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Tempting Bella (Entangled Scandalous)

Page 16

by Diana Quincy

  Her insides stirred with pleasure. The past few days had passed in a happy haze. Josette had not been mistaken about his virility. Sebastian came to her bed every evening, staying through the night. Sometimes they awakened in the drowsy dark of night to make love before drifting back to sleep, only to take their pleasure again in the morning before rising to begin the day.

  Everything would be perfect if not for her lingering doubts—the secret bank account and the Traherne properties Sebastian had acquired for half their value. Yet she’d begun to believe there must be a reasonable explanation for his questionable business practices. More and more, she couldn’t conceive of Sebastian behaving in a deceitful manner. She would ask him soon, but resisted the idea of doing so immediately. She didn’t want anything to disturb the cloud of bliss she’d floated on since they’d become lovers as well as husband and wife. Even if it was all just an illusion, she wanted to enjoy this dream for a bit longer.

  She turned her attention back to the painting. “Your brother sent it over as a wedding gift. Is it straight, do you think?”

  Sebastian studied Will’s latest work of a young lady walking in the park. She appeared to have been captured in motion, her gleaming hair swaying in the breeze, eyes lively and alert. At the same time, the lush colors and generous strokes imbued the painting with certain sensuality. “It appears so.”

  Bella dismissed the footmen with a firm thank you. “I debated whether to place it in one of the public reception rooms, but I opted for the family sitting room so we can enjoy it at our leisure every day.”

  “An excellent choice.” He came to her and pulled Bella into his arms, lowering his mouth to nuzzle her neck.

  She sighed happily, giving him better access to a sensitive spot he’d become quite expert at tending to. “Sir, this is most inappropriate. Our guest will be here at any moment.”

  “Orford does seem to be constantly underfoot.”

  “I’m not speaking of Orford or any of our other houseguests. Your mother is coming for tea.”

  He released her. “I see. Well, enjoy your visit.” He walked into the foyer, calling for the butler. “Has my mount been readied?”

  “Of course, sir. I’ll have him brought around.” Davison gestured to the footman who silently slipped away.

  Surprised and disappointed by the abrupt deprivation of his masculine attentions, Bella followed. “Where are you going? Your mother will arrive at any moment.”

  He pulled on his gloves, the polite mask on his face devoid of any genuine expression or emotion. “I’m sorry, my dear, you’ll have to entertain my lady mother on your own.”

  “What engagement is so pressing that you cannot be here to receive your mother?”

  “I am riding with Pen in the park.”

  Pressing her lips together, she glanced at Davison. “Leave us please.” The butler bowed and left. “You mentioned nothing of this plan to ride with Pen when I informed you of your mother’s visit this morning.”

  “I don’t direct your movements, Duchess.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek and made for the door. “Nor do you manage mine.”

  She blew out a breath. “This is your mother we are discussing, not some visitor of little significance. We have not received her here. It is well past time that we do.”

  He pulled open the front door. “I don’t stand on ceremony with Mrs. Stanhope and neither should you.”

  She followed him out. “You are beyond exasperating. It is shameful to treat one’s mother with so little respect.”

  Several loading wagons crowded the front of the house. The outside footman gestured down the block. “Cleatus took your mount just a ways down, sir. Her ladyship is taking delivery of the new furniture.”

  Sebastian turned to Bella, eyebrows raised. “Indeed?”

  She returned an answering look. “You gave me carte blanche. I took the liberty of ordering a few items.”

  Sebastian surveyed the dozen or so workmen heaving the heavy furniture. “A few items? It appears you’ve decided to furnish several townhomes at once.” He turned to walk toward the groom who waited with his mount up the street.

  Bella fell into step beside him. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you purposely avoid your mother.”

  Maintaining his stride, he maneuvered around the workmen unloading the wagons. “My relationship with my mother is best left alone. It is not a subject I discuss.”

