Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel]

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Boxed Set: Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood: [The 12 book 1st adventure + the series prequel] Page 64

by Robert Iannone

  “We probably don’t have to do anything. They obviously know we’re here. So let’s just wait until they send someone to come and get us.”

  Aeri’elle smiled at her sister. “You’ve really changed.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The old Egg wouldn’t have sounded so sure of herself . . . or have had as much confidence.”

  “Thank you. But if I did change it’s because of Bl’azzz and Soo’. If they hadn’t done so much for the rest of us . . . well . . . I just think we owe it to them to succeed.”

  “Egg . . . you really were the best person to lead us. I should never have doubted you . . . or you, Princess.”

  “A leader must have respect . . . and respect must be earned. Our Egg has done just that.” Egg blushed at all the compliments.

  But the moment was shattered by a very loud “Arggggggg.”

  Everyone jumped about a foot at the unexpected shriek. They all looked around to see where it was coming from . . . but with no luck.


  This time they found the source of the sound . . .

  “Eeeeeeeeeee,” screamed K’ssss.

  And Sassi was so frightened she cried, “OH MY GOSH” without even realizing it.

  Aeri’elle and Sylvia would have yelled . . . but they were so scared that their mouths wouldn’t work.

  “Do not be alarmed. It will not hurt us.” The girls wanted to turn around to look at Dazzle but they were afraid to take their eyes off of the monster.

  Egg finally managed to ask, “What makes you so sure?”

  “As you said . . . they will send someone. This hideous thing is that someone.”

  “Oh . . . right.”

  The creature had poked its gigantic lizard-like head above the water and bellowed one more “Arggggggg” before making its way to the back of the boat where it started to push. Maneuvering between the rocks, it eventually guided them to a little lagoon. And there on the shore was AyBee…

  “Well, well. What have we here?”

  The creature startled everyone for it had the head of an octopus but an almost human body. However, its voice was the most strange. AyBee sounded . . . well . . . intelligent and even friendly.

  Dazzle was especially intrigued. She thought that there was something vaguely familiar about AyBee but she couldn’t quite figure out what it might be.

  With her newfound confidence, Egg jumped off the boat and walked towards the being. “Hello, sir. My name is Egg and these are my sisters . . . Sylvia, Sassi, K’ssss and Aeri’elle. We would like permission to pass throu . . .,” But AyBee cut her off before she could finish.

  “Who is she?” he said pointing at the Princess.

  As it had happened with J’azzz-min, Dazzle was stunned that anyone but her sisters could see her. “My name is . . .” She stopped because she didn’t think it was wise to tell him who she really was.

  “Her name is Eloise,” said Egg sensing what the Princess was thinking. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce her.”

  “You look familiar to me. But I am sure that I do not know any El-Oh-Ease.” That statement made Dazzle frown in confusion. How could they both be familiar to each other? Curiouser and curiouser, she thought.

  “Sir, we would just like permission to pass through your sea. So, if that’s okay, we’ll just go on back to our boat and . . .”

  “Oh, no, no, no, no. That won’t do at all. You must forgive me, but I receive so few visitors that I have lost my manners. Come into my humble dwelling and share some food and drink. It is the least I can do.”

  “But . . .”

  “I insist.” He smiled . . . but it wasn’t a friendly smile. Then he made a little nod to the creature that had pushed their boat and it rose out of the water and herded them into the cavern that was AyBee’s home.

  The girls were awestruck by what they saw. The cavern was huge with cones of rock growing up from the floor and others growing down from the ceiling. They kind of looked like giant teeth in the mouth of some incredibly large monster.

  The floor of the cavern was mostly water . . . but there were a goodly number of mounds of dry ground for them to stand on. As they were led to one particularly large one, Egg was beginning to get a very bad feeling.

  “Excuse me, Mr. AyBee, sir . . . but we’re really not very hungry. I know it’s rude just to leave, but we would like to be on our way.”

