Wicked Seduction
Page 27
Kit nodded. “The connection is with Lady Rose, the poufy-dressed blonde in the front.”
“All the better,” his brother quipped. “We shall go pay our respects to—”
“I can’t.” Now that the push was upon him, Kit was finally able to voice the first of his many problems this night. “It’s because of them, Lucas. All of it. They put me on the boat, then declared me dead. They knew about the pirates, and they refused to pay . . .” His words choked off.
He didn’t need to elaborate further. Lucas was the smartest of the Fraziers, by far. All it took was one look at Kit’s face and he understood the bulk of it. The fury that always seethed beneath his skin. The pain of everything he had lost. And the absolute disgust of the arrogance that had wreaked so much havoc in Kit’s life.
“Stay here,” his brother abruptly said. “I believe I shall go pay my respects for you.” Then he was off, his long legs covering the distance into the box in mere seconds.
Kit stood in the shadows watching his brother with one eye and Maddy with the other. She was chatting with the fop as they made their leisurely way back to Michael’s box. Lucas was bowing over Lady Rose’s hand before turning to greet their cousin, the Earl of Thornedale. Michael smiled warmly, extending his hand in greeting. Then Lucas, his bookish, pacifist brother, tightened his fist and planted a facer to Michael’s jaw.
The earl fell sideways. Thankfully he was already seated, so he had little room to fall. And as Lily came rushing up in shock, Lucas gave her a withering look, turned his back on her in the cut direct, and calmly walked away.
And Kit felt the strangest thing. It had been so long since it had happened, he had to touch his face to be sure it was real. It was. He was grinning.
Oh no! Not again! thought Maddy as she stared at the chaos erupting in her host’s box. Someone had just planted a facer on the Earl of Thornedale. Someone who looked like a taller, gaunter, and much paler version of Kit. Someone who was right now walking directly toward her.
“Oh my! Oh my, my,” murmured Viscount Rothsby to her right. “That really isn’t the thing.”
“It isn’t the thing to allow your cousin to be captured by Barbary pirates either,” she said. “And then try to negotiate over the ransom price.”
“Oh really?” said the viscount as he looked at her. “Is that truly what happened?”
“Oh bother, I probably shouldn’t have said that. But yes, my lord, it is.” Thanks to the earl’s influence, Kit’s story had centered on his dashing escape from the pirates. The part where the earl had refused to pay the ransom had been conveniently forgotten.
“Well then,” the viscount returned with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose that a facer was well in order, don’t you think?”
“I do, my lord. I most certainly do.” And that was all the time for conversation they had as the violent stranger was now bowing before her.
“Miss Wilson,” intoned the viscount beside her. “Please allow me to introduce you to Mr. Lucas Frazier. The second eldest of the Frazier clan, I believe.”
“Just so,” the man answered as he bowed over her hand. “I am most honored to make your acquaintance.”
“And I you,” she said as she dropped into a polite curtsey.
“I wondered, Miss Wilson, if you would do me the honor of walking with me for a bit? You needn’t worry about propriety as your cousin has already agreed to join us.”
She looked at him in confusion. “Rose? But . . .” She shifted to look around him to where the earl’s box was in chaos. And in the middle of it, fluttering her hands like a lost bird, was Rose alternately looking at where the Michael was arguing with Lily and back to Maddy and Mr. Lucas Frazier.
“Do you agree, Miss Wilson? A simple walk along with your cousin?”
“Of course.”
“Excellent!” he crowed. And after a brief nod to the viscount, he took himself back to the box, where he extended a hand to Rose. She didn’t even hesitate as she rushed forward. Mere moments later, the two had joined Maddy where the viscount was bowing his good-byes.
“You’re a charming woman, Miss Wilson,” he said over her hand. “And I think you are quite correct. My daughter would simply adore some pirate jewelry for her birthday. It will make her just the thing.”
Maddy could barely keep from clapping her hands in delight. She covered by gripping her skirts in another sketch of a curtsey. “Felicitations on her special day, then, my lord.”
Then she turned and found herself face-to-face with an entirely different Mr. Frazier. While she had been taking her leave of the viscount, Kit had somehow appeared beside her. His eyes were dark, his clothing bordering on scandalous. And when he held out his hand to her, she did not think twice about disobeying his unspoken request. She put her hand in his and together they strolled after Rose and his brother Lucas.
It was some time before she realized they were heading down a very dark path.
Chapter 23
“My goodness, Kit! You look . . . you look . . .” How did she describe him? His clothes, though very nice, were the least of the attractive package that was Kit tonight. There was a taut feel to him now, wild and unrestrained. As if standing next to him was like standing in the middle of a thunderstorm. “You’re very dashing,” she said, though the word was barely adequate.
He arched a brow. “Do you like dashing?”
She swallowed, feeling a blush heat her cheeks. “Yes,” she confessed. Yes, she liked it quite a lot.
“Then I am glad that I chose this costume.”
She tilted her head to look at him from head to toe. “Is it?” she asked. “Is it really a costume?”
His lips curved into something that was half smile, half snarl. “I have worn nothing like this before in my life.”