  She cast him a sidelong glance. Perhaps Sebastian’s lack of warmth toward his mother related to Orford’s story about the truth of his parentage. Did her husband think less of his mother because of her supposed indiscretion with another man? Even if it were true, Matilda was still his mother—his true parent—and she seemed inordinately fond of him.

  “Do you know how lucky you are to even have a mother? Never mind that Mother Matilda is the sweetest, kindest—”

  “Enough.” He strode away toward his mount. “Give my regrets to Mrs. Stanhope.”

  Frustrated, she walked back toward the house to find his mother’s coach just arriving. Greeting her mother-in-law, she ushered her inside where they settled on a sofa and took tea in the front parlor.

  “I am sorry Sebastian could not attend us this afternoon,” she said as their visit drew to a close. “He had a previous engagement.”

  Smiling, Matilda reached over to pat Bella’s hand. “No need to explain, my dear.”

  She swallowed, uncomfortable with the lie, but feeling compelled to continue it in order to spare Matilda’s feelings. “I am certain he regrets missing this lovely visit.”

  Matilda’s measuring gaze fell on her. “Sebastian does as he must. There is no need to feel any discomfort on my behalf. I understand, truly, I do.”

  “Well I don’t.” Emotion swelled in Bella’s chest. “He should realize how fortunate he is to have a mother at all, especially one as lovely as you.”

  “You really are a dear.” Matilda offered that gentle smile of hers. “No one can replace your true mother, but I do hope you will come to regard me with some affection.”

  Bella gripped Matilda’s hand, the long-held pain of missing a mother’s tenderness flared in her. “I am grateful. I don’t understand why Sebastian is not. Why does he treat you so?”

  “You must ask your husband.”

  “Ask me what?” Sebastian stood on the threshold.

  Matilda’s face softened, warmth infusing it. “Sebastian, what a lovely surprise.”

  He executed a quick bow, the kind one would give an acquaintance. “Madam.”

  Bella’s eyes rounded. “I thought you were riding in the park with Pen.”

  Maintaining a formal posture, Sebastian took a seat on the sofa opposite them. “We cut our ride short. I thought you might require some assistance in directing furniture placement.”

  Matilda’s eyes shone with obvious maternal adoration. “I saw the items being delivered when I arrived. Are you redecorating? That is delightful. Which chambers do you plan to change?”

  Sebastian accepted a glass of lemon mineral water from a footman. “It is my wife’s project. You’d best direct your inquiries to her.”

  A brief moment of vulnerability shone in Matilda’s face before her composure slipped firmly back into place. “Of course,” she said turning to Bella. “You must tell me everything, my dear.” Anxious to ease the obvious tension in the room, Bella obliged and they spent the remainder of the visit discussing the changes she hoped to make to the house.

  When the visit came to an end, Bella escorted Matilda out onto the doorstep while Sebastian remained behind in the entry hall. “Forgive me if I overstepped earlier,” Bella said to her mother-in-law.

  “You have not,” Matilda assured her as the footman handed her up into her conveyance. “You never could. Sebastian is as happy as I have ever seen him and I believe you are the reason for that.”

  Bella warmed at the thought. After seeing Matilda off, she returned to find Sebastian waiting for her. “I attended tea with my mother
,” he said. “I hope you are pleased.”

  “At least you shared your presence, if not your affection.”

  He pulled her into the nearest doorway, closing the door behind him. “If it is affection you want, allow me to show it to you in the fullest.”

  Her heart accelerated. “Sebastian, someone might come upon us.”

  His mouth trailed down her throat. “Such a pity. I should like to take you right here.”

  “Truly? Is that done?”

  “Most assuredly.” His lips captured hers. The kiss was long and thorough, both tender and erotic. “I would turn you over that chair and take you from behind.”

  “From behind?” She licked his lips and he opened for her. She delved inside the sweet cavern of his mouth, the taste of lemon swirled. “Would I like that?”

  “I believe you would. Very much.” His tongue moved into her mouth for an unhurried, heated kiss. “First, I would toss up your skirts and look at that part of you that no other man will ever see.”

