Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel] Page 63

by Robert Iannone

  I ask him to explain what they do, but I don’t really understand. And when my Mom takes me to where she works and shows me what she does . . . it gives me a headache.

  My younger sister is just like her . . . the best at everything she does. In school, she gets the highest grades, and in sports, she wins all the medals. And everybody likes her and wants to be her friend. I’m so proud that she’s my sister.

  Sometimes when I see her in school, she pretends that she doesn’t really know me. She does that 'cause everybody likes to laugh at me and make fun at the silly things I say. And I wouldn’t want them to make fun of her so I pretend that I don’t know her either.

  I really like my older brother. He treats me the best . . . he makes me laugh and he buys me things. But he moved away when he got a really great job in another city.

  My mom gets mad at me 'cause my friends are really young. But I like to play with them because they hardly ever laugh at me. Most of the time they treat me nice.

  And I’m really lucky because when I don’t play with them I collect my seashells. And that’s how I met Soo’. And that’s how I met Egg. And that’s how I became a Hammygatic Sister. And that’s how I got to go on the Quest. And that’s how I met the Princess. And that’s how I met all of you.

  Anyway, I never had so many friends like you guys. And I would do anything for you . . . so just ask me. And I’m sorry if I say stupid thing; I don’t mean too.

  And Princess . . . would it be okay if I invited my mom, dad, sister, and brother when you give me the medal? I don’t think that they would believe me . . . unless they saw you do it. And maybe all you guys can tell them that I did good . . . you know . . . that I didn’t do anything stupid. If that’s okay?”

  When she had finished, there was dead silence. K’ssss’ tale had broken their hearts and they were afraid that if they tried to talk, they would break down and cry.

  The Princess came to their rescue. “My sister . . . when this is over and we have won, the whole world will know of your bravery. And if anyone dares to laugh at you again . . . I will banish them to K’actus Kiln until they learn respect.”

  “I’ll fry them with my breath, K’ssss. No one messes with the Hameggattic Sisterhood . . . or any of the sisters. Nobody.”

  “And I would be honored to tell your family that we could never have succeeded without you,” added Aeri’elle.

  “That goes for me, too,” said Sassi.

  “Me, three,” added Sylvia brushing away her tears.

  “And you can count on me . . . and Soo’ . . . to be standing right by your side,” said Egg fiercely. How she hated the thought that anyone would make the sweetest serpent in the world sad.

  They were all silent for a few minutes trying to get their emotions under control. K’ssss didn’t quite understand the effect that her story had on her sisters. Leaning over to Sassi, she said, “I didn’t mean to make everybody so sad.”

  “Oh, K’ssss, they are only unhappy because things haven’t gone so well for you.”

  “They haven’t?” asked a confused sea sister.

  And despite herself, Sassi just had to laugh. “You are such a joy to be with . . . did you know that?”

  The serpent smiled shyly. “No one ever told me that before.” After a moment, she added, “This really is a fairy tale . . . isn’t it?”

  “I hope so, K’ssss. I really and truly hope so.”

  After a few moments, Dazzle said, “It is getting late and we need to sleep. But before we do, I would like to hear Sassi’s story.” The other girls all nodded in agreement.

  “I only wanted to tell this story because it has to do with the Princess. Well, not really with you, your Majesty, but with your sister.”

  That got everyone’s attention . . . especially Dazzle’s.

  “With my sister? You have made me curious.”

  “Your Majesty, the truth be told . . . everyone knows of you; but there aren’t many stories about her,” confided Aeri’elle who was a history buff.

  “She was younger than I . . . and very sweet and quiet. K’ssss, she was much like you.”

  “H’sssss. H’sssss.” The serpent’s laugh was infectious and everyone joined in.

  “Please continue, Sassi.”

  “I was very young and my parents were still . . . ummm . . . my parents. It happened not too long before they disappeared. They took me to Q’umulus . . . ”

  “You’ve been to Q’umulus?” asked an awed Bl’azzz. “That’s so awesome.” The legendary floating capital of Aerianna was known for its incredible beauty. Now, of course, it was home to Mobius and off limits to all but a very few.

  “I would love to visit it someday,” said Aeri’elle dreamily.

  “And you shall . . . all of you will,” promised the Princess. “But how was it possible that your parents could take you there?”

  “I‘m not really sure. I was so young at the time that it didn’t occur to me that such a visit is all but impossible. But now that I know they were fighting Mobius, I think they somehow found a way to go there so they could spy on his movements; maybe to find some weakness that they could use against him.”

  “So why would they take you there?” asked Sylvia.

  “To see an art exhibition. All the famous artists of Aerianna had their works on display. But why that evil man would do this is something I could never figure out.” She looked at Dazzle to see if she might have an answer.

  “Perhaps he used the exhibit to lure his enemies.” The girls gave that some thought . . . but with no experience in such matters, there was nothing they could add.

  Sassi continued, “I hardly remember anything of the visit . . . except the art in one particular room. It was dedicated to the paintings and sculptures of Princess Ss’ong.”

  “That’s your sister,” said Egg.

  “Yes. She was very talented; almost as talented as my mother.”

