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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 31

by Robert Iannone

  “That’s nice,” answered the confused girl.

  “She told me that the costume was actually a flying suit. When I wore it, I would be able to fly anywhere.”

  Sylvia started to smile and only at the last moment stopped herself from giggling. That would have been rude.

  “You don’t believe me . . . and I didn’t believe her. Then she had me put it on and we walked outside. She told me what to do, and after a couple of tries, I started to fly.”

  Sylvia looked at Egg then back at her grandmother. Neither one was laughing. She was at a loss for words . . . she didn’t know how to respond to that silly story.

  “Let me just finish my part of this tale. The suit, I was told, has power for only seven years. After that, it must be put away for fifty years to recharge itself. That’s why it gets handed down from grandmother to granddaughter. And, the jewelry supposedly had magic of its own. But no one ever discovered what that was. Not until your best friend did.”

  Sylvia decided to play along, “Okay, what was the magic?”

  Egg stood up, then said, “Ring, shrink me to the size of a butterfly.” Sylvia made a face as if to say ‘this is just too goofy’ when she let out a little scream. Her best friend started to shrink.

  “Oh my gosh.”

  Egg flew into the air and hovered right in front of the girl’s shocked face. She screamed to her friend, but it came out as a whisper “Are you beginning to believe?”

  Sylvia thought she might faint, but Grandma Eloise was ready. She had a wet washcloth and wiped the brow of the discombobulated young girl.

  Egg landed and returned to her normal size. “Pretty neat, huh?”

  Sylvia just stared.

  “While you sit there looking like Greg in math class (the boy always looked confused and in danger of throwing up whenever the class studied new math concepts), let me tell you what the rest of the powers are.”

  When she finished, Egg asked her friend to re-read the newspaper article. “They saw me save the cat in the hat.”

  Regaining her composure, Sylvia asked, “But why did they forget?”

  “For the same reason that you did . . . it’s the magic of the suit. One hour after I leave you, you forget what happens.”

  “So, in one hour I’ll forget all about this?” She sounded very disappointed.

  “That’s the good part. Dazzle said you won’t have to.”

  “Who is Dazzle?”

  “That’s the rest of the story.” And Egg explained about the warrior princess, and her last visit.

  “Egg . . . don’t you find all this just a little bit weird?”

  “No. I think this is a lot bit weird. But here’s the most important thing. If you wear the ring I made for you, you can become my Feminion. Before you ask – that’s like my helper. And then you can come with me to Aerianna and help me save Dazzle’s people. But, it could be very dangerous.”

  Sylvia didn’t rush to answer. She knew that this – as weird as it may seem to her – was no kid’s make believe game. At least Egg and her Grandmother didn’t think it was. “What happens if I say no, or change my mind?”

  “Then I have to take back the ring, and you’ll forget any of this ever happened.”

  “Egg, you’re my best friend. If you’re going to be in danger, then it’s my responsibility to be there with you . . . to protect you from . . . whatever. So, what do I do next?”

  Egg let out her breath, which she had been holding without even knowing it. She hugged her friend for a full minute. “I just knew you would help me. I just knew it. Now, Dazzle said that I needed to use the power of the bracelet on you. Are you ready?”

  “No . . . but go ahead.”

  Egg placed her hands on either side of Sylvia’s head and said, “My friend, you have chosen to be my Feminion for as long as you wear my ring. You will join me in our quest to save Dazzle’s people and to defeat evil. You will share my dangers and my triumphs. You will protect me as I you. You are to me as I am to Dazzle. May the magic of the Old Ones, and the purity of our hearts, protect us in this long and difficult task. Of me and our quest, you may share with no one.”

  When she finished, she gave Sylvia her ring back. As she slipped it on, she said, “Egg, I’m scared and excited. When do we start?”

  “Dazzle will let us know.”

  “Dear one,” said her grandmother, “your speech was . . . very mature. What made you phrase it like you did?”

  “Grammy, every time I use the bracelet, the words just come out like that. I never know what I’m going to say. It’s like the bracelet talks through my mouth.”

  “Egg . . . who are the Old Ones you mentioned?” asked Sylvia.

  “Umm . . . I have no idea. I’ll ask Dazzle.”

  Chapter 3 – City in the Clouds

  “Dazzle, I can’t see you.”

  “Egg, to see me you must wear your magic.”

  “Oh . . . now I understand. Just give me a minute.” She grabbed her suit and jewelry and put them on. Then she jumped back on the bed and waited expectantly. She wasn’t disappointed.

  The cloud began to form at the foot of the bed then it swirled like a tornado. And very soon, it took on the shape of the warrior princess.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For allowing me to continue my story.”

  “Of course I want to hear the rest. Why would you think that I wouldn’t?”

  “I have talked of dragons and sea serpents and evil. Only the brave at heart would consider helping me against such powerful forces.”

  “Dazzle, I will do anything I can, even if I’m only nine years old. And, I’ll have help . . . Sylvia wants to be my Feminion. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “I know. And when you touched her with the magic from the bracelet, I felt her spirit. She will be a worthy Feminion. You may trust her with your life.”