  “That isn’t possible.” Up to this point, the girls had kept a comfortable distance between themselves and the eight arms of the octopus man. But now AyBee began to get closer . . . very slowly so as not to frighten his guests.

  “Do not approach any closer,” commanded Dazzle.

  AyBee laughed very unpleasantly. “Who are you to command me?”

  “She wasn’t trying to command you, sir. It’s just that we are inexperienced travelers and have never encountered a being such as yourself. I’m embarrassed to say that we are a bit frightened,” said Aeri’elle coming to the Princess’s assistance.

  “Why won’t you just let us leave?” asked Sylvia. “We have nothing of value.” She looked around at the cavern then added, “We have nothing that you can use here.”

  “Yes and no,” the strange creature said mysteriously.

  “We don’t understand,” said Sassi.

  “Then I shall explain. No . . . you have nothing that I could use; but yes . . . you have something of value.”

  “Is this a guessing game? I’m not very good at guessing games.”

  AyBee laughed at the silly serpent. “Yes . . . that is a great idea. Let’s make this a guessing game.” J’azzz-min was right about the creature’s love of games. “If you win, you may leave.”

  “And if we lose?”

  “Then you shall grant me one wish.”

  “What wish?” asked Egg suspiciously.

  “Lose . . . and you will find out.” None of the girls liked the sound of that.

  “We won’t play unless you tell us,” said Egg defiantly.

  “Do not trifle with me little girl. You would not like to see me angry.” Of that, they were absolutely sure.

  Since they weren’t going to win the argument, they decided they had better win the game. “How many questions can we ask?”


  “That’s not enough.”


  “Hey, now you’re cheating.”


  Egg was about to say something else but Sassi put her hand over her sister’s mouth then said, “I don’t think you should argue with him anymore.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “Come on, you guys, let’s think about the questions,” said Sylvia with more than a little fear in her voice.

  So they put their heads together and made suggestions and voted. Finally, they decided to let Aeri’elle ask her question.

  “Is it our boat?”


  So they went through the whole routine again and now Sassi got to ask her question.

  “Is it our supplies?”


  Now the girls were beginning to panic. They only had the boat and supplies . . . what else could this thing want?

  “Maybe he wants my scarf,” said K’ssss referring to the green one that Sassi had given her. The other girls just shook their head no.

  “Oh my gosh.”

  “What is wrong?” asked Dazzle.

  “I know the answer.” And without discussing it with her sisters, Egg turned to AyBee and said, “You want my flying suit, don’t you?”

  The girls let out a collective gasp.

  “Oh, ho. Extraordinary. Most Extraordinary.

  Dazzle stared at the creature. How very strange she thought . . . that is a phrase my father always used when someone surprised him with an unexpected show of intelligence.

  The girls weren’t sure if they should be happy for winning . . . or horrified that that was the winning answer. So . . . they stood there hold
ing their breaths.

  “Why do you want her clothes?” Sassi dared to ask.

  “I do not.” He paused for dramatic effect much like J’azzz-min always did. “Mobius does.”

  “NO,” screamed Egg.

  “Not to worry. I will find you something pretty to wear. I must confess, however, that why he would want your clothing, I have no idea. But mine is not to question the great and powerful king.”

  He reached behind himself and pulled out a tunic and tossed it to Egg.

  Flying Girl caught the garment and stared at it in horror. She didn’t know what to do.

  Aeri’elle tried to come to her aid when she told AyBee, “But we won the game. Had we lost, then you would have asked for her clothes. That was going to be your one wish . . . wasn’t it?”

  “My, my; all of you are so very clever.”

  “So you can’t ask for it because you didn’t win. That’s only fair.”

  AyBee was inclined to just laugh at such nonsense. But he was beginning to enjoy matching wits with these creatures. And since they weren’t about to escape, he might as well continue playing this silly game with them.