  “How come you never talk about her?”

  “About Ss’ong?”

  “No . . . about your mother.” The other girls were always surprised at the particularly close relationship that Egg had with the next queen of Aerianna. They could never imagine asking such questions of her.

  “I will . . . but not tonight. Sassi, please finish.”

  “There’s not much more to say except that it was because of the Princess’ art that I became an artist. It was so inspiring . . . it . . . it spoke to me. Does that make any sense?”

  “Perfect sense.”

  “Anyway, when my parents left, I had only my horrible aunt and no real friends. So I spent all of my time painting, creating jewelry and . . . ,” she paused, almost embarrassed, then added, “creating face art for customers.”

  “Face art? What’s that?” asked Sylvia.

  “When I set up my little booth to sell my art, people started asking me if I could do the same with their faces . . . you know, make them look better. So I learned how to apply face paints, and other materials to change their appearance into something more pleasing.”

  Bl’azzz shook her head. “You humans are just too weird for words.”

  “Not weird . . . just vain.”

  “Oops. Sorry, Princess. I keep forgetting that you’re human,”

  “Thank you. Being human was an accident of birth . . . and something in which I take no particular pride. I am Aeriannian . . . as are serpents and dragons. That is all that matters.”


  They slept poorly and in the morning, they awoke with such a feeling of dread that it was almost painful . . . for today they would lose two of their sisters.

  Sassi made an extra special breakfast and they ate it, all the while pretending that nothing was wrong. But that ended when Dazzle said . . .

  “It is time, my sister.”

  As you would expect, the girls all had tears in their eyes. They were trying to be brave . . . but facing a sand serpent would have been easier than saying good-bye to a sister.

  “Well . . . I
guess this is it.”

  “We will miss you dearly.” And Sassi gave her the first hug.

  “Take care of that leg. And when this is over, maybe you’d like to join my sorority?” Aeri’elle gave her the second hug.

  “Thanks . . . but I belong to the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  That kind of startled the other dragon. “You’re right. What was I thinking?”

  “You’re going to stay at the Se’rene, aren’t you?” asked Sylvia.

  “Absolutely. I won’t leave Soo’ by herself.”

  “That makes me feel much better.” She hugged her injured friend then said, “I can’t believe I have a fire breathing dragon as a sister. I think K’ssss is right . . . this is a fairy tale.”

  K’ssss was saying her goodbyes to Soo’ when she heard her name. “Did I say something stupid?”

  “No, you said just the right thing. Now come over here and give me a hug . . . you slithering sack of silly.” Bl’azzz added that last part in honor of Soo’.

  “H’sssss, H’sssss.”

  Bl’azzz then turned to Egg . . . and started to cry. “Please don’t,” whispered Flying Girl.

  “I let you down . . . I’m soooo sorry.”

  “YOU DID NOT. Don’t you ever say that or think it.”

  “I should be going with you. You shouldn’t have to face all that danger without me.”

  “You did your part. And now you have one more job to do . . . get you and Soo’ home safely. Will you do that for me?”

  But she didn’t answer. Instead, she said, “I love you, Egg. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for letting me come along.”

  Egg threw her arms around the girl and they shared their one last moment in silence.

  “It is time, my sister. Be safe. And Bl’azzz . . . thank you.”

  Bl’azzz looked at each of her sisters one more time as if she was taking their picture with her mind’s eye. She smiled bravely then walked over to the very sad Soo’ who was sobbing quietly.

  “It’s time to go, Sister.” And she put her talons gently around the serpent. The other girls came up and each gave Soo’ one last hug even though she didn’t really know what was going on.

  “Maybe we can still talk to you with the communication crystals,” said Egg trying her best to cheer up the unhappy dragon.

  “That would be great. Well, I should go so I can get Soo’ back in water where she belongs. Oh, just one thing . . .,” everyone assumed she was going to say something like ‘I love you’ or ‘Be careful’, but she didn’t. “I may not deserve a medal like K’ssss . . . but I’d be seriously happy with the hat of that stupid c-a-t,” (she spelled it out so J’azzz wouldn’t think she was being called). Then she flapped her wings and took off in the direction of the rising sun. The girls stood there and watched as the dragon and serpent grew smaller and smaller . . . and finally disappeared.


  The three humans climbed on K’ssss’s back while Aeri’elle walked alongside. The satisfied feeling they had had when they made it past the sand serpent in K’actus Kiln was replaced with a terrible sense of despair.

  They had lost two of their own; and a Sisterhood with just five didn’t feel right.

  They had lost to Mobius and he was probably laughing at them right now.

  And they had four more challenges to face just to get to the Crystal Mountain.

  When they had first started out, they felt sure that their Quest would succeed. It would be difficult . . . but they would rise to the challenges.

  Now . . . they weren’t so sure.

  Egg wanted to say something to encourage her friends . . . but nothing came to mind. In fact, she felt the same way that they did.

  Dazzle could sense their emotions and knew what to do. “I believe we should end the Quest and return home,” she said to her silent companions.

  Shocked by the words, the girls turned to look at the Princess.

  “WHAT? Are you crazy?” cried Egg.