  “Before you tell me more of the story, can I ask you a couple of questions?”

  “Of course.”

  “When I used the magic of the bracelet, I said something about the Old Ones. I think you said something about them too. Who are they?”

  “They are a race of alien beings with a science far, far beyond anything in my world or yours. It was they that brought humans, dragons and serpents to Aerianna. We have little knowledge of them. However, children on my world are taught that one form they may have taken is this . . .”

  An image formed in Egg’s mind she let out a gasp. “Oh my gosh.”

  “They are unlike us in appearance . . . but they must be a wondrous race.”

  “Dazzle, is my suit and jewelry really magical?”

  “They possess the science of the sea serpents. Their technology is far beyond your understanding . . . therefore you may consider it as magic.”

  “That’s what I told my Grammy.”

  Dazzle actually smiled. “As I have said before, we are as one. We think much alike.”

  “I’m still not sure what that means.”

  “Patience, my little sister. It will become clear. But for now, I will continue with my story.”


  “At first, each race kept to themselves. It was a new world and there was much to explore . . . much to learn.

  For the sea serpents, the oceans were vast and very deep with a limitless number of canyons and caves to explore.

  The oceans were fed by rivers, which in turn were fed by lakes. So the serpents could venture throughout the continents, exploring and colonizing. Over time, they developed the ability to venture on to land for many weeks at a time.

  The dragons did not need to explore the sky . . . for it was all the same. But they had to find mountain peaks suitable to build their cities. And as their population grew, they needed to find more and more of such places bringing them into conflict with humans.

  Then there were we humans. Never satisfied with being creatures of the land, we needed to rule the skies and the seas. We built great ships that sailed on
top of the oceans and submersibles that could sail under them. We built crafts that would free us from the bounds of gravity and give us the freedom to fly.

  And over time a war began . . . but there is no longer a record of what started it or by whom. But year after year, dragon fought serpent, serpent fought man and man fought both. There seemed to be no way to end this conflict . . . no one who could rise above the hatred and bring reason and balance back to Aerianna.

  Then one day a comet came from nowhere and passed by the planet. It was so bright, even during the sunlit hours, that it was visible to one and all. And then it was gone.

  The next day, something extraordinary happened. The rulers of humans, serpents and dragons chose to step down from their position of power. They had proven unworthy of their responsibilities, lacking the wisdom to end the conflict between races. Each selected another to replace them.

  The dragon king chose Queen F’Aerianne, the Rainbow Dragon.

  The Queen of the sea serpents chose King E’ssss and his wife, Queen S’eeee.

  And the King of the humans chose M’earth . . . my father.

  We have since come to believe that the Old Ones sent the comet and that it contained more of their magic. Whether it was its light or perhaps the cosmic dust it left behind . . . we do not know. But it brought change and with change comes hope.

  Soon after the new rulers took power, they agreed to meet to discuss the ongoing conflict. They chose an island in the middle of the ocean that contained an old volcano many miles high. It was the perfect choice, for all three races felt at home.

  “Egg, I am almost at an end for tonight.”

  “That’s okay, Dazzle. This is very interesting,” she fibbed.

  “I see in your eyes that you grow weary of the story. I am sorry; but it is important that you understand if you are to help me.”

  Now Egg felt guilty. She really was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. “I’m sorry . . . really.”

  “Such things as I talk about do not hold great importance to someone so young. Do not be sorry; I was once your age. But I beg you to hear the rest. I will be brief.”

  “I have been listening, really. The three races spent a lot of time getting used to their new home. Then they started doing bad things to each other and that led to war. The Old Ones didn’t like it so they sent a comet to change things. Right?”

  Dazzle smiled a second time. “You please me greatly. I will finish now.”


  “What the great leaders did not understand was that the choosing of the island was not really theirs . . . but that of the Old Ones. For on it was a temple of sorts. It contained only one thing. In the very center was a pedestal and resting on top was the Crystal Egg. It glowed with incredible brilliance.

  When these kings and queens entered, all doors and windows sealed tightly of their own accord. Then a voice spoke to each of them in their own language.

  “Welcome, children. We have followed your progress since the first day we put you upon this planet. We have watched you grow and learn. And, we were proud.

  Then you began to bicker with one another, and this turned to violence. We do not condone such activity and we will not allow it to continue.

  We offer you one chance to avoid our displeasure. Set your minds to developing your cultures and your civilizations to the greatest degree possible.

  At the end, we will judge which of our children have accomplished the most. They will be awarded the Crystal Egg. With it, all things will be possible. It is a treasure beyond imagining.

  The losers will become subservient to the winner who will hopefully show wisdom and kindness. But that will be their choice.

  Turn your energies to your own advancement. From this moment forth, violence against another race will not be tolerated.”

  Then the doors and windows re-opened. The kings and queens tried to approach the Egg to determine its nature, but were unable. Some unseen force protected it.

  Now, I will end tonight’s story with this. All races tried mightily. But in the end, we humans were triumphant. We did many wondrous things, accomplished much. But I believe the one thing that truly set us apart; the one thing that gave us the victory was Q’umulus . . . our city that floats in the clouds.”

