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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

Page 43

by Robert Iannone

  “They’re only fifteen aryas.”

  {“Dazzle what’s an arya?”}

  “It is similar to a dollar.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any money with me.”

  “Ah, that’s okay.”

  “Besides, my ears aren’t pierced.”

  Then Sylvia leaned over to Egg and whispered in her ear. She pulled her friend over to the far end of the display and pointed.

  “Excuse me . . . what’s that?”

  Sassi smiled and said, “Just a goofy pin I made. Don’t even know why I did it. The idea just popped into my head.” She sounded apologetic.

  “But what is it?”

  “An egg with wings.”

  “Oh my gosh.”

  “Hey . . . your name is Egg. You should buy it.”

  “No money,” she whispered.

  “I forgot. You know what . . .,” she pulled out the pin and handed it to Egg. “Take it. Nobody is going to buy it. My gift to you.”

  Egg took the pin and held it tight. She finally recovered enough to ask, “Sassi, when do you get off from work?”

  “I have a lunch break in about two minutes . . . why?”

  “We have to talk.”


  Five minutes later they were sitting on benches in a tree covered park. Sassi sat by herself, wrapped in a green scarf. Smiling at her new friends, she looked beautiful. “Okay, so what do we have to talk about?”

  “Princess Dazzle.”

  “What about her?”

  “Do you know who she is?”

  “Well, of course. She fought against Mobius and he killed her. He parades her body in front of everyone every few years. Now can I ask you something?”


  “How come your friend and grandmother never speak?”

  “They don’t know your language.”

  “My language? What other language is there?”


  “What’s that?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “How come you’re with your grandmother anyway? Are your parents . . .,” she couldn’t finish. Instead she said, “Where are your parents?”

  “Home. Why?”

  “I just thought maybe Mobius did something to them . . . like he did to mine.” There were tears in her eyes as she said this.

  “What did he do to your parents?”

  “I don’t know. They fought him and he made them disappear.”

  “Ask her family name,” requested Dazzle.

  ”Sassi, what is your family name?” Egg had never heard a person’s last name described that way.


  ”Would you like to help me and Dazzle fight Mobius?”

  “What are you talking about? She’s dead.”

  “She is not dead and I am Flying Girl . . . her sister.”

  “Flying Girl? I don’t know what that means. Besides, whose body does Mobius parade around?”


  “STOP IT. I hate when people make fun of me. Why are you doing this?”

  “Sassi . . . I’m not making fun of you. Let me tell you a fantastic story that will explain everything?”

  “Anybody can tell tall tales.”

  “But not everyone can do what Flying Girl can do. So trust me . . . at least until I’m finished telling you about Dazzle. Please.”

  Sassi reluctantly agreed and Egg rushed through the story as fast as she could. When she was done, she stood up, took Sassi by the hand and flew straight up. She landed quickly before anyone could see them.

  “Now do you believe?”

  “Oh, I want to . . . I really, really want to.”

  “Would you like to become a Sister and help us in our quest?”

  There was such an emptiness in Sassi’s life that this would fill. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more at that moment. “Oh, yes. Yes, yes.”

  “Then say after me . . .,” and she recited the pledge.

  “Now give me your thumb,” and she pricked it and held it against her own finger. “You are now a sister. And the first order of business is for you to meet someone I think you’re going to like.” And from the cloud, out stepped Dazzle.

  “Sassi . . . I know of your family. An ancestor of your father served my father. He was a loyal soldier and his deeds have earned you my debt of gratitude. Loyalty is never forgotten. I promise that I will learn of your parent’s fate . . . and if possible, return you to them.”

  Like the two serpents before her, Sassi was stunned. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Her head was spinning and her heart was racing. She put her hands to her cheeks and just stared at the apparition floating before her.

  “Thank you for joining with us.”

  The beautiful girl brushed away the tears glistening in her eyes. “I do want to help, really and truly I do . . . but I have nothing to offer. I’m not brave or strong or . . . or . . . anything. I . . . I think you made a terrible mistake.”

  “If Egg has chosen you, then you are more than worthy to join with me in my fight for the people of Aerianna.”

  Sassi smiled even though she wasn’t convinced. But she desperately wanted to try. “If you want me, then I’ll do whatever I can. I promise I’ll try very hard. All I ask is that you take me with you now.”

  “You may live at my castle . . . at the Hameggattic Sisterhood. Go quickly and collect your personal belongings.”

  “I have everything I need right here. I have friends,” and she squeezed Egg’s hand, “and now I have hope.”

  “Then we leave.”


  As they flew off, no one noticed the man in black watching them with eyes that were not quite human . . .

  Chapter 10 – Oh MY GOSH!

  . . . no one, that is, but Dazzle. “Sassi, as we left there was a man dressed in a black robe the likes of which I am not familiar. He watched us with great interest. Do you know what he was? Was he a Mo’beye?”

  “Probably. They’re horrible. They have strange eyes through which Mobius can see whatever they see.”

  They had just landed at the castle and were about to enter. Since Dazzle had no more questions, Egg opened the door and led her guest inside. Sassi’s reaction was just like everyone else’s. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”

  “Egg, while Sassi looks about, please tell Sylvia and your grandmother about the Mo’beyes.”