  “OH NO, your Majesty. Never.”

  “Why would we do that?” asked Sylvia.

  Even shy Sassi had to say something. “With respect Princess . . . that’s a terrible idea.”

  “What do you think, K’ssss?”

  The silly serpent took a moment before answering, “Soo’ would get mad at me if I went home.”

  “I would still give you your medal. You have earned that much already.”

  “I wouldn’t want my mom and dad and brother and sister to see me get a medal . . . you know . . . if we didn’t finish. I don’t think that’s right . . . just to quit.” The other four girls couldn’t have been more proud of their sea sister than they were at that moment.

  Dazzle pretended to think about what the girls had said. The five sisters held their breaths while they waited for her to speak. “Since you seem determined to finish that which you have started, I must yield to the will of the Sisterhood. Let the Quest continue.”

  The girls all cheered . . . and the terrible dark cloud that had been hanging over them blew away like so much smoke in a windstorm.


  They continued drifting along with the current, looking for the tall, moss-covered trees that meant they were going the right way.

  About an hour later, Aeri’elle shouted, “Look”. It was a whole forest of the furry trees . . .

  And just beyond the trees was blue water . . . and the end of the foul smelling Switch Swamp.

  “We did it,” and Sassi clapped her hands excitedly.

  “Never a doubt.” Then Sylvia grinned and added, “Well, maybe just an itsy-bitsy one.”

  “Keep your attention focused for danger,” warned the Princess.

  “I hate to do this . . . I really, really hate to; but “CAT,” Egg called to thin air.

  “You bellowed?”

  “We’re almost out of the swamp. Now what?”

  “Now what what?”

  “What?” asked Egg confused.

  “That’s what I said.” The cat apparently couldn’t help but be annoying.

  “Come on, you stupid cat. Just tell us what to do next.”

  “Make a boat.”


  “Anybody ever tell you that you’ve got more whats than a light bulb?”

  “J’azzz-min . . . stop your foolishness and tell us what we must do next.”

  “I did . . . make a boat.”

  “And how are we supposed to do that?”

  “And why?” asked Sassi.

  “You need a boat to get to the island where AyBee lives. And you can’t get through his sea without his permission.”

  “So we just go visit him and say please?” said Sylvia sarcastically.

  “Pretty much.”

  Aeri’elle remembered what the cat had told them before they had started out. “I thought that if he grabs you, he squeezes the courage out of you.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “So this is really dangerous?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “J’azzz-min, how are we to build a craft? Is there no alternative?”

  “Ummm . . . you could use that one.”

  They all looked to where the cat was pointing and sure enough, there was a boat mostly hidden by the tall trees.

  “K’ssss, head for the boat. J’azzz-min, how do we find this island?”

  “Not too worry . . . it’ll find you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Just what it sounds like.”

  “Tell us what to expect.”

  “He likes to play games.”

  Sassi asked suspiciously, “What kind of games?”

  “Hmmm . . . What has seven heads, six arms, five left, four brains, three humans, two wings, one ghost and zero chance of success?”

  Chapter 3 – Saved By the B’elle

  Inside the cave where the monster AyBee lived was a small pool of dark green water. From out of nowhere, an arrow of light passed through the thick cavern walls
and struck the brackish liquid. And slowly a disembodied head began to take shape . . . floating ominously on the water. It was the evil Mobius.

  AyBee, sensing the presence of his master, called out “Mobius, welcome.”

  The cruel king had no time for pleasantries. “You are about to have visitors. One of them is not of this planet and has become very troublesome. She wears a costume made from serpent’s crystal. After you take her prisoner, give her something pretty to wear for I will send K’aos to fetch the garment.”

  “As you wish. And after . . . what would you have me do with her and her companions?”

  The floating face gave that a moment’s thought. “Why don’t you give each one of them a big hug for me?” He laughed at his own cleverness and the sound of his wicked laughter echoed through the caverns.


  As they sailed into the calm blue water of the AyBee Sea, Egg started to recite an old nursery rhyme that popped into her head . . . “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat: They took some honey, and plenty of money wrapped up in a five-pound note.”

  “H’sssss, H’sssss”.

  Egg smiled at K’ssss . . . it was always nice to be appreciated.

  “That was silly. Our boat isn’t green and musical notes don’t weigh five pounds . . . do they?”

  Shaking her head at her sea sister’s silly question, Egg was about to explain that a five pound note referred to a type of earth money but instead she screamed, “OH MY GOSH.” Both the sea and the sky had gone from brilliant blue to blood red in a heartbeat. Then the water bubbled and foamed all around them as rocks jutted out of the water trapping the boat. J’azzz-min was right . . . the island had found them.

  “What just happened?” asked Sylvia.

  “I think we just found the island,” answered Sassi.

  “Why did the sky and the water turn red?” asked the shocked serpent.

  “I believe it was to frighten us.”

  “Oh, good.”

  Everyone turned to look at K’ssss. “Why is that good?”

  “Because I didn’t want to be scared for no reason.” And in spite of themselves, the girls managed a little laugh.

  “What do we do now?” Aeri’elle asked Egg.


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