  A rush of heat engulfed her. “And then?”

  “I might taste you there until you reach your pleasure.”

  “Sebastian!” The idea shocked her, but her womanhood clenched with excitement at the promise of such wanton delight. The image of Lady Hawke flashed in her mind, intruding like a bucket of cold water being dumped on her. Had he done that with his paramour?

  He detected the change in her. “What is amiss?”

  She shook her head and kissed him again. “Nothing.”

  He pulled back, his penetrating gaze on her. “No lies, remember? You promised to tell me of any misgivings.”

  “Did you do…that with Lady Hawke?”

  His expression stiffened and she watched as he visibly tried to relax it. “Why does it matter?”

  “She was your only woman before me. And she seems so…experienced in these matters.”

  “Her sexual prowess is undeniable. And, yes, there was very little of a carnal nature that we left unexplored during our liaison.”

  Pain ached in her chest. She could never compete with a sensual predator like that silver-eyed temptress.

  He held her tight. “Where do you think you are going?”

  “I’m sure to bore you.”

  “You could never bore me,” he said softly. “What I experienced with Jacinda was purely physical.”

  “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?”

  “Oh no, I enjoyed it.” When she tried to pull away, his large hands tightened around her waist, holding her fast. “I was a university buck with no experience when Jacinda introduced me to bed sport. Any randy boy would have been in raptures.”

  “I see.” She knew she sounded petulant but didn’t care. “Your paramour’s charms are undeniable, but you resist them only because you feel honor bound to remain true to your drab, little wife.”

  He chuckled. “My former paramour. And you are anything but drab, as you well know.” He held her chin with a gentle touch, forcing her to look him in the eye. “Any bawd could play Jacinda’s role. No one can fill yours. What we have between us is beyond the carnal. You are my love.”

  Her heart jumped. His love. Did he love her? He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her with deep, tender strokes. Sensual agitation swept her body. “What is to stop us from locking the door?”

  He smiled against her mouth. “Nothing at all.”

  A tap sounded and the door swung open revealing Orford on the threshold. “There you are, my dear.”

  Disappointment panged through her. She forced a smile when Josette and Tabby materialized behind him.

  Josette’s knowing look flitted from Bella to Sebastian. “I hope we do not interrupt.”

  Sebastian inclined his head. “Of course not.”

  Tabby’s eyes went immediately to Will’s painting. “How lovely.” She hurried past Josette and Orford to view it up close, examining it almost with reverence. “Magnificent. Look at the fullness of the strokes. It appears almost as though the artist did not give it much thought, but the overall effect suggests that is not true at all.”

  Bella stole a glance at Sebastian and held his eyes for a moment. “It is a wedding gift from my brother in marriage, William Stanhope.”

  “Remarkable,” said Tabby. “I am such an admirer of his work.”

  Sebastian dragged his eyes away from Bella. “Perhaps we should invite him to take supper with us one evening soon.”

  Tabby’s eyes lit up. “That is most kind of you, sir. I would enjoy meeting your brother above all things.”

  “Shall we take a turn in the park?” Orford asked. “The weather is ideal. If you are otherwise engaged, Stanhope, I shall be happy to escort the ladies.”

  Sebastian cut an amused look in Orford’s direction. “That is most generous of you. I do have to meet with my man of affairs so I reluctantly leave these lovely ladies to you.”

  “Are you certain?” asked Bella. “Can you not accompany us for a quick walkabout?”

  Sebastian brought her hand to his mouth, letting his warm lips linger against her skin longer than courtesy dictated. “I’m certain.” His eyes held hers. “Until later, my lady.”

  Her heart fluttered. She could hardly wait to be alone with him. She felt a pang of guilt for wishing her friends were no longer staying with them. She wanted Sebastian all to herself, without interruption or the obligation of seeing to guests.