“And yet you seem more at ease in it. More you.”
She saw understanding grow in his eyes as his expression slid from anger to confusion. “I am not comfortable in a dandy’s lace. My leg prevents me from being the usual kind of sailor ever again. I suppose I am still searching for what fits.”
“You will find it,” she said, sure that he would, but silently wishing he would figure it out quickly. Where would she be when he finally decided he was ready for a wife? Then to cover her sudden need, she looked for his brother and Rose. “They are moving too far ahead of us.” And into a pathway that was even more improper than the walk they currently meandered.
“Let them, angel. My brother knows I need to talk to you.” And before she realized his intent, he whisked her sideways onto a path that was altogether devoid of light.
“Maddy please,” he rasped as he pulled her tight into his arms. “Please, you cannot know the feelings that are at war inside me now. It is like I am going to explode.”
She softened against him, her heart easily overcoming her anxiety about propriety. “You have felt that way before,” she said. “It will pass.”
He nodded, and his forehead came to rest against hers. “It is so hard,” he said. “So powerful . . .”
“Tell me what you are feeling. One by one, just name them.” His body was tight against hers, his grip almost bruising. But she was a strong woman. Even at full strength, it would be very hard for him to break her. So she stood still, waiting patiently.
“Did you see my brother hit Michael?” he asked.
“Yes. Yes, I did.”
“It is the best thing I have seen in an age.” His teeth flashed in the night. “Do you think that evil of me?”
“That you enjoyed the sight?”
“No.” She quirked her lip in a rueful smile. “If I were a man, I probably would have done that and more. The earl deserves it for what he did to you.”
He swallowed and a small bit of tension faded from his body.
“Don’t stop there, Kit,” she admonished. “There is more. Tell me it all.”
“I cannot stand the sight of you in another man’s arms.”
A ting
le of delight slid down her spine. It was small of her, but she liked that he was jealous. “Do you mean Lord Rothsby? He is married and twice my age.”
“I know. I don’t care.”
She smiled and squeezed his arm. “His daughter is turning eighteen soon. He wants to buy her a piece of pirate booty to make into a necklace. The uglier the better as it will make a good story, and she is a girl who likes stories.” She peered at him closer when he didn’t answer. “Isn’t that a good thing, Kit? I have made us another sale.”
“It is a wonderful thing,” he answered immediately, but there was no release in his body. If anything, his tension ratcheted higher.
“But what is the matter?” she pressed. She had very little room with him holding her hips so tightly. But she could raise her hand and stroke the hair from his face. She could touch his cheek and coax his gaze to hers. “Are you afraid you do not have enough jewelry?”
He shook his head. “I spoke an hour ago with a man who sometimes comes by what we need.”
“Oh! How excellent!”
“You are entering commerce, angel. Dancing with men to sell your wares.” She stiffened at his words, but he continued regardless of her reaction. “I know you do not sell yourself, but there will be those who think you do. Men who—”
“My own uncle thinks I do or will,” she returned more tartly than she intended. “And many men have tried to steal a kiss or more from the impoverished cousin.” She rolled her thumb across his lower lip, partly to gain his attention, partly because she liked the feel of his mouth. “I care less and less what men in this world believe, and more about the money I will have. And the freedom it buys me.”
He closed his eyes. “Angel, I would buy you the world if I could.”
“I don’t want the world,” she said, the words flowing from her lips before she could think too deeply about what she said. “I only want you.”
She felt her words shudder through him, but when it passed, his body remained as tense as before.
“I will frighten you, angel. I will hurt you.”
“You have never done so before.”
“I frighten myself. You do not understand how—” He cut himself off, his face a grimace of pain.
“How what?”
“How desperately I want you.” He took her mouth then. It was a harsh kiss, slanting over her mouth, forcing his tongue inside. She opened herself to him, wanted what he did, loving the raw intensity of his need. Then he broke off and his words filled the air between them.
“I came here tonight to take you. I cannot stand the thought of you one second more in your uncle’s home. It is worse when I imagine you alone in some room you have let, vulnerable to so much evil. So I ordered a boat to wait nearby. I want to abduct you, steal you from everything you know and make you mine.”
Far from terrifying her, the idea had her body tightening with desire. And in that moment, all of her choices lined up before her. Like lines on a ledger sheet, she saw her future.
She could be her uncle’s mistress, wholly dependent upon him but at least safe in a life she knew. She discarded that thought immediately. Second, she could take the money she had already earned and find a room somewhere. She would search for some form of honest employment, but she would constantly be hampered by her reputation. And worse, she would still be dependent upon someone else, living in their household, subject to their rules.
It was an honorable choice, but one that appealed to her less and less. She would be completely removed from society and would never see Rose again. And her new business venture with Kit would end before it ever really began since she would not be able to move through society to sell the jewelry. It was honorable, certainly, but it still lowered her social status. Mr. Wakely, for example, might stoop to marry a suspected courtesan, but she did not think he would find his wife among the housekeepers of this world.
Then there was the last choice. Become Kit’s mistress, right here, right now. Yes, she wanted marriage, children, and legitimacy, but those weren’t among her choices. Not even Mr. Wakely could say if he wanted to marry her eventually. Kit wanted her now, and she wanted him.
