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A Dozen Dates

Page 2

by Mitchell, Missy

  Gemma suddenly threw her arms around his neck and started kissing the wallflower, who at first seemed shocked but promptly enough matched her enthusiasm. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him, tightly – see... she knew what a man liked. His strong forceful kisses might have been overwhelming if she hadn’t had so much to drink, but as she was... her guards were down; her inhibitions dissolved.

  Her common sense was drowning in a mix of alcohol and some sought of lustful contagion she had caught from her wallflower, sweeping her along to the rapids which lay ahead. Her heart was pounding and she sighed with desire, her head involuntarily falling backwards and exposing her throat to the mysterious stranger who stood before her. As he kissed and nibbled at her neck she felt a strange sensation sweep over her and an untamed moan escaped. The man sensed her urgency and in his vaguely intoxicated state walked her backwards until she collided with and banged her head on the door; then he locked it. She lifted her injured head and they looked at each other momentarily before their lips once again slammed together.

  Gemma wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she yearned for something he had and she was unabashedly pursuing it. Her body was moving without her mind and her leg instinctively started rising along the side of his, but much to her frustration her skirt was hindering her movement. She thumped her knee against the fabric again and again and then she roared in aggravation. She instantly, and without thinking, in one surprisingly fluent movement, released the man, removed her hip-bag, unzipped her skirt and pushed it down over her hips; then she wiggled and stepped out of it as she once again grabbed for his shoulders and face and resumed kissing him. She raised her leg and locked it around his buttocks and upper legs, drawing him to her, and then hungrily jumped and pulled herself up onto him, wrapping both her legs around his frame.

  He quickly caught her by her scantily, g-string clad bottom and moaned hungrily as his fingers dug into the bare flesh, but in his stupor, the force of her aggression knocked him off balance. He stepped backward, over and over trying to regain it, but once his ankle collided with the mattress on the floor he was gone... They toppled as one, first his buttocks and then his back landing on the mattress, and then his head flung back only to be clonked by hers as she fell like whiplash on top of him. They were both momentarily stunned by the impact of the collision and the sudden realisation that they had rather dramatically changed angles, but undeterred, they soon recommenced their desirous kissing.

  Her legs straddling his frame, Gemma felt herself being urged up to a sitting position, and her face was hit by the gentle moonlight as it entered through the undressed window. Like in a dream she felt one of his hands slide up her body and caress her face, before both his hands explored the voluptuous forms of her up-pushed bosoms – it was so surreal... She felt the man tug at the tight garment, urgently trying to free her breasts from it but his effort was futile and so, relaxed and compliant, Gemma reached up behind her and fumbled with the laces until she managed to loosen them.

  The man felt the corset give, and then he unclasped the hooks down the front and removed it, throwing it onto the floor beside the mattress. He began running his hands over the smooth, generous mounds before gently squeezing them. He sighed with erotic pleasure and then cupped them and brushed his thumbs over her hard, erect nipples.

  The man sat up and began nuzzling his face into and kissing her breasts. She felt the warm flesh of his cheek brush over first one nipple and then the other and she heard him groan. Gemma began breathing unevenly. Then she felt his mouth slide across over one of her nipples and as he closed his lips around it she began to pant... His mouth was hot and moist and she felt like going crazy inside. She ran her fingers up the back of his head and through his hair and sighed hysterically as she pulled his face into her.

  He reached up, again grabbing a breast in each strong hand, pulling them into his face, sighing and then taking the other nipple into his mouth. Then he raised his face, pulled her to his mouth and began kissing her lips again as he lay back down, bringing her with him.

  Gemma felt his hand massaging her bottom making her stomach flutter tumultuously, before she was abruptly flipped over onto her back and he climbed on top of her. She had already been appreciative of his powerful physique, but having it lay atop her, pinning her under its weight was dauntingly breathtaking.