  A few minutes later they stepped into the overcast afternoon. Orford turned to offer his arm to Bella, but Josette looped her arm through Bella’s first. With polite nonchalance, Orford turned and offered Tabby his arm instead. They took the lead, strolling ahead, with Bella and Josette trailing behind. Monty—who had taken his leave two days prior—was missing from their group.

  “Where did Monty say he was off to?” asked Bella.

  Tabby looked back over her shoulder. “Something about attending to estate matters. He’s to return in a sennight.”

  “Estate matters?” Bella looked at Josette. “He has a property that needs tending? Is that finally a clue about Monty’s true identity?”

  Josette shrugged. “The gentleman prefers mystery. That is his affair.” She gave Bella a knowing look. “I am more interested in this glow you have about you these days.”

  Heat filled Bella’s face. She looked ahead at Tabby and Orford, grateful that they’d pulled far enough ahead not to overhear the conversation. “What do you mean?”

  “Your husband has introduced you to the pleasures of the marriage bed, no?”

  Bella smiled. She could talk to Josette about almost anything. “You were right,” she admitted. “It is very nice.”

  Mischief sparkled in Josette’s eyes. “And nature has endowed him, has it not?”

  “Josette! I cannot discuss that with you.” She dipped her chin. “Not that I have anything to compare it to, but I will say I haven’t been disappointed in any way.”

  “That is excellent. Now you must keep him interested.”

  “Keep him interested?”

  “Bien sûr. There are many ways for a lady to please her man in the marriage bed.”

  There were? “Tell me all of them.” She was determined to learn everything about the sensual arts. Anything to banish that she-wolf Lady Hawke from Sebastian’s mind. Josette happily proceeded to oblige Bella’s curiosity, in the most excruciating detail, leaving Bella both shocked and fascinated by the time they turned into the park.

  A group of young bucks and ladies had set up a game of skittles. Pausing to watch, Orford and Tabby turned back toward them. “Are you up for Skittles?

  Josette clapped her hands with delight. “Oh, let’s do.”

  They joined the group. After several games, Bella found a bench to rest on for a moment, and Orford joined her. They watched with amusement as Tabby and Josette struggled to outdo each other.

  “Kind, gentle Tabby is a tiger,” remarked Orford. “Who would have guessed it?”

  Bella smiled. “She has the heart of a comp

  “And you, Bella, where is your heart these days?”

  Watching her friends at play, she brushed back a tendril that had escaped her bonnet. “It is with my husband.”

  Orford stilled. “I sensed that was the case.”

  “I know you will think I am foolish.” Emotion roiled in her chest. “In truth, I am confused. He seems all that is good and kind and yet—”

  He finished the thought for her. “You cannot forget about the monies he takes from Traherne.”

  “I know I shall have to confront him, but perhaps he has a reasonable explanation. Everyone seems to hold him in the highest esteem.”

  Orford sighed. “I did not want to burden you with this, but it seems I must, if only to protect you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is a clause in your marriage contract that awards a generous portion to Sebastian once you beget an heir.”

  “Oh, yes.” She waved a dismissive hand. “I am aware. But if he were interested solely in the money, he would have taken me to the marriage bed years ago.”

  “According to our friendly solicitor’s clerk, there is an expiration date on that clause. If you haven’t born a son within the next twelve months, that portion of the contract is void.”

  She pushed the hovering doubts from her mind. “It seems foolish for him to have waited all of these years only to press his advantage now, at the eleventh hour.”

  “You must harden your heart against him before he devastates you with his debauchery.”

  “Debauchery?” She stood, not wanting to hear more. “Really, Orford, you go too far.”

  He came to his feet as well. “It is more than just the money he has stolen from you.” He threaded his hands through his artful curls, which he set each night to achieve the high style of the day. “He is not true to you.”

  “Yes, he is. I asked him of bawds. There are none. You can inquire all about London. No one has ever heard of my husband keeping a peculiar.”

  “That’s because he dallies with servants.”

  Her heart slammed to a stop. “Beg pardon?”

  “He dallies with them and when they get with child, he sends them away.”


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