  “Well, perhaps you are right. However, I demand the right of rematch.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I get to ask you another riddle. If you win . . . the game is truly and finally over. If you lose, we are back to even and then you must challenge me.”

  “It’s like dodge ball,” said Sylvia to Egg. “You have to win by two.”

  “Apparently we have no choice in the matter,” said Dazzle to their host.

  “No, not really.”

  “Then ask your riddle.”

  AyBee nodded graciously, collected his thoughts then began . . .

  “The old king is dying and wants to leave his kingdom to the wiser of his two sons. He tells them that he will hold a horserace, and the son whose horse is the last to reach the church and come back will inherit the realm. Immediately the younger son jumps on a horse and makes for the church at top speed. The king now knows that this is the wiser son, and leaves him the kingdom. Why?”

  Egg looked at Sylvia who looked at Sassi who looked at Aeri’elle who even looked hopefully at K’ssss. But none of them had a clue as to the answer.

  They turned as one to look at Dazzle . . . and the Princess had the strangest look on her face.

  “Daz . . . ummm . . . Eloise, do you know the answer?” asked the real Eloise.

  “I do.” The Princess turned to AyBee and said, “The younger son jumped on the older son's horse. He realized that if they rode their own horses, the race would never end.”

  The girls smiled triumphantly even if they weren’t really sure what Dazzle had just said. But then things got a little weird.

  “Is that not correct . . . Father.”

  The girls stared at Dazzle with their mouths hanging open. What the heck was she talking about?

  AyBee in turn stared at the Princess . . . but said nothing.

  So Dazzle used that moment of silence to explain to her sisters . . . and to the creature. “Only my sisters who have a drop of my blood in their veins should be able to see me. Yet this creature had no difficulty. And my father always used the phrase – Extraordinary, Most Extraordinary – when someone showed unexpected cleverness or intelligence. But most telling was this riddle. My father tried to stump me with it when I turned sixteen. He said if I could solve it . . . I could leave Q’umulus and take up residence at Se’rene (that was Dazzle’s country castle that the girls had made into the headquarters of the Hameggattic Sisterhood).”

  The girls continued to stare in shock and disbelief.

  “He was both pleased and disappointed when I gave him the answer. Pleased at my cleverness . . . disappointed that I would leave. Is that not right, Father?”

  “I am not your father.”

  “What is my name?”

  “I am not your father.”

  “What is my name?” she insisted.

  “You are not my daughter.”

  “What is my name?”

  AyBee was obviously struggling with some inner demons that did not want him to answer.

  “You are M’earth, the rightful King of Aerianna. And, you are my father.”

  “I am AyBee . . . king of this island and of this cavern.”

  “You are M’earth . . . and the man you once befriended turned you into this,” she said pointing at the creature with the head of an octopus.

  But as AyBee continued to struggle with Dazzle’s words, the head of Mobius materialized in mid-air and the ugly, evil thing said, “I want that garment. Stop this nonsense and do as I command.”

  And just for a moment, AyBee returned to what he was . . . a creation and a slave of Mobius. He turned towards Egg and two of his eight arms reached out to grab her.

  “EGG,” screamed Aeri’elle. But the warning came too late . . . the arms were about to grab the girl. The dragon did the only thing she could think of . . . she ran and flung herself into AyBee and began to scratch at his eyes with her very sharp talons.

  The creature screamed in pain and without thinking, all eight of its tentacles encircled then squeezed his attacker. Aeri’elle let out an agonizing groan and fell to the ground.

  Egg and the others started to run towards their stricken sister but stopped when AyBee said “NO. Do not come any closer.” Just for a moment, he had managed to free himself of Mobius’ control. “It is too late to save the dragon . . . but not too late to save yourselves. Go. Hurry, before he takes control again.” The creature was obviously struggling mightily to do what Mobius didn’t want him to do.


  “Go, my daughter. There is nothing you can do for me . . . but much you can do for Aerianna.”