  She gently clawed at the muscles in his back as she pulled him close while he kissed her, before sliding her hands down to the small of his back where she inched up his t-shirt and began tickling his bare flesh. Gemma sighed, and that sense of urgency hit her again as she uncompromisingly began reefing his shirt from his trousers and pulling it up, desperate to be rid of it. The man sat up with Gemma still tugging at his shirt, he crossed his arms at his front and then she watched breathless as he inverted the garment, peeled it from his body and discarded it. She reached for him and pulled him back down, feeling the warm weight of his fine masculine chest pressing against her breasts and she instinctively wound her legs around him. The pair kissed passionately and urgently.

  Suddenly the man jumped up and removed the rest of his clothes and Gemma saw the raw principal of his masculine form as the moonlight captured him. If she hadn’t been drinking, she might have panicked, but instead she lied in a state of bliss, and found much pleasure in the exceptional vision before her.

  He kneeled down beside her and slipped her panties off over her hips and legs and then he knelt between her already parting legs. Gemma looked up at him. His hand slid behind and lifted her jelly-like leg and then he pushed it to the side with his torso as he lay on top of her. His mouth was upon hers again, feeding on her soul, and then she felt the trace of his hand as he drew a line back down her leg and found her warm damp present, and familiarised himself with its delicate feminine contours.

  Gemma closed her eyes as he explored her, panting with fear and feeling an intense excitement like she had never known before. Suddenly he moved his hips – entering her! There was a small sting; her eyes shot open in shock and she yelped. Her lover stopped, and studied her face, confusion, concern and then sheer surprise in his eyes.

  Gemma tried to control her rapid panting and trembling, but his eyes were making her self-conscious, so she closed her own, blocking them out in an effort to recompose. She was shamefully aware that her lover still wasn’t moving so she lifted her head up and started kissing him and finally she felt him relax and start kissing her back, sighing as he did so. She bravely pushed her pelvis against his, charming his manhood and then relaxed before pressing onto his shaft again, making strange noises as she did so and then to her relief her lover started gently motioning with her.

  Gemma opened her eyes and stared briefly at the beauty in his face, but then timidly closed again them to avoid the ambush of his questioning gaze.

  She felt him slide a hand to her breast and then lift himself slightly before engulfing her nipple in his mouth. She moaned, forgetting all about the shocked look she had seen him carry and naturally arched, pushing her breast into his mouth and subconsciously inviting him to suckle on it... She stroked his hair gently and then clawed at his back as he took turns pleasuring one breast, and then the other and then the first again. She entwined her legs around him and rocked with him, enjoying him inside of her.

  Then her lover started to moan with trepidation, and Gemma could feel him trembling. She looked up at him - the moonlight reflecting off the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he frantically held on to his last thread of self-control, and she gently stroked his strained face. Suddenly he jumped, and withdrew before again collapsing on her; and she felt the warm spill burst onto her tummy as he sighed and moaned and shook, trying to catch his breath.

  He slowly laid his face in the hollow of her neck and she gently stroked his hair, feeling his breathing calm. He raised his hand and started affectionately tucking the stiff hair behind her ears before lifting his head and kissing her cheek. He moved onto the bed beside her, cradling
her in his protective arms and bringing her with him, cuddling her until they both quickly fell asleep.

  When Gemma woke up the next morning, it took a couple of minutes for her to recall all of the events the previous evening had shared with her. Greg - he left her... She was upset. She cried a little. She drank a lot – that explained the headache... She followed the handsome wallflower... Into a room – this room... She hit on him – she tried to be sexy... Gemma felt herself blushing with embarrassment as she remembered jumping up on him. “Oh God...” she said as she put her hand on her forehead. Shedding her corset without a care – wanting him to lose his shirt! Pushing her breasts against his body... “Ohhhh, God.” Wantonly opening her legs...

  Gemma’s heart began to race as she slowly slid her hand down her naked body – over her bare breasts and down to her lower belly where she rested it flat. She gasped in slow motion as she recalled the images – she had sex. She pressed her fingers into the flesh of her abdomen. She wasn’t a virgin... anymore. “Oh...” she said in a low voice, and then she gently smiled.