  Chapter 4 – I see London, I see France

  “What did she say?” asked her friend.

  Egg told her about the conflict, the Old Ones and the competition.

  “Oh,” said Sylvia, “is that all?” Just like her friend, Sylvia found it all pretty uninteresting. It just wasn’t very romantic . . . except for the part about the floating city. That was pretty cool.

  Sensing her friend’s disappointment, Egg said, “Sylvia, this is very important information that we need if we’re going to help Dazzle.”

  “I’m sorry. I was just expecting . . . ummm . . . I don’t know. Do you think Dazzle had a boyfriend who tried to save her from the bad guy? Maybe someone tall and incredibly handsome.”

  “SYLVIA . . . how could you even think that? Dazzle would never have a boyfriend. YUKKKK.”

  “Oh, really, Egg. Sometimes you act like a . . . a . . . nine year old.”

  “I am a nine year old.”

  “Doesn’t mean you have to act like it. Anyway, Dazzle isn’t nine. Why can’t she have a boyfriend?”

  “She has much more important things to think about. She has to save her whole planet. She wouldn’t have time for a boyfriend.”

  “Ask her.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Please, remember I’m your famine whatever.”

  “It’s Feminion you goofy girl,” and they both giggled.

  “Anyway, what do you want to do today?”

  “How would you like to go flying?” asked Flying Girl.


  “EGG,” Mrs. Graystone yelled. “Your grandmother is waiting.”

  “Here I am . . . and here I go. Bye Mom, love you.”

  “Love yo…,” but the door slammed shut before she could finish. “That girl has way too much energy,” muttered the older woman. “Lord knows what kind of mischief it’ll get her into.” Luckily for her, she would never know.

  “Hi, Grammy.”

  “Morning, sweetheart.”

  “Are you excited?”

  “Well, of course I am. I haven’t been to London and Paris in way too many years. This should be wonderful. There’s so much I want to show you.”

  “Then I make you the official tour guide.”

  “Thank you, I accept.”

  They drove the short way to Sylvia’s house and pulled into the driveway.

  Egg jumped out, ran to the door and rang the bell. Sylvia opened it, yelled good-bye to her mom and ran out with her friend.

  “Are we really going to London and Paris?” she asked breathlessly.


  “I feel like I’m living in a fairy tale.”

  “Me, too. Hope it has a happy ending.”

  “Have you ever heard of a fairy tale that didn’t?”

  “Ummm . . . yes; The Boy who Cried Wolf.”

  “Oh, you’re right. But that doesn’t count.”

  “Why not?”

  “What do you expect from a boy?”

  As they entered the car, they were both giggling. “What’s so amusing?” asked Eloise the Elder.

  “Boys,” they both said.

  “Girls, I hate to be the one to tell you this. But in not too many years they will be the only thing you two will be thinking and talking about.”

  “Grammy, Flying Girl and her Feminion will be way too busy fighting dumb dangerous dragons and slippery sea snakes. The boys will simply have to wait.”

  “Do you agree, Sylvia?”

  “Ummm . . . absolutely.” Then she added, “Unless we meet incredibly handsome knights or princes on Aerianna.”

  “There are none,” said Egg with knowledge she didn’t really have.

  “How do you know?”

“I am absolutely certain that all the boys on Aerianna are sea serpents,” and that got all three ladies laughing loudly.


  They drove to Grammy’s house all the while talking about the places and things they would see on their trip. Egg wanted to ride the giant Millennium Ferris Wheel in London, Ham wanted to see Westminster Abbey, where all the Royals got married, and the Older Eloise wanted to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris.

  Their excitement was growing by the mile.

  When they made it to her grandmother’s house, Egg saw a moving van in front of the house next door . . . Grazy’s house. “Grammy, is your friend moving today?”

  “No, dear one, she moved last week. These are my new neighbors.”

  “Have you met them?”

  “Yes, and they seem very nice. They have two boys who are identical twins.”

  “Really? They look exactly alike?”

  “I couldn’t tell Zack from Zeke.”

  “Zack and Zeke . . . what kind of names are those?”

  “I think Zack is short for Zachariah and Zeke for Ezekiel. Pretty unusual, don’t you think?”

  “Pretty goofy, don’t you know.”

  “How old are they?” asked Sylvia.

  “They’re ten.”



  Egg slipped into her flying suit and jewelry. She wished there was a way either to carry the suit with her or to be able to wear it all the time. The need to go back to her bedroom to get it just wasn’t convenient. And to carry it in a backpack to her grandmother’s house didn’t seem right. “What would happen if I lost it . . . again?”

  Anyway, she came out of the bathroom as Flying Girl. “Are you guys ready?”

  “I’m a little scared.”

  “Oh, don’t be, dear one,” soothed the older woman. “Take it from someone who did it for seven years, it’s very safe and incredibly thrilling.” Since she didn’t remember the other times she had done this; Sylvia still wasn’t completely convinced.

  They walked out the back door, and Egg held her guests hands. “And, we’re off!”

  They rose straight up into the clouds and stopped there for a few seconds so Sylvia could catch her breath. She looked down, and instead of being frightened, she was thrilled. “How come I’m not scared to death?”


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