  “They know we are on Aerianna.”

  “That’s not good . . . right?”

  "That is not good.”

  So Egg did as she was told. “Okay, now what do we do? Go home?”

  “Soon. But first, we must settle Sassi into her new home. Let us go upstairs.”

  So they followed the Princess back up the spiral staircase, down the hall passed her bedroom and to another door. “Please” she pointed at the door and Egg opened it.

  It was another bedroom . . . not quite as large as Dazzle’s, but just as beautiful. “Sassi, this will be yours.”

  “Oh no, thank you. It’s much too nice. I’ll just sleep downstairs.”

  “One should never refuse a princess,” Dazzle said with a hint of a smile.

  Sassi put her hands to her face as she realized her mistake. “I’m sorry, your highness, really. Of course, I’ll take it. Thank you.”

  “There is also a closet full of clothes. Choose anything that suits your fancy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And now we must provision Se’rene with food and drink if we are to have permanent guests. Egg, in my bedroom under the bed you will find a loose plank. Remove it. Inside is a pouch of aryas that I put away for days such as today.”

  Egg came back with the pouch. “Is there a store around here?”

  “About five miles down the river is a small town. Sassi should be able to find all that she needs there. Sylvia and Eloise will accompany her.”

  “What about us?”

  “We need
to find your other two sisters. They have to buy provisions that will suit the needs and tastes of serpents and bring them to the castle. Then you and I need to create the Sign of the Egg and find a place for it. We need those communications crystals and the Shades of Night need to get them for us.”

  “I don’t think Grammy is going to be too happy about this.”

  “You may be surprised. Tell her.”

  So Egg did . . . and Dazzle was right.

  “Oh, I’d love to help her. She’s such a lovely girl and so very nice . . . much like you and Sylvia.”

  “You don’t mind going without me?” Egg was just a little disappointed.

  “No, dear. You’re Flying Girl and you can take care of yourself. I had some doubts before, but they’re mostly gone now. You handle yourself so well. I’m even more proud of you . . . if that’s possible,” and she gave her granddaughter a big hug and a kiss.

  Sassi didn’t know what they were saying but the expression of love between the two made her smile. “It must be wonderful to be loved like that.”

  So the plans were made. Sassi was to take a small sail boat that Dazzle had stored in a shed out back. The current would take them to the town, and then they would sail back.

  “How do I communicate with your grandmother and friend?”

  “I can’t give you my necklace otherwise I can’t talk to K’ssss and Soo’. Dazzle, any suggestions?”

  “Trust them. One does not need words to be understood.”

  Egg looked at Sassi and shrugged. Then, to the other girl’s surprise, she gave her hug. “Good luck. And I’m really glad you joined the sisterhood.”

  Sassi stared at Egg looking for signs that she was being teased. When she realized that the girl was being sincere, she returned the hug. “Thank you. I’m just so happy that you asked me.”

  So they all walked outside and Dazzle led them to the boat. Grammy got in first, then Sylvia and Sassi jumped in.

  “Syl . . . don’t get lost,” Egg teased. “And don’t buy any junk.”

  “You be careful, too.”

  “Get back before night falls. You are unfamiliar with the river and the countryside.”

  Egg waved as the boat slipped into the river and was caught by the current. As it slowly disappeared around a bend, she suddenly shivered. Looking at her arms, they were covered in goose bumps. She was going to tell Dazzle that she had a bad feeling about this . . . but decided not to be a worrywart.


  As they flew to Nau’tika Egg asked, “So, what do you think the sign of the Egg is . . . or should be? And don’t say you’ll leave that up to me.”

  “My sister, you . . . we . . . shall give it more thought.”

  “Do you think we should leave the sign . . . whatever it is . . . in Nau’tika. That’s where we met S’eeee-sik.”

  “That seems a bit . . . obvious. Perhaps another idea will make itself known.”


  They made it to Nau’tika and entered the same way as last time. Since Soo’s seashell store was the only place they knew to look, they headed there. Like before, there was almost no one around.

  “That’s it,” Egg said pointing to the third store from the end. She walked in and to her relief, Soo’nami was behind the counter.

  “Hi, Soo’.”

  “Hey Ho human with a stupid name,” answered the smiling sea serpent. “Back so soon?”

  “Yes. I found another sister,” Egg announced proudly.

  “Not another serpent I bet.”

  “No, a human” Egg replied.

  “Terrific. When do I get to meet her?”

  “That’s kind of why I’m here. Sassi . . . that’s her name . . . is living at the sisterhood now. And you-know-who (they all promised not to use Dazzle’s name in public if they could help it) wants us to stock the castle with food and stuff just in case we all have to live there. So, can you get K’ssss and shop for enough supplies to last at least a week and take them there?”

  “Do I have to pay?”

  “Nope. Here’s some money.”

  “Oooh . . . money. I like money.”

  “So will you find K’ssss and do it?”

  “I don’t need to find her . . . she’s standing right behind you. That stupid sea shell she wanted finally came in.”