  Gemma looked over at the empty space beside her and concluded that her stud must have gone home... Her face turned melancholy and she wondered what that meant - then she decided that it didn’t really matter. She had lost her virginity to a hunky stranger whom she would never see again... Now here she was, abandoned in some unknown’s house wearing nothing but boots and stockings and fingerless gloves! Gemma grinned at the craziness – this was so wild for her... so bad... So wonderful!

  She sat up and scoped the room for her clothes and thankfully could see them – actually, they were folded neatly beside the bed. “Hmmm... That was nice,” she thought to herself. She stood up and put on her panties and her skirt and then loosened the ties on her corset and loosely wrapped herself in it – they were nearly impossible to put on properly on your own... Then she picked up her hip-bag and went to the bathroom. The first thing she did was remove her gloves and gulp down about half a litre of water from her cupped hands. She took out her pig-tails and put the ribbons in her bag along with her gloves and then used a comb on the vanity to try and make some sense of her anime mop. Next, she requisitions a taste of the home owner's toothpaste which she eagerly rubbed over her teeth with her finger before swishing it around in her horrid tasting mouth. Her eye make-up was quite a mess, so she did her best to wash it off. “Great – no towels... Who are these people?” Resourcefully, Gemma lifted her skirt and dried her face before touching up just her mascara.

  It was time to re-join the world... Gemma left the bathroom holding her corset in place and started walking through the living areas. She could hear voices, but thankfully, it only seemed to be two and she recognised neither. She stepped out onto the patio, the luminous sun hitting her dilated pupils and momentarily blinding her. Gemma squinted and raised one hand to shade her face while her vision adjusted. Then she saw the people the voices belonged to. Nope, she didn’t know the first one, but the second one looked familiar... She squinted again as she looked and then her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she recognised the face – it was him and it was too late to run..!

  “Good morning,” he greeted her. He didn’t get up; instead he remained slouched back in the plastic furniture. He was gorgeous... A tanned naked chest travelling down to a rippling stomach... Even so, he didn’t appear pretentious. He seemed quite comfortable in his uncomplicated blue jeans - he didn’t even feel the need to do up the button, or bother with footwear... His light blue eyes were kind, yet cheeky, and Gemma didn’t dare to try to guess what was behind his expression on this morning.

  “Good morning...” Gemma replied politely, “I don’t know where I am.”

  The men laughed. “You’re at our place...” her stud informed her.

  Gemma frowned pathetically, “Where is that?”

  He smiled, “Don’t worry about that now... We’ll get you home.” He sounded sincere and Gemma breathed a sigh of relief. “What’s your name?”

  “Huh?” she exclaimed, still disorientated.

  The good-looking man smiled again, and gestured toward his companion, “This is my brother, Nathan...” Gemma looked at the man and greeted him. “I’m Michael... What is your name?”

  “Gemma,” she answered, briefly making eye contact with him before coyly looking away again.

  Michael got up and gave her a peck on the side of the face causing her cheeks to burn with self-consciousness, “Good morning, Gemma,” he said and he smiled before pulling out a chair, “Why don’t you have a seat and I will get you your breakfast...”

  “No, that’s...” Gemma started to protest but was cut off.

  “It’s already cooked – I just have to microwave it...”

  Just then Nathan stood up, “I’ll get it. Gemma, how do you take your coffee?”

  Gemma looked at him. Coffee sounded really good... “White - just white...” and then she got a burst of boldness, “Could I have a glass of water too, please?” Her mouth felt so dry...

  “Of course,” Nathan replied.

  She turned her head back around to find her face within inches of Michael’s and she gasped slightly – he frowned as he studied her quickly and then smiled, adding, “And Panadol?”

  Gemma frowned and smiled back painfully, “Yeah...”

  “And Panadol!” confirmed Nathan before departing for the kitchen.

