling it that. It’s my coffin. Put it inside for my return.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m just about finished. Go back to bed. Tomorrow you and I are going to stir up a little mayhem . . . and a sleepy dragon just won’t do.” She stood up and gave him a kiss.


  Since she knew she couldn’t win this fight, Dazzle had to find a way to make sure her actions meant something other than inevitable defeat.

  Dressed again in the uniform of a Knight Guardian with her sword hanging at her hip, she slid on to the back of her best friend. “Ready, good sir?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. What’s the plan?”

  “We are going to every town, every city and every castle and let the people know that Dazzle, the Warrior Princess will fight until her death for the freedom and happiness of her people. Nothing stealthy about what we are going to do. Let’s make as much noise as we can and be seen by as many people as possible.”

  “That might get Mobius’ attention,” said Storm stating the obvious.

  “Exactly. Let’s see what he plans on doing about it.”

  “Dazzle, what happens if we have to fight Aeriannians? Only B’ludd volunteered to work for Mobius. Anyone else we meet is being forced against their will.”

  “We disarm them, unseat them, strip them of their weapons, humiliate them in front of the citizens . . . but we don’t harm them.”

  “And B’ludd?”

  “That dragon is fair game. He’s a traitor to my father, to F’Aerianne and to every person on this planet. I will not show him mercy.”

  “Got it. Let’s do it” and he bounded into the air and the rebellion was officially underway.


  To keep the population under his control, Mobius used the Crystal Egg to turn a legion of hapless Aeriannians into armed thugs against their will. They all wore black cloaks with hoods and carried a weapon able to shoot a beam of energy which disabled the victim. The citizens called them Mo’beyes . . . for they were the eyes of the evil villain.

  And so Dazzle and Storm flew day after day, from N’imbus to Fire’s Breath, from Kelp’ernicus to Crag’s Leap . . . wherever serpents or humans or dragons dwelled . . . disarming the Mo’beyes and, in so doing, embarrassing Mobius.

  The citizens cheered their Princess. And as she prepared to depart, she would leave the people with one message . . .

  “I am no longer the Princess Rose’Alynnia. That person died the day the usurper overthrew M’earth. I am Dazzle, the Warrior Princess and I will fight for you until the last breath has left my body.

  Tell your children, and in turn have them tell their children, that it may take a thousand years, but I will return. You will be free of this tyranny; I swear it on my sword” and she would unsheathe the crystal blade and hold it up high for the light to catch it and for the people to know the truth in what she said.

  And in each town as she and Storm flew off, they could hear the people yell “DAZZLE, DAZZLE . . .” and Rose’s pain would ease just a little.


  As they flew away from River’s Edge, Storm said, “Well, that was the last city. I’m kind of surprised that Mobius hasn’t tried anything else to stop us.”

  “I’m not. He’s taunting me. It’s his way of saying that what we do doesn’t matter. We’re too insignificant for him to worry about.”

  “In that case, you must have something else up your sleeve.”

  “My dear friend, you know me all too well.”

  “So spill it. Where to?”

  “Tonight we go to Q’umulus.”

  “WHAT? Are you crazy? You can’t fight him directly.”

  “I have no intention of fighting him. I’m going to steal back the Crystal Egg.”

  “RO . . . I mean DAZZLE . . . you know darn well that won’t work.”

  “Probably not but it’s worth a try. I’m sure he thinks like you do . . . that I would be crazy to try. So we just might surprise him.”

  “Yeah . . . no . . . you’re just crazy.”

  “Come on” she teased. “Do you have anything better to do tonight?”

  “My hair’s affright. I really should wash it . . .” and they both laughed, something they hadn’t done in a long while.

  “I don’t really say that, do I” asked Dazzle after the laughter died away.

  “You always say that.”

  “Well, a girl must look her best at all times.”


  It wasn’t as dark as she had hoped. The clouds, which had been very thick, began to break up and both moons were beginning to show through.

  “Oh well. It is what it is.”

  “We can try again tomorrow.”

  “No. It needs to be tonight.”


  “I just have a feeling that . . . that I need to be at Sighing Whorl tomorrow.”

  Storm’s wings froze in mid-flap. He turned over his shoulder and asked nervously “Why? Did you have a dream?”

  “No . . . I just know it’s time.”

  “Let’s not rush into it. Maybe we can come up with a better plan.”

  She patted her friend on his scaly head. “No, this is the only way. We both know it.”

  “Ro . . . I’m going to miss you.”

  “Stop it. If you make me cry I’ll jump off your back right now.”

  “I believe you’ve tried that once.”

  “And I’ll do it again. So stop . . . please.”


  They continued in silence trying not to think of the future. About ten minutes later as they cleared a mountain range Dazzle said, “There it is” and she pointed at the floating city eerily lit by the moonlight.

  But then something streaked by, cloaked by the night. “What the heck was that?” squawked Storm.


  “Didn’t you see it? It was a dragon . . . more dead than alive.”


  “Dazzle, on its back was a guy . . .”


  “I can’t be sure.”

  They flew on but the skeletal nightmare flew out from behind a cloud and into their path.

  The wraith on its back had, indeed, been Prince Z’kkk. He was brandishing a sword.

  “Z’kkk” cried out Rose. “It’s me, my love.” Then the moonlight lit his face and it was all she could do not to scream in horror.

  There was no sign of recognition as the zombie-like being screeched, “I AM K’AOS. DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF MY LORD MOBIUS”. Then he and the creature that carried him dove at them – his murderous intent left no question in Dazzle’s mind.

  “He means to kill us,” said the Princess for
lornly. She was sad rather than afraid.

  “What do you want to do?” asked Storm as he easily maneuvered out of the way.

  Dazzled sighed in resignation. “Mobius wins. He knows I can’t hurt the man I love. Let’s go home. It’s over.”


  Sir Gacious returned from Nau’tika with the coffin-like glass stasis chamber. “Ven’trrr and the others asked me to tell you that they have never been more proud to be a citizen of Aerianna. They wish you well, Princess.”

  She couldn’t speak so she forced a smile to her face and nodded.

  Dazzle, the Warrior Princess, formerly Rose’Alynnia of the House of M’earth and heir to the Throne, had never been more afraid in her life. What she was about to embark on was terrifying and she didn’t know if she had the courage to see it through.

  Sensing the emotions in his best friend, Storm told Sir Gacious and A’fonia “make your way back to Nau’tika and find Ven’trrr. Go separately to lessen the likelihood of being caught.”

  “We will,” replied the Medicus. She turned to the Princess and said, “You, my lady, are the bravest person that I have ever known. I promise you that your story will be told generation after generation and that when you return, the people of Aerianna will rejoice.”

  “I echo those sentiments. You are an inspiration to us all.”

  Dazzle gave them each a warm embrace but she was still unable to command her emotions - so she said nothing.

  After they left, Storm sat down next to his friend.

  “Ro, I’ll be waiting for you . . . with your sword. I promise.”

  “And I promise you that you’ll see me in this body again.” But the finality of what she was about to do was overwhelming and she leaned on her friend and began to sob uncontrollably.

  The two best friends forever sat that way for the better part of an hour . . . neither wanting the moment to end.

  But, of course, it had to.

  “I’m ready.”


  And they flew to Sighing Whorl . . . each lost in the silence of their own thoughts.


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