  “Hi, Egg.”

  Egg turned around and came face to face with the goofy serpent. “Hey, K’ssss.”

  “I like your scarf; it’s pretty.” Egg was still wearing the one she had borrowed from Dazzle.

  “Thank you. Listen, K’ssss I can’t stay and you and Soo’ have an important job to do.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t think I have an important job to do. In fact I don’t have any job.”

  At first Egg was confused. Then she realized it was K’ssss who was confused. “No K’ssss, you don’t understand. I came to ask you and Soo’ to do a very important job for me. She’ll tell you about it.”

  “She will?” asked a smiling serpent.

  Egg turned and looked at Soo who was just grinning at Egg’s frustration. Egg gave her a look that said, “help me before I scream.”

  “K’ssss, you dim witted slithering sack of stupid . . . you and me are going shopping.”

  “I love to shop.”

  Soo turned back to Egg “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I know a nursery rhyme,” declared K’ssss.


  “Actually, I made it up myself. Do you want to hear it?”

  “I really have to go K’ssss. Maybe next time.” But K’ssss looked so heartbroken that Egg said “On second thought, sure . . . I’d love to hear it.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  Egg waited but K’ssss said nothing. “Well . . . what is it?”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot. It goes . . . See the serpent leap in the air, all the birds and humans he scares. But watch for dragons looking for meat, hunting for something tasty to eat.” She looked at Egg and Soo and smiled expectantly.

  “Hey, not bad.” Coming from Soo, that was an incredible compliment.

  “Very nice, K’ssss.”

  “Now it’s your turn to tell me one. I love nursery rhymes.”

  “Oh, K’ssss, I can’t right now. But when we get to the castle, I’ll tell you my favorite. It’s called Humpty-Dumpty. I promise.”


  Egg left her serpent sisters and Nau’tika. She was headed back to the castle so Dazzle said, “My sister, we need to create the sign of the Egg. Have you forgotten?”

  “No I didn’t forget. I was going back to the castle so Sassi can help me make it.”

  “Make it? You know what the Sign of the Egg will be?”

  “Yup . . . it’s going to be Humpty-Dumpty.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “Trust me,” said Flying Girl with a big grin on her face.


  They floated down the river passed an endless forest of trees. The current was swift enough for them to make good time, but not so fast as to make the trip scary.

  Sassi seemed to know what she was doing. That was good because Grammy and Sylvia had absolutely no idea how to handle a boat. The two of them tried to help out, but Sassi gently pulled them out of the way and indicated that she wanted them to sit. So they did and chatted about Dazzle and Aerianna and the Quest. Grammy was beginning to get caught up in the excitement of it all.

  It took about forty minutes until they saw signs of the little village. Sassi swung the craft towards shore and pulled up to a rickety wooden dock. She hopped out and tied the boat to a metal ring that was there just for that purpose.

  “I guess we should get out,” said Sylvia to Grammy. She swung over the side and offered her hand to Grammy.”

  “Thank you, child. I’m not quite as agile as I once was.”

  They started walking towards the town with Sa
ssi taking the lead. Sylvia tried to take the girl’s hand but she pulled away. Syl looked at her quizzically. Realizing that she was only trying to be friendly, Sassi smiled back and gave her a friendly squeeze.

  During the years of living under her mean aunt, Sassi had hidden her feelings . . . withdrawing into herself. She had almost forgotten how to be a friend. Now that she was part of the Sisterhood, she was determined to become a different person. Her mom and dad may be gone, but their memory still lived inside her heart. And in their honor, if for no other reason, she wanted to be the best Hameggattic Sister ever. She squeezed Sylvia’s hand again.

  She led her two companions to the center of town where all the small shops were located. The few townspeople who were walking around looked at them with curiosity but said nothing.

  On the trip over, Sassi had made a not so little list of all the things she would need to buy. Taking it out of her pocket, she looked at the first item . . . bread. Looking around, she saw a bakery and walked over to it. All three went inside and were immediately overwhelmed with the delicious smell of freshly baked bread and pastry. The girls looked at each other and smiled hungrily.

  Sassi chose some long, thin loaves with dark brown crust. Using hand signals, she invited her two companions to choose some cakes or pastries. It didn’t take much to get her point across and Syl and Grammy eagerly pointed to different treats.

  They left the store and continued shopping . . . and their arms slowly filled with all the food they had bought. Eventually it became too much to carry, so Grammy dragged Sassi over to a vendor who was selling wicker baskets. The girl bought six; two for each of them.

  At the end of an hour, all six were filled, and they decided they had about as much food as they really needed.

  “Let’s go home,” she said while making a gesture of walking with her fingers; then sleeping with her hands. The girls understood and followed.

  As they walked, Sassi would point to an object – a sign, a bench, whatever was along their path – and say the word. By the time they were in sight of the dock, the girls had learned almost a dozen. They couldn’t have been happier . . . and Sassi couldn’t have been more proud. This had turned out to be a wonderful trip.

  “STOP,” growled a voice behind them.

  They turned around and there was a man in a black robe. His face was completely covered . . . except for his eyes. And they were too horrible to be human.


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