  Michael tapped the back of the chair, reminding Gemma to sit down. “Michael?” she called to him quietly.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Can you please tighten me up?” she requested hesitantly, reaching her second hand around behind her back, her eyes rising to his before darting about nervously.

  Much to Gemma’s embarrassment, a huge smile flashed across Michael’s face as he looked at her timid expression and then down to her full breasts. He placed a hand on the fabric of the corset and dragged it around her waist as he moved in behind her, and then he bent down and whispered near her ear, the breath of his words tickling her and giving her goose-bumps. He grabbed the laces and tugged at them, “As much as I would like to squeeze you out of; I mean into, this... incredible garment... It’s breakfast time – you should wear something more comfortable. Come and I will get you a t-shirt.” Gemma froze and then began to stutter. “Come.” Michael used her laces to steer her to the bedroom.

  Uh oh... She was back in the bedroom – with the stud. Michael squatted down and started rummaging through a large gym bag and pulled out a red t-shirt. “Here,” he said as he stood up and grinned, “It will match your earrings.” The sudden movement startled Gemma, and she jerked back against the wall, her panic evident to him.

  “Gemma..?” Michael said and he looked away, “Gemma..? Did I hurt you?” He turned back to face her, his eyes concerned and his brows once again transformed into cute wriggly caterpillars. She really liked those caterpillars...

  “Huh?” Gemma began to stutter, “Wha-wha-what do-do you me-mean?”

  “If I had... known...” Michael looked away again, “I would have...” He didn’t know quite what to say, “I wouldn’t have... It’s just... It was your first time.” He turned back to face her.

  “What?” Gemma was shocked by his awareness and tried to pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about.

  “You do remember last night, don’t you Gemma? All of it?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “You were a virgin...” Michael’s eyes penetrated hers.

  Gemma’s jaw dropped and she swallowed before issuing her own statement, “And now I’m not...”

  “It’s just... if I knew... Well, it should have been special!”

  Gemma ran her eyes down the partially clothed hunk that was her first lover, and then retraced the journey back to his face, “I could have done worse...”

  Michael snickered disbelievingly, “Gemma, I don’t know if that was an insult or a compliment.” Gemma smiled pleasantly yet cheekily, giving nothing away. “Well, at least let me take you out
to dinner... Make things right,” Michael suggested.

  Gemma wasn’t interested in a pity date, “How about you take me for breakfast for starters..?”

  “For starters...” Michael compromised, “You get changed!” He left the room.

  When Gemma returned to the patio her breakfast order was waiting. She eagerly swallowed the Panadol and drank down half of the water before sipping her coffee.

  “So Gemma, where do you live..?” Michael inquired and she informed him of the suburb she resided in, “I live here!” he announced with a grin.


  “Nathan and I bought this place to renovate,” Michael confirmed, “I’m a cabinet maker by trade and he’s a plumber.”

  “Oh!” Gemma exclaimed, kind of shy to converse with her two unfamiliar companions. Especially after... what happened. Gemma blushed again and took another sip of her coffee.

  “But now we fancy ourselves as property developers...”

  “Have you been doing it very long?” Gemma asked, before slicing off a piece of fried egg to place in her mouth.

  “We start tomorrow...” Michael informed her and he and Nathan chuckled, their lightness making Gemma smile. They looked kind of alike... although Nathan’s hair was a couple of shades darker than Michael’s.

  “How old are you Gemma?” Nathan asked her, curious as to why she seemed more timidly polite than most.

  Gemma cleared her throat nervously and answered, “Twenty. I’m twenty...” and then she paused before asking, “How... how old are you... two?”

  “I’m twenty-five and Nathan’s twenty-eight,” Michael answered her. Gemma looked at Michael and felt her heart skip a beat when she saw him peering back at her.

  Gemma closed her knife and fork on her plate and pushed it an inch away. Her squeamish stomach had only allowed her to eat part of her breakfast – one piece of bacon, a half of an egg and almost a whole slice of toast. “You’re done?” Michael asked.


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