  “I will find a way to give you back your throne.”

  “No. I have failed my people and I do not deserve to rule. It is up to you to defeat Mobius and to become Queen.”

  Dazzle stared at M’earth and her eyes filled with tears. “I love you.”

  “And I have always loved you, my precious Rose.”

  Chapter 4 – Crystal Forest

  As they sailed away from the island, the girls were in total shock. They wanted to be strong, but they just couldn’t help themselves from crying. They had lost another Sister . . . Aeri’elle was gone.

  A few minutes after they had made their escape, they had seen her take to the air and they cheered and screamed with uncontrollable glee. But it wasn’t what they thought. AyBee had squeezed the courage from her heart. She was now in utter terror of everything and in great fear of everyone. Fleeing for her life, she headed for the one place where she might be safe . . . home.

  The dragon had been so stuck-up when they had first met her, but in the end, she was as good a Sister as any of them. And she had been incredibly brave to risk her life to save Egg.

  Even though she was overwhelmed with grief at the lost of her Sister and overcome by guilt that she was the cause, Egg felt tremendous pride. When it counted the most, Aeri’elle had risked her life to save a human.

  But with her lost, the girls couldn’t help but feel that the Quest was all but doomed. There were only four of them left. How could they possibly continue?


  “Yes, Egg.” The Princess was also preoccupied. She had found her father . . . alive. But he had defied Mobius to save her and her sisters. And the cruel King would not take kindly to such behavior. She feared for her father’s well-being.

  “I don’t think we can go on. I’m sorry.”

  The Princess gave her young companion her full attention. “Why, Sister?”

  “There are only four of us left. I don’t think we’re strong enough to finish.”

  “You are wrong.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “First, neither you nor your three sisters would want Aeri’elle, Bl’azzz and Soo’s sacrifices to have been in vain.”

  “No . . . that would
be horrible, wouldn’t it?”

  “And, we have passed through four of the lands; there are only three left. We are more than half way to the Crystal Mountain.”

  The thought that they were more than half way there did sound encouraging. But the girl didn’t say anything; she just nodded.

  “But most importantly, Mobius is worried; he wanted my Father to take your flying suit. That can only mean that he fears that we will succeed. He believes that the seven lands may not be enough to stop us. He now knows that the Hameggattic Sisterhood is a force to be reckoned with. And Egg . . . he fears you.”

  “Really?” Now that was something that would never had occurred to her.

  “Most assuredly. His plan to spy on us has actually worked against him. He has seen for himself how you lead. He has seen the incredible courage and resourcefulness of the Sisters. And he now knows of your unwavering determination.”

  Well, actually their determination did waver just a little. But Egg felt a little bit better. “I should tell the others.” She started to turn away, and then stopped. “Dazzle . . . how can I be a good leader if I lost three of my Sisters?”

  “They were lost but not due to anything you did or failed to do. I told you when we first started that I did not believe that all of us would finish the Quest. I am sorry that I was right. And Egg . . . we may lose more, so prepare yourself.”

  That last thought made Egg nauseous. She didn’t think she had the strength to face the loss of another Sister. Taking a deep breath, she said “I’ll tell the others what you said . . . except for that last thing.”

  “And I will summon J’azzz-min.” So as Egg walked back to her sisters, Dazzle said, “Cat, show yourself.”

  “Howdy-doody.” The cat had popped up through the deck of the boat.

  “Come tell us about the Crystal Forest.” Dazzle turned her back on the cat and walked over to join the others. J’azzz followed obediently.


  “Well, what?”

  “Do not trifle with us . . . we are not in the mood.”

  The cat looked at the others and noticed Aeri’elle was missing. “Hey, where’s Big Bird? Don’t tell me that old fish face gave her a hug?”

  Egg and Sylvia looked around for something to throw at the cat; but before they could move, K’ssss leapt forward, wrapped herself around the sarcastic feline and started to squeeze her.


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