Plus, mistresses were allowed in society, just not proper society. She would still be among the people she liked, living in London, which she enjoyed. And she would have access to the people who would buy Kit’s jewelry.
And she would have Kit. In her bed. In her arms. In her body. The very idea made her shiver with anticipation. And that overrode any of the thousands of objections she had not thought through yet. In truth, she knew she wasn’t thinking clearly at all, but that was all part of the excitement. She felt alive for the first time since before her father died. “Take me, Kit,” she said. “Let’s go.”
Now she understood what he meant about a war going on inside, just underneath his skin. She felt his tension as if it was her own. Every tremble in his fingers, every shuddering breath was echoed by her. But with each passing moment, she felt his hands skate across her skin. She remembered what he’d looked like with his shirt off as she shaved his cheeks. She recalled the touch of his body on hers. And she remembered the sweet glory of release.
He had taught her that. And he could teach her so much more. So she danced her fingers across his chest, slipping beneath his scandalously open collar. And as he stilled to better feel her touch, she did the boldest thing of her life. She rolled her hips against him, pressing her groin into the hot length of him.
“I choose you, Kit. And I will not wait any longer. My whole life has been about waiting!” She leaned into him and slid her breasts against his chest. Her nipples drew tight and hard. And when he still did not move, she took hold of his hand and brought it to her breast.
“Now, Kit,” she said. “Do I need to strip here in front of you?”
His hand tightened reflexively, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. But his face was stark with pain. “Angel . . .”
It turned out she was bolder than she ever before believed. As he whispered that stupid nickname, she lost her patience. Having fought so hard to keep her virginity, she never thought she would have to fight to lose it! So she reached down and gripped him. Without hesitation. And as hard as she could manage through the tight confines of his clothing.
With a sudden growl, he grabbed her around the waist and threw her over his shoulder. She released a squeal of alarm but quickly muffled it. She wanted to be abducted. And she did not want to scream loud enough for anyone to stop him!
Fortunately it wasn’t far. He moved smoothly through the dark pathway. Even upside down, she could tell that there was little light. Then, when she was becoming light-headed from her position, he abruptly stopped and set her on her feet.
“Get in,” he said.
She blinked and looked about her. They were at the water’s edge with a small boat moored beside. The boatman winked as he jerked his chin to a cushioned seat in the front. She flushed, momentarily embarrassed, but her feet moved quickly enough. With Kit holding her hand to steady her, she stepped into the boat, but she did not sit down. She couldn’t as Kit stepped in behind her.
He was the one who took the cushioned bench. And then as she looked at him in surprise, he adeptly turned her around and pulled her into his lap. She was seated securely facing forward. His hands came around her belly and his hot cock pressed against her backside.
“Look ahead,” he whispered against the back of her neck. “Watch the sights and know that no one can tell who we are. We are just two lovers riding the Thames.”
She liked the sound of that. She liked the beautiful view of boat lanterns across the water and the shadows of the city. She liked the sweet breeze that cooled her skin, and the muted sounds as they pulled away from the dock. She relaxed back against Kit and let her head rest against his shoulder.
Lovers. They were going to be lovers. She couldn’t wait.
“I dislike small boats, angel,” he said. “I believe I need something to distract myself.”
p; She started to lift her head up to ask him what he meant, but then she arched on a gasp. His hands slid up to cup her breasts. And his thumbs began a slow brush across her nipples. Her breath came out in a stuttering rasp, but the rest of her swelled beneath his caress. Oh, she loved this! And yet, it was too little. She wanted his hands on her breasts, she wanted to be skin to skin with him.
She shifted restlessly, trying to touch him behind her back. But there was nothing to grab hold of and no angle to reach more. Then she felt his lips curve against her neck. “Easy, easy,” he breathed. “We have all night.”
“Shhhh,” he soothed. “Lie back. Let me touch you.”
She had no choice but to comply. It was late spring, so her clothing was thin. She had left her wrap behind her, and so there was little barrier between the heat of her body and the stroke of his hands. He roamed freely over her breasts, her waist, and along her thighs. Her legs relaxed immediately, but her skirt kept her from allowing anything more. And then he abandoned her legs to run upward again, to cup her breasts, to stroke her nipples, and then to trace the edge of her bodice. She sighed in delight.
“You are so beautiful,” he said. “And I am going to show you such things.”
She felt beautiful. She felt hot. And she felt like this boat ride had to end very soon.
“When, Kit?”
He lifted a hand and pointed to a spot just ahead where another dock waited. She saw other boats with other couples, and they had to wait an eternity to disembark. Then they were ashore and he was leading her up the streets to his bachelor apartments. A moment later, she waited impatiently as he unlocked his door.
Finally, they were alone.
Chapter 24
“Last chance to escape, angel.”
She laughed. She didn’t want to escape. She had never felt so free in her entire life. So in answer, she turned to face him. With a smile that she hoped was filled with seduction, she reached behind and began to unbutton her gown.
His eyes heated and he slowly stepped forward. “Please, allow me,” he said as he brushed her arms away.